Tells You Time And Location To Hunt. With that said, I do believe that some days and weeks can be slightly better than others each season, according to when the four major phases of the moon line out the last week of October through mid-November. Deer Reduction Zones. This will be the first full moon in the fall. RED OUTLINE - What we consider to be "overall" best hunt days for the largest group of people. This is what Bill Vale says in his book. It is also critical that you have the necessary equipment when hunting during the full moon, as a good hunting rifle with a scope, proper ammunition, and a comfortable position are all required. Ive found that if I schedule my trip to coincide with the last Red Moon of October or first part of November, its my best chance of being in the right place at the right time to catch a big buck making a mistake by moving during daylight. That would push back the rutting sequence a whole month? I have to believe priming those scrapes with estrous for the week prior did the trick. READ NEXT: Why I Hunt the Whitetail Rut by Moon Phaseand You Should Too. But I know were onto something. So, if there was a natural factor that could tell us when whitetails were going to move more than normal, of course, we would want to watch it! Traditionally, Junes full Moon falls at the end of spring and begins the summer season. Its been like that for decades in the Northern two-thirds of America, and that will not change. If youre a hunter, the Strawberry Moon in June is the best time to hunt. Hunters are always trying to find the best way to get an advantage over whitetail. Personally, I do not hunt based on moon guides. Beds. Deer are most active between dawn and dusk, with increases in activity at night. Rare indeed, "once in a blue moon.". I also know that outside factors like the temperature, precipitation, food source availability, hunting pressure, and maybe even the moon, might impact just how frenzied that activity is and how much of it happens in daylight. View property lines on any of our base maps. Halloween weekis one of my favorite times to bowhunt. A totally red moon is rare, and while the effect the moon has on whitetails is hotly debated, the red moon is known to increase the movement of mature whitetails. Despite this, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. The full moon that occurs during this month is often referred to as the red moon. During the red moon, the nights are longer and the deer are more active. It will rise at the same time the following night and for several nights afterwards. This makes for ideal hunting conditions as the deer are more likely to be up and moving around during the hours when hunters are able to be out in the woods. Explore a recommended List of Top free/affordable/cheap Reference Software for your company. It was also a time of welcoming new people and letting judgment go. Please sign up to the email list above to be notified when a guide position opens. Share this. Everyone knows it was a 3-year hunt. Well, thats kind of a loaded question and can be difficult to nail down. Sure seems like the media and hunting shows like it. You might think its a little late for the rut, but from a moon perspective, deer movement should be good or even great from November 15 through about the 20th, especially in the afternoons. Does any of this really matter? In fact, atmospheric pressure influences a variety of wildlife behaviors deer behavior is one example. Junes full moon is also known as the Strawberry Moon, after strawberry picking season. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. All content produced is strictly the opinion of the author. Some professional hunters believe that hunting during these specific moon phases is the best way to catch a deer. Almost all hunters pay close attention to the position of the moon rather than its phases. While some challenge these assertions, plenty still point to clues that suggest otherwise. This is also where the term blood moon came from. Learn more about these lunar days and when they are good for hunting. I'm Patrick Long, the guy behind Omega Outdoors. the Deer Society crew in between videos and hunts at: Deer Society Facebook Deer Society Instagram Deer Society Website Illusion Systems for product information and inquiries: Illusion Systems Facebook Illusion Systems Instagram Illusion Systems Website you have a hunt you would like featured on the Deer Societys Viewer Submission video series? Halloween week, when bucks scrape like fiends and prowl for does that are not quite ready to breed, is one of my favorite times to bowhunt. The red moon also coincides with the time when deer will be more active. Kelsy and I both arrowed bucks wed never seen in the flesh. The moons gravitational pull is strongest during these periods. The Strawberry Moon will be lower on the eastern horizon for east coast observers, while it will rise at 6:32 a.m. in Rio de Janeiro. Hunting changes, and deer must adapt to those changes if they are to be successful. Just curious.. And trying to other get hunters opinions..Does this really work? The moons peak illumination will occur around 4:54 p.m. on Sunday. Worm Moon. The higher the barometer (such as the one following a storm front), the better the deer will be when moving. At the accuracy you need, the calculation can be quite simple: It takes 12 hours and 26 minutes for the moon to go from "overhead" to "underfoot", and 12 hours 26 minutes to go from "underfoot to overhead". But I can control one thing: When November hits, Im spending every spare moment I can in the tree. For questions related to whitetail guiding job opportunities, please E-Mail or call 217-734-2526 for more information. There are several online retailers that sell this item, but it is unlikely that you will be able to find it in every store you visit. Pack up your truck camping gear and hit these Sweet November comes by its reputation honestly. Fish I.D. The little amount of light that does make it to the moon is from Earths sunrises and sunsets. The Moon will appear full for about three days, from early Tuesday morning through early Friday morning. Read more of his writing at and follow him on Instagram at @bigdeertv. If this is the only week you can get off work, dont fret. This is the most widely accepted view of the topic. In October 2022, the Hunters Moon will appear twice. This pull is so strong it moves the largest mass on this planet, the oceans! For centuries, people have used the red moon to determine the best time of year to hunt. Number 1 Hunting Strategy For Big Game by the Moon! Personally, Ive enjoyed tremendous success the last decade planning my trips far from home. If you learn to look at deer tracks through a careful eye, youll be amazed at what you can learn and how it can help you kill deer. Because it is the time of year when people traditionally focus on hunting for their winters supply of meat, the Hunters Moon is sometimes referred to as the next full moon. If you want to increase your odds for success on your big game hunt this fall, you had better take the moon into consideration. SEE MORE: Check out the best pictures of last night's lunar eclipse The . It is common for review guides to stereotype your products and make assumptions that cannot be changed without offending you. Im not taking any chances on missing it. You can use the MoonGuide calendar to plan your deer hunting trips in advance, and it will show you the best days, times, and locations to hunt. Deer that are older rub their antlers on trees more frequently than those that are younger. The name Strawberry Moon comes from the berries that begin appearing in North America around this time. First things first, are you deer hunting or chasing a specific animal? This leads to a relatively consistent peak breeding period, proven in numerous research projects, that tends to fall somewhere in mid-November for the much of the United States (with some outliers in the South). The Moon will appear about 28 degrees above the southern horizon as evening twilight ends at 5:58 p.m. EST, and Saturn will set first on the west-southwestern horizon at 10:26 p.m. November 11. The MoonGuide is unlike any other lunar tool you've ever seen. Nonetheless, with a sense of curiosity and intrigue, lets dive into what the rutting moon theory implies and how this might or might not influence a recommended hunting strategy. Whether you use the data wheel or app, MoonGuide scientifically tells you when and where you need to be to help bring down a giant., "I'm fully confident what you are about to discover will forever change the way you hunt deer and other big game. And its honestly the reality of the situation for any whitetail expert out there telling you otherwise. In short, most studies point to the timing of whitetail breeding being linked to changes in daylight in a 24-hour period. Sign in. If the animals have had enough of eating from bed, they will move to the dining hall for up to four hours on their own. With the rut fast approaching, these older deer will be more apt to move earlier during daylight, but not traveling far and wide searching for a hot doe. They often relied on this red moon to tell them when the best time to start hunting was, so it became known as the hunters moon. Know the best days for tagging a mature buck with these insights for hunting the rut. If we had a very late rut as in the first scenario, fawns would not hit the ground until well into the summer, missing the best grazing and being too small to handle a tough, early winter. "The Moon Guide played a huge role in the hunt for Elvis. So lets check back in recent history and see how the rut played out when we had only one full moon in the middle of the month. Adam Hays has taken in over 40 Pope & Young class bucks, including ten that exceeded 170 pounds and four that exceeded 200 pounds. The funny thing is that all three of these studies came up with a different solution. Share your hunt with other MoonGuide users by posting a photo and story. Get settled on stand early and watch hard that first hour. The moon is closest to the earth twice per day, during its peak gravitational pull on earth. Before every season I text my friend and outdoor TV personality Mark Drury, a moon fanatic like me, and ask, What you think about the moon this year?. This 170-inch buck taken last fall during the November red moon indicates that it's an effective way to plan. Red Moon: With Don Berns, James Collins, Sheena Kamal, Chris White. If you want to hunt during the next full moon, youll need to know when the red moon will fall. So let's check back in recent history and see how . Theme: News Way by Themeansar. Proudly powered by WordPress Heres one thing I would suggest. Thursday's eclipse will begin at 1:02 a.m. EDT when the moon slips into Earth's penumbra, the outer part of the shadow. What is the Best Tide to Catch Gig Flounder? A total lunar eclipse turns the moon red in Auckland, New Zealand on May 26. ". Scrapes. Hunting can be done at any time during a New Moon, according to this advice. One researcher said, "That would be a good seven days to work.". Tristan Gooley shares over 850 tips for planning, tracking, and other aspects of landscape management in a book that comes from decades of walking. We typically have at least a partial red moon near the end of October, which aligns with hunting season and is called the hunters moon. This lunar phenomenon is very rare, and despite seeing 2 Blood Moons in May and November 2022, the next one will now be on March 14, 2025. To be honest, moon guides are hit and miss. First, you need to use the Red Moon Parasol item from within your inventory. The question of hunting deer during moon phases is not a simple one, because each hunter has their own preferred method. People and animals alike consist mostly of water which is why the phases of the moon affect the daily lives of every living organism. Sunday. Lets take a look at the red moon and how it affects whitetail. The best hunting app Ive ever used: For over a dozen years, Ive used the MoonGuide app to hunt and kill more than 20 mature bucks. The red moon can also cause deer to move more and stay out later. While the moon is at its closest to the earth, it will be dark enough to trigger animals to feed. The NC state moon data I refer to often shows the most extreme deer activity of the entire study occurred during the last-quarter phase, and more specifically, during the last hour of shooting light each day. This moon will appear twice on the horizon and will be at its brightest during the last half of October. This is because of the moons relative low position on the horizon next to earthly objects. This store requires javascript to be enabled for some features to work correctly. Essentially, a trickle. When four survivors from the USS Panthera crash on a mysterious planet, they realize that the planet is more terrifying than anything they could have imagined. Just $1 per month , We break down the hottest weeks, days, and hours of the rut based on moon phase, deer breeding data, and years of field experience, By View owner details; name, address, acreage. One was a giant 7 point that had to 5-6 years old, definitely mature, and a great sign of things to come. For those of us used to hunting in elevated treestands, a ground blind provides a new perspective on hunting. Despite the fact that the correlation between deer movement and moon phases is not 100%, it is still a common belief that deer move the most at new and last quarter moons, as well as at the beginning and end of the new moon. In North America, the peak of the whitetail deer rut usually occurs during the month of November. "There are a handful of what I call red moon days," says Hays, "when the . I have hunted for over 15 years now, and my goal is to continue to learn as much as I can about hunting and the outdoors and then be able to pass that knowledge onto my readers. Daylight activity is at an all-time high, and if you're in the right spot, it can be one of the most wonderfully chaotic experiences imaginable in the deer woods. This pull is what triggers the tides and it triggers both animals and fish to feed. Through the annual publication of Alsheimer's predictions and recommendations in Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine, the theory lives on.The idea which originated from a number of studies (non-peer reviewed . Latitude: 34.096629 Longitude: -118.41242. Its that time of the year again when everybody has the same question, whats the best week this year to plan my guided or out of state hunt? It is not possible to determine the exact relationship between moon phase and deer movement. They will also be moving a little later, so if you are after a buck that is typically nocturnal this is the time where he may go out during the day. New guide applicants should expect a minimum of 10 business days for an application to be processed. Thank you for reading my article! $29.95 (plus $3 s&h, or no s&h if downloaded from web). This sensation is also known as a Red Moon, and is often associated with negative happenings, and bad news. This will give you the best chance at success. The Strawberry Moon is an ideal time to hunt for strawberries. This short window of opportunity is what we refer to as the Red Moon. This bright Moon is associated with hunting season, autumnal equinox, and the turning of the leaves in fall. The moon will rise near sunset and set near sunrise. They expect a significant increase in deer activity after the moon rises in the final hour of daylight or sets late in the morning. Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. We know this flies in the face of what Granddaddy told you: Bucks move all night on the big moon, its the worst time to hunt! The Conventional Wisdom The red moon happens during a total lunar eclipse, when Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. There are also strawberry and rose moons. These blockages could be anything, hills, an old fence, fallen trees, rivers, etc. ***The Official Hunting App of Team200, Whitetail Edge and Live 2 Hunt*** With over 20 years of proven success, join the growing number of hunters who have harvested the biggest buck of their lives on the "Red Moon" using the MoonGuide. I think this will be the week this season, and you never when a mature shooter will . Make sure you have a good hunting rifle with a scope, adequate ammunition, and a comfortable location to stand. As a result, this time of the month can be a good time to hunt mature bucks. Top. Before selecting the product, you must first consider its cost. Track daily field observations and store them in your hunting journal! Dr. Mickey Hellickson used a 43-cent GPS collar and activity monitors to track over 42,000 locations during his research. As the scrapes began to get opened up, we actually primed the spot with fresh estrous from Raw Frozen Scents for a week straight before I arrived. A red moon occurs during a total lunar eclipse. The hunting season is still going strong, but there are a few things to keep in mind when shooting during the full moon. October 14-15 As my pal Spencer Neuharth likes to say, the rutting moon is kind of like Sasquatch. When it comes to moon phases for deer hunting, there are numerous considerations to keep in mind. In ancient times, the Ojibwe used the Strawberry Moon as a celebration day, where people would gather to share food and stories. My plan was to be there for the Red Moon hitting November 3rd through the 7th. Join the growing number of hunters who have harvested the biggest buck of their lives on the "Red Moon" using the MoonGuide. From November 9 through 11, when the moon will set from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., he and I predict deer will move and rut best in the early mornings. Every day is a good day to hunt the rut, but some days are better. With Joel Kinnaman, Michael Dorman, Sarah Jones, Shantel VanSanten. This is also known as a Blood Moon because the sunlight passing through the atmosphere causes the moon to turn red. Omega Outdoors LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. The NC State study found that during the first-quarter, when the moon is 90 degrees away from the sun and is half-illuminated, deer move less on average throughout the day than in all the other phases. Historically, at the end of October, tribes and other peoples would begin hunting to fulfill the meat requirements of their populations for the winter. When he got to my side of the plot he was at 50 yards. a blood moon. The Deer Hunters' MoonGuide is here to help. Not only was the moon a nice red or blood color, but there was also plenty of blood spilled during the hunts that took place under it. If you have your sights on a particular big buck, you might want to consider scheduling your trip a bit earlier. All I could do was hope my Ozonics did its job protecting my downwind side. I have also written an entire article about the new moon where I compared many studies that you can read here. While the rut is still going on, mock scrape work by attracting curious bucks. Will this moon, in the middle of the month, skew deer behavior when compared to last Novembers two moons? So conventional wisdom points to peak rut action occurring somewhere during those first couple weeks of November, with outside factors such as weather conditions or hunting pressure likely impacting how much of that activity is visible during the daylight. We will send out an email to that list when a spot opens up. February 27. The last time a full moon rose on Oct. 20 was 2013, so how did the rut unfold that year? Hunting weather for deer is influenced by a variety of factors, including visibility, barometric pressure, and wind speed. Map your hunting locations using custom markers, shapes and lines. (CNN) Lunar lovers, grab a cozy spot outside and set your sights to the southeast to gaze upon July's full moon, dubbed the "buck" moon, as it rises . Furthermore, the rut can last anywhere between 20 and 45 days, depending on where you live, so it is best to keep up with local news and hunting blogs for updates on when the best times to hunt are. "The red moon is a handful of days every month where either the overhead or underfoot moon peaks at prime time. The most convenient way to plan hunting dates. As the time of daylight shrinks leading into the fall, testosterone and estrogen levels in deer rise correspondingly, eventually leading to a threshold that triggers breeding activity. Oct 24, 2022. The next red moon is October 15. Generation V. Introduced in Generation V, the Masuda Method is one of the most popular ways to nab a Shiny, and for good reason. The deer were evidently resting then after the first go around under the blue moon. See All Special Interest Magazines. This light makes the moon appear red, just like the sky during these times. It's not related to the moon's phase. Hunter's moon is mentioned in several sources as the Anglo-Saxon name for the Full Moon of October. The basic formula by rut forecasters for choosing the running time, or peak of the rut occurs under the second full moon after the autumnal equinox, when the darkness and light are equal, sunrise 6 a.m., sunset 6 p.m. NASA is in crisis as the Soviets land the first man on the moon in 1969, the beginning of an alternate history. Well, the moon is one of these factors that many hunters rely on, and the red moon can be even better. In addition to statewide bag limits, deer reduction zones give hunters opportunities to harvest deer in areas with high deer densities. The view in the sky is striking because the usually dark moon appears to be lit up by the sun. In the article that I linked above, I went through three different studies about how the moon affects whitetail from three different respected universities. MoonGuide Calendar: Access to the best days, times and locations to hunt. Omega Outdoors is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Amateur astronomer and astrophotographer Bill Funcheon captured this photo of the red moon over New Jersey on . My Take The Deer Hunters' Moon Guide is a hunting app and dial with GPS, waypoints, property lines, land owner maps. We hope you love the products we recommend! This means that technically the second full moon after the autumn equinox doesnt land until November 19th. This store requires javascript to be enabled for some features to work correctly. Marks favorite time to hunt the rut is during the full moon and the 5 to 7 days prior as the moon waxes toward 100 percent illumination. Deer are rhythmic pattern feeders and forage at varying levels of intensity 5 times per day. The next full moon is in fall 2022. However, the position of the moon is a major factor in most hunters decisions. The rut is most active at the start of the day, when bucks are at their happiest. Im planning on packing a lunch with my rifle within easy reach on both Saturday and Sunday. The researchers discovered that the distance between a full moon and a new moon increased by 20 feet per hour during the Pennsylvania study. Full Moon. Alsheimers perspective historically was that this leads to rutting activity that rises and falls over a longer time period, making a less noticeable, more scattered, and generally less frenzied rut. Over the next 10 minutes, he left the plot 2 more times, only to return working 2 more scrapes in the process. Their data showed that during a new moon, which this rut cycle rises on October 25 and wanes on the dark side through Halloween (zero to 47 percent daily illumination) deer move most actively at daylight, with movement decreasing noticeably the rest of the day. On Wednesday, May 26, 2021, North America will see its first total lunar eclipse since January 2019. Red Moon: Directed by Seth Gordon. Store deer activity, weather conditions, moon phase and trail camera pictures. This season, with the moon dark and waxing crescent for 6 days, expect to see the most does, and maybe a buck pushing a doe, from sunrise until 9:00a.m. This is when bucks are actively seeking out does in order to mate. link to What Should You Wear While Hunting in a Ground Blind? The red moon happens whenever the moon is in a total lunar eclipse. Bow Hunting on the Ground Without a Blind, Crossbow Hunting From the Ground Without a Blind. All and all, the red moon could possibly get more deer on their feet and I would be excited to hunt one. The Moon will rise above the east-northeastern horizon at 8:10 p.m. EDT with the Pleiades to the upper left. Different people have given different full moons different names. But if you find yourself away from the rutting action, it makes for some long, frustrating sits. After that, they will look for a hiding place and ruminate. Trails. The cooler the temperature, maybe a hard frost, the more deer youll see. Some mature bucks will stay on your property late in the pre-breeding process, while others will expand their range as they grow older. Place future food orders up to seven days in advance. If the weather changes, you should dress in layers so that your clothing can adjust. The October full moon, also known as the Hunters Moon or Blood Moon, is the first full moon of the fall season. If the rut is not in full swing yet, food sources are where you are going to find the majority of deer. Whats the best week this year to plan my guided or out of state hunt? While hunting, hunters should focus on areas with good scrape lines and popular food sources. Hunter's Moon or Blood Moon. While plenty of them come to convincing conclusions, most of them do not agree with each other. In the Chinese lunar calendar, June is also known as the Sweet Sedge Month. With the MoonGuide app, you can use Team200s Whitetail Edge and Live 2 Hunt apps. Whether you use the data wheel or app . Any thoughts? This year I think any day from November 8 through 14 could be good to great for deer movement from midmorning to early afternoon, especially if its cold with high-pressure, said Drury. By planning ahead of time and making an effort to get out there as soon as possible, you can increase your chances of success. You will be able to hunt more deer this time of year. Even nocturnal bucks will come out during this time, which is ideal for hunting. This is an optical illusion that our brain plays on our eyes. The Moon will reach its highest in the sky for the night Thursday morning at 3:36 a.m. with the Pleiades to the upper right, and morning twilight will begin less than 3 hours later at 6:18 a.m. with the Pleiades to the right. This is the month when the game is fattened, and it is time to start preparing for the coming winter. I dont know. Ive seen wild rut activity on October 23 and Ive seen it on November 26 and even on December 9. Heres the very most important thing you need to know about the 2021 rutting moon: It might not matter at all. Here you will find the Solunar theory predicted best times for fishing, hunting, and general animal activity based on the theory of John Alden Knight. Many hunters will swear by them, and others say they arent worth the paper they are printed on. 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