Its very specific, and it aint Amy, and it was never going to be Amy. April 28, 2017, 12:21 PM. And we went back and forth on a lot of other things. Then we see Gary at the funeral 24 years later. I always will leave open the door to a great idea, because a great idea is a great idea. She later explained to . I think its a credit to Julia that she has found a way to make people care about this character. Were you surprised? And that was in contrast to how he saw himself the entire time, which was as her first lady. Then he just lost it. Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday in September to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. And you got to us, and it was the clip of Selina yelling at Penny Nickerson from Congressional Ball, and she just tears into her and her dress, and how shes gonna shake her district like a nanny from South America, and up her husbands ass with cancer, all this stuff. Julia Louis-Dreyfus., MANDEL RESPONDS: Hearing that last answer, Mandel can only laugh: Have our standards for what a president is dropped so far in the last two years that this is what were saying is good about Selina Meyer? But looking at the big picture I find that [two-thirds number] fascinating, because I think shes a horrible person! Did she ever find out that he was alive, and did he close out any shady deals at her funeral?Id like to think at some point, they had contact, or she probably had to give him some more money at some point. We even had a [scene], it just didnt quite exactly work, where she was watching the funeral, sort of laughing. We trade him for the sadly now deceased Peter Quinn. Im excited to see what ideas he has. So thats what she did, which is not exactly healthy. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Gary and Selina were intimate. The coming to terms with what youve done and what you did is somewhat horrific. Youd hate the flowers, he said, in an unusually seething manner, before adding, but I brought the Dubonnet.Gary then placed the lipstick he had saved for Selinas nomination night on top of her casket. Anytime someone leaves the room, as far as Im concerned, those ghosts of Christmas past will be there. ", The flash-forward to the funeral gave glimpses of how everyone in Selina's orbit turned out: Jonah (Timothy Simons) was impeached! We once played with an idea that when you jumped to the future and Richard was president, and he might have asked her to be his vice president in the future sort of a little bit of a gray-haired, foreign policy expert to his younger, more novice politician. Selina Meyer and her staff try to take on the White House in this HBO sitcom. The gut-punch of a betrayal played out in the present-day ending of Sunday's series finale, which then jumped ahead 24 years to former President Meyer's funeral. I think if you were a math person, Kent might actually take to you. We do like the long con. And it was just ideal. Sex toy covered in shit. Jonah was going to stall and take too long, and along with the demands, in that stall, Tom James [Hugh Laurie] was going to make his move and swoop in and get the nomination, then win the presidency. Mandel imagines that Selina is haunted when shes alone and that in those moments of silence, she cries herself to sleep over Gary the most. I did what I was supposed to do. But I kinda like the idea of finding out more, so well see what happens., ANALYZING THE ANSWERS/MANDEL RESPONDS: We read him a list of popular theories. She adds with a laugh: "So, tough s---. I feel like the real road not taken for him wouldve been like a childrens dentist. Everyone roots for her., As for the naysayers, their position was summed up by Jamie Burgess: No. I kind of love that. There was anger in his farewell words, but also a sense of love. MANDEL RESPONDS: He was shocked his personal pick, Amy, got no votes. Andrew met Selina Eaton in 1988 at the beginning of her senior year at Smith. "And there's nothing anyone can do to stop me from standing and walking for my country!" And that scene just plays. This master-and-servant dynamic gone wrong, between the vainglorious VP-turned-POTUS-turned-legacy chaser-turned-POTUS (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and the bootlicking bag man/dumped-upon doormat who kept her secrets and prepared her snacks (Hale), served as the beating black heart of HBO's shrewd, crude political comedy for seven seasons. How does he view her now? This core in him that really cared about her, and really loved her and saw something else that other people didn't see. Yes. That they murdered somebody just too easy, Mandel says. Thats a long time. I think there was something very funny to me that somehow you end up with him and Spiro Agnew in the same historical footnote. It was really, really fun to do. And in some ways, perhaps even some of the postpartum depression was ultimately all really connected to Selina To me, the day they walked out of that convention, in the cab to the airport, she probably surprised Marjorie by laughing at something. And what were the alts that didnt make it? Kent (Gary Cole) is a full-on hippie-raising alpaca but wants to focus on his watchmaking! What makes it more horrific certainly on Garys part is how innocent and Gary-esque he is right until the end. Ideas? Thats Washington D.C. for you District of C***s!, MANDEL RESPONDS: Theyre not wrong, he says. The relationship between Selina Meyer and Gary Walsh has always been hilarious, yes, but it's also what are the words? Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. Im just now thinking about this, but I think during those 20 years, there was probably a good five years in the beginning that he thought she was going to change her mind and wake up and realize how special he was to her. He legitimately was there to say goodbye. The very first Labor Day in the country was celebrated in 1882, and it became an official federal holiday in 1894. Lets just take no prisoners. He has no personal identity, so Selina becoming president is like getting the key and him becoming president. First off, the fact that Gary has beenseparated from Selina now that shes President has been emotional suicide for him. Klicken Sie auf Einstellungen verwalten um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und Ihre Einstellungen zu verwalten. Ninety-nine percent of fans said no, with most lamenting the would-be loss of the Season 5 episode C***gate and the series signature insults. TVLINE | What was your reaction when you got the script and read the fight scene? This relationship is done.' But I guess I have hope. The production of the convention was large in scale: it was filmed at a real arena in Los Angeles and they dropped a conventions-worth of balloons from the ceiling. Furlong, I think would be up there with Amy. I think he definitely saw her in a different light and I think Selinas legacy is a trail of sadness. Your legacy lives on in your children and that is a prime example, where her daughter is celebrating her demise and her death. Not to keep it Francis Ford Coppola [the director of The Godfather trilogy who also directed Apocalypse Now], but The horror, the horror. And the realization of: so alone. So, I guess because of his simplicity, dare I say, I dont blame him quite as much as I blame her. That scarily driven, win-at-all costs side of Selina is a hideous sight to behold, except when it comes to the brutal, satisfying comeuppance of Tom James (Hugh Laurie). Do you need me to fly back to New York and get a comb you left there? But you saw that tinge of humanity in her that made her sad. At the end of the day, just a small-time guy in a big office. Why was it so important that Gary would be doing something so Gary-like he picks a seed out of her teeth as they are having this final conversation? And it's kind of also not fair." I think you try to stay in Garys world. What is her legacy? Its been a process of first when her mom dies, little bits about her father. It was so satisfying on so many levels. ", It was a playful and ideal wink to the very first episode, in which Mike attempted to console Selina about a gaffe by absurdly suggesting that maybe bigger breaking news could overshadow it: "What if Tom Hanks dies? So we were actually in the sound mix of the episode when we were told this. What high or low crime was Jonah impeached for? Desperate to find a fall guy for her scandals with the Meyer Fund and illicit ties to the Chinese government (whom she actively courted to meddle in the election), Selina chose the best man(child) for the job: poor, naive Gary. Look at how Catherine [Meyer, played by Sarah Sutherland] responded to her mothers death she brought in margaritas! I always catered it to Gary just treating what she was saying as an everyday request and never considering what she was really asking. Both Labor Day and May Day, the two worker holidays, grew out of violent clashes between labor and police in the American Midwest.What is known as the Haymarket Riot (or . We started talking about a very sort of Selina Meyer-esque ending, which is that she gets bumped off the front page by a better funeral. Is there any world where you do a spinoff or movie or continue this character in some way? In August 2016, Gomez cancelled the last legs of her Revival world tour to reportedly deal with complications from lupus, including anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. What you realize in the grand scheme of things is that theres very little she has genuinely cared about. The tragedy of Selena's death was both manner and timing: On March 31, 1995 at her then musical heightat the moment when she was reaching vast audiences in both Mexico and AmericaSelena . Gary Anton Walsh (born August 1978) is an American political aide who served as the special assistant and personal aide, commonly referred to as body man, to President Selina Meyer for two decades. Whatever happened earlier in the day where she made the push and obviously it didnt go, she was all in. He would rather be attacked and cussed at and abused than be distanced from her. Entertainment Weekly may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Because if it wasnt supposed to be happening, she would have run out and been like, What are you doing? And it really plays with your emotions, because you start to realize, But I was clapping earlier, but now Im sad that shes doing this to Gary. And that is the conundrum of her, and I love that it puts the viewer in knots in a really hopefully good way. TVLINE | Do you think she backs down out of fear that Gary might use this information to hurt her? Then of course, like all bullies because she is a bully the best defense is a good offense. In some interesting, weird way, Im almost curious as to what he wouldve done had she actually asked him. Labor Day vs. May Day . It's an absolutely ruthless, soulless decision, and one that leaves you in the moment wondering how much she will come to regret that. She really respects him, shes worked with him [on Seinfeld]. Even when we got together and watched the last episode [on Sunday night], just swapping stories and talking about our time in Baltimore. But history cannot deny how many times she ran for the presidency and how badly she wanted it. I dont remember whose idea that was, but It was a really nice distraction from the weight of what was going on. The problem is, Im happy to get rid of the incidental swearing. She just sent him to jail and knowing Selina, she's not going to get him out. Welcome to the Quantum Realm. TVLINE | It was announced last week that your fearless leader,Armando Iannucci, would not be returning for the shows just-ordered fourth season. It was a baby challenge to figure out where Dan should be. When Kent is basically bellowing at Selina and kind of losing it a little bit, the camera finds Amy there. Garys known her a long time and, as we know, shes not the purest lady. Throughout their 12-year marriage, Andrew was always . Then he resigns. Thats the wrong guy. Him seeing her just standing there, looking at whats happening, I knew, shes in on this. A tinge. Veep Showrunner David Mandel Responds to Fans Labor Day Theories. And that idea that comes up earlier in the season, which is her having to plan her own funeral which presidents do I honestly think we tried to jam that into the finale of season 5 when she was leaving the White House. Another sleazy scumbag operator a la Dan. MANDEL RESPONDS: I just make it a policy never to say Annas last name, he says. Not exactly Dan, but Dan-esque. It was very emotional on set when you called a series wrap on her after filming; she has said she wasnt able to participate in season 6 because of illness. Theres an anger there, like, Im here but f you. Even with the lipstick I think theres even still a little bit of that, and then he cant help himself. We actually had another scene that we wrote and shot of Jonah in the EEOB that ultimately fell out, of seeing him as vice president in that office. And were going to see him again. "And you are a lifesaver, I couldn't have done it without you," she returned, surprising him with a hug. Theseries finale betrayal was heartbreaking to watch. Im just not sure its feasible for either of them to leave each other. And while Selina has already expressed interest in running for president again (an idea that Ben, mercifully, shot down in the Season 6 premiere), is Mandel rushing to get her back to Washington? It was a clever nod to the pilot, in which Mike had posited that the latest Meyer lemon would be overshadowed by even bigger news: What if Tom Hanks dies?. What else could she do that would be even worse than breaking up with Jaffar? Michael Ausiello / How long had you been sitting on that idea as the ending?There was always this idea of jumping ahead to the funeral. And by the way, on the face of Megan Murphy, [Veeps co-producer in postproduction]. Its just so much joy to be able to talk about all that stuff any time we get together. He knows all the secrets. Selina Meyer and Gary Walsh, as dysfunctional as their relationship may be, are a beloved duo onVeep. He had all the designer clothes and was always clean-shaven, because God forbid he look like crap compared to her. In the beginning of the season, you told me that Gary viewed her as a forever queen. And always the president in his eyes. I think its worse than that., Has Mandel decided what happened? Season 2, episode 7. At turns heartbreaking and hilarious, the showdown expertly acted by Emmy winners Julia Louis-Dreyfuss and Tony Hale dramatically altered the power dynamic between the two characters, while also setting up a doozy of a mystery: What did Selina do on that fateful Labor Day, and how exactly didGary cover (or clean) it up? Thats the outcome of living a life like she did. It just seems like it has to be something we dont know about at all., Gary had to tell Andrew that Selina wanted a divorce, just as he had to tell Ted about their split in that same Season 1 episode. Yeah. He knows all the skeletons. I mean, any opportunity I can get to work with any of these folks would be awesome. 2023 Oscars predictions: See who will win at the 95th Academy Awards. MANDEL RESPONDS: I could see that, he says of Mike as an ineffective but well-liked high school teacher. That they murdered somebody just too easy," Mandel says. ANALYZING THE ANSWERS: While multiple fans would enjoy seeing Gary sleep with a Russian spy (Oh lord, Mandel says), Cecille had another idea for him: Gary actually quitting or getting fired from his post? I mean, Dan is with who he wants to be. But I guess at the end of the day, Im a cynical son of a bitch. We settle all family business. So its such an interesting scene because its so emotional, but it is emotional about sending her off to steel herself to do some really bad s. Andrew Meyer is the ex-husband of former President Selina Meyer and the father of Catherine Meyer. When Gary is being taken away by the FBI, he fights it until he sees that shes aware of whats happening. They were very lovely, we miss them, and my mom loved the show, he says. Catherine told her mother that shed never forgive her for agreeing to ban same-sex marriage, and then we saw her watch her funeral at home with Marjorie [Clea DuVall], which indicated estrangement. He really did deeply, deeply care for her. It is horrific. Entertainment Weekly may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. And I do think its a little hopeful. I think that would be important to her., ANALYZING THE ANSWERS: The top vote getter was Jonah, with Dan as the runner-up (I would need to work for someone who has a soul, Minh wrote of the latter). Number two, I think there was a sense of, this is the final season. But then when he gets out and she dies, his entire identity was based in her, so her dying meant that a portion of him was also dying. I dont know quite what hes doing there, but its kind of wonderful., ANALYZING THE ANSWERS: Mandel admits some of his questions werent necessarily designed to be answered. Warning: This story contains plot details from Sundays series finale of Veep. It was not lasting remorse. A cautionary tale for 2020, this season was simply darker and more brutal than ever. I compare it to the tinge of remorse she felt while sitting at the desk in the end, when she called Garys name and I wasnt there. Exactly. Except the desired outcome would be the opposite: wed be holding our breath to see if Jonah would escape danger but wed be super upset and disappointed each time he survived, MANDEL RESPONDS: Thatd be very funny, he says of having a Carrie-type crier. It seemed that despite the betrayal, on some level, he will always hold a warped torch for Selina. And did he have any say on his old-age look?At some point or another, we found out that he had to approve everything. Labor Day is on Monday, Sept. 5. And were all going to missArmando. I mean, she doesn't dare go down that path of regret. In many places, workers toiled for at least 12 hours a day . And the realization that this mom and dad is obviously what made this sort of creature, but also that her dad explains a little bit of why shes with Andrew [David Pasquesi]. But near the end of Sunday's series finale, it all came crashing down in the show's darkest moment. And that never came to pass. The country is just waking up to how cherished she is. So its like there was an undercurrent of knowing that it was the end and us doing a scene that was the end between us that compounded the emotion. But the way she talks about the position in the finale is so warped its declawing, its demeaning, its worse than death that she sounds victimized for having to serve in that position, which is the second most powerful personOne of the many reasons we called the final episode Veep is that who is going to be her vice president is such a giant piece of her salvation. The idea of winning for both the original and then the sequel, thats cool. "His devotion to her was so evident in those final moments, with the lipstick," she says. Check out all of THRs series finale coverage of Veep here. How Marvel went big with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. But it was nice to see Veeps international fanbase come out to play: Im European, and Europe has a wonderful history regarding our attitude towards Jews, wrote Viktor, whos from Croatia. I wish in retrospect, we had managed to put maybe one, or two other clues along the way But there is no answer. I really do love Mike becoming the Walter Cronkite, the most trusted man in America. I can't imagine the amount of work that that woman had done to her face. When history looks back on Selina Meyer, Im not sure anyone will ever have anything great to say about her being vice president or either of the times she was president. Shes not one to examine her own feelings, but is she sad, angry, and disgusted at herself for turning on Gary and on everyone and everything else?The great thing about my job these last four years is, I get to write very simple things or talk to Julia about very simple concepts and go, Now play that. Then she does four million things with her face and I get to sit back and revel in it. That's why he went back. Given that Mike never winds up giving that heartfelt eulogy for Selina, could you finish the job right now?I would personally eulogize her as the most wonderfully complicated character I ever got to write. Oh, yes. Yet, Catherine seemed happier for it. Hell hath no fury like a perpetually under-appreciated, eternally abused and currently . I loved it, because it was obviously a salute to the show, but by the way, was also proving my point, Mandel says. [Laughs] Thats a recipe for disaster. Subscribe for full access to The Hollywood Reporter. In the United States, Peter J. McGuire, a union leader who had founded the United Brotherhood of Carpenters in 1881, is generally given credit for the idea of Labor Day. Peter Quinn he cant help himself terms with what youve done and you. Think you try to stay in Garys world got the script and read the scene! 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