Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. This site has been made possible by a grant from Leadership 100. Dear In Christ Brothers and Sisters of Saint John Cathedral. I know that if it was not for St. John's help, the outcome could have been different. Heb 11:33, Ps 22:21) and dark powers under the sky and burning fire (Jer 20:9) that crackles in the members of the body, you must know this: unless you receive the earnest of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 1:22; 5:5), at the hour when your soul is separated from the body, the evil demons hold fast to your soul and do not suffer you to rise up to heaven. So, I picked a day and went there one morning in early March of 2009. The soul, meanwhile, cowers and terror encompasses it, and it makes as if to hide in the bosom of the Angels and there is a great discussion and must turmoil until that soul is delivered from the hands of the demons. The next thing I found out was that driving to the Holy Virgin Cathedral "Joy of all who sorrow" would take me about a couple of hours. I don't remember how I formulated the internet search, but one of the first links that came up was about St. John, The Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco. Being put to shame here means that the soul itself is thrown into hell.". [7] The Apostolic Constitutions (1st/2nd century) teach that Memorials for the dead be served with "psalms and readings and prayers" on the third day after the death of our beloved one, on account of the Lord Jesus "who rose after three days. Rejoice O holy Hierarch John, wonderworker of the latter times. With great gratitude to the church.Veselina,Ruse,Bulgaria, House helpReceived June 7, 2012Last year my mother's house needed urgent sewer and bathroom repairs due to sewer gases escaping in the house. It is an extensive collection of writings, and much of it is beyond the focus of this limited study. 158-165. Aren't you the one who polluted the angelic habit? St. John healed a possessed woman from my city after I brought oil and his icon to her. Saint John of San Francisco, thank you. Your prayers will do the same; do not forget to do this. Through thine intercession, O blessed one, grant that we may increase our striving toward our heavenly homeland, setting our affections on things above, laboring in prayer and virtue, waging war against the attacks of our fallen nature. The virtuous soul is surrounded by bright angels of light, while the sinful soul is surrounded by dark and evil beings, that is, the demons. My husband Alan (Andrew) was diagnosed with cancer stage IV, last year. I was lying in bed for 8 months taking drugs and wiped over my belly the oil from St. John. It grew and the daughter turned to a doctor for help. We invite you to prayerfully consider sharing the resources given to you by God with a donation to the Archdiocese. Having prayed, she came over to her sleeping son, crossed him and turned him on the other side. She was able to get scissors in to cut the cord, and though he came right out, he was purple and limp. I ran it under cold water for an hour and prayed. "How can you, O Saint, ask my prayers, when you yourself stand at the heavenly Throne and grant to people God's mercy?" Like a spiritual daystar in heavens firmament, you encompassed the whole world and enlightened souls, hence your name is glorified throughout the East and West. Since it was the Feast of St. John I brought holy oil from the lampada that burns by his relics to the hospital and annointed my sister with it. [3] Here, St. John is simply repeating a teaching common to the Church. The miracle is she had true peace, no fear, and was ready for departure when it came. . He was given the baptismal name of Michael, after the Holy Archangel Michael. According to various revelations there are twenty such obstacles, the so-called "toll-houses," at each of which one or another form of sin is tested; after passing through one the soul comes upon the next one, and only after successfully passing through all of them can the soul continue its path without being immediately cast into gehenna. Let's just say I feel happier when I give it my best effort.Glory to God for all things!Holy Father John, pray to God for us.EvgeniaCalifornia, Help during deliveryReceived September 23, 2011, My sister was induced to start labor on July 2nd, 2011. Aren't you the one who fornicated and thoroughly polluted Holy Baptism? ", Every one of us who desires to manifest his love for the dead and give them real help, can do this best of all through prayer for them, and particularly by commemorating them at the Liturgy, when the particles which are cut out for the living and the dead are let fall into the Blood of the Lord with the words: "Wash away, O Lord, the sins of those here commemorated by Thy Precious Blood and by the prayers of Thy saints.". I was sure I will see my baby for this time because of St. John. He reads the letters and is said to respond to every one in one way or another. The same Father also says that the evil spirits observe the departure of the soul with so much more vigilant attention than do enemies over a besieged city or thieves over a treasury house. She was living with my father not too far from our current apartment and that was another reason I didn't want to move too far away from this area of the city so I could still visit her frequently. The testimonials below are accounts from people who have chosen to write to us about the miraculous help they received through the prayers of St. John. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Archbishop Johns abundant miracles both before and after his death testify to his love for the people. I have connected with my birth family on my mother's side. Probably the clearest and most comprehensive account of the toll-houses is that given by an angel of the Lord to St. Macarius Of Egypt: The angels then show whatever good the soul has done, charity or prayer or liturgies or fasting or anything else. However, the infants make the following confession (according to St. John): "We have passed by the evil spirits without suffering any harm. At the end of the Moleben, I anointed all communicants with the oil of St. John Maximovitch. Those who knew him have described him as "a living source of God's wonders," "the embodiment of all Christian virtues," "a miracle of ascetic firmness," "a model archpastor," who had the gift of being able "to see into the human heart and draw it to Christ." Enter the building through the north entrance; the chapel is immediately to your left. Glorifying the wonders of a holy hierarch who once walked among us, we cry out to God: Alleluia! Saint John is known for his healing powers. But the virtuous soul goes about those places in which it was wont to do good deeds. OIKOS VIShining forth in thy righteousness, thou didst do the impossible and persuade the authorities of this world to have pity on thy flock, O good shepherd. St. John the Wonderworker Orthodox Church, You can view our Sunday services via live stream link, Saturday Divine Liturgy 8am ; Vespers 6pm. I was adopted at birth and never knew my birth family. Following the Divine Liturgy, he annointed the congregation individually, and gave each family a q-tip with oil to take to our home altars. People in America, Europe, and the other places of his pastoral labors have long known of the power of his heavenly intercessions. What is that significance? People in America, Europe, and the other places of his pastoral labors have long known of the power of his heavenly intercessions. My Physical Therapist can not believe that after only 6 weeks, I can walk without a brace and even played golf yesterday. And although I studied and studied, I couldn't get my score to improve. What is Orthodox Christianity? [4] There is absolutely no doubt that the teaching of the toll-houses is the teaching of the Orthodox Church. KONTAKION XIII0 all-radiant and most wondrous God-pleaser, holy hierarch John (x3), consolation for all who sorrow, accept this, our offering of prayer, that through thy prayers to our Lord we may be delivered from fiery Gehenna and by thy God-pleasing intercession we may chant forever unto God: Alleluia! Take some time to compose letters to St. John and send them to: Holy Virgin Cathedral Joy of All Who Sorrow, 6210 Geary Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94121. In 1921, amid continued rising violence and other persecution against Orthodox believers by the Bolshevik regime, he and his family escaped to Belgrade. In 1921, during the Russian Civil War, his family fled to Belgrade, joining the ranks of Russian exiles in Serbia, where he later became a monk and was ordained priest. Sunday, June 11, 2001, was Fr. I've included it especially to show the unity of Holy Orthodoxy, despite our jurisdictional divisions. Archbishop John Maximovitch (1896-1966) was a spiritual phenomenon. He was a member of the Little Russian noble family of Maximovitch, to which St. John of Tobolsk also had belonged. Wherefore do not cease to entreat Christ that He show mercy and redeem our souls. (Mode 5). KONTAKION VIPreaching salvation though slow of speech, thou wast shown to be like a new Moses, leading thy people out of the captivity of the godless, O all-blessed John. [1], But when it leaves the body, the soul finds itself among other spirits, good and bad. Most definitely arrange at once for the serving of the forty-day memorial, that is, daily commemoration at the Liturgy for the course of forty days. KONTAKION IChosen wonderworker and pleaser of Christ, who pourest forth inexhaustible streams of inspiration and a multitude, of miracles upon the whole world, we praise thee with love and call out to thee:Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! She no longer gave him any medication, only some holy water. At the same time my grandmother who is also my God mother was getting worse in health and we realized she probably wouldn't be with us for long. St. MARK further explains the state of the departed in this way: Rather, both the one and the other must necessarily take place after the Judgment of that last day and the resurrection of all. A translation from Romanian to English to the testimonial by Victoria Flueraru, a Romanian teacher.Pain went away.Received September 30, 2012, I want to share a miracle that happened with my mom. We believe that Saint John prayed for us along with other saints. The Garland of the Annual Church Calendar Certain individuals and institutions are presented for reference purposes only and may not be under the supervision or jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. What manner of ordeal doth the soul endure when it is parted from the body! Many who died in repentance, but who were unable to manifest this while they were alive, have been freed from tortures and have obtained repose. Our external, biological and earthly life ends with death, but the soul continues to live on. O blessed John, with all the saints we greet thee and give honor to thee:Rejoice, new star of righteousness which hath shone forth in heaven.Rejoice, new prophet who wast sent before the final reign of evil.Rejoice, thou who like Jonah dost warn all of the wages of sin.Rejoice, thou who like the Baptist John calleth all to prayer and repentance.Rejoice, thou who like Paul endured much for the sake of the Gospel and the preaching of the Faith.Rejoice, new apostle whose miracles instill in us faith and awe.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! 2022. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Thereafter he ministered in Europe, serving as Bishop first in Paris then in Brussels, until he became Archbishop of San Francisco in 1962. Truly, we have nothing to offer thee, except if we begin to correct our lives, becoming new men instead of old. In the first two months of the new year I had some interviews, but didn't get a job. As soon as someone has reposed, immediately call or inform a priest, so he can read the Prayers appointed to be read over all Orthodox Christians after death. It was one of the most intense experiences of our lives so far, but yet another story of St. John's continued wonderworking even to this day. Icons with scenes from their lives are also available. teaches: Many incidents from the Lives of Orthodox saints and ascetics confirm this teaching. Beholding the grace bestowed upon thee, we know that God hath not abandoned His people. An early Church catchiest, referring to custom officials who collected taxes, relays to us the common Church teaching: This view is upheld by our great Father, St. Glory be to God through His saints!Valentina Bowden, Help from St. JohnReceived August 11, 2012, I want to share my help from bishop John. Containing dozens of never before published photographs, and with interviews with many who knew St. John very well, this DVD is an inspiring and fitting tribute to this wonderworker who is loved by Orthodox Christians all over the world. Amen. If you have an account of assistance received from St. John and would like to share it with others, please submit the details here: Bishop John (Maximovitch) Episcopal service St. John Maximovitch is one of the only incorrupt saints in America. [5] Some souls find themselves (after the forty days) in a condition of foretasting eternal joy and blessedness, and others in fear of the eternal torments which will come in full after the Last Judgment. And the first remain in every joy and rejoicing, already expecting and only not having in their hands the Kingdom and the unutterable good things promised them; and the second, on the contrary, remain in all confinement and inconsolable suffering, like condemned men awaiting the Judge's sentence and foreseeing the torments. Give to us who have fallen into sin, confusion and despair the same stern yet loving instruction that thou didst once give to thy chosen flock. Also I was pregnant in first and second year after we married and I lost both babies at 8 and 10 weeks. In 1934 he was made Bishop of Shanghai, where he served until the Communists came to power. The doctors insisted on surgery, but when she came to the hospital for observation, the doctors and the sick woman herself were amazed: the swelling had disappeared and there remained only a scar. Hearing this call to repentance, we, the unworthy ones, in turn cry out to God: Alleluia! Get yourself to dark Hell. (1994), 2) Our altar boy, Oleg S., asked me after church services to anoint his hand. The next morning we got up to to church and Glory to God my eye felt great and to my surprise there were only a few tiny purple dots on the skin around my eye. Show us who feel frightened and alone the same compassion that thou didst once show to the trembling fatherless ones.Give to us who have fallen into sin, confusion and despair the same stern yet loving instruction that thou didst once give to thy chosen flock.In thee we see the living likeness of our Maker, the living spirit of the Gospel and the foundation of our Faith.In the pure life that thou hast led during our sinful times, we see a model of virtue, a source of instruction and inspiration. Glory to God!Savina, Healing of infantReceived December 16, 2011, A miracle just took place this evening, Friday December 16, 2011. After living there for a few years the landlord said he didn't want to rent it out anymore and we needed to find another place and fast. [1] But his soul continues to live. Archbishop John then moved to Paris and was assigned to the Archdiocese of Western Europe in 1951. Product Description. Like a spiritual daystar in heaven's firmament, * thou didst encompass the whole world and didst enlighten men's souls. ", In a prayer of the Midnight Service of Saturday (addressed to THE SAVIOUR) we pray: "Master, be merciful to me and let not my soul see the dark and gloomy sight of the evil spirits, but let bright and joyous angels receive it.". In fact, the holy angelic powers enumerate to the evil spirits the good acts of the soul that were done by word, deed, thought and imagination. You can also read about many of his miracles and responses to his letters here. OIKOS IIBeing filled with love and replete with theology, O divinely wise John, made wise by the knowledge of God and adorned with love for the suffering, teach us also to know the true God in love as we call out to thee in admiration:Rejoice, unshakeable stronghold of Orthodox truth.Rejoice, precious vessel of the Holy Spirit.Rejoice, righteous denouncer of impiety and false doctrine.Rejoice, zealous fulfiller of the commandments of God.Rejoice, ascetic who didst not allow thyself to rest upon a bed.Rejoice, beloved shepherd of the flock of Christ.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! * Hence, thy name is glorified throughout the East and West, * for thou didst shine forth with the grace * of the Sun of Righteousness, O John, our beloved shepherd. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, with its headquarters located in the City of New York, is an Eparchy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, The mission of the Archdiocese is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to teach and spread the Orthodox Christian faith, to energize, cultivate, and guide the life of the Church in the United States of America according to the Orthodox Christian faith and tradition. Show mercy to the dead, take care of their souls. Your body will die, but you will over to a different world, being alive, remembering yourself and recognizing the whole world that surrounds you.". I love You very much Grandpa John and I Thank You for all your prayers! It only goes over to another order of life. "This man, who appears weak is, in fact, a miracle of ascetic steadfastness and determination in our time of universal spiritual weakening." This documentary is the first of its kind on St John Maximovitch. How can they encourage you spiritually to become a saint? I thought I would be very happy to get that, but it would be too much to ask Saint John for it. What benefit would there then be from virtue and good deed? Seeing the beauty of thy virtues, we cry out to thee:Rejoice, thou who from earliest childhood wast adorned in piety.Rejoice, thou who didst ever live in fear of God and do His holy will.Rejoice, thou who didst manifest the grace of God through good deeds done secretly.Rejoice, thou who dost hearken to the prayers of those in distress.Rejoice, thou who didst hasten, full of love, to save thy neighbors.Rejoice, joy to all who fall down before thee with faith.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! Similar prayers, addressed to the Lord and to the Holy Angels, are found throughout the service for the Repose of the Dying. This video shows you the interior of the Cathedral where lie the incorrupt relics of Saint John. And in this too, there is much uproar and great and indescribable turbulence as to who shall take that wretched soul. Please continue to pray to God for us!Dn. In three weeks I found out I was pregnant! When I looked at the apartment it was everything we wanted: a lease for as many years as we needed with no price changes, newly renovated, a wonderful landlord who was very happy to let a family in and loved dogs, and the best part that all I needed to do to visit my dying grandmother was go up in the elevator. * As a hierarch filled with grace and zeal for piety, * do thou save us from the foes of apostolic truth, * for we cry to thee: * Rejoice, O great wonderworker John. How terrible these demons and their toll-houses are may be seen in the fact that Mother of God Herself, when informed by the Archangel Gabriel of Her approaching death, answering her prayer, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself appeared from heaven to receive the soul of His Most Pure Mother and conduct it to heaven. Share the feast of They also send and leave him mail, sharing their prayer requests and concerns in letters. Finally, I annointed the area directly above, below, and to the sides of his eye and our family prayed to St. John and to the Theotokos for our son to be healed. 1) Valentina A. is a member of our parish which is dedicated to the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God. Rejoice, blessed temple of the Holy Spirit. O thou who didst depart this temporal life unto life eternal, to which the all-pure Mistress, the Directress of the Russian diaspora, guided thee by her wonder-working Kursk-Root Icon, whose companion thou wast on the day of thy repose, thou dost now rejoice in the choir of the saints who glorify the one God, Who is worshipped in Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Forgetting about food, he spent the night in prayer with tears and groanings, reflecting on the multitude of man's enemies, on the battle against such an army, on the difficultly of the path to heaven through the air, and on the words of the Apostle who said: 'Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers of the air' (Eph 6:12; Eph 2:2). He answered two very importent questions for me that will impact my life and that of my family forever.Wayne M.Knee healed fastReceived September 28, 2014I had knee surgery to re-attach my patellar tendon. Before us all stands the same path, and how we shall then wish that we would be remembered in prayer! Christopher Flesoras' first Sunday at St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church. Then the evil spirits will seek out in the departing soul its deeds; then they will present before its view the sins towards which they had disposed it, so as to draw their accomplice to torment. Her case was somewhat complicated since her OB/GYN did not notice how fluids left her body and she had no fluid around the baby for, at least, a day or so. In the Church prayers are ever offered for the repose of the dead, and on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, in the kneeling prayers at vespers, there is even a special petition "for those in hell. Archbishop John's abundant miracles both before and after his death testify to his love for the people. Containing dozens of never before published photographs, and with interviews with many who knew St. John very well . . John and his family were forced to flee Russia when the Bolshevik revolutionaries came. Subsequently we received Holy Oil from Saint John's vigil lamp and gave oil to our Orthodox church congregation and in return many believers at our church, healed their headaches, eye afflictions, heart bypass surgeries, pancreatic cancer, arthritic joints,etc. A few years ago we lived in San Francisco and that's where I first heard about St. John. During his time here, he helped to inspire and build many churches and orphanages in the Orthodox communities of Shanghai. [6] The Church's teaching on the state of souls in heaven and hell before the Last Judgment is set forth in its clearest fashion by St. Mark Of Ephesus in his dialogue with the Roman Catholics over the Roman doctrine of Purgatory (which the Orthodox reject as false). Eleven years later he was moved to San Francisco, where he began as the Archbishop, where he followed after his longtime friend, Archbishop Tikhon. The body feels nothing then: it does not see its close ones who have assembled, does not smell the fragrance of the flowers, does not hear the funeral orations. The estimates for work to the house were anywhere from $7000 to $10000. There was a swelling on it the size of a chicken egg. Services are conducted DAILY at the Cathedral: Liturgy, Vespers & Matins. If God the Father chose Her, God the Holy Spirit . I really believe that because of our experience at the cathedral, we felt more at ease pursuing treatment with Dr. Ducic. My son Daniel is now 10 months, he is a healthy and happy baby, and we constantly thank St. John for helping to bring him in this world.VeraGratitude to St. JohnReceived June 24, 2014 , . KONTAKION IVOverwhelmed by the tempest of perils, we know not how to praise thee worthily, O Hierarch John. In a little over a week even that was gone. Born: June 4, 1896 Died: July 2, 1966 Glorification Date: July 2, 1994 Commemoration Dates: July 2 At the end of services on Saturday, we introduced ourselves to one of the priests. She had suffered for a couple of days a lot of pain in her lower mandible that irradiated to the left side of the neck. Shortly thereafter, she requested that I take her to a detox center (she confided that she was addicted to heroin). Through the prayers of our holy Father, Saint John The Wonderworker, and of All Thy Saints, O Lord, continue Thy mercy, and grant us the hope we must place in Thee! ", This truth is confirmed by various liturgical services. , . She tried all the usual medical procedures and pumped him with oxygen, but nothing was working even after several minutes. Get back. map link here: But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Wherefore, we trust in thine intercession before God, and cry out to thee:Rejoice, thou who dost avert the dangers of the elements.Rejoice, thou who by thy prayer deliverest from need.Rejoice, inexhaustible giver of bread to the hungry.Rejoice, abundant wealth for those who live in poverty.Rejoice, consolation for those in sorrow.Rejoice, quick uplifting for those who have fallen.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! O how you will be troubled at the hour of death for yourself! Try, if it be possible, to have the funeral in Church and to have the Psalter read over the deceased until the funeral. Beholding the grace bestowed upon thee, we know that God hath not abandoned His people.It is rather we that haste fallen from Him, and so must regain the likeness of Divinity as thou hast done.Through thine intercession, O blessed one, grant that we may increase our striving toward our heavenly homeland, setting our affections on things above, laboring in prayer and virtue, waging war against the attacks of our fallen nature.Invoke the mercy of God, that we may one day join thee in His Kingdom.For our deepest wish is to live forever with Him, with the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. This is why the holy angles of God who met and received us rejoiced, the righteous greeted us with joy and the saints with delight said, 'Welcome, the lambs of Christ!'". Yet offering to God what we have, we cry out to thee thus: Rejoice, thou who didst protect thy children by thine unceasing prayer! (1995). After a week, I asked Oleg about his hand. Our Mother Church has also ordained common Memorials twice a year: on the Saturday before Meatfare Sunday and on the Saturday before the great feast of Holy Pentecost. What is the significance of having a strong group of Orthodox friends as a college student? And Basil The Great, in the prayers read at Pentecost, writes literally the following: But if souls have departed this life in faith and love, while nevertheless carrying with themselves certain faults, whether small ones over which they have not repented at all, or great ones for which -- even though have repented over them -- they did not undertake to show fruits of repentance: such souls, we believe, must be cleansed from this kind of sins, but not by means of some purgatorial fire or a definitive punishment in some place (for this, as we have said, has not at all been handed down to us). OIKOS IAn angel in the flesh wast thou manifested in these latter times by the grace of God Who ever careth for men. St. John Chrysostom likewise calls demons "revenue officials" who threaten us and who are "overbearing powers with a fearful countenance that horrifies the soul that looks upon them. KONTAKION XIIWith reverence and thanksgiving do we receive the grace that hath been poured out upon thee by God, O most lauded father John. Flee Russia when the Bolshevik revolutionaries came containing dozens of never before published photographs, and he! Were anywhere from $ 7000 to $ 10000 in turn cry out to God for along. Is one of the new year I had some interviews, but the soul to! Endure when it came this video shows you the interior of the Little Russian noble family of Maximovitch, which! Cut the cord, and with interviews with many who knew St. John Tobolsk... Shows you the interior of the Cathedral: Liturgy, Vespers & Matins how to praise thee,... The service for the people features of the Orthodox communities of Shanghai, where served! 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My baby for this time because of our parish which is dedicated to the house were anywhere from 7000... Thrown into hell. `` prayerfully consider sharing the resources given to you by God with a donation the. ) Valentina A. is a member of our experience at the end of the only incorrupt saints America... Pursuing treatment with Dr. Ducic longer gave him any medication, only some Holy water manner of ordeal doth soul... In 1934 he was given the baptismal name of Michael, after the Holy Archangel Michael mother side!

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