If youre interested in following the Ceremonies of the Hunt books instructions, this will be a necessary item. Outside of combat, Okku isnt good for much except being big and pretty to look at. Head into Mulsantir. I'll have a high UMD. Mindflayer: The illithid here has been trapped in a mine prison, and needs to escape from the clutches of the githyanki that patrols. You wont be able to do much with her at the moment. If you find his quarters (to the north of the stairs leading to the Headmistresss Tower), loot the bookcase within, then Bash it to reveal a hidden door. Individually the foes are not very difficult, and if youre properly buffed, the group shouldnt be all that hard, either. Although Persistant Haste will take up a ninth-level spell slot, itll be well worth it for all members of your party, as everyone will get an extra attack per round and move 50% faster, and the spell will last until dispelled or until you rest. Speak to him when he leaves, and offer to help him out. Sergei will be very tough, as every attack he uses seems to hit critically if it hits at all, and most of them will, even if you have a very large AC bonus. NWN2 Cheats are console commands which can be used in the game to change some values or get some advantages. This will be important in some of the upcoming quests. They wont attack you, though; instead, theyll give you plenty of information, should you request it. When the fight is over, you will have the choice of devouring Okkus soul or attempting to rein in the creature inside you. If you want a bit of combat and loot, then quicksave your game and speak to the pirates in the corner of the bar here. Neverwinter Nights series NWN2 1-hand or 2-hand weapon (13 posts) solved (13 posts) solved (13 posts . When youve succeededwell, youve succeeded! Outside of a high-level weapon master or fighter, Okku is going to be the primary damage-dealer in your group. Be sure to buff yourself thoroughly before taking on Okku and his clan. As far as epic feats go, try to let her nab Epic Spell Penetration and Great Intelligence, alongside any of the epic spells that you find useful. West Harbor has been the scene of battles before, but nothing quite like this. Come back and try them later if you wish to join the lodge. Am quite happy to build power-gamed, micro-managed, rule-bendingly powerful character. This was an amazing answer! When you have as many on your side as you think you can get, head into Dalenkas house and accuse her. On your way out of the Temple, Araman will attack you again, assuming you didnt side with the city defenders. Safiyas Spiderskin spell will offer the same bonus as well as bonuses to poison resistance and Hide checks, but in most cases Barkskin will effectively be the same spell, so just have Gann cast it on all the party members and save yourself some buffing time after each rest. GameSpot's Walkthrough to Mask of the Betrayer will reveal all. If the character you selected was level 18 or more, then you . Since you get a bit more experience for taking the long way around, well assume that thats what you do. A maximum of three enchantments may be placed on a weapon that is being crafted. Okku is corporeal, so it shouldnt be too difficult for Safiya to hit him with touch attacks like Polar Ray, allowing you to damage him down pretty quickly. There is also a set of matching 40x40 pixel icons for use in game. Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the game NWN2 wanted to be. 13 Fortify Stamina Stamina is the best friend of any heavy attack character. If you side with the defenders, Araman will join you as a fifth party member, fully controllable and outfittable. He wont have much unique to sell you, but still, feel free to peruse his inventory. So it is true that ranged weapon fighters have a big disadvantage in MotB compared to melee fighters. It can also perform the usual lockpicking and trap detecting abilities, although the presence of Safiyas familiar kind of makes that less useful than youd probably think. You can touch the operating table if you like; itll show you a strange vision of what happened to yourself when the shard inside you was removed from your chest. Feel free to cast spells as you like on your foes, but most of them (with the exception of Okku) will be relatively easy to kill. If you bring it back to Heilari and select the "Complete the Ritual" option, Heilari will be reborn as a full lich. The purposes of this conversation is simply to start a fight, so pick a side and defeat your foes. Youll be able to loot all of the bloated corpses that were previously floating in the water, and they have some decent stuff on them, which will certainly enrich your coffers when you manage to find someplace to sell all the loot. If youre a warrior or cleric, then youll want to put this baby to use. Use it on a Volatile Spirit Essence to learn the Malleate Spirit ability. In addition to mundane gold-selling, though, theyll offer you one of the four keys to Nefriss doorif you can find them a special soul. You have one choice to make here: accept the siblings offer to help you fight against the army of spirits (which nets you 2,000 XP and a loss of influence with Kaelyn) or letting them free of their promise, which gets you a 6 point influence gain, 2,000 experience, and no helpers during the fight against the spirits; Efrem will also give you his stag helmet, which has some very nice stats on it: +4 AC (Deflection), +4 Constitution, Freedom of Movement, and Divine Resistance 10/-. If your main character doesnt have a lot of armor and health, then itll be difficult to survive this fight, but if you can split your enemys attention, you can have Safiya and Gann pelt the spellcaster with their bows and spells until it dies, then focus on the rest of the enemies until they go down too. As the fight progresses, Akachi will shed parts of himself and create minions of himself. In motb wm is a bit useless because every damn thing is immune to crit but there is falchion with spirit ruin property which let you crit spirits and spritis are like 80 . If you managed to clear out a couple of the petitioners, hell let you through after you bribe him for 50,000 gold. When you enter her lair, Gulkaush will attack. Gann isnt much of a buffer. Safiya can only be leveled as a wizard, so theres little flexibility there. MotB Pre-order items. It wont say anything, obviously, but you will have the option to let Safiya take a look at it; if you have a good influence with her, shell be able to upgrade the golem and make it a bit more battleworthy. You dont need to micromanage him much; just set him onto the toughest enemy in the opposing group and let him go to town. As a note, there are a ton of soul housings in the repository itself, but you can only check out one at a time. You need to take these aspects of Akachi first; while they live, he himself is unkillable. You can choose to visit the prisons of any of them. This is a tough fight, especially if you try to engage all of Aramans forces at once. If your character is a fighter of some sort, however, such as our weapon master, then Kaelyn may be less needed, since Gann can fulfill many of the spellcasting functions that shes capable of, and either Okku or One of Many may be more helpful in combat. This article contains a list of essence item codes for Mask of the Betrayer (NX1: MotB). In order to escape from the Skein, youll probably need to find some way to lower the water levels in here. Note: other than. You can repair your golem in between each round by speaking to it, but our souped-up model actually managed to win all five rounds without ever taking damage, so hopefully the model that you construct will be as hardy. Okku will be able to question him and finish off the quest. The Tome of KaTai is to the southeast; again, you can either take it, or let the priest who holds it escape. I keep hearing all this awesome talk about Scimitars because of their Crit rate. Suppress will shift your character to the Lawful Good alignment over time. That will let you instantly kick all of the frost giants out of your own clan and thus clear the grove. If he doesnt, hell drop some trinkets, including a set of Bracers of the Inner Planes, which instill 20% resistance to all elemental damage and damage from positive and negative energy. If you have Safiya in your party, try to have her cast Mind Blank on the party before heading inside. If you manage to fight off her and the replica of Gann, shell be cured, in a way, and youll be able to talk to her father for a reward. Fourth Door: The fourth door is the one that youll be returning to this area for in the future. I'm trying not to dead-end myself more than I already have. (Two caveats: I started with my OC char, including equipment except for weapon: as a consequence, I kept my Thieve's Hood through motb - don't think you can find/buy that in MOTB. If you want to kill the spirits, do so and move on. If you managed to cast Mind Blank, though, everyone should be able to safely ignore the aura and attack away. This fight can be tough to manage, but manage it you must. You can "upgrade" the old enchantments with better ones only if there're not maximum effects on weapons/armors. The game was a critical success when it was released in 2006, featuring an epic and lengthy adventure, with mechanics that hearkened back to the good old days of Baldur's Gate. The witches of Mulsantir are decidedly unfriendly to you. If youre evil you can try to extort a little cash from them before goading them into a fight. If you're worried about the game's difficulty, we highly recommend a weaponmaster character; with the changes to enchanting in the expansion pack, it can be pretty easy to make yourself a high damage weapon. If youre unsure of your prowess, bring plenty of Heal potions along with you. Windelhelm: If you like listening to people talk, then you can step into the fray between Windelhelm and Enzibur in his dreamscape. If you head to the Ice Troll Lodge and speak to Nakkai, a shaman there, hell have many interesting things to say about your condition. Weapon of Improved Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 3. Other spirits populate the cursed furnace here, and some will speak to you as well. Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Cast fireball or flame strike on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast ice storm on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast call lightning or lightning bolt on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast poison on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast Melf's acid arrow on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast cure critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above, Requires: Caster level 14, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Cast undeath to death on a magic workbench containing the above, Requires: Caster level 10 (possibly lower), Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Cast fireball on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast lightning bolt on a magic workbench containing the above, Weapon of Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 1, Weapon of Improved Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 3, Weapon of Greater Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 5, Poison Weapon: Poison (DC 14, 1d2 Con damage) on hit, Anarchic Weapon: +2d6 damage against lawful creatures, Axiomatic Weapon: +2d6 damage against chaotic creatures, Holy Weapon: +2d6 damage against evil creatures, Unholy Weapon: +2d6 damage against good creatures, Hunting Weapon: +2d6 damage against beasts, Weapon of Disruption: Undead must make a DC 14 Will save or be destroyed, Massive Criticals: Adds +1d10 fire damage on a critical hit. Finish off the rest of the spirits and loot them. You'll face a couple of barrow guardians in these spots. These vampire monks are tough combatants, so try to keep your weaker spellcasters away from the center of the room before spawning them; you may want to keep them in the hallway leading to the Archives. When you offload your unusable stuff, its time to start poking around. When youre ready to leave this godforsaken cave, head to the main chamber. Also dont forget to issue an Attack Nearest order; if you leave your party on Hold Ground, they wont attack anything! After a bit of talking, hell reveal that you need to wait until dark in order to pass into the sunken city nearby. They probably wont believe you. If you examine the locked door in the northeastern corner of the room here, youll find that its locked, with room for four soul housings in it. They shouldnt be difficult for you to kill at this point in the game, but theyre a good, reliable source of spirit energy, so save them until you need them. 500 gold is a pittance; go ahead and pay up. 1) This will only work if you have Mask of the Betrayer installed and are running version 1.12.1295 (the current patch level as of 3/19/08). Email news@gamespot.com. If you do so, youll enter. There's really no reason to craft weapon early game, unless you find Duskwood Longbow is too wonderful to miss, hm? Splitting the crowd up will make it easier to take down all of the enemies. Or, well, in Safiyas backpack, at any rate. There is one extra ability that you can unlock at the very end of the game, but we'll let you discover it for yourself. Doing so will net you 2,000 XP and the Fragmented Soul, one of the four keys to a door that youll find a bit later. Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (NWN2:MotB) is an expansion to Neverwinter Nights 2 developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Atari. Hes not going to dish out as much damage as a fighter or barbarian, but hell ping away at targets from a safe distance and contribute to the fight as well as he can. In the immediate sense, siding with Zoab will make you fight against the defenders of the gate (assuming you cant speechcraft them away). Head to the Lab Journal in one corner of the room here and read the "Replication" section; youll find Nefris Key inside the book. But I am also open to creating items from scratch. If you have good saves against immobilizing effects, then you should be able to act fairly autonomously, but if youre a fighter or another character with less than great spell saves, youre going to find yourself dazed or paralyzed for most of the fight. Roleplay it as you like, but no matter what you do, youll probably wind up toasting the beast. Repeat the process until Hunger is dead, then focus all your fire on Akachi to finish him off. In the rear, a spellcaster will pelt you with spells and summon creatures to fight you. If you bash the stones here, youll find the Periapt of the Lost Witch, which grants the wearer Immunity to Critical Hits, Spell Resistance 30, and a couple of spell uses per days for Avasculate and Bestow Curse. You can choose to attack him or not; this appears to be a simple good guy/bad guy decision. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you dont have Okku (or perhaps only if you have One of Many in your party), then the Uthraki are friendly to you, and attempt to offer you secrets related to your spirit-eating powers. You can find the Prison to the north. Monk smashes most everything to tiny, bloody chunks with their fists and feet. Genasi: A simple Diplomacy check ("You shouldnt have to stand for this kind of behavior") should work for almost any character; we had only 2 points in Diplomacy and the guy got out of dodge when we attempted to use it. If you head to the docks here, you can head into the sloop. Devouring Spirits can be done with a new feat that youve obtained; you'll want to place it on your action bar so that it's convenient. If you possess an Enchanter's Satchel, you can place weapons and armor into it, along with Spirit Essences, then use these feats on the Satchel to enchant the items. You can spot the spirit army from a good distance away, allowing you to set yourself up for battle. Adamantine Falchion. Summon helper creatures if you can to help in the battle. Youll gain a small amount of XP for doing so. You likely cant, unless you have a high Diplomacy skill. A side bet on the last match will let you earn another students soul. You can loot all of the bodies here if you like. You get more experience for running the Count off (by about 400 points), but if you kill him, hell drop a nice kukri that you can sell for 25,000 gold. Goryen will likewise require a high conversation skill to bring him over to your side. With these preparations in place, move your main character forward and speak to Ivin. One of the chests here will require a roll of over 40 to pick the lock, which Kaji probably cant get anywhere near, so if you dont want to bash it, come back with a Knock spell later on. If Okku is in your party when you speak to Ujuk, then the entire tribe will become hostile to you and attack. If you want to complete this encounter, read the contract carefully, ask Enzibur and Windelhelm all the questions that you can, then inquire with Windelhelm about the tasks that he was supposed to perform. To the northwest and southwest are exits to various ruins; theyre dead ends and not necessary to visit, but youll get some loot if you explore them thoroughly. 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