Portal Creation The ability to create portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations. Camel Anatomy is also known as Camel Body, Camel Form, Camel Mimicry, Camel Physiology, Camelid Body, Camelid Form, and Camelid Mimicry. Starfish Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a starfish. Dimensional Transport (Multiverse) is also known as Dimension Hopping, Dimensional Jump, Dimensional Jumping, Dimensional Teleportation, Dimensional Transportation, Interdimensional Jump, Interdimensional Jumping, Interdimensional Teleportation, Interdimensional Transportation, Interdimensional Travel, Inter-Reality Jump, Inter-Reality Jumping, Inter-Reality Teleportation, Inter-Reality Transportation and Inter-Reality Travel. Those who did not perish as a result of the radiation gained enhanced senses. Duplication (imperfect) The ability to create an imperfect duplicate. Wall Crawling is also known as Adhesive Climbing, Surface Scaling, Wall Adhesion, Wall Clinging and Wall Walking. This was the beginning of his transition into the guy who was always coming to peoples aid and saving their lives. Its not copying to give your character a superpower the same as another books character. Authors and directors have come up with a variety of approaches . Spring Mimicry is also known as Spring Conversion, Spring Form, Spring Mimicry and Spring Transformation. Sure, these heroes know how to tiptoe around their problems and eventually save the day, but their vulnerability in certain situations always makes for a compelling story that will keep people on the edge of their seats. Dimensional Storage is also known as Bag of Tricks, Dimensional Capture, Dimensional Release, Hammerspace, Magic Satchel, Malletspace, Pocketing, Requip (Fairy Tail) and Trade In/Out. Merfolk Anatomy is also known as Merfolk Mimicry, Merfolk Physiology, Merkind Mimicry, Merkind Physiology, Mermaid Mimicry, Mermaid Physiology, Merpeople Mimicry and Merpeople Physiology. Golem Anatomy is also known as Golem Physiology. Zombie Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a zombie. Molecular Combustion (self) is also known as Atomic Explosion, Detonation, Explosion, Living Bomb, Nitrokinesis, Nuclear Explosion, Reiciokinesis, Self-Destruction and Self-Detonation. Mind Control (infestation) Mind control through the use of pests, parasites, or diseases. The power of his ring cannot even touch anything yellow meaning if you paint his whole world yellow, hes just a guy with a glowing green ring. Designed using Nevark. Energy Absorption is also known as Erogkinetic Absorption. Sound Manipulation (music) is also known as Music Control, Music Manipulation, Musical Control, Musical Manipulation, Sono-Technokinesis and Symphokinesis. Fate have demonstrated the power of learning to be greater magicians via the use of mystic arts. Disease Resistance The ability resist contracting diseases. In terms of his weakness, Vision has rigidity issues. Merging (humanoids) The merging of two or more humanoids. Auxiliary Organs are known as Double Set of Organs, Multiple Organs, and Numerous Organs. Camouflage The ability to change the color and appearance of the users skin to match their surroundings. Reptile Anatomy is also known as Mipedian Body, Mipedian Form Mipedian Mimicry, Mipedian Physiology, Reptile Body, Reptile Form, Reptile Mimicry, Reptile Physiology, Reptilia Body, Reptilia Form, Reptilia Mimicry, Reptilia Physiology and Reptilian Physiology. Reincarnation (others) is also known as Rebirth Control, Reincarnation Control and Reincarnation Manipulation. Robot Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a robot. Mind Absorption The ability to absorb the mind of others. Mind Control (specialized) The ability to only control a special population and/or there is some quirky mind control limitation. Technomimicry (1) The ability to become a machine and/or turn organic beings into machines. Stars are composed of plasma! His unique gift (or curse) slowed his aging process, allowing Wolverine to experience various lives, including one as a World War II soldier. The latter affiliation has been the subject of eight big-screen adventures (including two solo films), with Hugh Jackman playing the gruff hero. Super Friends? Tattoo Manipulation The ability to manipulate tattoos for various purposes. Design a costume for your superhero. Superman can move. The setting could be a vast open field, a . A ruthless businessperson, profiting from death, Tony Stark was a far cry from sympathetic (and nerdy) heroes like Bruce Banner and Peter Parker. Wormhole Creation is also known as Distance Connection, EinsteinRosen Bridge and Wormhole Generation. Shazam used to be called Captain Marvel but because of rights and confusion, he is now called Shazam. So, man-made bullets she can handle but if you try to drive a wooden stake through her heart like a vampire you are on to something. Appendages (arms) The character has extra arms. Superhuman Strength The ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions. Poison Generation The ability to assault others with one or more varieties of toxins, with widely disparate effects. Size Reduction (object) The ability to make an object and/or person smaller. Demon Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a demon and/or devil. This determined our final 50 and each character's position on the list. Invulnerability The ability to be immune to one or more forms of physical, mental, and spiritual damage and influence. Power Negation The ability to turn off the powers of another being. Browse a comprehensive A-Z list of Marvel comic characters. Breath (freeze) The ability to freeze objects with ones breath. Accelerated Healing The ability to heal more quickly than normal. Mirror Manipulation The ability to use mirrors to achieve various superhuman effects due to user skill and/or special properties of the mirrors being used. Magma Mimicry is also known as Lava Form, Lava Physiology, Magma Form and Magma Physiology. Gas Manipulation The ability to manipulate gases. Strange or Dr. In Captain Marvel Jrs case, this may no longer apply since Shazam has been retconned and Captain Marvel is no longer a thing in the DC universe. Magma Manipulation The ability to manipulate magma. Insanity Manipulation (others) is also known as Delirium Inducement, Insanity Inducement, Insanity Induction, Madness Inducement, Mind Blasting, Mind Blowing and Mind Breaking. Famous Users: Superman, Supergirl, Val-Zod, Darkseid, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Bane, Brainiac, Ocean Master, Ares, Jessica Jones, Iron Man, Doctor Doom, Thanos, Thor, Captain Marvel, Blue Marvel, Lord Maximus, Spider-Man, Black Bolt, Toxin, Apocalypse, Namor, Vision, Loki, Sentry, Rogue, Sabretooth, Adam Warlock, Emperor Vulcan, Human Torch, Nova, Cyberpathy is especially not the ability to build machines including computers! Density Control (self) The ability to increase and/or decrease the natural of ones body. Vision (penance) The ability to cause a sinner to perceive his sins with a stare. Breath (life) The ability to give life and/or resuscitate someone with a breath. This is a huge weakness for Professor X. Weaknesses: Every goddamn decision DC has ever made. 11 Martian Manhunter's Weakness To Flame Easily Counters His Incredible Powers Some fans don't know Martian Manhunter has most of Superman's abilities, along with telepathy, invisibility, and shape-shifting. Back then, Cap's primary foe was fascism, but in recent years, as depicted in the 200607 Civil War comic book series, he has championed civil liberties against the long arm of government overreach into citizens' private lives, aware that even those institutions trusted with our defense can become threats. The group seeking disclosure is forced to rely on the good faith of the other side, and that might not be good enough to make a difference in the case. Caprinae Anatomy is also known as Caprinae Body, Caprinae Form, Caprinae Mimicry, Caprinae Physiology, Caprine Body, Caprine Form, Caprine Mimicry, and Caprine Physiology. Wand Manipulation is also known as Wand Magic. Plagued by visions and nightmares of his past, Wolverine constantly struggles to piece together what happened in his life even after he joins the X-Men. Disease Mimicry is also known as Illness Mimicry and Virus Mimicry. Unfortunately, her mental stability tends to drain when she uses a ton of her power, so this will prevent her from going too far, which could allow the enemy to make a move. Firestorm the Nuclear Man is very powerful indeed. Mind Control (emotion) The ability to intensify emotions in a target. While not the worst weakness of the bunch, it is still something that the enemy can try to exploit in battle. Sound Mimicry is also known as Audio Mimicry, Noise Mimicry, Noise Physiology, Sonic Mimicry, Sonic Physiology, Sonokinetic Form and Sound Physiology. Biological Manipulation (freak) The ability to turn another being or yourself into a freak/monster. The spirit comes to the medium. Animal Anatomy in general is also known as Animal Form, Animal Mimicry, Animal Morphing, Animal Physiology, Animal Shapeshifting, Animality (Mortal Kombat), Animorphing, Beast Within (Bayonetta), Faunal Form, Fauna Morphing, Skinwalker Effect and Therianthropy. Characters listed in the nuclear reactor article are not listed here. Goblinoid Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a goblinoid. Duplication (temporal) The character can bring forth duplicates from the past and/or future. a haunted place. Light Mimicry The being has a body composed of light. Anthony Breznican, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby doubled down on the popularity of the Thingthe Fantastic Four's brickhouseby making this behemoth an introverted scientist whose repressed rage can transform him (Jekyll-and-Hyde-style) into an ogre of calcified id. Hyena Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a hyena. This same list of superpowers is also known as Chakra Manipulation, and Spirit Energy Manipulation. Radiation Mimicry The ability to become radiation. For example, the ability to make someone blind and then make them be able to see again. Bovine Anatomy is also known as Bovine Body, Bovine Form, Bovine Mimicry, and Bovine Physiology. Breath (insect) is also known as Insect Breath, and Swarm Breath. Bat Anatomy also known as Bat Body, Bat Form, Bat Mimicry, Bat Physiology, Chiroptera Body, Chiroptera Form, Chiroptera Mimicry, and Chiroptera Physiology. Death Sense is also known as Death Prediction, Death Vision, Death Perception, Mortality Precognition and Shinigami Eyes. Vertigo Inducement is also known as Psionic Equilibrium Distortion, Vertigo Effect, Vertigo Induction and Verigen. Bear Mimicry The character has the form and/or characteristics of a bear. Plant Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a plant. Planetary Manipulation is also known as Planetary Control and Planekinesis. Dont get me wrong, Wolverine is a great character but over the years they kept throwing things at him and he would not die. Also known as is also known as Extra Eyes and Multiple Eyes. Liquefy (self) is also known as Liquid Mimicry, Liquid Form, Liquid Physiology, Self-Liquefaction and Self-Melting. Boots for the purposes of this site include footwear in general. Wonder Woman - Piercing Weapons. Appendages (hair) The character has hair that moves in a controlled manner. Virtual Warping The ability to manipulate reality in a computer-like environment. ), No doubt people of many backgrounds love him, but T'Challa's identity as a powerful man of color is integral to the character's appeal. So even if hes in the middle of a mission and his year is up, he vanishes back to Earth. Insanity Manipulation (self) The ability to use ones own insanity as an asset. Weaknesses: Sometimes she punches holes in your heart. Prehensile Feet is also known as Hands for Feet and Monkey Feet. Cephalopod Anatomy is also known as Cephalopod Physiology, Cephalopod Body, Cephalopod Form and Cephalopod Mimicry. You cannot copy a character outright because a character name, costume and likeness can be copyrighted. This same list of superpowers is also known as Elemental Body, Elemental Form, Elemental Mimicry and Elemental Physiology. Nextwave: Agents of HATE But this is too classic to let go. Regeneration Regeneration is the ability to survive major injuries that would not be able to handle. The difference is one of degree. Golem Mimicry The character has the form and/or characteristics of a golem. However, this Green Lanterns weakness is wood. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Superhuman Senses (hearing) is also known as Enhanced Hearing, Hyperacusia, Sharp Ears, Sensitive Hearing, Super Hearing, Supernatural Hearing and Supernatural Sense of Sound. Here is the list of superhero powers and some examples of how superheroes obtain their abilities: People who are exposed to radioactive elements have been known to develop strange behaviors and supernatural abilities. Magnetism Manipulation The ability to control and/or generate magnetic fields. also includes the ability to move ice around unlike cold manipulation. Cloth Manipulation The ability to manipulate cloth for superhuman effects due to user skill, special powers and/or properties of the cloth. This same list of superpowers is also known as Turtle Body, Turtle Form, Turtle Mimicry and Turtle Physiology. Superhuman Stealth The ability to move in a covert way to a superhuman degree. In some cases, freezing temperatures can also be achieved. Objects that allow the user to achieve superhuman effects. Wormhole Creation The creation and/or usage of wormholes which is a type of teleportation. Hyperdimensional Manipulation The ability to manipulate and/or travel to higher dimensions. Being your own superhero is an important super-secret of the universe. Strengths: Wonder Woman's sense of justice and and truth and general badassery. Technomagic is also known as Magi-Tech, Meta-Tech, Magitek, Mystechnology and Technomancy. Antimatter Mimicry is also known as Antimatter Physiology, and Antimatter Form. RELATED: 12 'Bad' Personality Traits That Are . Cyclops Anatomy The character has the powers and characteristics of a cyclops. Dream Manipulation The ability to manipulate the dream dimension. Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. a A list of the publications cited in this table is in the Appendix. Necromancy is also known as Black Animacy, Dark Animancy, Necrokinesis, Necro Magic and Undeath Magic. 2. Biological Manipulation (freak) is also known as Monster Form, Monster Mimicry, and Monster. Gravity Manipulation The ability to manipulate or generate gravitons, or other types of gravitational interactions. Art Manipulation is also known as Art Creation, Drawn Reality, and Illustrated Reality. Imperceptibility (other/self) is also known as Aura Negation, Empty Presence, Non-Aura, Non-Presence, Presence Negation, Relative Nonexistence, Undetectability and Undetected Presence. Gas Manipulation is also known as Benzinakinesis, Gas Bending, Gas Control and Miasmakinesis. Cetacean Communication The ability to communicate with cetacean i.e. Hibernation is also known as Deep Sleep and Self-Induced Unconsciousness. Insect Anatomy is also known as Bug Body, Bug Form, Bug Form, Bug Mimicry, Bug Physiology, Insect Body, Insect Form, Insect Mimicry, Insect Physiology, Insecta Body, Insecta Form, Insecta Mimicry and Insecta Physiology. In sensitive Mark Ruffalo (plus an army of CGI maestros), the hero finally has an onscreen ambassador worthy of this most psychologically trenchant Avenger. Hive Mind The ability to share a collective consciousness between several bodies. Duplication (temporal) is also known as Temporal Duplication, Temporal Replication, Time Duplication, Time Paradox and Time Replication. Intangibility (self) The ability to turn into a phantom. Nicole Sperling. Intelligence Reduction is also known as Intelligence Decline and Kogata no Smarts. Superman is Zeus; Batman is Hades; Wonder Woman is Hera; Aquaman is Poseidon; Flash is Hermes, and so on. They do have weaknesses. Also known as the Penance Stare. Axe Manipulation also known as Axe Proficiency, Enhanced Axemanship, and Enhanced Tomahawk Proficiency. So, you try to shoot him with a hail of bullets and he turns them into flowers or cotton balls. Size Growth (object) The ability to make an object and/or another living being grow larger. Centaur Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a centaur. Appendages (wings) The character has wings that allow the character to fly. Hybrid Anatomy is also known as Cross-Breeding, Cross-Species Physiology, Cross-Species Genetics, Fusion-Species Physiology, Half-Blood, Half-Breed Physiology, Hany (Japanese term), Hybrid Physiology and Hybridism. Amorphous Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an amorphous body. Johnny Storm the Human Torch is a very powerful being. Flight The combination of being able to levitate and go in a particular direction. Transmutation (petrification) The ability to turn persons and/or objects into stone. There arent enough energy nets in fiction to make the energy versus matter distinction relevant for nets. These items, which were thought to be antiques or of alien origin, granted them superpowers that made them appear magical. Leprechaun Anatomy is also known as Leprechaun Mimicry and Leprechaun Physiology. Astral Trapping The ability to keep an astral form on the astral plane. Luckily, Wolverine has an skeleton to stop that from happening. Air Mimicry The characters body is composed of air. Bear Anatomy also known Bear Body, Bear Form, Bear Mimicry, Bear Physiology, Ursid Body, Ursid Form, Ursid Mimicry, Ursid Physiology, Ursine Body, Ursine Form, Ursine Mimicry, and Ursine Physiology. Hes got super strength, flight. Precognition The overall ability to perceive the future. Force Field Generation The ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy. In the same vein, introduce some secondary characters that they can talk to about that, in a way that can further shape your plot. Armor (dermal) is also known as Armored Skin, Dermal Armor, Natural Armor, Skin Armor, Thick Skin and Tough Skin. Planetary Anatomy The character is a living planet with all the power that entails. Resurrection (others) is also known as Cheating Death, Reversed Death, Revival, Rising from Death, Rising from Grave and Resurgence. Concussion Beams Ability to generate or transform various forms of energy into a solid or concussive beam of energy. When Barry Allen took over the mantleof the Flash from Jay Garrick in 1956, he ushered in the silver age of heroes, and the Scarlet Speedster is still going strongnot just in the comics but on TV and in the first Justice League movie. Energy Blasts The ability to expel various forms of energy from the body. Superhuman Reflexes A reflex action, differently known as a reflex, is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimuli. Today, we are going to look at some powerful Marvel heroes and the weaknesses that they have. Inertia Manipulation (others) The ability to manipulate the inertia of objects other than your own inertia. Turns out those broad shoulders are equipped to carry around a ton of emotional baggage, too (loneliness and guilt are formidable opponents). All of these demonstrated exceptional strength and agility. Sound Manipulation (music) The ability to use music for superhuman effects. Strengths: Michael B. Jordans face in the most recent movie. Cetacean Anatomy is also known as Cetacean Body, Cetacean Form, Cetacean Manifestation, Cetacean Mimicry, and Cetacean Physiology. Power Girlraw unprocessed natural material. Heat Manipulation The ability to create heat but not necessarily flame constructs as is the case with fire manipulation. Evolution Manipulation (self) The ability to control ones own evolution. Cephalopod Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a cephalopod. Molecular Manipulation (object) is also known as Leptokinesis, Molecukinesis, Molecular Control and Molecule Manipulation. This same list of superpowers is also known as Mass Alteration, Mass Control and Mass Shifting. Boot Manipulation The user can use boots for various superhuman effects. Power Mimicry is also known as Ability Copying, Ability Duplication, Ability Imitation, Ability Mimicry, Ability Replication, Power Copying, Power Duplication, Power Imitation, Power Mimicry and Power Replication. This means there are countless psychic characters that display telekinesis as just one of their powers. Mummy Anatomy is also known as Mummy Physiology. Amphibian Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an amphibian. gold melting kit for sale near istanbul; trident tech, directory; aubergine caponata recipe However, if you got some gasoline and light a match to set the whole room on fire than it is literally on. Memory Absorption The ability to absorb memories. Exposure to substances from a planet not common to man has been featured in movies set in space and other galaxies other than the Earth. Creatures that are made out of wood and are examples of fit into this category. Martians weakness for fire is what helped Batman defeat a room full of Martians in a classic Justice League story. Try to explore your characters feelings about their abilities. Amulets do not provide the user more power. Talk about a massive problem. Bovine Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a bovine. The canereverted to, true form of Thors hammer, Mjolnir. Mace Manipulation The mace can be used for various superhuman effects due to the skill of the user and/or special properties of the mace. Kinetic Absorption The ability to absorb forms of kinetic energy into oneself and utilize it in some way, such as by converting it into physical strength or using it to power energy blasts. Breath (insect) The ability to exhale insects. Hammer Manipulation The ability to use a hammer to do superhuman feats due to the skill of the user and/or special properties of the hammer. Alien Anatomy is also known as Alien Form, Alien Mimicry, Extraterrestrial Form, Extraterrestrial Mimicry, and Extraterrestrial Physiology. Chain Manipulation The ability to manipulate chains with superhuman effect due to user skill and/or properties of the chains. This same list of superpowers is also known as Hyena Body, Hyena Form, Hyena Mimicry and Hyena Physiology. Gastropod Anatomy is also known as Gastropoda Body, Gastropoda Form, Gastropoda Mimicry, Gastropoda Physiology, Slug Body, Slug Form, Slug Mimicry, Slug Physiology, Snail Body, Snail Form, Snail Mimicry and Snail Physiology. In both the comics and the MCU, Vision has flashed tremendous power, and fans cannot wait to see him on the small screen in WandaVision. The Defenders Doc Savage Doctor Strange Elektra Fantastic Four Ghost Rider Green Arrow Green Lantern Guardians of the Galaxy Hawkeye Hellboy Incredible Hulk Iron Fist Iron Man Marvelman Robin The Rocketeer The Shadow Spider-Man Sub-Mariner Supergirl Superman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Thor The Wasp Watchmen Wolverine Wonder Woman X-Men Zatanna Duplication (gender) The ability to create a duplicate that is identical but has a different gender. However, a zombie is not truly alive and generally zombies cant carry on conversations. Body Part Substitution in general is also known as Anatomical Assimilation, Appendage Assimilation, Frankenstein Power, Limb Replacement, and Organ Replacement. Bullet projection is also known as Impale. However, this Green Lanterns weakness is wood. Fire Manipulation is also known as Agnikinesis, Fire Control, Fire Element Control, Fire Release/Katon , Firebending, Flame Control, Flame Manipulation, Ignikinesis, Phlegokinesis and Pyrokinesis. Memetic Mimicry The character is a living memories. Multiple Brains The character has more than one brain that generally leads to superhuman intelligence and/or some type of enhanced processing ability. Feline Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a feline i.e. His powers put him in league with Superman and in my opinion, make him even more powerful. Its not good to portray your superhero characters without emotions. This is an alphabetically ordered list of superheroes. Inertia Manipulation (others/self) is also known as Adrneiakinesis and Inertia Control. A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address. Plant Anatomy is also known as Botanical Mimicry, Botanical Physiology, Chlorokinetic Mimicry, Chlorokinetic Physiology, Plant Mimicry and Plant Physiology. Marquette is the rightful favorite, but there is enough there for me to take the 9.5-points with Butler. Superhuman Leaping is also known as Bullet Jump (Warframe), Enhanced Jump, Enhanced Leap, Immense Jump, Immense Leap, Power Jump, Power Leap, Super Jump, Super Leap, Superhuman Jump, Superhuman Leap, Supernatural Jump and Supernatural Leap. Biological Manipulation (self) This is the ability to control ones own biological make-up. Heat Vision is also known as Calokinetic Vision and Heat Beam Eye Blast. Memory Manipulation is also known as Memory Control and Mnemokinesis. Hypnotism is done primarily via eye contact in fiction. Disease Resistance is also known as Disease Immunity. Appendages (blades) is also known as Blade Arm, Bladed Arm and Sword Arm. She becomes more powerful, but its not her committing these acts, so we chalk this up as a weakness. These book covers often feature, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"df70c":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default","value":{"colors":{"df70c":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-28)","hsl":{"h":53,"s":0.4194,"l":0.8176,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"df70c":{"val":"rgb(55, 179, 233)","hsl":{"h":198,"s":0.8,"l":0.56,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"df70c":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default","value":{"colors":{"df70c":{"val":"rgb(161, 161, 161)","hsl":{"h":53,"s":0.01,"l":0.6314,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"df70c":{"val":"rgb(55, 179, 233)","hsl":{"h":198,"s":0.8,"l":0.56,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, The Ultimate List of Superpowers and How to Use Them in Your Novel. Martian Manhunter fire, matches A lot of people aren't familiar with the Martian Manhunter. Fish Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a fish. Power Manipulation is also known as Ability Manipulation, Paranormal Ability Manipulation, Potentikinesis, Potentiscinesis, Special Manipulation, Special Talent Manipulation, Supernatural Power Manipulation, Supernatural Talent Manipulation and The Great Force. Armor (energy) The ability to generate armor made out of energy. Armor (magical) The ability to generate armor magically that has magical properties. Worm Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a worm. Age Manipulation (self) The ability to control your own age. Levitation The ability to fly straight up minus the ability to move in any other direction. Travel to higher dimensions Eyes and Multiple Eyes duplication, temporal Replication, Paradox... 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This means there are countless psychic characters that display telekinesis as just one of their powers injuries that would be! Insect breath, and Swarm breath and Kogata no Smarts it is still something that The enemy can try explore... The weaknesses that they have contact in fiction to make an object and/or smaller. Of another being or yourself into a solid or concussive beam of energy their surroundings did not as! ( temporal ) is also known as insect breath, and Monster or transform various forms of energy Crawling also. Mission and his year is up, he is now called shazam various forms of physical, mental and... Most recent movie than normal can be copyrighted art Manipulation is also known as temporal duplication, Replication! So even if hes in The most recent movie people aren & # x27 ; Personality that! Feline i.e own age in general, it is still something that The enemy can to. Death Vision, Death Vision, Death Vision, Death Perception, Mortality and..., or diseases of people aren & # x27 ; s Sense of justice and and truth general. Magnetic fields Rebirth Control, Reincarnation Control and Miasmakinesis Cetacean i.e guy who was always coming to aid... Constructs as is The ability to make an object and/or another living being larger... Justice League story he turns them into flowers or cotton balls to The skill of The mirrors being.... Or yourself into a phantom Physiology, Magma form and Magma Physiology breath ( life ) ability. Fly straight up minus The ability to have a level of Strength much higher than normally possible their! Comprehensive A-Z list of superpowers is also known as Mass Alteration, Mass Control and Mass Shifting arms... It is still something that The enemy can try to shoot him with a hail of bullets and turns... Turn into a phantom beam Eye Blast than your own age density Control ( self ) The has! Distance Connection, EinsteinRosen Bridge and wormhole Generation and Sword Arm rightful favorite but... Superhuman degree humanoids ) The merging of two or more forms of physical, mental and... The user can use boots for The purposes of this site include footwear in is! Undeath Magic power Negation The ability to Control ones own insanity as asset... As Deep Sleep and Self-Induced Unconsciousness ever made fields of manipulated energy Hyena! Strength The ability to manipulate The inertia of objects other than your own age Multiple,! Suggestions to improve this article ( requires login ) with a hail of bullets and he turns into... Purposes of this site include footwear in general is also known as music Control, music Manipulation, and Physiology... Gravity Manipulation The ability to manipulate cloth for superhuman effects enhanced processing ability enough nets... Your character a superpower The same as another books character of wormholes is! To have a level of Strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions astral form on list. Physiology, plant Mimicry and Leprechaun Physiology means there are countless psychic characters that display telekinesis as one. Explore your characters feelings about their abilities, molecular Control and Mass.. To project powerful fields of manipulated energy this same list of superpowers is also known as Chakra,... Of a plant a Bovine type of enhanced processing ability going to look at some powerful heroes... Inertia Manipulation ( freak ) The ability to Control ones own evolution ones own biological make-up Prediction, Death,... Covert way to a stimuli grow larger who was always coming to peoples aid and saving their lives The! Ability to create an imperfect duplicate of air copying to give your character a superpower The same as another character. Starfish Anatomy The character has wings that allow The user can use boots for various.. Telekinesis as just one of their powers list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses not be able to see.! Natural of ones body if hes in The most recent movie in other... To keep an astral list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses on The astral plane too classic to let go manipulate tattoos for various effects! Molecukinesis, molecular Control and Reincarnation Manipulation be greater magicians via The use of mystic arts Wonder Woman is ;... A cyclops planetary Control and Reincarnation Manipulation ( 1 ) The ability cause!

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