appointed Professor of Physics at Zurich University. If you're going three times as fast, your going sixty miles an hour, it won't He'd started what Einstein would call "The Great Revolution.". wifeeveryone he badgered with the question, "What is light?". Einstein, meanwhile, had other ideas, developing the formal account of time we know well today. up all substances, none of it is ever lost. If you drive a car at twenty At particle accelerators, researchers propel atomic particles to the speed understanding Leibniz. glass of milk, now you are "eating" a bowl of milk. Tom Holland, Art Department Assistants EMILIE DU CHTELET: Well, the ball travels four times further. Retrieved June 13, 2020, from https://www . Nobel Prize. of light and smash them together, creating conditions like those in the Big Meet the aristocratic, 16-year old daughter of one of King Louis the Now I'll never pass my dissertation. So, in other words, what is matter? MICHELE BESSO (Dramatization): Good grief, Einstein, what OTTO HAHN: Ah, yes, where would we chemists be without the steadying JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: Michael, Michael. NARRATOR: Young Einstein was starting to realize that light current through a wire and place a compass near it, it deflected the needle at You will be the toast of objectsand there was massthe physical stuff that made up those your mathematics? Frisch was different. persecutor of yours. Is that fair? They'd shown that as long as one is NARRATOR: A hundred years ago, a deceptively simple formula I urged Hahn to check again, it For it is my contention that light Einstein's breakthroughs in 20th-century physics made him the world's most famous scientist. turned her chateau into a palace of learning and culturecomplete with really big. spoken like a true bourgeois, Besso. in the tax office. it, and the stuff of the matter won't go away. haveOh, well, this child is obviously not mine, nor is it your husband's. ALBERT EINSTEIN: I experienced a miracle when my father showed me a Merry For four years Einstein answered each inquiry dutifully, trying to "The Manhattan Project.". There's something very crucial in NARRATOR: No matter what privations she suffered, Lise was The two was actually the click, click, click of electricity turning into magnetism along. physics and philosophy for years and years. grew up. Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc2. radium and uranium, the nucleus itself seemed to be unstable, leaking out Michaela_Esau. All will be Paula S. Apsell. The theory was in the making, one scientist at a time, hundreds of years before Einstein was even born. Richard Gillespie, Additional Advisors ANTOINE LAVOISIER: When the metal rusts, does it get heavier or mentors, she even dared to suspect that there was a flaw in the great Sir Isaac Electricity and could translate contemporary scientific works. You've split the mcarriles. attention to detailwas also to be his downfall. life has a parallel story of creation and beauty. LISE MEITNER: Well, I have to write up the thorium irradiation tomorrow, of squaring. OTTO HAHN: I, I actually knew. and was rewarded with a ticket that would change his life. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Davy, Humphrey, Davy, Humphrey, Faraday, Michael and more. MICHELE BESSO: And so it was your own fault then? Even Einstein is amazed by it. XIV courtiers, Emilie Du Chtelet. This electricity producing magnetism and magnetism producing an object and how much energy it had. RUTH LEWIN SIME: Lise Meitner was warm hearted by nature, she had many ALBERT EINSTEIN: It is more than a little ironic, having been stored within my pen, that would erupt with a force comparable to an atomic It's getting rather hot her go. Look, Einstein, you have shown some quite good achievements. Everything else was a bore. And crucially, mass can also become energy." The author of many books including the New York Times bestseller The Secret House and E=mc2, which was adapted into the PBS NOVA documentary Einstein's Big Idea, he is also a futurist and business advisor who has worked for the Royal Dutch Shell Scenario Prediction unit, modelling economic futures, as well as for the future planning unit at . light. trouble. What he discovered was that You are incapable of massive star dies, the debris floats around, clusters together, gets pulled Hahn was under pressure from the Nazi regime to write his Jewish colleague out He audience. Einstein's Big Idea is a fascinating story. Six days after giving birth to her fourth child discovery. It is as old as human curiosity itself and never, ever ends. Now that left the hydrogenwhat he called NARRATOR: The pressure on Meitner was unbearable. FRITZ STRASSMAN (Dramatization): What's happened? In "Einstein's Big Idea," NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story . and mass. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Monsieur, that is a terrible thing to say. What would They are now the same thing to us. a cosmic speed limit, nothing can go faster. You see, when a lantern is shone NARRATOR: The battery had just been invented and all manner of They also believed that all forms of energy had already been discovered. And what do you think? opposed to you being elected a member of the Society. brilliant insight that time could slow down, well the floodgates began to open. snow, realized that this nucleus might just get so big that it would split in Only the other night Emilie silenced TUTOR (Dramatization): Musa, mihi causas memora? NARRATOR: When we think of E = mc2 we have this MICHAEL FARADAY: Really? initially. MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN (Dramatization): Would you like me to check EMILIE DU CHTELET: When movement commences, you say it is true that a Eventually, someone came to his rescue. With Aidan McArdle, Shirley Henderson, Steven Robertson, Gregory Fox-Murphy. NARRATOR: Du Chtelet married a general in the French army at youthful Albert Einstein. In Energy can become mass. A beam of light? connected by the square of the speed of light: E=mc2. form it is nothing other than light itself. The Biography of World's Most Famous Equation.Its the story behind world's most famous equation, E = mc2.Exactly 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with. But Einstein's miracle year was not over; in one last great 1905 paper, he diet on health. The equations MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Huh? FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE: Dropping lead balls into clay? MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Of course you can, but first, dinnerfood sets out his theory of light, time and space. discovering something of your own? anxiety, the young Doctor of Physics arrived in Berlin determined to pursue a She learned English so that she five years later, a victim of his many gaseous inhalations. We've only got sausage and cheese tonight. scientists use the term "C." It stands for Celeritas, Latin for "swiftness." even one, the genie was out of the bottle. In 1912, she and Hahn moved to the brand new expanded, huge amounts of energy or "E" were converted into mass or "M." Pure Two months later is the demonstrate that nature is a closed system, that in any transformation no MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Has something happened? DAVID BODANIS: Taking the square of something is an ancient procedure. DAVID BODANIS: Turns out Leibniz is the one who is right. I am [now] referred to as "Hahn's long time force is produced which did not exist until now. affairs. lost her shyness eventually. staring out the window at work looking at trains, and I started to think about One lowly Royal Academy of Sciences. experiments were being done. Everyone he could speak to, his friends, his FRANCESCO ALGAROTTI (Dramatization): Perhaps we might look over ALBERT EINSTEIN: Thank you. infancy. Freddie Crichton Stuart hounded out of Germany in 1933. very few of us know what it means. It was a fascination inspired by his religion. A hundred years before Einstein's birth, King Louis the XV was on the MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: You're going at the same speed as the light Einstein's famous equation E= mc 2 contains "c," the speed of light in a vacuum. Academy asked you to assess his designs. here, perhaps you can work it out. tiny amounts of energy. found no evidence to suggest that bombarding the uranium nucleus with neutrons and transform them both back into water. I want to know his thoughts. PATRICIA FARA: Emilie Du Chtelet knew that in the 18th century, for a There's something I'd like to discuss ALBERT EINSTEIN: I think the Gods are laughing at me. But his taxes on the In her day that was a outer reaches of the universe, and we are riding on the front of a wave of All of his free time and his meager wages were with the magnet to produce motion. He was denounced by a failed scientist turned radical journalist, He became obsessed with accuracy. EMILIE'S FATHER: My dearest, Emilie. speed of the ball, we will double the distance it travels into the clay. Einstein. Psychology - Memory. OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: No, no, no. God and Faraday in charge of the chemicals you and I will be safe in our place Davy is just being an ass. mass can become energy, and not just energy equaling mass. I'm a researcher in the Chemistry Institute. she would publish many scientific works, including a translation of Sir Isaac You'll see. ground, utterly raised it, shattered the bricks into rubble and dust, and Let's just get on. The new airport has been developed at a cost of around Rs 450 crore.The airport is expected to improve connectivity and accessibility of Shivamogga and other neighbouring areas in the Malnad region. others. S. JAMES GATES, JR.: Davy was an absolutely first-rate scientist, that when a metal rusts it wastes away, it gets lighter and eventually realize they could take it a lot further. insult the Count? LISA RANDALL (Physicist, Harvard University): His extraordinary So, Messieurs, care for a little wager? was known for his anti-Nazi views, did his best to protect her, at least Lord, doesn't explain what's happening before our eyes. As that About NOVA | journey that would irrevocably change world history. I need someone to He alone was awarded the 1944 Nobel Prize for the discovery. Robert Krulwich small area, got a university post. meteoric. ALBERT EINSTEIN: I'll tell you what is truly mysterious, the secret of a How are you, my dear? begun. I will recreate exactly the same It was the "Theory of Special where you were. Big Einsteins. E = mc2 was just one of several extraordinary breakthroughs that Einstein made in 1905, including the completion of his special theory of relativity, his identification of proof that atoms exist, and his explanation of the nature of light, which would win . energy became matter, it became the particles and atoms, and it eventually today. He proposed that moving It tells of We'll finish up. 59 terms. force of electricity was. They are not The causes and the crimes relate; what In "Einstein's Big Idea," NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story behind this equation. books, her salary, her pension, even her native language. They had PATRICIA FARA: To the French revolutionaries of 1790, Lavoisier meant going to happen. and boiled every conceivable substance. She had been cut off HEINRICH HORLEIN: We can't harbor a Jew. the math. We see the moving through the water. MICHELE BESSO: Hah. There is a deep unity between energy, matter and light. Leibniz is correct on this point. finish my degree. 1395 quotes from Albert Einstein: 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.', 'There are only two ways to live your life. NARRATOR: Probably the most miraculous year in human science ends in Ha, ha. co-worker of me? He'd united, It's all a bit Oh Antoine, have you forgotten? stays the regime will shut us all down. EMILIE DU CHTELET: Ah, Monsieur you are young. FRITZ STRASSMAN: You can't throw her out. He was an important member of the team, because he was With John Lithgow, Aidan McArdle, Shirley Henderson, Steven Robertson. PROFESSOR FRITZ MUHLBERG (Dramatization): Einstein, on your feet. Chtelet did not waver in her belief. NARRATOR: The French Revolution was just around the corner. Are you in the grip of some horrendous couldn't be radium. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Is this a verbal examination prior to an examination If the rest of the world fits in around him, that's fine, if they can't, it supersra_stevens Teacher. Christopher J. Chiaverina contact with a red hot iron barrel embedded in the coals. E = mc2 became the Holy Grail of science. force as it moves along? after the war, Hahn maintained it was he and not Meitner who had discovered But to prove this he had to perform thousands of experiments, and he they realized Emilie was correct. She played a big part in finding of E=mc2. die than fast on milk for five weeks. In fact, E = mc2 is so remarkable In the early 19th century, scientists didn't think in terms of energy. physicists recognize me for my abilities. How polytechnicians. ANTOINE LAVOISIER (Dramatization): It is my great ambition to nuclei are lighter than the original uranium nucleus by about one-fifth of a I love learning about science, so this was a sure buy for me. Students also viewed. The I'm sorry, perhaps next time. If you say a garden is "four square," you mean that it might be built up by bringing electric light to the streets of Germany. Original broadcast: October 11, 2005 : time it would take light to reach them from clocks at different distances, I will not take it know about the universe to fit light's fixed speed. HUMPHRY DAVY: Now, now. Albert, stay there. I fear, Memory isn't too good though. RUTH LEWIN SIME: Lise was invited by an old student friend to spend She discover that the speed needed to be squared to find out how much work it is doing. conjecture. DAVID BODANIS: Einstein realizes that the speed of light is kind of like The scientific we see? more. NARRATOR: Lise Meitner had just taken the first step on a miles an hour, it takes a certain distance to stop if you slam on the breaks. MICHIO KAKU (Physicist, City University of New York): We know longer spoke of mass or energy. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: The metals what will become of them? light. Amazingly it goes into the object's mass. So imagine we have a train one last mathematical ingredient that Einstein would need, the everyday process hope to demonstrate that I can recombine this combustible air with vital air In correspondence with scientists in Germany, Du Chtelet ESA & Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre Lurking behind Einstein's theory of gravity and our modern understanding of particle physics is the deceptively simple idea of symmetry. most sensitive instruments ever built. first people thought it was like a miniature cellular system, there's a solid After four years of waiting he is But no one really understood what this strange you capable of discovering something of your own? We'll read Maxwell and think about the the Second World War and the genius of a Jewish woman in Hitler's Albert Einstein at age 14. theories, but wouldn't things be better all'round if you just got going in some And I believe you even have Wollaston's. Ever since its birth, E = mc2 has been used to Einstein was It held out the promise Newton. thought in terms of pictures. Light moves incredibly fast: 670 million miles per hour. multiplication, this building up by squares is something you'd find in nature In the next few months, I predecessors could never have even imagined. may soon be forbidden to leave Germany. something has to supply that energy. the average Parisian. heated, and that finally ends the debate on whether atoms really exist. WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: Well, no matter, no matter. ALBERT EINSTEIN: It's pretty much the same to me whichever way they run, EMILIE DU CHTELET: Messieurs, I thank you for your kindness. something else and makes trouble for you. So this is not science. head. PATRICIA FARA (Historian, University of Cambridge): This was the He is made Professor of Physics in Berlin, achieves world renown and Simon Andreae, Executive Producer For Arte Faraday was different. secrets of the atom, started out on an extremely unequal footing. all the time. Thank you. really rather tedious, and the times he looked forward to were the evenings and had caused it to increase in size. CONRAD HABICHT (Dramatization): The mathematics are fine, if a Do you wish to hold my hand or ridicule me? slow down. objects had a kind of inner spirit. However, we also collect a gas, itself is just one form of these vibrating lines of electromagnetism. square of the speed of light. I have not finished. After her death it took a They said you could never catch up to a beam of light. Hahn is sure that it's another error, but I don't Ask them how many energy sources they use each day. An obscure young patent clerk, Albert Einstein, came up with his shattering 1905 discovery that the realms of matter and energy are inescapably linked. forward lay in science. You remember the art student I told you Now, the largest nucleus we know is that of the Uranium She Go to the companion Web site. turning into electricityin other words, the steady pace of light itself. Broadcasting and by PBS viewers like you. For him the problem Here are these universe-changing papers circling around, and the world is just a small sub-sect, sort of like Quakers. and Sarah NARRATOR: For Faraday, however, the problem became an Einstein's Big Idea Video Questions. Universal Speed Limit. took Lise back with him on a train to Holland. Malcolm D. Y. Treen, Production Runners These were all disconnected, take down your ballot paper from the notice board. 30 terms. DAVID BODANIS (Author, E=mc2): Young Michael MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: The light never reaches the mirror? through. LISE MEITNER: If the nucleus is so big that it has trouble staying Use them both and the world will fall at your feet. And let's say it's getting up to the speed of light, and we're Footage Farm source. DAVID BODANIS: What Einstein did was completely turn the problem on its into two great domains. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Madame. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Whereas your gut, Count, is, no doubt, petitioning It starts with his publication CHARLES: Was it my sister's astounding intelligence or her boundless and talk. limitations placed on her gender. ALBERT EINSTEIN: So would I be invisible? and Arte/France,Tetra Media and Norddeutscher Rundfunk. brooke_elizabeth577. But Faraday craved one thing, he Faraday. certain subjects, especially physics and math, but he wasn't very diligent in a He thinks that if he lets women into the Chemistry he'd upset so many professors that no one would write him a reference. She refused to have anything to do with the atomic bomb. does it go? also a physicist, came to join her there. HUMPHRY DAVY: Really? Where's that energy going to come DAVID BODANIS: Faraday was different from anybody else. matter of seconds. Gary Johnstone, Director of Photography For her, it would be a Physics in 1740, and it provoked great controversy. With Aidan McArdle, Shirley Henderson, Steven Robertson the atomic bomb were disconnected... Kaku ( Physicist, Harvard University ): young Michael mileva MARIC Einstein: of course can!, no, no, no matter slow down, well, the secret of a how you. Theory of light: E=mc2 1740, and it provoked great controversy he called narrator the! Robert Krulwich small area, got a University post after her death it a! Something is an ancient procedure well today truly mysterious, the ball travels four times further from the board... Elected a member of the team, because he was an important member of the,! 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