And be there when they come back. Take days of vacation or maternal leave, ask your mom to bring your daughter to your work for lunch, work from home, let go of as many of your chords as you can or do them together with your daughter, co-sleep with her, talk to her, bathe with her, sing to her. Paula is right. my son is a very social baby in general he goes to people he met them for the first time and let them hold him and play with him. Crying is normal but the baby will adjust: "Sorry to hear about what's going on, but we've all been there in some way or another, so you're not alone. This means that for many working moms, maternity leave isn't an option, period. I came every 3 hours for every feeding after i was released from the hospital, MUCH more than the parents of the other infants, even the nurses would comment how good my baby was doing, due to my presence and nurturing. My 9 month old baby seems to get attached to everyone and any one. Very hopeful! I just read your comment and can really feel your sorrow and frustration and wanted to give you some encouragement. My partner goes away and when I am on my own we have a perfect routine and daddy comes home, she hits me and pushes me away. When he was 4-6 mos, a friend was holding him and he didnt want to come back to me when I asked for him. I am searching high and low for a place away from her. He has always preferred my husband I too have PND but I feel the fog lifting and now I am not sure if I should see anyone or not. it felt so good reading all the posts and knowing that out there, there were so many mums who felt the same as I did. I am so sad. My best advice is to simply continue to love and care for your child with no expectation for immediate payback in terms of returned affection so to speak. They all saw it for themselves as we were all on holiday together, but its my girlfriends mum & dad not mine but she doesnt see a problem but only a farther will tell. She should be proud to have raised such a loving mom. it is breaking my heart. Praise your wife when she manages to be cool about it it isnt easy! It may be because she may be spoiled to the phase of a daddys girl, or it may be you. oh, my daughter is almost 7 months. Somtimes she seems to get very distressed, but at bedtime I read to her and hold her, my wife says Im the best person to get her to sleep? This cookbook contains about 200 recipes and photos of how to make delicious meals easily and quickly. However, this is a normal reaction and the situation is far from hopeless. I only leave her for one morning a week and have done this since she was 3 months old. But all this can be easily changed! It took effort from all of us to get to where we are now, but forgiving each other and moving on as responsible adults to give our boy a good life, is one of the best things Ive done in my life.). You, on the other hand, are most likely a very secure person who has always been there for her. My wife works part time on my days off, meaning our daughter goes into a lovely nursery 1-3 days per week and we split the child care between us for the rest. Here is the background: Ive been dating my boyfriend for over a year but knew him and his daughter since she was 8 months. So in the meantime we are trying to get her to talk to her on the phone, but the kid doesnt want to. Hope this gives someome some encouragement Things really do get better with time. i feel so usless at the moment, i have a 5 month old daughter who in my mind hates the bones of me, as soon as her dad wakes in the morning to go to work she screams the place down for at least 3 hours,i just cant do anything to calm her down, when i finally get her settled again i just find my self breaking down in tears infront of my 2 year old son, he gives me a big hug and tells me that he loves me, i feel like i am doing everything on my own, my partners mother only lives round the corner but she is as helpful as a glass hammer, she has my partners 2 sons from his ex partner every weekend but she wont do with my daughter, my parents help me as much as they can, but they also have jobs to do. I try to kiss her, hold her and tell her that I miss her and all she does is throw a tantrum and cry until her dad is holding her again. The answer is yes, although breastfeeding after returning to work is definitely trickier in some situations. Introduce the bottle to your baby at least three weeks before your start date, slowly adding more pumped-milk feedings. A couple of things helped: 1) we play her favorite music at very loud volume during the feeding to distract her, 2) we make sure to feed her before she gets very hungry so that she is still in a good mood, 3) we make sure my husband, the caregiver, always gives her the bottle, and 4) we keep trying at different times if she doesn't take the I am with him most of anyone. How could she not with the kind of devotion you show, despite doing it alone most of the time. A 1 year old will not do anything very differently the next time anyway. I dont see this as an issue, but she is concerned that the kid does not like her anymore and could get worse by days. I know a significant factor in my issues with my son was my inability to bond because of my terrible adjustment to being a mother/post partum depression. well-behaved) in any way, youll just get very frustrated. I would hate for it to be the opposite. And hug your wife. If he is upset, he wants his daddy to comfort him, not me. When I go to pick her up from day care, she wont even respond when she sees me. But you say that you gave up on her. At around 3 to 5 years of age, children tend to become very attached to the parent of opposite gender. staying there in the dark place is whats a shame. You can also search for adoption support groups and workshops where you live, to connect with other parents in your situation. Starting earlier is sometimes suggested to prevent bottle refusal. I found the update posts from those parents who were in this situation and came out the other side especially helpful. That way, you will keep making enough milk and will be less likely to get plugged ducts or engorged breasts. At that time he had a painfully obvious bond with my partner to the exclusion of me. Since youve always been there for her, that might play a big part in what is going on. If your wife would show photos with you holding your girls and let the songs play at bedtime, for example, it could be a warm way for them to keep you in mind while you are not around. A baby or toddler may react by rejecting a parent after going back to work. I know that very well! knowing or hoping that there is an end in sight gives me great joy. Two weeks after I gave birth I decided to go back to college as they told me if I miss out too much I wouldnt be able to pass the year! I can see other parents are having similar problems, so maybe it is something she will grow out of in time. She breaks her back trying to look for him when he leaves the room. He no longer cries for his daddy, scrambles over me to get to his daddy, forgets about me once his daddy gets home and is really happy to cuddle/kiss/hug me just as much as his daddy. Treat breastfeeding like dessert and offer the breast after your baby has had a bottle. should i just let her be with whoever she wants to be with? I just want to know what I am doing wrong, so I can change it. My gal is nw 8 1/2 mths . But then I realized that I dont give that to each of my children every day at all. But in about a week things changed, and he was starting to want me again. Bonding can start at any time, even at 15 months old, even though it can take a bit longer to establish at that point. Its my first baby and this hurts sooo much inside seeing it happen everyday. I am not working and its just because of her that i am not working. No that he is born she is so pushy, she since birth has whisked him away when he would cry and always play with him more than me and he seems to bond or smile or laugh more with her. xxx. what can i do to make it better? Instead, I think this is the way to see the situation: You ask can a baby not like their mom..? Do something that you know your son loves and be completely present with him. Paula. Anyway, he will be one in a week or so and Im happy to say that things are back to normal and this seems like a distant memory. Step 1: Bring the nipple (no bottle attached) to the baby's mouth and rub it along the baby's gums and inner cheeks, allowing the baby to get used to the feeling and texture of the nipple. Instead of turning your relationship into a power struggle, (trying to make him say mommy, for example), be proud of how much you have helped him to grow already! He does, I know. that Im not the only one whos going through something like this. Maybe it is time for both you and her to have a break. I started wrk after 4 mths of her birth . This means (in your daughters case) that only dad will do, that she might express that she wants to marry dad and that she might protest violently if you and your wife kiss, for example. We laugh all the time! And it is very easy to feel rejected when it happens. I believe our consistent schedule via the webcam n video call had paid off. So, maybe this isnt something thats recognized by a small child, but its eventually recognized, in my opinion. She has now outgrown the reflux but has become a very fussy feeder.Her early months were very black for me, both myself and my husband would get very upset and frustrated when trying to feed her- me moreso I guess as I did it more. This will help you to feel connected with your baby. Usually at this age, making sure that your child isnt doing anything dangerous (swallowing things, climbing too high, running out in the street, biting himself or other children et cetera) is more or less enough as an ambition. So youve done great job. The wrong nipple was used and baby has become a little lazy. It will pass. Try feeding with cool or alternatively warmed milk. well, its not. 2 weeks after I had my baby boy I got Post Partum Depression very very bad but I wasnt pushing my baby away I would feed him and play with him everything that I could do for him not to feel my anxiety and depression I am finally out of this depression but I noticed that my son (11 months) would rather be with his aunt than me. We dont know what happened while she was in the other state but I think she needs to have that bond with her mother. Breast refusal tip #8: Try a different feeding position. She is not a competitor and never will be only you are his mom! she seems like she is more confrted by grandma then me/momand it cant be because grandma is around her more because dad is around her less then i am and she does the same thing with dad as she does with grandma.she seems conferted by them and not is it possible, she thinks grandma is mom??? I felt so upset, My 18 month baby boy really likes his dad than me. But 3 weeks ago I got hospitalized. Ive struggled with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, suicidality, anger and low self-esteem my entire life. I am very pleased to report that, after my child turned around one year of age my relationship with him improved dramatically and he finally started bonding with me. Even when I say hi or try and pick her up and kiss her, she doesnt want anything to do with me. He will also frequently choose his dad over me. But Im glad that there are a few comments from parents with 4 and 5 years old with the same concern. It is probably more common for Mom to be prefered than Dad, but it happens both ways. I just wanted to post an update and some encouragement that things really do get better with time. My daughter is nearly six months old and she gets really grumpy with me. Mostly she just doesnt want me around whenever we see my mother and usually tells me to go away and I would have to correct her and say that is not nice to say to mommy and she still repeats it. Weekends too. One explanation to why your daughters reaction is so strong might be that 9 months is a sensitive age. Maybe I will have better luck with a second kid. Maybe cuddle up the three of you in her bed for a little story or lullaby? But the guilt you are feeling may very well delay the bonding. This can make a toddler feel like mom has been taken away or even rejected. When asked how much extra time they would want, the most common answer was "a. I feel like a bad mom. have lost joy in the time with my other son I feel like I just resent him and my husband for being able to make him happy. as a side note: i think post-partum depression is viewed as a shameful thing. It doesnt work! And even use the same child care you plan to use when you go back to work, if possible. If this has happened to you, you might be sad, worried, and frustrated. Of these numbers, working moms are taking the brunt of the burden. I was disconnected from the baby during my whole pregnancy i was very depressed, but the second he was born i instantly fell in love and felt so ashamed that i felt the way i had. When my daughter was 7 months old I left for bootcamp, kind of my last resort I was a teen mom and couldnt get a job and had no money and the military provided us a secure future, but now I regret it. From my experience (I have 2 girls, ages 4 yrs and 16 mths) and this problem passes. I am drained to the point where I Babies dont put anything extra in a certain word compared to another. I get jealous sometimes, and I wish that this was easier. He just screams in my arms. If I feed him, he fusses, straightens. She is my first child and she is the most pleasant little thing ever so I dont understand why she doesnt all of the sudden not want nothing to do with me. It has been 37 years and we are not close. this week she turned 9 months and she has somehow attached herself to my mom. Im going back to work next month so I started bottle fed baby at 2.5 mo 3 weeks ago. You know, we have to accept it, applaud their development and let them go. I was already reluctant to leave my son and I cried 30 minutes down the road and every night before I fell asleep missing him. Hi! Im the one that takes care of him all the time when he sick has a bad dreamect like today my husband went to work and he cried I went to pick him up he didnt want anything to do with me. Near the end of your pregnancy, talk to your HR department or supervisor about your return to work plan. I wish I could be of help to you, but at least know there are other mothers out there who are or who have known the sadness and pain you are experiencing. I adore and love my som immensely. I used to have a very tight relationship with my parents. If you are dreading going back to work at the end of maternity leave or, indeed, know anyone going through the same who might get a little kick out of this . He is a very sweet baby, has a smile for everyone so I cannot understand why he acts like this with me, on the other hand my husband and my in-laws are obviously overjoyed to see that he is always smiling to them and acknowledging them. Although I?m not working my mother in law takes care of him most of the time as he hates to be with me. She goes to everyone and she does not seem to miss me if i am not around. Im assuming this is not the case with you, obviously. But when daddy comes home, she always seems to forget my existence. Why he wont sleep with me, hold my hand, kiss me, hug me To make matters worse my mum died when I was 7 and my dad and 6 other sibblings have always rejected me as I was growig up, even to this day they dont have time for me. The other important thing is to protect your supply. What is wrong with me? I thought ever child wanted their mommies especially when they arent feeling well. One is of course that you and your wife need to start talking to each other on how to raise your child. Both my husband and I made it a consistent schedule just for her.When connection is bad, we utilizd the phone and made a very short international call where he wd talk 2her and we get to sing our song together. In my opinion its not a healthy life for her or I. I know its wrong but I cannot help but feel jealous, I cannot think of something wrong that Im doing because I play with him all afternoon until late evening and care to his every need.. If she wants dad to put her to bed, let her have dad, but see if you can figure out a way to join in now and then. he not only preferred my partner but seemed to dislike me, which people have told me is silly for a newborn, but I really think it was true. Take a bath the three of you, cuddle up together for a nighttime story and go out having fun together. This is my second son who is 8months and I feel me and him bonded great till a month ago and my husbands work schedule changed he is home all day I cant even get a second without him around and when he leaves the room our son fusses and tries to getaway from me I took him in another room to get some time with him he jus screamed and finally ate and went to bed I am very scheduled till few weeks ago, my husband is very not. This became a long answer, but above all, try not to worry or take it personally. I dont know why she it is getting upset at me and no one else. I feel robbed of the moments that I didnt get to enjoy with him, she pushed to give him his first bath and has done so much as she says she is helping. I think its because Im with her a lot than her real mom so Im the closesed mom she can get. I work very part time 3 days a week for a total of 16 hours. Hi, I know I should be thankful that my Mom is there and takes such good care of my daughter but most days I am just resentful. He will be picked up and carried around for the smallest incident. Lessons to Learn From the Above Quote. Please help! Maybe the others can go out for a while during the weekends and you just stay at home and spend time together. I have stopped taking leaves when my baby falls sick because my MIL is all that she needs and all that I end up doing is washing the diapers and cleaning the house,cooking. I cry about this on my own because I used to be the one who could only make her laugh or in a good mood. It also sounds as if you are not in a place where you feel supported or comforted in your experiences. Also remind yourself over and over again, that your daughters ability to bond with and socialize with more that one person is a healthy sign of her being secure and developing mentally. This time is so precious and so short. It breaks my heart when she cries and kicks when daddy leaves her alone with me. I dont know what to do. Find reliable childcare Getting childcare is one of the toughest aspects of going back to work. Do I leave my son and my partner so they can be together, or do I stay and let them make me feel worse. Try to do things with your son that he just cant resist playing funny games, dancing or whatever. Stroke baby, talk to baby. When I pick her up from her caregivers house after work, I am so excited because I count down the minutes until I see my precious baby only to get her in my arms and have her reach out for her caregiver. My mom watches her while im at work and shes is more attached to my mom then me. If you buy something through a link on this site, I may receive a small commission. I have a 7 month daugher that doesnt seen to want me. She even goes to our maid servent and she is so happy if she sees her. Hi everyone, Over the 2 years I have been in a terrible custody battle and its still going on right now. Since about 3 months old she prefers daddy over mommy but now it is to the point where she tells me I dont love you I love my daddy. She pushes me away and wants nothing to do with me. I am glad I am not the only mother that felt that way when my baby is with his grandmother it feels likes that he doesnt need me and sometimes I feel like crying can someone tell me how to end this nightmare. Sometimes in 1-2 minutes. When I get home she doesnt get excited to see me. It might happen out of the blue, after a new baby, or even while you're pregnant. And if your having trouble bonding with your child, and he/she is old enough to understand then sit them down and explain you are their mom and you love them, hug them, play with them and be involved with them on how you feel. His Aunt told me its just a novelty for him. . If must be terribly hard to be away so much from your family and then come home and not feel welcome. Our third daughter cant seem to stand me and it is really breaking my heart. Jemma. She LOVES daycare and when I pick her up, she cries because she doesnt want to leave. Now, whenever I try to hug her or give her a little kiss, she pushes me away and says No Daddy! I did start a job a few months back, but I am with her during the day M-F, then when I work at night, my wife is home with her. My wife dismisses my concerns so Im looking for the reassurance online. Cafemom wanted a detailed truth about returning to work after having a baby. Just feel depressed that my 11-month-old does not want me and prefers my mom all the time its my fault.. due to certain unavoidable circumstances I had to leave her with my parents in my home country for 5 months, and now I am reunited with her (at 10 months)..its been a month with her now.. Ive been trying to bring her around to like me.. she does like me, I spend quite some time with her. So much for breastfeeding and bonding. Face the baby outward in the baby carrier where she can see and become distracted. Another aspect is that neither you nor your son seems to be comfortable with the role you have right now. I do each and every work for her. But I dont get a look in. Sometimes a baby who is refusing to breastfeed may feed well in a different position (e.g. Shes always been an independent and active baby, thoughlikes playing on the floor by herself, doesnt always want held. When he comes home, her face glows in a way that its never glowed for me. Love, Peace and Joy to you all with lots of Blessings!!!! And since then, everytimes she sees my friend, she follows her instead of me. up at night, etc) but when our baby sees his dad he smiles and knows that for the next 20-30 minutes dear daddy is going to throw him up in the air and play. Babies can feel our tension. And when I get her home she ignores me. Can you please help? A more upright position makes it easier for the milk to go "down the hatch.". I feel like she associates me with all things bad (i.e. The short answer to that question is, thankfully, no. I feel like why I didnt die when she was born. I do everything my mother does yet apparently I dont love her enough!! I just want it with me too. actually she is same with everyone and doesnt seem like knowing who is who. I dont know how to explain this to him, I just wanted to say, its not my problembut on the other hand, i dont KNOW what the problem is either! Im in the military so its not like I can go and just quit my job (even though I thought hard about it). During this time mom is often the only person accepted, which can drive both mom and dad crazy. She wants Daddy all the time and will cry for him when he leaves the room even when I am in it. If it is your mother, rather than you who spends most of the time with your daughter, it is quite natural that she feels more secure with her right now. Rather the contrary; that you have helped him become so secure that he is now ready to face the world. Going by the earlier posts, my problem is likely due to my travel job. No matter what I do, she still wants me. I feel like a lazy, uninvolved mother and I hate it. The bond is there, and you obviously love her very much. When you feel rejected, she will sense your reactions and you end up in vicious circle of guilt, sadness, rejection, and more sadness and guilt. Its so disheartening and hurtful, but Im glad (how bad is that?!) Is there any consensus from developmental professionals on why babies reject their moms? baby rejecting mom after going back to work Do so at the times your baby used to nurse. I also have a 5 year old daughter and she is the opposite. I am not defending what the babys mom did. I feel like there is something I didnt do or that there is something Im not doing, but know matter what it is , its breaking my heart. When she is scared or hurt she wont even allow me to go near her she calls for my mom. Her father works and Im always with her and Its just me. Aspects of going back to work is definitely trickier in some situations maid servent she. Resist playing funny games, dancing or whatever, everytimes she sees her is trickier. 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