The New York City Board of Health … Also, milk is unhealthy just the way it is. We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. That is why I think chocolate milk should stay/be in schools. Alot of corn syrup, sugar,and other things. Finally, cocoa found in chocolate contains a compound called pentameric procyanidin which disrupts cancer cells" ability to spread, proven by a 2005 study by Georgetown University. This essay has been submitted by a student. When you think about it that way, serving chocolate milk at school seems silly, right? #WellnessWeds: 15 Calcium-Rich Foods Without the Dairy — A Healthier Michigan, Healthy Halloween Snacks to Make with Your Kids, Cooking with Kids: Apple, Turkey and Cheese Pockets. Also, you may not believe it now but chocolate milk can help with diseases! Kids can get all their daily servings. A Research on Whether Starch, Sugar, Protein, and Fat Are Present in Chocolate Milk, Cheerios, Goldfish, and Cheez-Its Essay, Child labor in the chocolate’s billion-dollar industry Essay, The Origin Of European Cultural Integration Of Chocolate Essay, History And Maketing Strategies Of KitKat Chocolatory Essay, A Study to Determine the Commercial Chocolate Brand Preference Between Kroger and Nestle Essay. I Love Chocolate milk we should keep it…. Chocolate Milk should not be allowed in schools because it has 57 grams of sugar and is very high in fat. 1 source of calcium, which is critical for bone and teeth development. Pssst… First off, they get all the same nutrients they will get in white milk. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Milk is getting a makeover: 8 ounces of low-fat and fat-free varieties of chocolate milk served in schools will have 38 percent less added sugar than before and only 31 more calories than its white milk counterpart . Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Lastly, chocolate milk has little sugar so it doesn’t matter what type you choose. Home — Essay Samples — Food — Chocolate — Why Schools Should Keep Chocolate Milk. Lastly, Kids think white milk and flavored milk tastes good to drink states that because kids like to drink milk and maybe the schools will see how much kids like to drink milk. What essential nutrients would be compromised if kids don’t drink any milk? First, let's recognize the chocolate milk controversy for what it really is about: marketing. When kids drink flavored milk on a daily basis, they are consuming an extra 2 gallons of sugar each year. Does it contribute to the childhood obesity epidemic? The report says eight ounces of white milk served in Los Angeles public schools contains 14 grams of natural sugar or lactose; fat-free chocolate milk has an extra six grams of sugar for a … chocolate milk is bad for your health.when i was little i thought that is was healthy . When offered both types of milk at school, children drink more chocolate milk than white milk and consume more milk overall, with less milk waste. The average daily consumption when flavored milk was eliminated and only white milk was offered was 4 ounces per student. Plenty of other foods—fish, leafy greens, almonds—provide the calcium and protein that kids need. Healthy Eating Made Easier: Dairy Council of California: Nutrition Education Programs, 2018,, Of course it … Lastly, they get all the daily serving they will need. uses cookies. Just like 2% cow’s milk, 2% chocolate milk has nearly 5 grams of fat per 1 cup serving.” Sep. 25, 2007 - Amy Joy Lanou, PhD If you’d like this or any other sample, we’ll happily email it to you. 28 Feb 2017 Check out more reasons why chocolate milk is a good choice all of the chocolate milk served in schools less than 150 calories for an Theyll get the essential nutrients they need to grow strong and focus well in school. For example, people would rather drink chocolate milk which isn’t so bad because it requires the same amount of nutrients such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamins A,D and B12, riboflavin, and niacin. 70 persent of childern drink chocolate milk my mom doesnt let me drink chocolate milk. Or am I right? They get all the same nutrients they get in white milk. Resource: Parenting Magazine Photo credit: teejayhanton. There is a solution to this “Chocolate Milk Dilemma”. Drinking any kind of milk can get kids up to their 3 daily servings. Now that you learned all about chocolate milk, you may consider keeping it in schools. And 3. Only 2 percent of these schools offer fat-free milk as an option. This is bad for kids because its not healthy for kids and because it makes them gain weight. That is one reason why I think chocolate milk should be/stay in school. This site and its health-related information resources are not meant to be the practice of medicine, the practice of nursing, or to carry out any professional health care advice or service in the state where you live. There’s one more reason why chocolate milk should be served in schools. 1 source of calcium, which is critical for bone and teeth development. The dairy industry does not care about your kid’s health, only about making money. Also it has good amount of sugar just the way it is. Over the past few years, there has been much debate about chocolate milk and whether it should continue to be served in schools. The study looked at milk consumption in 11 Oregon elementary school cafeterias in which chocolate milk had been banned. Nothing in this Web site is to be used for medical or nursing diagnosis or professional treatment. I think that decision is an individual one for each child and family. Required fields are marked *, CATEGORY: Categories FoodTAGS: Tags #MIKidsCan, Diet & Nutrition, Get more food & nutrition updates in your inbox, A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. That is why I think chocolate milk should stay/be in schools. The cows get tortured to just make milk. milk kids nutrition childhood obesity malk chocolate milk For example, in 2012, New York City and other cities have been limiting the amount of sugary drinks people can buy, including flavored milk. Also, you may not believe it now but chocolate milk can help with diseases! These are only some reasons why kids can get their 3 daily servings from flavored milk. Bottom line: Pre-mixed chocolate milk contains added sugar and calories that kids don't need, and it shouldn't be served in schools, says Bauer. Some nutritionists have criticized chocolate milk for its high sugar content and its relationship to childhood obesity. There are 3 reasons why I think schools should keep chocolate milk. The National Dairy Council has launched an aggressive public relations campaign, Raise Your Hand for Chocolate Milk, to keep flavored milk in schools. I do not want to know about trumoon I want to know about chocolate milk, I think chocolate milk should be served in schools!!!!!!!!!!! Milk should not be served in schools at all. New York City schools removed whole milk … we can write an original essay just for you. 2020 © They currently serve three: lowfat milk, non-fat milk and non-fat chocolate milk. All rights reserved Gradesfixer ™, “Why Schools Should Keep Chocolate Milk.”, Why Schools Should Keep Chocolate Milk [Internet]. These studies and discoveries have verified that chocolate is good for the body, and from that, chocolate milk should continue to be served in schools. This means, they already have 2 options at school to choose from. I think they should because, kids love it. Learn more about improving school food at That’s your opinion. The move was applauded by some, but protested by others. I love the free sample site “123 Get Samples” search online to find their official website, that’s where i get most of my samples from!!! Listen to scientists like T. Colin Campbell, Neal Barnard, Dean Ornish, Walter Willet and Joel Fuhrman. It’s likely the USDA also considered these facts when deciding upon the new guidelines. Milk contains other vital nutrients, like protein, phosphorus, vitamin A and some vitamin B. I wanted to share that because you may think chocolate milk has a lot of sugar because of the chocolate but, it really doesn’t. Students who find writing to be a difficult task. But Los Angeles and Detroit have since reversed those bans and sweetened milks are now served in schools … In New York City, school food officials report that nearly 60 percent of the 100 million cartons served each year contain fat-free chocolate milk. Milk is fortified with Vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption. There is also, of course, regular milk. So if kids get in the habit of drinking milk in school, then they’ll probably skip the sodas outside of school. This means, kids are better off drinking flavored milk like chocolate milk or other type of flavored milk. Finally, Children who consume flavored milk, are more likely to reach their daily recommended servings. I mean milk is really good and I love. one reason why its bad for you is because it has artifical flavors. Last year, some schools across the country banned chocolate milk, saying that it was too high in sugar and fat, and that healthier, lower calorie alternatives should be substituted. 8.23.10 2:15 PM EDT By Chris Morran @themorrancave. Two percent chocolate milk has 80% more calories and the same amount of sugar as an equivalent serving of cola. Lastly, kids can get daily servings. Too much sugar can lead to childhood obesity and those who are on the side of chocolate milk should be served in schools are mostly milk companies who depend on selling milk. They have different options. One serving of flavored milk has 4 teaspoons of added sugar per serving. Milk is the No. This really helped on my school project I just wanted to say thanks to whoever made it ^﹏^ ✌, they should remove it is disgusting nobody likes it and they should put other drinks, CHOCOLATE MILK BE SERVED (Making this in the middle of class time YAY! If you are undecided about whether or not flavored milk should be served in schools, the following are some overall benefits of milk — flavored or not: What are your thoughts on the great milk debate? yay i love free stuff. We’ve got you covered. The additional sugar in chocolate milk is sucrose just like the sugar in colas. You can get 100% plagiarism FREE essay in 30sec, Sorry, we cannot unicalize this essay. ), Your email address will not be published. In 2010, the dairy industry's national marketing group, the Milk Processor Education Program, launched a $1 million initiative to promote chocolate milk, especially in schools (where most flavored milk is sold). Hi i am Emily in 5th grade I think we should serve chocolate milk in school because…, chocolate milk is fine to have in schools. Serving chocolate milk in schools has been in debate for some time now. By:Max Barron Chocolate Milk, Should it Be Served in Schools? Critics may say, Chocolate milk has a lot of sugar because of the chocolate in it. Am I right? We should just listen to the guidelines because they are a lifesaver! The debate over whether chocolate milk should be served in school cafeterias — and whether it's healthy — reared its head again when the Los Angeles Unified School District announced it would ban chocolate and strawberryflavored milk from its schools starting this summer. Always consult your health care provider before beginning any new treatment, or if you have any questions regarding a health condition. They also have tons of different options to choose from. Well actually, chocolate milk is just as healthy as white milk. That is why I said chocolate milk should be in schools. !1, Yes I think that chocolate milk should be allowed in schools. Should chocolate milk be served in schools? These wreak havoc on the human body. 1. Want us to write one just for you? We can custom edit this essay into an original, 100% plagiarism free essay. When schools offered flavored milk, on average each student consumed 6 ounces. this essay is not unique. That is another reason why I think chocolate milk should be in schools. Below are 10 reasons why I am in favor of serving flavored milk in schools (and at home). Secondly, they have a lot of different options Schools must provide low-fat or fat-free white or flavored milk to children. Removing flavored milk from school cafeterias in an effort to reduce students’ caloric and sugar intake and reduce childhood obesity has led many school districts to limit or ban chocolate milk. Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Available from:, Recieve 100% plagiarism-Free paper just for 4.99$ on email, *Public papers are open and may contain not unique content. Milk is the No. You can order Unique paper and our professionals Rewrite it for you. So if chocolate milk is one of the only foods and drinks that kids have on a daily basis, then is that too much sugar? By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy. After the ban, total daily milk sales declined by almost 10%, white milk sales increased by around 160 cartons per day but almost 30% of that white milk was thrown away, and overall school meal participation dropped by about 7%. 2018 Nov 19 [cited 2020 Dec 6]. His reasons for this are: My thoughts on this are that consuming sugar, like all things, should be done in moderation. That is only some of the things critics may say. By clicking “Send”, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. 2. You should not disregard medical advice, or delay seeking medical advice, because of something you read in this site. MojoMilk is an all-natural chocolate milk mix that contains 60% fewer calories than leading brands and also delivers 10x more healthy probiotics than yogurt. 2. Should Chocolate Milk Be Served In Schools? GradesFixer. Different research shows that any type of chocolate milk is the most popular. MojoMilk ( is packed into individual stick packs so they are easy to put in the lunch box or backpack. Win-win! I have mixed feelings about this debate and I see both sides’ point of view. By looking over both sides of the debate, even going deep into articles, it is true that chocolate milk should get out of schools this instant. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. First off, they get all the same nutrients they will get in white milk. This proves that kids like to have chocolate milk in schools to drink. Always seek the advice of your physician or other licensed health care provider. This site and its health-related information and resources are not a substitute for professional medical advice or for the care that patients receive from their physicians or other health care providers. Now that i got that out of the way, kids may choose chocolate milk for their daily servings. 36 weeks in school year = 12,240 Extra Calories from Added SUGAR each year! That's the central question of a debate that gets to the controversy over fat, sugar and how we think about food. Attention! milk well chocolate milk that is taste AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Web site provides general educational information on health-related issues and provides access to health-related resources for the convenience of our users. The famous nutritionist argued that chocolate milk has a lot less sugar and carbohydrates than soda and power drinks like Gatorade. The made-over flavored milk will have around 130 calories and 22 grams of sugar per carton. The facts are in from an article from the New York Times: Whether or not the new and improved low-fat chocolate and flavored milk has too many calories and sugar, the kids obviously seem to prefer the taste over white milk. 96 percent of school districts offer flavored milk as an option. They get the same nutrients. We will occasionally send you account related emails. the only reason why im doing this is because my class is doing an essay on the writing but really i didnt know chocolate milk was bad for you. Last year in the California school district, 76 percent of the milk served was chocolate flavored, according to the Los Angeles Times. Another reason chocolate milk should be served in schools because it is still healthy for kids. Your email address will not be published. This causes children to gain weight. Should schools offer flavored milk or not? Cow’s milk contains over 60 naturally occuring cow hormones never mind the added artificial hormones. I don’t know why people are making such a big fuss about this it is stupid, dude just dude why…… is there this stupid fuss if kids want to drink it let them. Advice, because of something you read in this Web site provides general educational information on health-related issues and access!, difficult task served in schools because it has artifical flavors by. Milk should be Walter Willet and Joel Fuhrman protein that kids need was eliminated and only white.... That is another reason chocolate milk be served in schools essential nutrients would be by... Resources for the convenience of our users ll probably skip the sodas of! Provider before beginning any new treatment, or delay seeking medical advice or. 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