Galakrond Quest Shaman – #1 Legend (Zalae) – Descent of Dragons. and one for the League of Explorers. Jun 11, 2020 - Ashes of Outland is live. TOTEM SHAMAN Updated Dec 03, 2020. 1440 GALAKROND SHAMAN Updated Dec 03, 2020. Code Evolve Galakrond Shaman You can definitely try it and tell me how it goes. Because of these changes, Galakrond Shaman is forced to become much slower in order to remain somewhat viable as an archetype. You deck is good for board control and late game battlecry value, which Hunters don't care. I don't even think adding lifedrinker would be enough. I think its too slow because you wanna fight for board and wasps help you with it. Darkmoon Faire Guide In the Shadowlands pre-patch, the 75 skill requirement has been removed from Darkmoon Faire profession quests. Loading... Unsubscribe from Cincinnatian? 1.2. How weak do you think Shaman's Galakrond may need to be? As much as I like the deck, with no heals its has no chance of surviving against those hunters. Quest Shaman is a deck that revolves around the use of Battlecry minions. Close. Discussion. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Galakrond Shaman is a Midrange decks that uses Battlecry and Invoke effects to control the board and eventually snowball out of control. 3DS Friend Code = 5155 - 3829 - 9448 . Edit in Deck Builder. I've been doing Quest Galakrond Highlander Shaman and having decent success with it. 2020: Deck has been updated for the Ashes of Outland expansion. 57.0% Winrate 0.1% Popularity Avg. Kartendecks April 2020. It's basically one of every good shaman card stuffed into a deck. You can check out daily, weekly and monthly win-rates for each Quest Shaman deck list. ### Broke# Class: Priest# Format: Standard# Year of the Phoenix## 2x (1) Disciple of Galakrond# 2x (1) Renew# 2x (2) Penance# 2x (2) Sethekk Veilweaver# 2x (2) Shadow Word: Death# 2x (2) Thoughtsteal# 2x (3) Apotheosis# 2x (3) Breath of the Infinite# 1x (3) Madame Lazul# 1x (3) Mindflayer Kaahrj# 2x (3) Shadow Madness# 2x (4) Fate Weaver# 2x (5) Shield of Galakrond# 2x (5) Time Rip# 1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof# 1x (7) Galakrond, the Unspeakable# 1x (7) Soul Mirror# 1x (8) Murozond the Infinite# AAECAa0GBuubA4WtA46xA+O0A8i+A8jAAwwe3AHTCpmpA9esA9qsA/KsA/6uA82vA5O6A5u6A6+6AwA=# # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone (-Mind Control Tech), This deck was made by so go follow him :), This deck isn't that good after shaman nerf. 1.1. You can also find some general strategy advice and a breakdown of the deck’s key combos, but we will continue to add much more for Highlander Galakrond Shaman over time. By ... 07 Apr. Just losing against priests, rogues and Highlander hunters. Hi, What is the best way to counter Galakrond Shaman ? Class (17) 0 Mutate 2; 1 Corrupt the Waters 1; 1 Sludge … One of them is Quest Galakrond Shaman. 10. 2817 - Low. Defeating each encounter for the first time will award 2 copies each of one or two new cards, which ma… 5680 Meh Decks … Contribute Send Feedback Submit Deck Decks Top Decks; Budget Decks; Quest Decks Demon Hunter; Druid; Hunter; Mage; … OK Learn more . Our Highlander Galakrond Shaman deck list guide features the best deck list for Season 77 of Hearthstone (August 2020). Archived. Hearthstone - Galakrond Priest vs. Quest Shaman (May 2020) Cincinnatian. We've got a Discord server now! How weak do you think Shaman's Galakrond may need to be? This deck is dominating most of meta decks with %54 winrate. No to mention that you can toss in Shudderwock and do it all over again. The Darkmoon Faire is back in town for November 2020, providing the experience and reputation buffs Darkmoon Top Hat and WHEE!.The Winds of Wisdom and Impressive Influence buffs are gone but you can stack the DMF buffs with WoW's 16th Anniversary for more gains. For general information on adventures, see Adventure. Evolve Galakrond Shaman - Shaman deck. Galakrond Shaman mulligan Galakrond Shaman is a midrange deck and you mulligan for a good mana curve. Our Galakrond Quest Shaman deck list guide features the best deck list for Season 73 of Hearthstone (April 2020). Quest Galakrond Shaman deck guide – Hearthstone February 2020. Galakrond's Awakening comprises 4 chapters, with 24 boss encounters in total. 24 Minions; 5 Spells; Deck Type: Ranked Deck; Deck Archetype: Shudderwock Shaman; Crafting Cost: 8680; Dust Needed: Loading Collection; Created: 12/28/2019 (Descent of Dragons) View in Deck Builder. Galakrond Shaman deck comparison and guides. And if you are playing vs a skilled player and the match is card for card it’s game over. Playing one card that gives you five armor FOUR 8/8 rush minions and a 5/2 wep is a tad overkill. Quest Galakrond Shaman Stronger Than Before. Galakrond Shaman #99 Legend - RumhamHS November 17, 2020 ETC Warrior #182 Legend - D0nkeyHS November 21, 2020 (R)evolve Shaman #3 Legend - McBanterFace November 22, 2020 Player: KingVenom - Published: November 17, 2020 - Updated: 2 weeks ago - Dust Cost: 9,700 Tweet. Falls du selbst einen Guide zu „Galakrond Shaman“ erstellst, wähle den korrekten Archetyp aus, um dein Deck-Guide hier anzeigen zu lassen. Check out popular Quest Shaman Decks (November 2020). This deck is dominating most of meta decks with %54 winrate. Whenever you can get away with it, try to get an EVIL Totem on the board early, because the value and tempo swings from all the Lackeys it can generate can be incredible. Earth Totem Quest (Level 4) At the low level of 4, the Shaman will receive their first quest series for a totem. Also Dragon! Played around rank 10 to 5 lately facing 60% Face Hunters (farming Rogues I guess). Can I get rank 5 with this deck? Jedibaracuda 10 months ago #4. Änderungen vom 26.08.2019 + 2x Mutieren + 1x Erdschock + 1x Ingenieurslehrling + 2x Gedankenkontrolleur + 1x Halunkin der Vulpera + 2x Ehemaliger Champion – -1x Sandsturmelementar – 2x Drohender Nimbus Quest Shaman Shaman deck, played by FAST44 in Hearthstone, Saviors of Uldum The nerfs to two of the archetype's most valuable cards have hit Galakrond Shaman quite hard, leading to some very drastic changes. This is the Earth Totem and it will allow you to use totems such as , and many more. Evolve Galakrond Shaman code copy Standard format. Class: Shaman - Format: dragon - Type: midrange - Season: season-69 - Style: ladder - Meta Deck: Battlecry (Quest) Shaman - Link: Source. When playing this deck, your aim is to smoothly curve out, making use of cheap minions like Sludge Slurper, Lackeys, and Totems to contest the board.The many Invoke cards will naturally summon Windswept Elementals to help control the board. A lot of rush decks here. I'm rank 8. Check out this Galakrond Shaman ranked Hearthstone deck for the Scholomance Academy expansion. Falls du selbst einen Guide zu „Quest Shaman“ erstellst, wähle den korrekten Archetyp aus, um dein Deck-Guide hier anzeigen zu lassen. Quest Galakrond Shaman Stronger Than Before, (always on coin and without coin its still good but you have to survive so depends on you), (most likely keep but be careful vs rush minions). 54.0% Winrate 0.6% Popularity Avg. Combined with the new neutral cards this is just stupid. This can be further compounded with cards like Dragon's Pack and Faceless Corruptor. Purchasing an individual chapter unlocks that chapter for both campaigns. Last updated Nov 19, 2020 (Darkmoon Faire) Edit | Delete Wild. 8292 - Low. Here is Hearthstone EVOLVE GALAKROND SHAMAN Deck. Impact Pro Player; Twitter; Twitch; Country: … Cancel Unsubscribe. Here is Hearthstone HIGHLANDER QUEST SHAMAN Deck. Orc and Troll will be the same since their starting zone is the same, while Tauren has their own quests. May 23, 2020 - Ashes of Outland is live. A lot of people have told me it is but idk, I havent played normal because i miss electra and zentimo but its propably stronger. HEARTHSTONE. Eggowaffle. The deck is powerful in all stages of the game, possessing a good amount of early game tempo, mid-game burst, and late-game value. I am playing a Plot Twist Warlock so am playing for the end game but cannot seem to outvalue the Shaman,s Quest + Invoke + Rush minions. On rank 8 lifedrinker works well. Standard format. The adventure is split into two different campaigns, one for the League of E.V.I.L. Hearthstone decks meta April 2020. META DECKS. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. add me Hajloun#2351 i can watch you a few games and tell you how to play if you want. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Posted by 7 months ago. I like this deck a lot and play it myself (or at least a version), but do you think normal galakrond Shaman is better? 2. Galakrond will join Hearthstone in the form of five new additions Hero cards for the Rogue, Warlock, Priest, Shaman, and Warrior classes. Battlecry Shaman (also known as Quest Shaman) is a Shaman deck focused around its Saviors of Uldum quest card, Corrupt the Waters, and utilizes a large array of Battlecry minions.. He won me a lot of games especially with quest hero power so i think its fine. If I do not draw my … I think Shaman just had a lot of good stuff this set so most variants of it should do well . Galakrond Rogue #23 Legend - kagomechan__ November 27, 2020 Silas Warrior #11 Legend - RaFaEl__hs November 27, 2020 Enrage Warrior #182 Legend - RibbyHS November 22, 2020 Blazing Battlemage is the strongest one-drop you have, but Sludge Slurper is also fine. Galakrond, the Tempest (image: Blizzard Entertainment) Shaman has been the weakest class in the game during Galakrond’s Awakening, but there are still a couple of Shaman decks that are, if not exactly great, at least playable. Kind of feels like the Dr Boom warrior control style deck they just use the cheap invokes to summon rush,s to clear any threats and then play Galakrond for the 4x 8/8,s. Apparently cheating mana as a shaman is not allowed :( what happened to my earthquake? Each chapter contains 6 boss encounters, 3 for each campaign. Class: Shaman - Format: phoenix - Type: combo - Season: season-80 - Style: ladder - Meta Deck: Quest Shaman - Link: Source. Evolve Galakrond Shaman - Deck Klasse Schamane Hearthstone. Shaman deck, played by wiRer in Hearthstone, Saviors of Uldum. Edit in Deck Builder . All deck stats and win-rates are calculated using data submitted by players. Player: Zalae - Published: December 10, 2019 - Updated: 12 months ago - Dust Cost: 7,280 Tweet. 1. Galakrond shaman is a broken op deck with no skill involved. Top Decks The best decks in the current meta. Galakrond Shaman Strategy. Come join us: Toggle navigation. ***** Matchups • Galakrond Rogue: Very Well. Are you getting enough value from MC Tech? User Info: Jedibaracuda. You must be signed in to leave a comment. This is the only Shaman quest chain with any major differences as to which race you are playing. Copy Deck For . Deck is good for tournaments but bad for current ladder meta (Priests and Rogues only). Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Cards List & Guide, Galakrond, the Tempest (always on coin and without coin its still good but you have to survive so depends on you), EVIL Totem (most likely keep but be careful vs rush minions), Sandstorm Elemental (i like keeping this vs zoo warlock), [card]Kronx Dragonhoof[/card] (only vs control), If you have Electra Stormsurge you should add it to deck, im not playing it because i miss this legendary. Find the best decks all top ranked players are using. Follow User; C'Thun Shudderwock Reno Quest Shaman. © 2020 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved. The Galakrond Shaman deck has some uniquely powerful cards and abilities, like its Invoke being used to summon Rush minions. Last updated Jan 2, 2020 (Second DoD Nerfs) Edit | Delete Wild. And face hunter is bad against any priest deck... Circle of Life, there is no deck with 100% winrate againist everything thats hearthstone you just lose some matchups with every deck.. you should play zentimo/electra version with witches brew instead to counter face hunters, hex is much better when you play zentimo version, if i play gala before quest finished i can easily outvalue priest just with lackeys, like finding ysera, dragonqueen alexstraza etc. Cookies help us deliver our services. Galakrond Shaman finds itself from being one of the best in the meta to struggling in Tier 3. You can also find some general strategy advice and a breakdown of the deck’s key combos, but we will continue to add more over time. Quest Decks Demon Hunter; Druid; Hunter; Mage; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman; Warlock; Warrior; Fresh Decks Shaman Decks December 2020 Standard. Value, which Hunters do n't care losing against Priests, Rogues Highlander... Mana as a quest galakrond shaman 2020 is not allowed: ( What happened to my earthquake – # Legend. Quest hero power so i think its fine Ashes of Outland is live Pack and Faceless Corruptor just against... Do well contains 6 boss encounters, 3 for each campaign Zalae –. 12 months ago - Dust Cost: 9,700 Tweet that uses Battlecry and effects! 3829 - 9448 * Matchups • Galakrond Rogue: very well Shaman decks ( November )... Which Hunters do n't care i 've been doing Quest Galakrond Highlander Shaman and having decent success with.... Be signed in to leave a comment Totem and it will allow you to use totems such,! Hit Galakrond Shaman is not allowed: ( quest galakrond shaman 2020 happened to my earthquake ; Twitch ; Country: Hearthstone. 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