Maybe migraines if they drink one glass of wine. Keep them out in the first place with Anti-Blue Laws. Confederacies do not work in the age of Globalism. There is some suggestion that Wilson regretted the consequences of some of his actions in later life, and that may have included his role in establishing the federal reserve. The governor of Texas has. Better to prepare yourself for a worst case scenario than put any faith whatsoever in the man made idol called “The US Constitution”. That and a way for states to officially nullify fed court decisions and laws. The question that remains is whether that generation’s Christians will be prepared to build upon her ruins. “giving power back to you the people” Trump…. The Senate must return to its parallel role to that of the House of Lords in Great Britain. Again, there would be no bottleneck as SCOTUS is effectively controlled by Congress. A Weak Constitution? Should be left to the states (see 10th amendment). Excerpt from the Preface of the free online book “A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government,” at  In some ways Switzerland had more differences to deal with than the US. The anti-Federalists were dead on with their objections to it and history is a consistent witness to the Constitution’s failure. In the video below Rep. Alan Grayson questions the FED inspector General about the missing $9 trillion dollars. This date of 1913 keeps popping up on my radar-its when The central bank the Federal Reserve was put into place, it was when a federal income tax was instituted, it was when 2nd wave feminism was at its peak(they were given the vote 5 years later). Having found gymnastic exercises beneficial to his own weak constitution, Prodicus formulated a method that became generally accepted and was subsequently improved by Hippocrates. So if one has such compartment, and it is empty, does one still get a felony case?  Like last time, the nation is starkly split over a ticking time bomb of demographic change that threatens to permanently undermine one of the two major parties. And that’s for jobs that don’t involve carrying a weapon, such as HVAC maintenance. He also rejects that Christ is our (ONLY) King now, despite a plethora of New Testament passages that prove otherwise. You bring up a good point that our courts operate out of English common law, not in the constitution, which places an emphasis on precedent not the letter of the law as it is written. Make memes, put it on your bumper, spread it. The Articles created a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central government, leaving most of the power with the state governments. Solving big problems might mean giving up some cherished myths. but you are jumping to a false conclusion. Though I agree that Congress has hit upon the idea of (illegally) loaning its legislative power to SCOTUS “on the down low” so that the Congress critters who are accountable to their constituents can let the unaccountable SCOTUS make the unpopular calls. In actual fact, enacting term limits on elected officials will significantly increase the power of the unelected political leaders of the Dems and GOP. The time for federations ended. May it never be! how frustrating – actual military defeated by snowflakes… What about the Supreme Court? The profession of shedding blood for the Republic is proof of stake. Then find out how much you REALLY know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Ops – you sure did. Those in the audience who have a weak constitution or a giant asshole, should leave this theatre immediately! All good points in this article. ], On earth as it is in heaven.” – Matt 6. Any of their children born INSIDE THE U.S. AFTER MOM AND DAD ARE CITIZENS, can vote. This is borne out in the following two passages: ‘And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: An Amendment which would disallow anybody who makes a permanent change of address to a new state from voting in that state for a full 10 years from the date that they establish residence in the new state. They’re utterly shocked. The others have been flat out told to gtfo. If you don’t pay for gas, you don’t get to choose where we go. And in a very prejudicial way. In fact, the leading figures were your typical libertarians. Many of today’s young Hillary voters will be voting for Trump in 2020 after four years of real life on their hands, four years of working for a living, paying taxes, maybe contemplating kids of their own. Last, tighten up the Interstate Commerce Clause so that it can’t be used as a catch all to regulate the shit out of everything in life. if it repeats, or even rhymes… I’ll take the Torah over the biblically seditious Constitution 8-days a week. I have to get some fresh air and exercise pretty much daily. Cap number of laws. Agreed about skin in the game. The best way would be to actually put in protections for property etc so the government just couldn’t tax away everything you own. There is a difference to those with insight. Number 2 heavily violates the separation of powers. Her books, CD's and a wealth of other resources are available via this website. Edit: they are the most important IMO…and greatest risk presently. 2) Any new law, program, regulation, or fee, fine, levy must be passed in 2 consecutive sessions of the legislature with an intervening election. You’ll note my original post on the thread didn’t even touch term limits, I was simply agreeing and adding to the list provided by onetruth. People are startled when I inform them that SCOTUS has no Constitutional power to “judge if something is Constitutional”. The 10th is covered by the 14th, which allows all of the rights in the Bill of Rights to be universal across the nation, but nothing else really. I heavily agree on the first point: the Senate is supposed to be the guiding hand that is above the chaotic populism that drove disasters such as the French Revolution, the Cuban Revolution and a host of other left-wing revolutions in history. Cap the number of laws Those in Washington don’t care about your rights and with the help of the Federal Reserve have almost fully dismantled the constitution by twisting words in their favor. Prohibit the government from abolishing cash. Historically it has even been used, for examples Massachusetts ceded part of its territory to New York (in 1855) and ceded its territory of Maine, allowing it to become its own state (in 1820). New: Women’s Health & Hormones online course taught by Dr. Welch, with an innovative approach to understanding women’s hormones and health conditions. Scumbags are out doing their thing. A big part. I support repealing the 23rd, but Congress has to retain its complete control of DC. Any member could propose to repeal any law, tax, or regulation and it would get a vote. Many wanted to strengthen the role and authority of the national government but feared creating a central government that was too powerful. Article 4 Section 3. Your kingdom [NOT man’s constitutional kingdom!] I also wanted to add that even if DC is a territory like Puerto Rico, it can still be directly administered by Congress if Congress so chooses to act. The Reformation was just an accurate assessment of how stupid Catholic doctrine was. 2 and 3 – Easy to repeal laws and taxes, hard to enact new ones. I have to do my 5-10 minutes of yoga a day. Exercise is very important to maintaining a … Okay, boring sometimes. One or the other, with the occasional good mood thrown in. Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Their rabble do whatever they’re told, and their leadership is utterly blind to why nobody likes them or wants them around. A basic principle in Chinese Medicine is that through shifting the body to a more neutral constitution, internal balance is achieved and health will result. How to Fix the Supreme Court: Weaken It The nation's founders didn't want an all-powerful court, and the Constitution provides the means for restoring its lesser role in government. the 10th amendment is generally fine but sadly it means nothing today. Yes the courts have gotten away with murder which is an area the constitution could be improved upon. Do you not accept that the sc is already part of the legislative process? Really if I have no right to harm myself I have no right at all because the Government will argue that I am harming myself so they should be able to decide how best to treat me and my family. Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn’t a clue. I have to do my alternate nostril breathing. The U.S. Constitution it produced has been called a "bundle of compromises" because delegates had to give ground on numerous key points to create a Constitution that was acceptable to each of the 13 states. And they certainly shouldn’t be able to vote to tax others. And something gives way. They seem to get away with it. How about cater to the 98% of the population who ARENT sexually deranged? Maybe migraines if they drink one glass of wine.  Furthermore, the individual states that make up Switzerland were a loose alliance for centuries before they became a federal republic like the US. Exercising Regularly Engage in physical activity daily. As soon as you get out of Denver and boulder CO is as right wing as anyone could want. She was totally ignorant about politics, yet she voted everytime and for a green/socialdemocratic party (can’t remember the name right now). Repeal the 23rd amendment.  Corruption is a legitimate concern, but by making senators elected by popular vote, the very purpose of having a senate was undermined.  Most importantly, the states were finally completely deprived of any say in the federal government. See blog article “The Kingdom is Not of the World But in the World” at Otherwise, ya you’re getting a civil war, and it will take less than a week after it starts for it to collapse Canadian governance as well (at least there will be some benefit of your second civil war). It’s time to get past American exceptionalism and the insistence that America does everything the best. WikiMatrix. Swiss cities are often their own small states while bigger states tend to be more rural, avoiding some problems of representation that haunt the USA. They make buckets of crazy laws they know aee unconstitutional and it’s the law of the land till the Supreme Court gets around to overturning it…. My most crucial recommendation is making a partial revision of the 19th amendment (women’s right to vote). Good starts. They entered the modern era without giving women the vote, up to the 1970’s. Any country with a bill of rights embedded in its constitution will always be a judicial tyranny, so if you want a republic again, you need to start there before moving on to repealing the 17th and 19th amendments. What I’d also add is an amendment returning the Supreme Court to its original purpose: to INTERPRET laws, NOT to MAKE laws. All those things which come natural to men became crimes. your average american is in massive debt which means they do not understand “you can’t run up your household debt beyond your means to repay.”. They feel that if they protest (what precisely nobody knows) and throw temper tantrums then this will “start a conversation” aka “Sit down and shut up and let met Marxist in your face!” and then all will be right. The founding fathers toked up and envisioned a hemp economy, so lets be patriotic and get it done! Give that power back to the state legislatures. Passing the US Citizenship test in English shouldn’t be a problem for anyone who has served in the US military. The elites push Socialism and Global Trade agreements and such to be able to bribe few individuals and force their will upon the masses. Here are some changes we would need to make to get there: 1. Marxism just gave all this non-sense the trappings of a coherent theory. Yes, but that’s getting court challenges and I believe that only means after-factory ad ons, which is still wrong of course. Amendment 420, legalize weed and tax it BIGLY there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so Pass the sort of laws that will trigger snowflakes so hard they ‘just can’t’ move to your Red State. One of the ideas of the Confederacy to protect the rights of states in their constitution is granting state legislatures the power to bring articles of impeachment against officials of the central government so I think this would be a good modification to our constitution. 3. Nope. New Hampsphire despite having a massive congress, has few, and wise laws, its a great example of what the US could be like. I’d expect that some “ward-heeler” type could strongarm the State Legislature into electing him Senator by riding a wave of “gibs-based” populism, especially since SCOTUS’ Reynolds v. Sims ensures that our liberal cities have an unduly yuuuge representative body in state legislatures. Personally I would like to see the supreme court modified with in addition to the Judges appointed by the president I would like to see additional judges one appointed from each of the states to rule with them. You miss the point. This currently applies mostly to 2nd Amendment issues, but my thought is that it should be expanded to all of our rights. It seems to be human nature to do what we can get away with. College age women will almost always be brainwashed into voting liberal even though they don’t know what in the hell they are doing. Powered by ​, Transitioning into Two Different Third Stages of Life. How so when most of the doctrines of the left come from it? Note: Neutral is the most balanced body constitution and is the least susceptible to illness. Even so, he has what, < 60 minutes? A cycle of reform in state government has marked the past decades, prompted by a concerted effort to strengthen historically weak governorships. WalMart cashiers, no matter how stupid still understand bills have to be paid, you can’t run up your household debt beyond your means to repay. Take America’s first Constitution, for example: “New Haven Fundamental Agreement [1639]; We all agree that the scriptures hold forth a perfect rule for the direction and government of all men in duties which they are to perform to God and to man, as well in families and commonwealth as in matters of the church; so likewise in all public officers which concern civil order, as choice of magistrates and officers, making and repealing laws, dividing allotments of inheritance, and all things of like nature, we will, all of us, be ordered by the rules which the scripture holds forth; and we agree that such persons may be entrusted with such matters of government as are described in Exodus 18:21 and Deuteronomy 1:13 with Deuteronomy 17:15 and 1 Corinthians 6:1, 6 & 7….”, “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! The Constitution strengthened the national government by giving the national government specific powers. Go back to a direct tax that is apportioned, and not progressive. Term limits Cap the size of government as a percentage of population. The answer is holding officials accountable for their actions whether they’ve been in office 2 years or 2 decades. Less than 200 years later, the US again finds itself facing conditions that could lead to a civil war. That means that the warantless “roadside sobriety checks” go away, there is nothing in the world that can justify a warantless search without probable cause, I don’t give a rat’s ass if some consider (wrongly) driving a “privilege”. (function(){ var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById'; var i=d[ce]('iframe');i[st][ds]=n;d[gi]("M322148ScriptRootC225736")[ac](i);try{var iw=i.contentWindow.document;;iw.writeln("");iw.close();var c=iw[b];} catch(e){var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M322148ScriptRootC225736");}var dv=iw[ce]('div');"MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=225736;c[ac](dv); var s=iw[ce]('script');s.async='async';s.defer='defer';s.charset='utf-8';s.src="//"+D.getYear()+D.getMonth()+D.getUTCDate()+D.getUTCHours();c[ac](s);})(); If it means some regions choose to be “backwards” or “vote against their own interests” according to people of another region, so be it.Â. I would like an upper age limit on all government office. But I have to do it or I begin to feel crummy. At that time, the Republic will be subjected to His judgment. But who will make our addictive porno movies, anti-white male and pro black male-white female interracial media, The never ending phantom “KKK” and “White Supremacist” bogeymen, and our import the dregs-of-the-Earth immigration policies? 1) Increase the minimum age for president to 50. I really, honestly, probably would.  Sometimes the splitting states are made into half-cantons that get one senator each. No changes whatsoever may be made to the bill following the first passage. The 17th amendment is often overlooked but it was one of the most blatant power grabs by federal cronies ever conducted. Someone with no back bone. That’d be a strange circumstance. Participate in exercises suitable for age. And your CO can legally order you to your death. Freedom over legislation. It is certainly my nature—one I rise above with varying degrees of success now and then. If an official has been running a government agency too long, vote him/her out or vote out the person that appointed him/her to that position or oversees that agency. Someone with a weak constitution simply cannot get away with very poor food choices or lifestyles for too long. Strong people are not impervious. So we can take comfort in the possibility that our good (if forced) habits can help us go the distance every bit as well as our sturdy friends. you can call congress stupid all you want, and they are, but there is no way your average congressman is dumber than your average wal mart cashier. Problem is that would likely eliminate the wisest and most mature in power, history is filled with young, inexperienced leaders leading their followers to disaster. It’s a tyranny of the majority, or even an influential minority. (I’m just that tamasic). We Have had monarchy…, And Zucerberg wishes to be Emperor… Drinking and gambling and whoring were declared unlawful. Term limits are the answer. come. A person prone to illness back in 'the day', was said to have a weak constitution. people develop the discipline and knowledge they need to manage their health, they can maintain it for a very long time. I think we should also define Supreme Court jurisdiction as well. In what world is repealing the 1, 2 or 4th even justifiable? While I’d modernize it a bit (one must pass the U.S. If the firearm is made locally in state and sold to a resident of the state, they have legislation that declares right up front that the firearms are not subject to Federal laws and restrictions on firearms, since no interstate commerce is involved. Watch an excerpt from the Foundations of Āyurveda Part I online course. How Our Government Is Sanctioning A New Kind of Tyranny, How The Media Lies Through Omission And Distortion,,,,,, 2 Signs To Identify A Liberal In Disguise, Comfort Will Not Give You Meaning In Life, The Devolution Of The West Can Be Seen Through Popular Sports, If You Hate the Patriarchy, Give Us Back Our Electricity, 4 Weird Signs That You Have High Testosterone, Men Have Foolishly Ignored The Warning In The Book Of Genesis, 5 Types Of Women Who Should Quit Acting Like They’re Supermodels, How To Fight Feminist Organizations Such As “Muslims For Progressive Values”, Develop Your Discipline With This Simple Habit, Why In Your Own Life You Should Be Very Offensive, 11 Online Personalities You Should Follow, How The Second American Civil War Will Unfold, Vice Editor Jason Koebler Makes Stunning Confession About How Journalists Assist Online Censorship, “His Girl Friday” Is A Red Pill Classic That Most Men Have Never Seen, All That’s Left For Normal Men Are Rotten Women, LAST CHANCE! Obviously indoctrination and folly run deep in you. (Pretty impressive, huh?) The essence of the alterations of certain sections of the constitution, which I have sponsored is to strengthen that institution. I don't understand people who say kids "need" preschool. the same shit is done by Latin Americans, They escape their socialist shithole country, then vote for the same socialist shit in America, So the third or forth generation of them will need to move to another state when everything goes to shit again, so they can vote to the same shit again in a new state, until there are no more state and move to another country, is like a cancer. They appear to have iron digestive systems and steel constitutions impervious to cheese, wheat, sugar, caffeine and fluorescent colored food. This is not to say that there is a problem, by the way, with having a strong constitution. “Nowadays you hear KYC…Know Your Customer is an important aspect of digital security. There’s only one standard by which everything (including the Constitution) is to be ethically evaluated: By Yahweh’s unchanging morality as reflected in His Ten Commandments and their respective statues and judgments. Until reading the constitution I never even knew senators were supposed to be elected by state legislatures, not the popular vote. Agreed. most have not learned any lessons on why their home state came to be a middle class nightmare. 4) The unelected bureaucracy (nobody should be able to make a full time career as a government drone). I hear that Obama is now “joining the ceremony” which means, yes thank God almighty, that his reign of terror is finally finished and done. It still has human beings involved. In this, allow for states to opt out of federal services and lower the amount of federal sales tax that is collected in their jurisdictions. On April 5, 2010 at 5:15 pm. We fucked up. Nixon had a lot to do with that I believe, as well as some idiocy that went on during the Reagan administration. The feds came in and the state failed to defend. I suppose it is natural for us weaker mortals to envy the folks who seem to get away with a lot. Sims with Weak Constitutions will lose Stamina in combat faster, so it's a good idea not to give this Flaw to Monarchs, Knights, or Spies. Play this game to review Civics. In Native country, it’s usually a team of really old people with lots of experience. I’ve seen nothing good come out of Corporate States. while their proponents were a bunch of hypocrites (the best place for a slave is under the yoke of master- so said my-Human-Rights Voltaire or abandon-your-5-children-and-then-publish-a-book-on-child-rearing Rousseau just to name a few). 2. She kept deflating my rock hard boner from that absolute babe holding The Don’s arm. He keeps fit with both weights and cardio. Unfortunately, repealing the 17th Amendment won’t have much of an effect until Reynolds v. Sims is overturned as that SCOTUS (de facto) law prevents state legislatures from representing the state. This eliminates welfare over time, which eliminates the vast majority of immigration problems. oh — too late…, History dictates that war is inevitable… Yep. And have the Supreme Court sign off before any law gets enacted. English as the official language Currently most every court operates under English common law which places perhaps too much of an emphasis on precident. Congress needs to have more Representatives. Bella is described as being clumsy, having a weak constitution, being nonathletic and hating anything physical. Marbury vs. Madison is NOT part of the Constitution, but yet we’ve been letting the Supreme Court march to that tune for hundreds of years.  They never seem to mention in social studies class that the system worked like this until 1913 under Woodrow Wilson. Prior to the 1990’s they were a very far-right leaning state. No one minds the Sikhs because they mind their own business and are willing to serve their country. ), much the same as with the Book of Mormon. Following the diet and lifestyle tips recommended for your body constitution helps make your body constitution more neutral. So utterly clueless why they’re being rejected wholesale, they are. Other than your third proposal I really don’t see much good in them. We suffer from his legacy more than any other president, except perhaps FDR. A woman ESPECIALLY must be of sound mind, character, and possess at least some manner of self-respect and class for her vote to be taken seriously.  There are certain contradictions the US constitutional system has never been able to deal with and which have been major issues since the framers were debating anti-federalists who (rightly) feared an excessively strong central government. And don’t forget your Skittles and grape drink…. 3. I’ve had a couple of ideas for a while for changes: 1) All fees, fines, duties, taxes, or other levies, and all rules, laws, regulations, or other constraints, shall apply equally to all. I was provoked to rage and disgust and yells of GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BITCH YOU LOST, Yeah I did and it was annoying. On #1, the Constitution grants Congress the power to state “We need X dollars” and the states have to all chip a portion of that based on their population. I would like to see state legislatures having more power that if they gather together can override the abuses of the federal courts and congress. The government is simply too big and has its fingers in too many pies. The victim then has to hire a lawyer to get 90% or less of their own assets back. Do you realize that congress already approves nominees. Nobody over 65 has anything to contribute. Should people stop using the word "gender"? Additionally, there were high hopes in the last few elections that Texas would turn at least purple but this has yet to become the case. Switzerland until 1972 would be the answer to your question. To interpret a law is to determine what a law entails, which is effectively making a law. Trump said he would recind 2 laws for every new. Eating a healthful, balanced diet can improve a person’s overall well-being. Why did this committee create a weak … Wishful thinking I know but once women got the vote everything went to hell. Once the people of each state felt secure that their local customs and laws would be protected from outside power, many of the national tensions that we see approaching a climax could be easily defused. Congress was supposed to expand the House in step with the population, not just swap a meager 435 seats around every 10 years. For that proposed amendment allowing parts of states to succeed from each other, could that also mean parts of states joining other states? Yeah, gotta repel that 19th Amendment. Perhaps one of the civilizations that emerges from that conflict will be smart enough to disallow the female vote. A warantless search is just that and needs to disappear.  At present they get little representation with their interests over-ruled by big cities that happen to be included within the same political boundaries. KFTT. These people also tend to have drug deposits in their eyes as their body tends to struggle more with elimination of toxins and wastes through the lymph system. A person with a weak immune system should eat a healthful diet. They were nearly a paradise. If you go by the idea of population, we should have several hundred if not a couple thousand house representatives. I’m not sure why the article proposes an amendment to this effect as the Constitution already allows for it (Article 4, Section 3). I feel like he’s My President now:  The whole point of 6 year terms was that senators were supposed to be experienced leaders who would counterbalance the more transient popular representatives of the house. interesting point about the states splitting up. SCOTUS involved in the legislative process would also be the federal government serving itself as SCOTUS is appointed entirely without the direct input of the People. Seems the Federal Government can actually compel us to engage in private commerce and can compel us to be party to private contracts even when we don’t want to. Class warfare, hatred towards all sorts of religion, especially Christianity, disregard of the true nature of man (Rousseau and his folly) among other hits all come from the “Enlightenment” and partly from the Reformation whether you like it or not. repeal a repeal). 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