The COA will continue to review the program for reaffirmation of accreditation every 8 years. They cannot offer an advanced-standing only program. Include the name of the author or publisher and the year of publication at the end of the sentence, inside the sentence's closing punctuation. A collaborative program is a baccalaureate or master’s social work education program operated by two or more colleges or universities. There are five steps in reaffirming a program’s accreditation: 1-) the Reaffirmation Eligibility Application; 2-) Site Visit Planning and Hosting; 3-) the Self-Study; 4-) the COA Letter of Instructions to the Site Visitor(s), the Site Visit Report, and the Program’s Response to the Site Visit Report; and 5-) the COA Review for Reaffirmation Determination. Information about when the Benchmark II Review Brief is due and where it should be sent is on the Timetable for Candidacy—2008 EPAS. Journal Articles Books, eBooks & Pamphlets Class Notes, Lectures, and Presentations Government Documents Websites Codes of Ethics (Online) Images, Charts, Graphs, Maps & Tables Newspaper Articles Magazine Articles Personal Communication (Interviews, Emails) zines … •Site Visit Procedures Programs should refer to the compliance column of the Compliance, Concern, and Noncompliance Statements while writing Volume I of the Benchmark I document. Accreditation Standards regarding baccalaureate and master’s program director qualifications, Accreditation Standard B3.3.4(a): The program describes the baccalaureate program director’s leadership ability through teaching, scholarship, curriculum development, administrative experience, and other academic and professional activities in social work. The program director should communicate with the commission visitor about arrangements such as travel plans, work space requirements in the hotel and on campus, and the schedule for the commissioner visit. Explain the commitment of social work to human diversity, social justice, and populations-at-risk. (1998, October 27). Concern and noncompliance citations are issued when program-submitted content is unclear, incomplete, inadequate, inconsistent, inaccurate, or fail to meet minimum requirements. When creating a reference list in American Psychological Association (APA) style, the point is to direct your readers to the source. Submit the portions of your institution’s affirmative action plan that articulate its stated policy against discrimination based on race, color, religion, creed, gender, ethnic or national origin, disability, or age. Each accreditation standard (AS) should be addressed in a separate narrative headed by the number and full text of each standard for easy identification by the COA reader. The program director may meet with the commission visitor to extend a brief welcome, explain the schedule, answer any questions, and outline the arrangements to escort them to the campus. Direct any questions regarding program membership to the Member Services Coordinator at or 703.519.2067. Letter of Instruction and the Site Visit Schedule, 2.3.6. If the COA finds evidence that the program has made reasonable progress in rectifying the situation, it can defer the decision to a COA meeting within the next year. Baccalaureate programs address one additional standard and master's programs address two additional standards. The commission visitor then invites the participants to ask questions, comment on the findings, and/or correct any inaccuracies. If you would like help citing your sources, has a citation generator that will help make the APA citation process much easier for you. The institution identifies and describes the social work program in its catalog or similar publication. In section 1, the program completes identifying information. Preamble to the code of ethics. Initial Accreditation Eligibility Application, 4.2.2. Call Number: HM586 .S98 2011. After the visit has concluded, contact between the program and commission visitor should end. To determine eligibility for initial accreditation, the program is required to review the six eligibility standards it addressed in the Candidacy Eligibility Application for changes that may have occurred. There are three versions of the Timetable for Candidacy with dates that correspond to the February, June, and October COA meetings held each year. More information on the candidacy process can be found in section 3 of the EPAS Handbook. documentation of courses taught under previous EPAS. The program may send, at its own expense, the program’s chief administrator, program faculty members, and representatives from the institution. Candidacy, In candidacy, draft standards will not be cited; however, staff commissioner visitors, and COA readers may provide consultation and developmental feedback on draft standards. Program purposes and requirements are specified. Mott, F. W. (1916). remand the decision back to the COA for further consideration. The institution has appointed a chief administrator who has demonstrated leadership ability through teaching, scholarship, curriculum development, administrative experience, and other academic and professional activities in the field of social work. The program’s chief administrator completes the Baccalaureate Reaffirmation Eligibility Application form and/or Master’s Reaffirmation Eligibility Application form to demonstrate compliance with the Reaffirmation Eligibility Standards. In 2010 CSWE published the first guidelines for advanced practice in military social work, describing core competencies central to specialized social work service to our nation’s military, veterans, and their families. The commission visitor is instructed to discuss any such incidents with the program’s chief administrator and to refuse written or verbal information that cannot be shared openly. Each accreditation standard should be addressed in a separate narrative headed by the number and full text of each standard for easy identification by the COA reader. An extra day may be necessary, depending on the complexity of the program and whether there is an off-campus site. The review of the social work program by the Commission on Accreditation is authorized by the chief executive officer of the institution. The program should also inform the commission visitor about transportation from the airport to the campus. The program is required to submit a response to the site visit report within 2 weeks of receiving the report. For more information about social work accreditation, you may contact Accreditation. All materials should be submitted to the program’s assigned specialist, unless otherwise specified. If an institution or program releases parts of the site visit report or the COA letter that distorts the decision, the COA reserves the right to release the full text of such reports or letters to correct the perceived distortion. The commission visitor then invites the participants to ask questions, comment on the findings, and/or correct any inaccuracies. •Oversee and review staff recommendations on waiver and postponement applications. The visitor also reviews the draft standards in the second part of the Benchmark II document and identifies areas of further development that the program can use in writing the compliance section of the Initial Accreditation Self-Study. One of four decisions may be reached: Programs dissatisfied with the decision may appeal, in writing, to the chair of the COA and request a review by the COA as a whole at its next scheduled meeting. Remember that the purpose is to help your reader re-trace your steps -- more information is better than less! Telephone: 703.519.2040     Accreditation Office Manager and Assistant to the Director, DOSA The institution must be legally organized and authorized to operate as a postsecondary educational institution under the laws of the relevant state. The program is expected to make arrangements for the graduation or transfer of its students and should work closely with its accreditation specialist during this planning process, at the conclusion of which the date of the program’s accreditation will be decided. Programs may submit a hard copy of relevant materials if the original is online or in a catalog. Occasionally, information provided by the commissioner/site visitor or program may prompt a new citation not identified in a previous accreditation review phase or in between review cycles. Purity and danger. Two site visitors are required when both a baccalaureate and a master’s degree program are being evaluated. The COA may decide to take one of the following actions. As described in the purpose and overview of the site visit (2.3.1), the COA reviews the program’s self-study before the site visit and sends a Letter of Instruction to the site visitors and program director specifying the accreditation standards that the visitors should address so the visit is more focused and guided by the initial COA review. It can also be spelled out or abbreviated as "Sec." Check out this EasyBib guide on creating an APA citation for a web page, or this one on formatting an APA book citation. The Timetable for Candidacy provides a detailed chronological list of accreditation fees, materials, and activities, with the deadline, number and kind of copies needed, and who should receive them as the program progresses through obtaining candidacy, completing candidacy, and receiving initial accreditation. The Compliance Statement column in either section lists the related compliance statement from the Compliance, Concern, and Noncompliance Statements. A site visit for initial accreditation of one degree-level program cannot take place at the same time as the site visit for the reaffirmation of another degree-level program. The commission visitor indicates her or his reasoning in the Comments column for any compliance statement marked noncompliance. ), Program submitted new concern/noncompliance information in their response to the deferral or virtual site visit, Program submitted new concern/noncompliance information in their report, COA or Accreditation Specialist identified a concern/noncompliance issue in the report that was not previously identified, Program submitted a new compliance plan that warrants a follow up (e.g., deferral, progress report, modified or virtual visit, etc. Emergencies or Questions During the Site Visit, 2.4.2. identification of the social work practice courses for which the waiver is sought. The program director should escort the site visitor(s) to the office of the chief executive officer of the institution and, after introductions, permit the site visitor(s) to meet alone with the chief executive officer or his or her designee. if the presentation appears online, you can cite it like you would any other webpage. To cite a quality standard or guideline in APA Style, provide the author, date, title, and source of the work. Faculty members, students, or others should not communicate with the commission visitor before the arrival on campus, nor after the arrival until the appointed time in the commissioner visit schedule. Commissioner Visit I is conducted by a current member of the COA. Accreditation of a baccalaureate or master’s social work program by the Council on Social Work Education’ Commission on Accreditation indicates that it meets or exceeds criteria for the assessment of program quality evaluated through a peer review process. Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the panel review request, the chair of the CSWE Board of Directors appoints a chair and two or more review panel members from the list of active certified site visitors. The Accreditation Review Brief should be included in the beginning of volume one. If the director determines the complaint meets the criteria for a formal complaint, the complainant and the program concerned are notified. Similarly, single degree programs (baccalaureate or master’s only) require 1 day for a site visit. I just have a PDF rubric on my computer that has the contributing writers, but no dates. Commissioners have a minimum of 5 years of teaching experience and have been experienced site visitors prior to serving on the COA.            Title                          EPAS Handbook Master teachers whose artistry glows in private. In addition, site visitors ask general questions about the challenges and achievements programs have experienced in making specific and continuous efforts to provide a learning context in which respect for all persons and understanding of diversity are practiced. Tommasini, A. These standards were submitted, in draft form, in the Benchmark II document. Each accreditation standard should be addressed in a separate narrative headed by the number and full text of each standard for easy identification by the COA reader. Legal counsel, students, or other interested parties are not permitted to attend. The purpose of these meetings is to assess the program in relation to the instructions given in the COA Letter of Instructions to the Site Visitor(s). documentation of practice experience in the specified area of social work practice under professional social work supervision. The commission visitor should be housed in a hotel, not in a dormitory or other campus housing. This page provides you with an overview of APA format, 7th edition. APA (American Psychological Association) style is most frequently used within the social sciences, in order to cite various sources. Requesting site/commission visitors to complete W-9 forms in order to be reimbursed is not supported by the Council on Social Work Education or the Office of Social Work Accreditation. Students who graduate from programs with Conditional Accredited Status will still be recognized as having graduated from a CSWE-accredited program. As this list is not exhaustive, the visitor or program is encouraged to contact CSWE’s site visit coordinator to discuss special circumstances that may affect the completion of the visit. Review the narratives in the compliance portions of Benchmarks I and II for accuracy; update as necessary; and order them by AS (see Format for Volume 1 below). The commission visitor’s primary task is to discuss the Benchmark III document and identify areas of compliance and noncompliance. I'm not sure how to cite them. Submit the institution’s ADA compliance plan or other proof of the institution’s compliance with the ADA. The Benchmark II Review Brief form is a tool used to guide the program in writing a complete Benchmark II document and by the commission visitor to review the program for compliance with Benchmark II and to make a recommendation to the COA. Instant and free! In-text citations An APA in-text citation is included in research projects in three instances: When using a direct quote, paraphrasing information, or simply referring to a piece of information from another source. Hotel accommodations should be arranged so that the commission visitor has a place to work on the Benchmark II Review Brief. Retrieved May 4, 2008, from Code/code.asp  (No period after the URL),, APA Formatting and Style Guide -- The OWL at Purdue. In APA style, … Concern: The program submitted information was unclear, incomplete, inadequate, inconsistent, or inaccurate as evaluated by the COA according to the accreditation standards and/or COA’s interpretation. During the commissioner visit, evenings are reserved for the commission visitor to work on the Benchmark I Review Brief and prepare for the exit interview. Core competencies (which define generalist practice or are applied in advanced practice) and field education (as the signature pedagogy of social work education) are the key elements of the explicit curriculum. Adherence to these guidelines is essential to maintaining and preserving the integrity and effectiveness of the accreditation process. The site visit coordinator uses that information to select a site visitor or visitors, and when site visitors are confirmed, sends the names, mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers to the program. These include any legal expenses of the COA, travel and accommodations for the review panel and participants in the proceedings, reproduction of materials presented at the hearing, and other related expenses. Site visitors are expected to conduct visits so that programs have the opportunity to provide information that clarifies, corrects, or supplements those parts of the self-study about which the COA has questions. Programs may submit a copy of relevant materials if the original is online or in a catalog. The minimum requirement of 2 years of post-master’s social work practice degree experience is calculated in relation to the total number of hours of full-time and equivalent professional practice experience that does not include internship hours as part of a social work degree program. Section 2 lists each accreditation standard and related educational policy in the Initial Accreditation Self-Study. Accreditation Standard B3.3.5(b): The program documents that the field education director has a master’s degree in social work from a CSWE-accredited program and at least 2 years of post-baccalaureate or post-master's social work degree practice experience. This is no different when you are citing a handbook. The commission visitor’s primary task is to discuss the Benchmark II document and identify areas of compliance and noncompliance in the first part of the Benchmark II document. There are three benchmarks; the first portion of each benchmark consists of specific accreditation standards that must be approved by the Commission on Accreditation (COA) to proceed to the next benchmark, and the second portion consists of standards that must be addressed in draft form. The program may be represented by counsel during the hearing, and counsel may question any witnesses who speak at the hearing. Skip to main content. In the Location column of sections 2 and 3, the program indicates the document name and page number where each compliance statement is addressed in the program’s Benchmark II document. Please see the Candidacy Process: 3 Year Benchmark Grid for more information. You can then leave the … An accredited program retains its accredited status until all appeals have been exhausted. NASW partnered with ASWB, CSWE, and CSWA to develop a uniform set of technology standards for professional social workers to use as a guide in their practice. Commission Visitor Qualifications and Selection, 4.4.2. The COA will use the text of its decision letters for research and evaluation purposes in aggregate. Citing the NASW Code of Ethics listed on the NASW Web site. The documentation submitted in the formal complaint must be connected to a possible violation of one or more accreditation standards or educational policies. The five steps in reaffirming a program’s accreditation are completing an eligibility application; setting up a site visit; writing and submitting the self-study; the COA letter of instructions to the site visitor(s), conducting a site visit, and responding to its report; and the COA review to determine if the program’s accreditation will be reaffirmed. APA Citation Style Links Resources to help you use the American Psychological Association (APA) citation and format style: Basics of APA Style. Compliance, Concern, and Noncompliance Statements. To cite a web page or report from the WHO in APA format, start with "World Health Organization" as the author and follow it with a period. Coach fare is expected. CSWE does not recommend the use of external paid consultants. Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 2015 Educational Competencies Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior Social workers understand the value base of the profession and its ethical standards, as well as relevant laws and regulations that may impact practice at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Every site visitor participates in training on EPAS before being certified. The COA recognizes the need of some programs, under special circumstances, to postpone their reaffirmation review. If the program has additional questions or comments after the visit, the program should contact its accreditation specialist. After the visit has concluded, contact between the program and site visitor(s) should end.          The new historicism (pp. Any help is greatly appreciated. Conditionally Accreditation Status Language, 1.1.7. Contact your accreditation specialist or associate if you have any questions. It permits programs to use traditional and emerging models of curriculum design by balancing requirements that promote comparability across programs with a level of flexibility that encourages programs to differentiate. The commission visitor contacts the program to arrange a date for the visit and lets the site visit coordinator know when the visit will occur. Academy of Certified Social Workers certification. Citing ACPA Professional Competencies I'm trying to cite ACPA's Professional Competencies in one of my papers, but can't seem to find a date or any other information anywhere. Single degree programs (baccalaureate or master’s only) require one site visitor for a visit. In all relationships with the Council on Social Work Education and its Commission on Accreditation, a program shall demonstrate honesty and integrity. The Initial Accreditation Self-Study contains the final group of accreditation standards the program must be in compliance with to receive initial accreditation. The COA is not authorized to adjudicate, arbitrate, or mediate individual faculty or student grievances against a program. Citations at the Letter of Instruction (LOI) phase of the reaffirmation process are considered concerns. The platform, device, or format no … a curriculum vitae of the field education director that provides information on the individual’s credentials in the following areas: documentation of hours employed under professional social work auspices, the nature of the work performed, and documentation that work was done under the supervision of professional social work supervisors. Letter of Instruction, Site Visit Planning, and Site Visit Hosting, 2.6. This APA tutorial from shows you how to structure and format your work, recommends ways to reduce bias in language, identifies how to avoid charges of plagiarism, shows how to cite references in text, and provides selected reference examples. 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