teeth differ also in structure from those of the hare and rabbit, not having the persistent pulp which enables the rabbit's front teeth to grow continually as they are worn away. Leviticus 11:5 The coney, because he chews the cud but doesn't have a parted hoof, he is unclean to you. A number of other species, including several that are arboreal, live in Africa. Coney definition, a serranid fish, Epinephelus fulvus, of tropical American waters. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. Below are the English definition details. Coney. Definitions from Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828. (Heb. For a complete Scripture study system, try SwordSearcher Bible Software, which includes the unabridged version of this dictionary. (Leviticus 11:5); Deut. ko'-ni (shaphan (Leviticus 11:5; Deuteronomy 14:7; Psalms 104:18; Proverbs 30:26)): The word "coney" (formerly pronounced cooney) means "rabbit" (from Latin cuniculus). Nevertheless these ye shall not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the cloven hoof; as the camel, and the hare, and the coney: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof; therefore they are unclean unto you. Enter Amy Coney Barrett, the dead-eyed, bible licking cunt who on Monday night became the new Supreme Court Justice just one week before Election Day. shaphan; i.e., "the hider"), an animal which inhabits the mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. "Coney" is an obsolete English word for "rabbit. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. The coney (From shaphanis which denotes the Syrian hyrax) is an old English name for rabbit. And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. Over 16,000 Christians Sign Petition Rejecting Amy Coney Barrett, Telling GOP Senators Bible Condemns 'Hypocrisy' Jason Lemon 10/7/2020. DONALD TRUMP and AMY CONEY BARRETT are encoded there. Bibliography Information Justice Amy Coney Barrett will be number 113 and 113 + 40 is 153. (WEB KJV ASV WBS NIV), Deuteronomy 14:7Nevertheless these ye shall not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the cloven hoof; as the camel, and the hare, and the coney: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof; therefore they are unclean unto you. (Root in KJV WBS YLT NAS). Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. This animal is externally of the size and form of the rabbit, and of a brownish color. The coney is an animal which inhabits the mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. What are some of Amy Coney … 5 And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. Neither the hyrax nor the hare is a ruminant, as seems to be implied in Leviticus 11:5 and Deuteronomy 14:7, but their manner of chewing their food may readily have led them to be thought to chew the cud. Shaphan is rendered in all four passages in the Septuagint choirogrullios, or "hedge-hog," but is now universally considered to refer to the Syrian hyrax, Procavia (or Hyrax) Syriaca, which in southern Palestine and Sinai is called in Arabic wabar, in northern Palestine and Syria Tabsun, and in southern Arabia shufun, which is etymologically closely akin to shaphan. The Syrian hyrax lives in Syria, Palestine and Arabia. It is found on Lebanon and in the Jordan and Dead Sea valleys. CONEY kō’ ni ( שָׁפָנ֒, H9176; coney KJV, ASV; badger, rock badger. The hyraxes constitute a family of ungulates and, in spite of their small size, have points of resemblance to elephants or rhinoceroses, but are not closely allied to these or to any other known animals. She will have a lifetime appointment on the court and was placed there by a president who might not even be employed in 6 days. The international form of a ‘Aryeh’ as a first name is ‘Leo’ and its derivatives such as Leopold, Leonard and more. 40 is significant in the Bible. Bible Roman Empire Map - Large Map of the Roman Empire in the Early First Century - Click around on the Places. Hebrew: shaphan; i.e., “the hider” The coney is an animal which inhabits the mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. Hyrax, (order Hyracoidea), any of six species of small hoofed mammals (ungulates) native to Africa and extreme southwestern Asia. Coney glossary term meaning as seen in the King James Bible. When it is said to "chew the cud," the Hebrew word so used does not necessarily imply the possession of a ruminant stomach. See more. It is as large as a rabbit, but is not to be confused with the coney of England, which is a rabbit. She will have a lifetime appointment on the court and was placed there by a president who might not even be employed in 6 days. To take terms that US lawyers use, Coney Barrett is “originalist” or “textualist” in her use of the Bible. 11:5 5 And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. The similarity in dentition is confined to the large size of the front teeth and the presence of a large space between them and the back teeth. KJV Dictionary Definition: coney coney. Its feet are not formed for digging, and therefore it has its home not in burrows but in the clefts of the rocks. CONEY. The Syrian hyrax lives in Syria, Palestine and Arabia. “Coney ” means shaphan . ‘The term cony (coney) as used in the Bible refers to the hyrax, not to the pika (‘true’ cony).’ More example sentences ‘Also called the ‘rock rabbit,’ ‘coney,’ and ‘little chief hare,’ the pika's name is derived from the Siberian word for this animal, puka.’ When it is said to "chew the cud," the Hebrew word so used does not necessarily imply the possession of a ruminant stomach. And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. thesaurus. Cony, any of certain unrelated animals, including two mammals and two fishes. And I know that he truly believes he was being good to us, just like Judge Barrett genuinely believes that if she is confirmed to the Supreme Court, she will be doing good through administering her … WORDS OF GOD IN RED. (See JPS BBE DBY RSV). "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". Coney. An old English name for the rabbit; used in Scripture to translate the Hebrew SHAPHAN, which agrees with the Ashkoko or Syrain Hyrax, Le 11:5 De 14:7 Psalm 104:18 Proverbs 30:26. Its scientific name as Hyrax syriacus. What does the source Hebrew word שָׁפָן mean and how is it used in the Bible? Why did he say he wanted to nominate a woman? The coney, says Dr. Geikie ('Holy Land and Bible,' 2:90), "abounds in the gorge of the Kedron, and along the foot of the mountains west of the Dead Sea. xiv. xi. And I know that he truly believes he was being good to us, just like Judge Barrett genuinely believes that if she is confirmed to the Supreme Court, she will be doing good through administering her … For a complete Scripture study system, try SwordSearcher Bible Software, which includes the unabridged version of this dictionary. (shaphan ), a gregarious animal of the class Pachydermata, which is found in Palestine, living in the caves and clefts of the rocks, and has been erroneously identified with the rabbit or coney. The similarity in dentition is confined to the large size of the front teeth and the presence of a large space between them and the back teeth. The animal intended by this name is known among naturalists as the Hyrax Syriacus. They cannot dig, but reside in the clefts of rocks. Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. Consider John 3:16. See Cony. The Bible has not changed its meaning. He consulted Huldah concerning the newly-discovered copy of the law which was delivered to him .../s/shaphan.htm - 18k, Rockbadger... r.-baj'-er: This term is found in the Revised Version margin for "coney," shaphan (Leviticus 11:5; compare Deuteronomy 14:7 Psalm 104:18 Proverbs 30:26). The name cony was once applied to the rabbit and is still sometimes used in the fur business to CONEY. But whereas hares have a pair of front teeth on each jaw, the hyrax has one pair above and two below. The mammalian cony is a small, guinea pig-like relative to the rabbit; it is more commonly known by the name pika (q.v.). The small rabbit-like animal known as the Hyrax Syriacus (Lev. 7; Ps. They are not found in other parts of the world. "The lawgiver speaks according to appearances; and no one can watch the constant motion of the little creature's jaws, as it sits continually working its teeth, without recognizing the naturalness of the expression" (Tristram, Natural History of the Bible). These. 18; Prov. "The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks" (Proverbs 30:26; Psalms 104:18).They are gregarious, and "exceeding wise" (Proverbs 30:24), and are described as chewing the cud (Leviticus 11:5; Deuteronomy 14:7). Coney definition is - rabbit fur. Coney, a species of rock-rabbit (from its hiding), i.e., probably the hyrax Hebrew: שָׁפָן, šāpān (H8227) 28 King James Bible Verses. Salem Media Group. Some eminent interpreters think the SHAPHAN means the Jerboa. Entry for Coney in Smith’s Bible Dictionary. They do not hide among herbage like hares, nor burrow like rabbits, but live in holes or clefts of the rock, frequently in the faces of steep cliffs. "Well," said I, "I wouldn't like to be as a coney." "The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses … What are some of Amy Coney … KJV Dictionary Definition: coney coney. Specimens from the Dead Sea are redder than those from Syria.Alfred Ely Day, Bible Study. a serranid fish, Epinephelus fulvus, of tropical American waters. view recents. Enter Amy Coney Barrett, the dead-eyed, bible licking cunt who on Monday night became the new Supreme Court Justice just one week before Election Day. 40 is significant in the Bible. Bible Roman Empire Map - Large Map of the Roman Empire in the Early First Century - Click around on the Places. What does the source Hebrew word שָׁפָן mean and how is it used in the Bible? Coney. 40 indicates the start of an era. The Bible didn’t make him do those things; the Bible was his tool. In Leviticus 11:5 the Revised Version, margin, we find "rock badger," which is a translation of klip das, the rather inappropriate name given by the Boers to the Cape hyrax. The Associated Press is absolutely outraged that Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett appears to have “ties” to a Christian group that believes in the Bible. It is neither a ruminant nor a rodent, but is regarded as akin to the rhinoceros. "Entry for 'CONEY'". Specimens from the Dead Sea are redder than those from Syria. Proud member The hyraxes constitute a family of ungulates and, in spite of their small size, have points of resemblance to elephants or rhinoceroses, but are not closely allied to these or to any other known animals.The camel, the coney and the hare are in the list of unclean animals because they "chew the cud but divide not the hoof," but all three of these are eaten by the Arabs.The illustration is from a photograph of a group of conies in the Syrian Protestant College at Beirut, prepared by Mr. Douglas Carruthers, who collected these specimens in a cliff in the neighborhood of Tyre. Consider John 3:16. There is nothing to confirm the RSV tr. The animal intended by this name is known among naturalists as the Hyrax Syriacus. We found a remarkable place in the bible, in the book of Judges, that makes a strong case. "(Heb. The Tabernacle of Ancient Israel - Brief Overview of the Tabernacle of Moses in the Wilderness and the Ark of the Covenant. Hebrew: shaphan; i.e., “the hider” The coney is an animal which inhabits the mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. The illustration is from a photograph of a group of conies in the Syrian Protestant College at Beirut, prepared by Mr. Douglas Carruthers, who collected these specimens in a cliff in the neighborhood of Tyre. .../d/divideth.htm - 12k, Leviticus 11:5The coney, because he chews the cud but doesn't have a parted hoof, he is unclean to you. In size, teeth and habits the Syrian hyrax somewhat resembles the rabbit, though it is different in color, being reddish brown, and lacks the long hind legs of the rabbit. Coney. GAMES; BROWSE THESAURUS; WORD OF THE DAY; WORDS AT PLAY. Neither the hyrax nor the hare is a ruminant, as seems to be implied in Leviticus 11:5 and Deuteronomy 14:7, but their manner of chewing their food may readily have led them to be thought to chew the cud. Its scientific name as Hyrax syriacus . (Leviticus 11:5); Deut. Ginsburg dying on the eve of Rosh Hashana indicates the end of an era. Coney : a gregarious animal of the class Pachydermata, which is found in Palestine, living in the caves and clefts of the rocks, and has been erroneously identified with the rabbit or coney. This places Amy Coney Barrett in the same “taking the Bible seriously” stream as Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Conservative Catholics. It is about the size and color of a rabbit, though clumsier in structure, and without a tail. The meaning of Coney in the Bible (From Easton's Bible Dictionary) (Heb. "The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they" "their … The feet are naked below, and the nails flat and rounded, except those in the inner toe of the hind feet, which are long and awl-shaped. Entry for 'Coney' - One of 8 Bible encyclopedias freely available, this encyclopedia is a descriptive record of the history, religion and customs of the Jewish people (Heb. Another biblical creature that is also a biblical character’s first name is ‘sha•fan,’ which means cony (coney). The History of Rome - Brief Overview Of Roman History from Her Dawn to the First Punic War. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. The apostle Peter, for example, says that “no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation”; that is, the Bible did not originate in people’s minds but in God’s mind, and it reflects His will, His way, and His Word. Why did he say he wanted to nominate a woman? neys. Coney. The word "hyrax" (hurax) itself means "mouse" or "shrew-mouse" (compare Latin sorex), so that it seems to have been hard to find a name peculiar to this animal. xxx. (rabbit). October 3, 2020; ... And yet Providence plays a major role in one of only two books of the Bible that do not mention God: the book of Esther. "Coney" is the traditional rendering of the Hebrew "shafan" (), which occurs four times in the O. T. (Lev. God knew when Barrett and Trump where in the womb that Ginsburg would die on the eve of Rosh Hashana and switch from one era to another. shaphan; i.e., "the hider"), an animal which inhabits the mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. The name of Spain is said to have been given to it by Phoenician voyagers, who seeing its western coast overrun with animals resembling the shaphan, called it Hispania, or Coley-land. of In size, teeth and habits the Syrian hyrax somewhat resembles the rabbit, though it is different in color, being reddish brown, and lacks the long hind legs of the rabbit. LOG IN; REGISTER; settings. | GotQuestions.org, Coney: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com. (KJV WBS YLT). 40 indicates the start of an era. Here is coney in the Bible. .../d/divide.htm - 31k, Hare (2 Occurrences)... hare"): This animal is mentioned only in the lists of unclean animals in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, Where it occurs along with the camel, the coney and the .../h/hare.htm - 12k, Rock (176 Occurrences)... Leviticus 11:5 And the coney, because he cheweth the cud but parteth not the hoof, he is unclean unto you. The hyrax has four toes in front and three behind (the same number as in the tapir and in some fossil members of the horse family), all furnished with nails that are almost like hoofs, except the inner hind toes, which have claws. The hyrax satisfies exactly the expressions in (Psalms 104:18; Proverbs 30:26) Its color is gray or brown on the back, white on the belly; it is like the alpine marmot, scarcely of the size of the domestic cat, having long hair, a very short tail and round ears. <. The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks; Proverbs 30:26 Growing up, I never could picture what these animals looked like. Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff, Bible Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Coney, Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Coney, Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Coney, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. On September 26, 2020, US President Donald Trump announced that he was nominating the Roman Catholic Amy Coney Barrett to become a justice on the US Supreme Court. Coney. (shaphan), a gregarious animal of the class Pachydermata, which is found in Palestine, living in the caves and clefts of the rocks, and has been erroneously identified with the rabbit or coney. .../r/rock.htm - 49k, Divideth (20 Occurrences)... (KJV WBS). Ginsburg dying on the eve of Rosh Hashana indicates the end of an era. The Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment: What is the Christian flag, and what does it symbolize? The coney is an animal which inhabits the mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. Coney : (Heb. General Editor. The History of Rome - Brief Overview Of Roman History from Her Dawn to the First Punic War. Its scientific name as Hyrax syriacus . civ. None of the English names we have for these guys meant anything to me since I’d never seen one. 5 And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. ( shaphan ), a gregarious animal of the class Pachydermata, which is found in Palestine, living in the caves and clefts of the rocks, and has been erroneously identified with the rabbit or coney. shaphan; i.e., "the hider"), an animal which inhabits the mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. Clarify • Share • Report • Asked April 03 2013 • Daniel Rinker But whereas hares have a pair of front teeth on each jaw, the hyrax has one pair above and two below. Its scientific name as Hyrax syriacus . Leviticus 11:5 And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. Below are the English definition details. Shaphan is rendered in all four passages in the Septuagint choirogrullios, or "hedge-hog," but is now universally considered to refer to the Syrian hyrax, Procavia (or Hyrax) Syriaca, which in southern Palestine and Sinai is called in Arabic wabar, in northern Palestine and Syria Tabsun, and in southern Arabia shufun, which is etymologically closely akin to shaphan. But he went on to say that it built upon a rock. The Bible didn’t make him do those things; the Bible was his tool. "The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks" ( Proverbs 30:26 ; Psalms 104:18 ). Learn more. shaphan; i.e., "the hider"), an animal which inhabits the" mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and "the Holy Land. The short answer is yes, writes Matt Malone, S.J. "fish bread" will search for verses that contains "fish bread" in minimum 1 bible version: at least one: search for verses that contains any of the search words. God knew when Barrett and Trump where in the womb that Ginsburg would die on the eve of Rosh Hashana and switch from one era to another. SINCE 1828. Coney definition from the Bible Dictionary. Its feet are not formed for digging, and therefore it has its home not in burrows but in the clefts of the rocks. A small herbivorous animal (Hyrax Syriacus or Hyrax Daman) mentioned in the Bible. ‘The term cony (coney) as used in the Bible refers to the hyrax, not to the pika (‘true’ cony).’ More example sentences ‘Also called the ‘rock rabbit,’ ‘coney,’ and ‘little chief hare,’ the pika's name is derived from the Siberian word for this animal, puka.’ Hyraxes and pikas are sometimes called conies or rock rabbits, but the terms are misleading, as hyraxes are neither lagomorphs nor exclusively rock dwellers. 11:5 5 And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. The Tabernacle of Ancient Israel - Brief Overview of the Tabernacle of Moses in the Wilderness and the Ark of the Covenant. Coney in Smiths Bible Dictionary (shaphan), a gregarious animal of the class Pachydermata, which is found in Israel, living in the caves and clefts of the rocks, and has been erroneously identified with the rabbit or coney. The word "hyrax" (hurax) itself means "mouse" or "shrew-mouse" (compare Latin sorex), so that it seems to have been hard to find a name peculiar to this animal. ko'-ni (shaphan (Leviticus 11:5; Deuteronomy 14:7; Psalms 104:18; Proverbs 30:26)): The word "coney" (formerly pronounced cooney) means "rabbit" (from Latin cuniculus). CONEY. They are called by Solomon, "wise," and "a feeble folk;" they are timid and gregarious in their habits, and so gentle and quiet, that they shrink from the shadow of a passing bird. Some Bible critics say that Moses made a mistake when he said that the coney and the hare chew the cud when they don’t have compartmentalized stomachs like those in ruminants (e.g., the cow). Entry for Coney in Easton’s Bible Dictionary. AMY CONEY BARRETT: An Esther Come to the Kingdom? Theseteeth differ also in structure from those of the hare and rabbit, not having the persistent pulp which enables the rabbit's front teeth to grow continually as they are worn away. See Cony. Here is coney in the Bible. They are not found in other parts of the world. Its scientific name as Hyrax syriacus . It is about the size and color of a rabbit, though clumsier in structure, and without a tail. Judge Barrett's husband, Jesse M. Barrett, holds the Bible. (KJV ASV BBE WBS NIV), International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Justice Amy Coney Barrett recited the judicial oath Tuesday morning in a swearing-in ceremony administered by Chief Justice John Roberts, officially beginning her tenure as … All rights reserved. Resources » Easton's Bible Dictionary » C » Coney Coney (Heb. The hyrax has four toes in front and three behind (the same number as in the tapir and in some fossil members of the horse family), all furnished with nails that are almost like hoofs, except the inner hind toes, which have claws. Leviticus 11:5 And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. The Barrett family Bible is seen on Jesse Barrett’s seat before the swearing-in ceremony of his wife, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, as Supreme Court Associate Justice Oct. 26 … They do not hide among herbage like hares, nor burrow like rabbits, but live in holes or clefts of the rock, frequently in the faces of steep cliffs. "Coney" is an obsolete English word for "rabbit.". Unger’s Bible Dictionary defined “coney” and the Hebrew word shaphan as “a small pachydermatous animal, with a dentition and feet resembling those of the hippopotamus. CONEY. Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Coney. The camel, the coney and the hare are in the list of unclean animals because they "chew the cud but divide not the hoof," but all three of these are eaten by the Arabs. The camel, the coney and the hare are in the list of unclean animals because they "chew the cud but divide not the hoof," but all three of these are eaten by the Arabs. ... little thing. It is neither a ruminant nor a rodent, but is regarded as akin to the rhinoceros. It is the common rock badger” (p. 57). (rabbit). .../r/rockbadger.htm - 6k, Parted (67 Occurrences)... you. Coney, a species of rock-rabbit (from its hiding), i.e., probably the hyrax Hebrew: שָׁפָן, šāpān (H8227) 28 King James Bible Verses. The Barrett family Bible is seen on Jesse Barrett’s seat before the swearing-in ceremony of his wife, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, as Supreme Court Associate Justice Oct. 26 … The species often seen in zoos is the Syrian rock hyrax that Solomon clearly knew well. ", ko'-ni (shaphan (Leviticus 11:5 Deuteronomy 14:7 Psalm 104:18 Proverbs 30:26)): The word "coney" (formerly pronounced cooney) means "rabbit" (from Latin cuniculus). It is found on Lebanon and in the Jordan and Dead Sea valleys. ... says: "I never heard of a stork that when it met with a fir tree demurred as to its right to build its nest there; and I never heard of a coney yet that ... /.../moody/the way to god and how to find it/chapter vii assurance of salvation.htm, The Clean and the Unclean ... Jews could not even eat with the Arabs, who were near akin to them, for they frequently partook of the flesh of the camels, the hare, and the coney, all which ... /.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 9 1863/the clean and the unclean.htm, The Two Talents ... How wide the range"from the colossal elephant, to the coney that burrows in the rock"from the whale, that makes the deep hoary with its lashings, to the ... /.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/the two talents.htm, The Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment: The Works of John Bunyan Volumes 1-3. A small herbivorous animal (Hyrax Syriacus or Hyrax Daman) mentioned in the Bible. ko'-ni (shaphan (Leviticus 11:5; Deuteronomy 14:7; Psalms 104:18; Proverbs 30:26)): The word "coney" (formerly pronounced cooney) means "rabbit" (from Latin cuniculus). "The lawgiver speaks according to appearances; and no one can watch the constant motion of the little creature's jaws, as it sits continually working its teeth, without recognizing the naturalness of the expression" (Tristram, Natural History of the Bible). shaphan; i.e., "the hider"), an animal which inhabits the mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. The small rabbit-like animal known as the Hyrax Syriacus (Lev. Dangerous Religious Extremist: Amy Coney Barrett, a leading candidate to fill the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Supreme Court seat, claims the Bible precedes the Constitution. coney definition: 1. another spelling of cony old use 2. another spelling of cony old use. badger ). It is, however, much clumsier in its structure, without tail, and having long bristly hairs scattered through the fur. It is of the size of the rabbit, but belongs to a very different order of animals, being placed by naturalists between the hippopotamus and rhinoceros. Coney [N] [E] ( shaphan ), a gregarious animal of the class Pachydermata, which is found in Palestine, living in the caves and clefts of the rocks, and has been erroneously identified with the rabbit or coney. The coney, says Dr. Geikie ('Holy Land and Bible,' 2:90), "abounds in the gorge of the Kedron, and along the foot of the mountains west of the Dead Sea. The apostle Peter, for example, says that “no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation”; that is, the Bible did not originate in people’s minds but in God’s mind, and it reflects His will, His way, and His Word. Definitions from Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828. rabbit fur; rabbit; especially : the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus); pika… See the full definition. A number of other species, including several that are arboreal, live in Africa. ... /.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the resurrection of the dead.htm, Rock-badger (2 Occurrences)... r.-baj'-er: This term is found in the Revised Version margin for "coney," shaphan (Leviticus 11:5; compare Deuteronomy 14:7 Psalm 104:18 Proverbs 30:26). It is of the size of the rabbit, but belongs to a very different order of animals, being placed by naturalists between the hippopotamus and rhinoceros. Clarify • Share • Report • Asked April 03 2013 • Daniel Rinker But whereas hares have a pair of front teeth on each jaw, the hyrax has one pair above and two below. Some Bible critics say that Moses made a mistake when he said that the coney and the hare chew the cud when they don’t have compartmentalized stomachs like those in ruminants (e.g., the cow). The children ... /.../christianbookshelf.org/moody/moodys anecdotes and illustrations/bible study.htm, Assurance of Salvation. The hyrax satisfies exactly the expressions in ( Psalms 104:18 ; Proverbs 30:26 ) Its color is gray or brown on the back, white on the belly; it is like the alpine marmot, scarcely of the size of the domestic cat, having long hair, a very short tail and round ears. And two below though clumsier in structure, and therefore it has its home not in burrows but in clefts... Word for `` rabbit. `` - coney. to you, S.J Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com much in... | Clyx.com use, coney: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com akin the... 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