He has also discovered hydrothermal vents and “black smokers” in the Galapagos Rift and East Pacific Rise in 1977 and 1979. She was the doctor in my second year. These large-scale scientific expeditions are collaborative efforts. The floor of the deep ocean is almost devoid of life, because little food can be found there. We have seen some wonderful footage of walruses, the graceful Ethereal snailfish and colourful coral polyps. In 2010, I went back to the Antarctic as part of the first scientific expedition to sample these truly amazing habitats. I worked on fish larvae, managed an aquarium which housed crabs, aged Patagonian toothfish using their ear bones called otoliths, undertook diet studies on icefish and went on fish stock assessments around the island. Blue Planet II is well underway now and for many a marine biologist, like myself, it is an opportunity to say, “I work on those” and get a bit giddy with excitement. I applied. Your email address will not be published. I got an interview. For many people, Blue Planet II will inspire them too, some of whom will go into marine science as well. I didn’t get the job. We visited a series of sites over the next 6 weeks along the East Scotia Ridge. They are a team effort, bringing together scientific disciplines. another link to the full episode of “The Deep”. I was part of team working on the hydrothermal vents where those crabs covered in bacteria live. Finally, here’s another link to the full episode of “The Deep”. This included: going back to university and doing a masters in Oceanography; learning to drive boats; sea survival training; and going to sea as a fisheries observer on a Portuguese deep-water trawler off Canada. Hydrothermal vents have been found all over the ocean, including regions of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic oceans. To sit there with my kids and my partner and show them on TV the Antarctic crab that I helped discover felt like a massive landmark in my scientific career. At the surface of the ocean, water becomes steam at 100 degrees centigrade. This animal is confused by copepods that release a bioluminescent blue glue into the water. One of these hydrogen sulfide-making species is Pyrolobus fumarii (or "fire lobe of the chimney"), that was first isolated from a hydrothermal vent at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Facts from Blue Planet II: Episode 2 – The Deep. It will also go down as a big landmark in my research career. We discovered whole new communities and species and mapped where the different animals lived around the vents. Featured image credit: http://www.mashable.com, Your email address will not be published. Dimensions: 480x270. The hot water dissolves some of the minerals in the rock, and carries them up to the ocean floor. There is no way I could have undertaken this work without the support of so many scientific and technical disciplines. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The second instalment of the BBCs long-awaited Blue Planet II series, The Deep, is a true spectacle, of course it is, it was always going to be. My work focused on what the animals were eating and constructing food webs at each of the sites we visited. In 2010, I went back to the Antarctic as part of the first scientific expedition to sample these truly amazing habitats. wellss8. Flashcards. Test. PLAY. Then I was finally deployed. What astounding discovery was made by a deep sea submersible in the Gulf of Mexico in 1990? Start studying Blue Planet- Deep Ocean. I’ll be spending about 3 weeks working in the area where a large chunk of the Larsen C ice-shelf broke off. The beard worms are packed with chemosynthetic bacteria that utilize the sulfate from the hydrothermal vents. These are hydrothermal vents, often considered among … Primitive pumps that maintained the internal environment of primitive proto-cells may have allowed the earliest life forms to leave deep-sea hydrothermal vents for Earth's early oceans. I got the job at British Antarctic Survey second time round. Hydrothermal vents are the result of seawater percolating down through fissures in the ocean crust in the vicinity of spreading centers or subduction zones (places on Earth where two tectonic plates move away or towards one another). Watching Blue Planet II the other weekend gave me a huge amount of personal pride. I realised during that series that I wanted to be a scientist but not just any scientist, one that went to the Antarctic. Hot, mineral-rich fluids supply nutrient chemicals. This water is heated by radioactive decay from the planet’s continuous formation, appearing as … The series covered the ebb and flow of the ice around Antarctica and the animals that depend on the productive waters of the Southern Ocean. I then looked at the biochemical composition of the crabs and the bacteria. The research base where I stayed was also in front of an elephant seal breeding beach for a couple of months of the year. Spell. If you’d like to test your knowledge on the episode of “The Deep” then follow this link to take one of the BBC’s quizzes. Required fields are marked *. Next year, I am going to explore the seabed that has not been exposed to open waters for approximately 120,000 years. Research papers about hydrothermal vents: Your email address will not be published. However, animals at hydrothermal vents have special biochemical adaptations that protect them from hydrogen sulfide. The PhD was part of 5 year NERC programme trying to find and understand hydrothermal vents in the Antarctic. I moved to Newcastle. Welcome to Episode 2. Although it is narrated by David Attenborough, it is not a part of his "Life of" series. When we arrived at our first location, we used a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to dive down over 2 kms to hunt for the vents. My decision paid off because the job was advertised again. I took Maths, English, History, Biology and Chemistry Highers and got onto a marine biology degree course. Life in the Freezer aired in 1993. In my final year, I got my first opportunity to do some work related to South Georgia. We sailed on the UK science vessel, the James Cook with scientists from different universities around the UK. Posted on November 8, ... Hydrothermal sea vents that belch out heat that could melt metal lead can be withstood by specially adapted creatures (the episode showed crabs and shrimp). This area, west of the Mariana Trench, is where plate spreading and submarine volcanism are concentrated. The part that really caught me was all the amazing life on the island of South Georgia. Gravity. There was a huge amount of relief on the boat as the scientists got to work. Learn. I was finally going to South Georgia! I applied. The episode showed the widespread death and, The BBC managed to capture extremely rare footage of an eruption of an, I found it incredible how certain underwater creatures have adapted. It consists of two parts and includes many aquatic animals, foliage, scenery and more. This brings me back to those hydrothermal vent crabs in The Deep episode of Blue Plant II. I arrived in South Georgia on the 22nd November 2004. Match. When the mineral-laden water, whose temperature may exceed 400 degrees Centigrade, vents into the cold ocean, some of the dissolved minerals immediately separate out to form particles of metal sulfides, which accumulate around the vents. For me personally, sitting watching the second episode of Blue Planet II and seeing those hydrothermal vents was a personal highlight. The answer sent me on a two-year mission in order to get what I needed second time round. Most likely, Joye said, new vents have opened since then, or the rate of hydrothermal fluid flow has increased. The team had discovered a hydrothermal vent site that hadn't existed in 2008. Hydrothermal vents are simply underwater geysers, comprised of cracks or fissures in the ocean floor from which mineral-rich and geothermally heated water bursts forth. The cold seawater is heated by hot magma and reemerges to form the vents. This was very fortunate because just as I was about to graduate a job working for British Antarctic Survey was advertised for a two-year fisheries scientist working on South Georgia on these animals. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Once more I got an interview. The strange life forms that thrive at hydrothermal vents could shed light on how life arose on Earth, and whether it could exist on Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa. Scientist never undertake their work in isolation on these types of projects. The bobbit worm seemed to get the hospital that my partner works at very excited and I’m sure last week’s episode about plastic pollution will get many people thinking about the impact our daily lives have on the ocean. Under the sea, hydrothermal vents may form features called black smokers or white smokers. I worked with scientists that had backgrounds in chemistry, geology, microbiology, biology, computer science and supported by mechanical and electrical engineers, technicians and a large ships crew. The opening scene where David Attenborough was standing in a vast snow and ice landscape was mesmerising. We sailed from the Falklands on the UK research vessel, the James Clark Ross, to South Georgia. Bill Nye discusses the discovery of hydrothermal vents on the ocean's floor. Size: KB. However, down in the deep sea under extreme pressures, water remains liquid at … The research was varied. Hydrothermal vents are sites on the seafloor that release very hot fluids, rich in minerals into the water at the bottom of the ocean and are surrounded by high densities of life. Marvel at how life can thrive in places such as the Mariana Trench, the world’s deepest oceanic crevasse that can fit a whole Mount Everest inside it! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Underwater video captured by Ocean Networks Canada will be featured in The Deep, the second episode of the BBC series Blue Planet II, which begins airing today. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Hydrothermal vents are known to occur along tectonic boundaries in the Earth’s crust, so the >56,000 km-long mid-ocean ridge system is a great place to begin our search. The scenery and animal life were also truly amazing. I was wondering how on earth I would ever get back to the Antarctic. Texas A&M Oceanographers On Pacific Expedition Will Be Featured On BBC Blue Planet Live March 27-28 Dr. Jason B. Sylvan is serving as chief scientist for the NSF-funded research cruise studying East Pacific Rise hydrothermal vent ecosystems, with … For me, I am about to start another Antarctic adventure. Facts learned from Blue Planet II: Episode 1 – One Ocean. The Discovery of New Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Communities in the Southern Ocean and Implications for Biogeography, Microdistribution of Faunal Assemblages at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents in the Southern Ocean, Spatial Differences in East Scotia Ridge Hydrothermal Vent Food Webs: Influences of Chemistry, Microbiology and Predation on Trophodynamics, STEM Students answer Children’s Questions #8, #TryThisTuesday: Colourful Flower Bouquet, STEM Students answer Children’s Questions #7. I flew to down through South America to the Falkland Islands with part of the team that I would living and working with for the next two years. The research team has been assembled from a number of different universities and institutions and will once more be a collaborative effort. I got the PhD position. Citizen explorers are invited to join us on rare and exclusive expeditions to explore and document the 95% of the seafloor that man has rarely visited, including iconic shipwrecks, hydrothermal vents, deep-sea canyons, and extreme biological events around the world. Hydrothermal vents exist because the earth is both geologically active and has large amounts of water on its surface and within its crust. Blue Planet Oceans GIF by BBC America. The crabs live in areas where hot water pores over them which provides the conditions for the bacteria to grow. But around hydrothermal vents, life is abundant because food is abundant. The deepest vent located so far is in the Cayman Trough, which is the deepest point in the Caribbean Sea. I stumbled across my next opportunity in the photocopy room. Once more I applied. I spent hours watching video footage of the deep-sea Patagonian toothfish and crabs attracted to baited deep-sea landers as part of my final year project. Blue planet the deep. Hydrothermal vent at depth 2.4 km in the Southern Ocean; (c) NERC ChEsSo Consortium Deep-sea vents occur in “vent fields”, each of which is a collection of vent chimneys clustered together in a relatively small area. It took us to fantastical worlds, from belching hydrothermal vents to a whale fall—the decaying carcass of a … Seeps and vents are essentially underwater vacuums and geysers where breaks occur in the Earth's tectonic plates. Some of the worksheets displayed are ocean world the deep blue planet 5 6 ovr l lesson 1 where in the world is the open ocean g3 u2 l3 lesson 3 dare to compare gems macmillan mcgraw hill 5 hydrothermal vents work ocean currents name period. These beasties sometimes even feed on the hydrogen sulphide that leaks out of the vents too! I was even there at the moment when the crab stuck its claw into the hot water. The next few weeks were a whirlwind of activity: medicals; advanced boat driving training; first aid courses; and learning to drive a JCB. This was not Blue Planet I but an even earlier BBC documentary series called Life in the Freezer, which planted the seed in my mind about becoming a marine biologist. blue planet 2 blue planet ii hydrothermal vent. Relative to the majority of the deep sea, the areas around submarine hydrothermal vents are biologically more productive, often hosting complex communities fueled by the chemicals dissolved in the vent … At the close of a fascinating hour of television we were shown the volcanic activity on the ocean floor, where three-quarters of volcanic activity on the planet occurs. Little did I know that in just over ten years I would be living and working on the island. On the wall was an advert for a PhD at Newcastle University working on Antarctic hydrothermal vents. The footage features the Endeavour hydrothermal vents, a wonder of nature that's located 250 km southwest of Vancouver Island … Discover the spectacular smoking chimneys of the hydrothermal vents. As you can see from the map above, very few hydrothermal sites have been discovered along the Circum-Antarctic Ridge (which surrounds the Antarctic continent). Come and explore the darkest depths of the deepest oceans with Blue Planet II and Observant Scientist. Required fields are marked *. The inspiration that lead me to sitting on a ship, watching a video feed from a remotely operated vehicle over two kilometers below, began with another David Attenborough documentary. The heated water rising above the smokers causes currents along the sea bottom that sweep small particles towards the vents so a whole community of creatures can feed on them. The great thing about getting an interview is that you can often ask for feedback. I would go camping and hiking in order to visit Gentoo, king and rock hopper penguin colonies; climb snow-capped mountains; walk where explorers like Shackleton had been; and visit old abandoned whaling stations. The show will also appear in Canada on BBC Earth early next year. After a number of hours searching the seafloor we eventually found our first hydrothermal vent field. Life in the Freezer was the series that inspired me to work in the Antarctic, which set me on the road (or boat) to South Georgia for 2 years and then to studying for my PhD at Newcastle University. Follow Observant Scientist on WordPress.com, Facts from Blue Planet II: Episode 4 – Big Blue, Facts from Blue Planet II: Episode 3 – Coral Reefs, Facts from Blue Planet II: Episode 2 – The Deep, It is thought that the very beginnings of life formed at, We saw a feeding frenzy where several hungry, David Attenborough gave yet another subtle nod towards the impact that human activity is having on the planet. We collected the samples from the vents using a suction sampler on the ROV Isis. So, I just asked the question “What skills and experience do I need to get the job?”. I spent two years on the island doing science that helped manage the commercial fisheries around the island. Your email address will not be published. And yet, Blue Planet succeeded amply. I even met my current partner on the island. Hydrothermal vents are sites on the seafloor that release very hot fluids, rich in minerals into the water at the bottom of the ocean and are surrounded by high densities of life. STUDY. It is a beautiful work of art, visually stunning, and also of course very entertaining which ultimately is what is was made for. They helped me add meaning to my work and place the results in the context of the system. I spent about four months at sea in the Antarctic across three research expeditions, during my PhD at Newcastle University. The Blue Planet - Seas of Life, is an excellent documentary. It just goes to show that sometime adventures never truly end. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Whether you are into maths, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, geology or microbiology, there is a career for you that involves our Blue Planet. Blue Planet is a user-made expansion pack made by Dennis1991. The trough is located along the boundary between the North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate. Created by. The show will also appear in Canada on BBC Earth early next year. HAGANTA, GUAM – A diverse team of scientists are returning from a 28-day expedition onboard R/V Falkor that has more than doubled the number of known hydrothermal vent sites in the Mariana Back-arc region. They were very similar. Bill Nye discusses the discovery of hydrothermal vents on the ocean's floor. Once I left South Georgia, I had a couple more months working for British Antarctic Survey back in Cambridge. Researchers have located similar chemoautotrophic colonies -- without whale carcasses involved -- near cold seeps and hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor. Why do some athletes train at high altitudes? Write. This indicated that the bacteria living on those crabs were its food source. ... hey live near hydrothermal vents where … You may have seen underwater video of towering pillars of deep-sea rock, billowing out super-hot black water, covered in strange white crabs or bright red tubeworms in programmes like The Blue Planet. The coastal areas were packed full of elephant seals, fur seals, penguins, petrels and albatross. But life on South Georgia had to come to an end. The island of South Georgia was truly stunning. Two years after being totally captivated by Dr Jon Copley’s lecture about the ecology of deep sea hydrothermal vents, whale falls and trenches, he was directly involved in helping the BBC bring these same environments to the public’s attention. I was thirteen at the time. Http: //www.mashable.com, your blog can not share posts by email me a amount. Near cold seeps and hydrothermal vents in the area where a large of! 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