I love that you were able to relate to Amy Tan's story! What aspects of yourself (as a person or as a writer) did you choose to change for this essay? In my view, Tan is right because one needs a "mother tongue" in order to communicate and potentially learn other sorts of language. That is how I would use anecdotes in my essay. Your full-length rough draft for the classification essay is due on Wednesday, November 7. Mother has taught us never to accept pay for kindness." I want to use anecdotes to describe what a person visiting the event can do. I will be telling a short story about my educational views here at Angelo State University. However she is a writer and is fluent in both english and mandarin chinese. While I don't exactly intend to write as though I'm my mother, it is conceptually the same as the way Amy Tan stands in for her mother over the phone in paragraphs 10 through 13; "When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on the phone to pretend I was she" (page 468 or whatever). Also maybe throw in the respond to the other students part on here because i don't care for really any people in this classroom, and having discussions with people i don't know is really the main thing that makes me want to leave this class. Who wants to be the party pooper? This is good though, and very effective in the point she is making. Kids telling stories around a campfire as examples of anecdotes For example, if a group of coworkers are discussing pets, and one coworker tells a story about how her cat comes downstairs at a certain time every night, then that coworker has just shared an anecdote. It seems to me that Tan uses these life experiences to better understand who she is and how to navigate a life of different languages. Give at least three details from the essay to support your opinion. In my classification essay, I will be using many anecdotes to start out. Tan says “ Like others, I have described it to people as “broken” or “fractured” English. I agree, as Tan’s essay seems to be made of almost exclusively anecdotes. Anecdote means an interesting or short amusing story about a real incident. Tan's Use Of Social Experiences In Mother Tongue By Amy Tan. Retoric questions on Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue" Why does Tan open her essay by stating, "I am not a scholar of English or literature," then state, in the next paragraph, "I am a writer"? (pg467) That helps the reader get a understanding on how she feels when talking to her mother. "Math is precise; there is only one correct answer. In my essay I would like to use anecdotes the same way Amy Tan did. Identify the speaker’s values, biases, and beliefs (if you are able). (e.g. She uses this to connect with readers who find it difficult to speak in English. Years later, that young woman became critically ill, the local doctors were battling because they couldn't cure her, they finally sent her to the big city, where they called specialists to study her rare illness. I plan to use anecdotes similar to the way Amy Tan uses them in her essay “Mother Tongue”. This anecdote evokes sympathy and amazement from the reader. "Mother Tongue" Questions on rhetoric and style ... Tan relates anecdotes. Authors use anecdotes to better convey things from their point of view so that the reader can have a better understanding of why the author chose to write the way he/she did. Her works generally reflect on her life experiences as a mestiza. [1] She was severed not only from her German mother tongue and the songs of her childhood but also from the speech gestures and body codes vital to any language. I don't want to talk to the others and reading is the main reason this class is available. I must return to my bed- to think deeply and creatively on my future writing, that is. She even talks about how her mother's english is "broken" in page 470. Concept meaning the Equivalent Target Language from the Mother Tongue. I would be classifying those greek life experiences by how my parents would not approve of me joining one of those fraternities. Anecdote Vs Short Story: Anecdotes are short real life incidents that sound amusing, and interesting and humorous. In it she speaks about how she uses a more ”simple” version of English with her mother, compared to how she would normally speak. She starts out the essay by stating that she is by no means an english scholar. Partners in crime: anecdote writing essay Neoliberalism and applied language studies, 9 1, 237 260. This relates to Amy Tan because when she said “red-faced,” on page 468 paragraph 13. Though “Mother Tongue” is a very short narrative, it’s rich in content. The Best Inspiring Anecdotes of All Time (Short Motivational Stories) The motivational stories and anecdotes presented on this page are excerpts from the book: Top 100 motivational stories: the best inspirational short stories and anecdotes of all time.This page … This shows it self again in paragraph 14, “...they did not seem to have any sympathy...finally called her daughter, me, who spoke perfect English -lo and behold- we had assurances that the CAT scan would be found…” (469;14). She says she doesn't like the term "Broken English" because she doesn't believe there is a wrong type of English she just knows there are different types of English. This anecdote gives us the chance to picture in our head a glimpse of her life. 466-71 in our textbook, as a guide to using anecdotes. ASU's fancy coffee shop in the UC English 1301 students: For your last blog of the semester, please submit a comment of at least t... English 1301 students: For our blog on Friday, October 19th, please submit a comment during our class time, ... English 1301 students: For our blog on Friday, September 24th, please submit a comment during our class time, 12:00-... English 1301 students: For our blog on Friday, November 2, please submit a comment during our class time, 12:... For our blog on Friday, November 2, please submit a comment during our class time, 12:00-12:50 or 2:00-2:50 p.m. depending on your section, of at least two well-developed paragraphs. In other words, mother tongue is called first language or the dominant language an individual can have over other he has had to learn over time. In the essay “Mother Tongue” the writer uses anecdotes to compare the type of English her mother tends to use and the type of English she has learned to speak throughout her life. I think it would be very interesting and novel essay if you write that way. The Principal contract in the passage is between, D-the way ideas are stated and the substance of the ideas, The function of the sentence "Lately, I've been giving more thought to the kind of English my mother speaks" (paragraph 8) is to, A- introduce examples that will illustrate a central point the author is making, What figure of speech is Tan using when she refers to her mother's "impeccable broken English" (paragraph 13), In this passage, the author uses all of the following techniques EXCEPT, In both the example of the stockbroker and the anecdote about the CAT scan, the speaker emphasizes, B- the insensitivity of people in authority, The author's attitude toward her mother in the passage can be described as, It can be inferred that the author's primary purpose in the passage is to, C-promote awareness of damaging stereotypes. Tan said “ Fortunately, I happen to be rebellious in nature and and enjoy the challenge of disproving assumptions made about me” (pg. In my essay I will use anecdotes in my essay by describing my experience at the events I’ve been too similar to how Amy Tan did in “mothers tounge “. If Tan would have rephrased what her mother said the example of the broken language her mother speaks would have not gotten across to the readers. (20 pts.) Using a anecdotes it helps the reader get a personal view that will help get a better understanding of the essay. Her mother can I think it is a good idea to attract the reader’s attention because it’s different from most people’s essays so it would be fresh for readers. negative impact is shown through “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan. Towards the fifth paragraph Amy uses many anecdotes or personal experiences to give the audience a bit more of an insight with the troubles she faced when she was younger with her mother and the prejudice she faced. Asian-American author, Amy Tan, reflects in her personal essay, Mother Tongue (1991), her perception of language and ethnic identity through an employment of anecdotes and repetition. Amy Tan “Mother Tongue” SOAPSTone Example Speaker Identify the voice (narrator) and the point of view from which he or she is speaking. Tan said “Some say they understand none of it, as if she were speaking pure Chinese,” made me decide to write about their thoughts. Why or why not? I like that you are going to state that if a event is effective or not. That I avoid boredom like the plague, to be honest. Therefore as I relate to Tan, I plan to find ways in order for the audience to relate to me and what I have to say. I can describe how some of the students think of Ram Jam. I find this to be an all too common misconception among people learning English as a second language. In the essay she says "yet some of my friends told me they understand 50 percent of what my mother says. I can write about how the art museums relaxing and amusing but as well can be educational. Dec. 2, 2020. It might be difficult for me due to that I have more experiences with the entertainment that goes around Angelo State University, however I feel like I can make it at least the standards pretty easily. Also, Tan describes her mother's language as being "fractured” on page 469. I think Mother Tongue really illustrates how deeply she has thought about this part of her life--the complexities of switching between languages, and maintaining a balance both for herself and for her various family members--and it gives the reader a lot to think about. I agree that Amy Tan is trying to help readers understand or even relate to the way her mothers english is. I also agree that Tan was trying to understand where he childhood and adulthood get their stepping stones to where she is now. The fact that a hospital- a place where you are supposed to be treated with kindness and respect- would do this to her mother is deplorable. Generally, the anecdote will relate to the subject matter that the group of people is discussing. Tan also brings up that fact that her mother's English limited her possibilities in life In the beginning, I will talk about my experiences at the lectures about how they bring people to join by having food provided for free to everyone. The choice of words and anecdote she chose to use in her writing easily painted this situation and let the reader know just how upset and embarrassed she felt because of it. it is a good idea to learn how to cite your resources. In this essay, Tan uses anecdotes about herself and her mother with the stockbroker and the hospital. She says "Like others, I have describes it to people at 'broken' or 'fractured' English." Adding anecdotes is going to help the essay seem more interesting since it gives a personal touch to it. Determine if the speaker can be trusted. I also feel that anecdotes are easier to write about since it more or less naturally plays out as you simply telling a story but on paper. She gives stories of her mom by giving an anecdotes throughout in the beginning of her story . It could even be said that an anecdote can be like a seed in your essay which all the other writing around it sprouts from. I would tell about exactly what I saw and felt, the name and meaning of the event, and the purpose of it. Definition of anecdote- a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing or biographical incident. (A well-developed paragraph is about 8-10 sentences, so your two paragraphs should be about 20 sentences altogether.). Compare and Contrast Both Texts: “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan and “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Similarities: What are 4 rhetorical strategies used in both texts? Another way that I will be using anecdotes to better my essay is by using them to compare each event to one another and place them into more detailed sub-categories if necessary. The two articles were "Mother Tongue" written by Amy Tan and "Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie. I enjoyed reading the essay so much that I decided to write my own analysis. And please bring your textbook to class with you that day (and every class day ). I want to make sure that I go into as much detail as I can. These two anecdotes explain how her mothers “broken” language made it harder on her. In my classification essay I plan on using anecdotes about all the tailgates and ram jams I have experienced when grouping them unconventionally by: free food, free shirts, so much fun and also by over hyped or campaigned events. Figurative Language The humourless events about discrimination against her mother causes the audience to That was the cost many of her generation paid as their immigrant tongues were violently displaced by Hebrew. However, her young daughter had other plans for her mother's time. They advertise to an extent that is repelling rather than trying to get students to come to that event. She was having to talk to a stockbroker for her mother because they were shorting her a check, however her mother was very flustered and was needing her daughter to talk for her so they wouldn't necessarily blow her off simply because of how she spoke. I will use Anecdotes similar to how she uses them but I will connect to my audience on more of an understanding level. For example Amy Tan uses an anecdote about an experience she had hearing her mother speak english and how it wasn’t too good, but to that her mothers understanding of english goes beyond how she speaks it(pg. Her use of this anecdote is very affectionate and effective in explaining the differences in the language uses. Even though “Mother Tongue” is a short story, analyze its plot or progression. It helps the essay seem more personal because when reading it the reader is able to visualize what the author felt during that period of time. 467). Anecdotes can let us look into someones personal life just as a well giving nice visuals to think over. When you use anecdotes, it gives the reader a more clear and better understanding of what they are reading about, it's much better than having a confused reader reading your essay. 470) which really spoke to me because I am this way as well. "(Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue, 63). Such as describing how we as students jump to the opportunities for extra credit or free things just for attending speeches given at school. She gives stories of her mom by including anecdotes throughout. Throughout the story “Mother Tongue” the author, Amy Tan includes many anecdotes. I see you also chose the line from Amy about the gangster showing up to her wedding to show the amount of details. This will lead my readers to either imagine the situation I am describing vividly or in return make them think of a time they personally went through their own scenario in common to mine. They allow you to use more graphic details and have a more "colorful" writing. An example I plan on using is how I really can think about writing down other ’ s about... Create a mental picture because it helps the reader relate and understand more to what the.! Didn ’ t think about writing down other ’ s English anecdote in mother tongue relates. 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