5. Oh, how doth St. Paul, in every Epistle, stir up people to be thankful for revealing these mysteries! THE TEXT EXPRESSES THE ACTUAL INVESTITURE OF THE REDEEMER WITH MEDIATORIAL POWER AND GLORY. II. Oh what boldness have we now to go to "God in our flesh"! THE EXALTATION OF CHRIST SUPPLIES THE SUREST PLEDGE FOR THE FULL ACCOMPLISHMENT OF ALL JEHOVAH'S REDEEMING PURPOSES.VI. 2. He was deserted of men and angels, and is now their head. 1. 1. The "glory" up into which the Redeemer was received, was not, of course, the essential glory of His Godhead. 3. Certain promises were made by the Son of God to His people, which must always have tested His power to fulfil them. The word godliness is a contraction for God likeness. ), (5)His body is independent on all supplies. But as Mediator He was, economically at least, inferior to the Father, and acted as His servant, finishing the work which He had given Him to do, and was thus capable of being honoured and glorified by Him.IV. Lucas.). 5. (2) Another thing mysterious in this doctrine is, that He who has prepared His throne in the heavens should dwell among men. The incarnation does not exist for the mystery, but mystery necessarily enshrines the fact. And now, what is the conclusion of the whole matter? 1. 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy*(dispute) great is the mystery of godliness: God was. 5. If there be no calling these things into question, if they have been confirmed by so many miracles, as they have been in a strict sense, why then, how is it that men live as if they made no question of the falsehood of them? But as Mediator He was, economically at least, inferior to the Father, and acted as His servant, finishing the work which He had given Him to do, and was thus capable of being honoured and glorified by Him.IV. (7) This shows the goodness of God our Saviour towards men (John 3:16). Bradbury. When He discovered the signs of human infirmity He also discovered the attributes of Divine glory and power. "To the Gentiles." We have the best hope of succeeding in the whole work of our duty, from the redemption that is now established. The Whole Bible )The exalted SaviourS. THAT JESUS CHRIST IS GOD MANIFEST IN FLESH IS A PROFOUND MYSTERY. The apostle in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 perfectly captures this aspect of Christian living. For no man can outlive the reasons of inquiry so long as he carries any thing of ignorance about him. 4. But the mystery of godliness knows no such suspicious restrictions. How many breathe the air in ignorance of its component parts and unable to comprehend the explanation which science can give! THE EXALTATION OF CHRIST SUPPLIES THE HIGHEST GUARANTEE FOR THE UNIVERSAL SPREAD OF HIS KINGDOM.(S. A suffering nature is united with an eternal.2. He was deserted of men and angels, and is now their head. Pauline Epistles It brings great comfort and great privileges. He not only revealed the truth which Christ left partially or wholly unrevealed: but also communicated the blessings which He claimed to have procured for man by His sufferings and death. A sermon on 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that says all of Scripture is inspired. Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters Defining the Church 1 Timothy 3.14. And the fact, although great in wonderfulness, is equally great in wisdom and in power, in goodness and in love. II. BEING RECEIVED INTO THIS GLORY MAY BE CONSIDERED WITH REFERENCE TO —1. His Divine nature; the glory of this appears in throwing off the veil that was upon it, and laying that aside for ever; a fresh exposing Himself to the worship of angels; speaking the language of a God in heaven, and thus revealing Himself on earth.4. The New Testament Historical Books Faith, by which we rest on the bare word of God, we make an honest profession of Him, we live with duty to Him.2. Now there were works which He was to do as well as revelations to unfold. "Justified in the spirit. As we are strong in any passion, so we judge; and the heart, when it is given up to passion, it transforms the truth to its own self, as it were. 2. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." The "glory" up into which the Redeemer was received, was not, of course, the essential glory of His Godhead. It prepares him for a dying hour; he dare trust his soul to the care of a Redeemer at last. IV. We may have read the great man's history again and again; we may be familiar with what he has achieved; we may have seen the fruits of his genius, his toil, his valour; we may possess his portrait too; but the effect of it all will be, not to diminish, but to increase, the desire to behold his person, and to see himself. Pick and choose full manuscript sermons from our collection at SermonSubscription.com. Johannine Writings The apostles invited and commanded their hearers to believe on Christ, to receive Him, and to rest on Him alone for salvation. Pentateuch Jul. But in these last days, He has spoken to us by His own dear Son, who He has appointed to be the heir of all things, by Whom also He made the worlds. I don’t know whether that is an insult or a compliment. 1 Timothy 3:14-16 New International Version (NIV) Reasons for Paul’s Instructions. Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters Timothy was not a special delegate, but a prototype pastor in the Bible's pattern for church order. This pericope contains two imperatives in vs. 1 and vs. 5. I. His mediatorial office in the union of natures: He is owned by the Father; recognized by saints and angels; declares His resolution to continue so; proceeds in this character through all His works, of nature, of grace, of providence; He rules the Church; He will judge the world.3. 6 If your god is heartless, you are becoming heartless. But the Persons of the Godhead are three. 2. This will appear if you do but consider what the great business of religion is, and to what purposes it is both recommended as a practice, and promised as a blessing. General Epistles GREAT IS THE MYSTERY — God received into glory. )The exalted SaviourS. An account of mysteries in general, of this in particular. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select an Ending Point III. It looked unfavourably on the great mass of our race. (1) Shall angels see and wonder at these things? (2) After the flood, when our whole nature consisted of no more than what came out of the ark, Noah had three sons — Shem, Ham, and Japhet — and it is only the first of these among whom the true worship was maintained. In the third place, a mystery in Scripture is taken for that that is a truth hid, and is conveyed by some outward thing. 2. As to the propriety of those methods that He used. Likewise, it should teach us to stoop to any service of Christ or our brethren. A vindication of this mystery.IV. 1. Here it is the greatest reason to yield reason to faith. The Old Testament A suffering nature is united with an eternal.2. If God is justified in our spirits it will fill us with a care to please Him. Had it been said of Him now, that He is received up with glory, we could easily come into the report, because there He is revealed with a brightness unconfined: there is no veil upon His face, no limitation to their eyes. He who was destitute below has all fulness above. 2. It works the more upon us. All this, however, wilt not excuse our stumbling at this wisdom of God in a mystery, or these deep things of God. (6)In this union He receives the praises of heaven. Hope, by owning .His Deity, we rest upon His righteousness, we trust Him for protection, we resign to Him at death.3. 1 Timothy 3:16 By common confession, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was proclaimed among the nations, was believed in throughout the world, was taken up in glory. "we must not take anything from Christ, nor join anything to Christ. (2) The nature of this justification is all spiritual. 1 Timothy 3:11 Possibly deacons’ wives or women who are deacons. d. I watch with fascination the mystery of the work of God's Spirit in my life as He conforms me more and more into the image of Christ. 1. God Manifested to Angels by the Scheme of Human Redemptio, Of Christ's Humiliation in His Incarnation, Upholder of the Truth, and Grandeur of Truth Upheld, Of Christ's humiliation in His Incarnation, God manifested to angels by the scheme of human redemptio. (7)He continues the mediation between God and man.4. It is what the apostles themselves came into very unwillingly; their thoughts were of a national cast as well as others; and this stuck by them a long time. The object of God's wrath lives in His favour. A. SermonAudio.com - 1 Timothy 3 Sermons. There were undeniable mysteries among the Jews,(1) Our mysteries are distinguished from those that God gave to the Jews by their continuance. III. He said to His disciples, "You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be witnesses of Me.". 2. The word means teaching. 1 Timothy 3:16 By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was revealed in the flesh, Was vindicated in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Proclaimed among the nations, Believed on in the world, Taken up in glory. It makes times great, and the persons great that live in those times. 1. 2. 3. The ennobling of our nature. Here, we find one Person, and distinct natures. If the course of revelation was slow, they made it slow. Similar to Buddha, but Buddha put it in the negative, Jesus put it in the positive. 1. 4. Let us take heed, therefore, that we set a higher price on religion. How is the mystery of the Incarnation the pillar and ground of the gospel? This grand drama of truth and mercy was opened by the most mysterious resolutions and stupendous acts; it is sustained and carried on by the sublimest evolutions and agency; and it will close amid the most transcendent and ineffable scenes of grandeur and bliss. SERMON I. I TIMOTHY, Chap. A belief of Christ's divinity teaches forbearance of one another. Read verse in New American Standard Bible (5) He who was eternally holy came in the likeness of sinful flesh. As He was God manifest in the flesh in regard of that blessed mass He took upon Him, so we would every one labour to have God "manifest in our flesh." He that has seen Me has seen the Father. II. — sin and ruin all confined to hell! Never was there a priest or advocate so truly glorious. 1. THE EXALTATION OF CHRIST SUPPLIES THE HIGHEST GUARANTEE FOR THE UNIVERSAL SPREAD OF HIS KINGDOM.(S. 2. In the meantime, let your temper and conduct justify those claims of Jesus, which others reject and condemn. They saw all power in heaven and in earth committed to the incarnate Son, and omnipotently wielded for the rescue of man, and for the overthrow of his enemies. Bradbury. As when the sun shines on the glass it casts a bright lustre, so Christ, being clad with our flesh, makes the human nature shine and appear amiable in God's eyes. Pauline Epistles The difficulty and strangeness of some of the chief articles of our religion are notable instruments in the hand of God to keep the soul low and humble, and to check those self-complacencies which it is apt to grow into by an over-weening conceit of its own opinions more than by any other thing whatsoever. 2. 5. His human nature: A cloud received Him; angels attended Him; He abides in heaven; He has received the reward.2. "He was believed on in the world, received up into glory." Believing in Christ is relying upon the righteousness, that He has brought in for our acceptance with God. — the Father glorified! They belong to it. 3. THE EXALTATION OF CHRIST SUPPLIES THE FULLEST PROOF OF THE COMPLACENT ACCEPTANCE OF HIS SACRIFICE.III. II. Another act of our duty is a courageous profession of His name. 2. (4)His acquittance from the Father. It encircled itself with no seeming of doubt and amazement. First of all, that no truth breeds godliness and piety of life but Divine truths; for that is called "godliness," because it breeds godliness. that the great God should take upon Him a piece of earth? This is a sermon on 1 Timothy 3:1-13 ***** Sermon on 1 Timothy 3:1-13 ***** By: Rev. To what is said of believing in general, we may add the circumstance of place where men are to look for it, which leads us farther into the mystery. Faith, by which we rest on the bare word of God, we make an honest profession of Him, we live with duty to Him. Those greater mysteries claimed to impart an inward life. 5. They had spoken "lies in hypocrisy." 4. This, and the other branches that follow, they are all spoken of Christ. Union in the faith the foundation of charity.(T. His Spirit that was in them testified, long before His appearance, the time, place, and manner of His birth; the circumstances of His life and death, His deep humiliation and abasement; and the glory which should follow. The last and greatest manifestation that we have of God is in the flesh. Indignation at the banded impostors was his first feeling. As He is God, He has the glories of the Deity.II. A belief of Christ's divinity teaches forbearance of one another. 3. Unlike this wilful perplexity, this ample drapery to cover nothing, the mystery of godliness was really transcendent. He is thus believed on in a world possessed of the greatest prejudice against Him (John 15:18). The object of God's wrath lives in His favour. I mean the death of our blessed Lord. It is called a mystery from its importance. 9. 9. Christ at length will be cleared, He will be justified. They shut their eyes, despise and scoff, while angels gaze, and wonder, and adore. The express image of His person. They imprisoned the light of nature that they had, as it is Romans 1:21. We are told that the Son was the brightness of the Father's glory, and the express image of His person. This it is both important and necessary to observe. And it was unlike the union among the Persons in the Godhead. The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, 2. Count all things loss and dung for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ. 23. 3. God has been pleased to put a mysteriousness into the greatest articles of our religion, THEREBY TO ENGAGE US IN A CLOSER AND MORE DILIGENT SEARCH INTO THEM. III. That is our comfort. A belief of Christ's divinity teaches forbearance of one another. It is like Hastings mystery of the chicken and the egg, what came first? Lastly, let us labour that Christ may be manifested in our particular flesh, in our persons. The repeated testimony of the scriptures is that Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh. Now here is spiritual light in which, mystery although it be, we may walk. Charity, the several senses of the word. Who shall despair, then?Now, I shall show how this is a mystery. (2)His separation to the work of a Saviour. Sermon. In that God, the Second Person, appeared in our nature, in our weak and tainted disgraced nature after the Fall; from hence comes —. 3. It sets out essential doctrines that he must not let go of, instructions on how to choose leaders to serve in the church, organising welfare and warnings around false teachers, among many other things. The Second Person was incarnate. He is "the brightness of the Father's glory, and the express image of His person." It promotes —1. That the mysteriousness of those matters of faith is most subservient to the great important ends of Religion, and that upon these following accounts. In 3:16-17, he reminds Timothy of the reliability and profitability of the Scriptures. (4) This mystery is attended with a greater influence, both as to purity and peace. He has the office of judge; but the greatest glory is —(1) The union of the human nature to the Divine.3. 1. There was a union, however, between the two natures. We learn from this subject, that the Saviour provided for us is pre-eminently suited to His office. I take it to consist in these four things —. (2) Again, from hence, that Christ was seen and attended on and admired by angels, there is a great deal of comfort issueth to us. Lucas. THE EXALTATION OF CHRIST SUPPLIES THE HIGHEST GUARANTEE FOR THE UNIVERSAL SPREAD OF HIS KINGDOM.(S. Our preaching is persuading sinners to come to Him, that they may have life. What! Just so it is in the case before us. The character of the Messiah, which inspired prophets had delineated, fully proved that Jesus was indeed the Christ. A manifestation of the Divine wisdom, and power, and holiness, and love, is a manifestation of God; but it is not a personal manifestation. To suppose Him thus capable is to suppose Him not God, and thus implies a contradiction. His mediatorial office in the union of natures: He is owned by the Father; recognized by saints and angels; declares His resolution to continue so; proceeds in this character through all His works, of nature, of grace, of providence; He rules the Church; He will judge the world.3. VIII. First, if we consider what the world was, an opposite and enemy to Christ; and under His enemy, being slaves to Satan, being idolaters, in love with their own inventions, which men naturally doat on; here was the wonder of God's love and mercy, that he should vouchsafe it to such wretches. 1 Timothy 3:16 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] 1 Timothy 3:16, NIV: "Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory." Likewise, that the scheme of REDEEMING mercy is thus believed on in a moments time the prevailing of... God 's Spirit be the teacher, it is ; to open Christ divinity. Reasons in these four things — angels upon Christ angels gaze, and derives stability from, its connection this. Strange that He should be justified in the flesh. or men, considering the influence of the redounds... 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