For detailed lists of courses that fulfill college requirements, please review theCollege of Letters & Sciencespage in this Guide. We will continue this dialogue, first by laying the necessary groundwork in our respective fields, and then by exploring areas of convergence and divergence around certain themes. What is opportunity recognition and selection? Descriptions of all the seminars scheduled for the upcoming semester can be found on theprogram's website, which also contains other useful information and features for undergraduates. The application period for the fall semester is the first day of spring instruction throughJune 1. Are we supposed to learn from an art work or experience it or have some particular relationship to it? In these upper-division Philosophy and Values courses students in the College will be encouraged to ponder the questions that will enhance their ability to understand their heritage, their contemporaries, and themselves. Cal Teachis a program for undergraduate science, math, and engineering majors interested in exploring a career in education. Consult your department. WebThe Division of Mathematical & Physical Sciences is comprised of five academic departments: Astronomy, Earth & Planetary Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, all of which are ranked amongst the top departments in the country. Global Warming: Read More [+], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021 Np%p `a!2D4! This course aims to equip students with basic tools to be better thinkers. The Arts and Literature breadth requirement is intended to provide students with knowledge and appreciation of the creative arts so that, for the duration of their lives, engagement with art can be, variously, a wellspring of creativity, a lodestar for critical perspectives, and a touchstone of aesthetic quality--in sum, a continuing source of learning and serious pleasure. Research in Departments Related to CogSci Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for Physics C21/Letters and Science C70W after completing Physics 21. The study of history provides us with perspective on the human condition and with an appreciation of the origins and evolution of the numerous cultures and social orders that have populated the earth. The application period for the spring semester is the first day of fall instruction throughNovember 1. Alternative to final exam. Whether students study history to understand how our world evolved from the past or to focus on the distinctions between the present and previous eras, they will come away with a richer understanding of and appreciation for human experience. It is important to identify an ideal unit load for. How do we make sense of the rise of democratically elected but authoritarian figures like Trump, Putin, Modi, Bolsanaro? With these different perspectives as a framework, the course will then turn to treatments of happiness in the behavioral sciences, evolutionary scholarship, and neuroscience. This course is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding both of the organization of the political economy in the United States and of other advanced economies, and of why the distribution of earnings, wealth, and opportunity have been diverging in the United States and in other nations. appreciation of the creative arts so that, for the duration of their lives, engagement with art can be, variously, a wellspring of creativity, a lodestar for critical perspectives, and a touchstone of aesthetic quality--in sum, a continuing source of learning and serious pleasure. Traditionally, Berkeley Letters & Science (L&S) transfer students select their intended major on the UC application. provides information on how to satisfy the requirement, College of Letters & Science Essential Skills Requirements. If this occurs, you will need to meet with an L&S College Adviser to remove the hold. Student-directed course under the supervision of a faculty member. Each ethical decision we make (or avoid) co-creates who we are, our lives, our relationships, and the world we live in. Hollywood: The Place, the Industry, the Fantasy: Read More [+], Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3-4 hours of lecture, 1-1 hours of discussion, and 2-2 hours of laboratory per week, Hollywood: The Place, the Industry, the Fantasy: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Fall 2014, Fall 2009 WebIEOR: Must have completed at least 2 letter graded math classes at Berkeley. Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for ASTRONC10 after completing ASTRONN10, ASTRON 10S, ASTRON 7S, or ASTRON10. As the foundation of a liberal arts education, breadth courses give students a view into the intellectual life of the University while introducing them to a multitude of perspectives and approaches to research and scholarship. Fellows receive $5000. Do stylistic labels like Classicism, Realism, Impressionism, and Modernism help us answer such questions? The first part of the course will be devoted to the different treatments of happiness in the world's philosophical traditions, focusing up close on conceptions or the good life in classical Greek and Judeo-Christian thought, the great traditions in East Asian thought (Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism), and ideas about happiness that emerged more recently in the age of Enlightenment. Even students taking lower unit loads may still be able to graduate in their planned EGT term by using transfer units or using summer sessions. X. who is credence barebone related to; how many registered voters in new york state 2021; frasi ciro di WebInterested undergraduate students in any major may earn an interdepartmental minor in Creative Writing by completing three approved upper-division creative writing courses and two approved upper-division literature courses from any department that offers them, satisfying the minor requirements, and declaring the minor. What is the purpose of education? No additional course work is required. Why do they orbit the sun the way they do? WebLetters and Science (L&S) L & S 1 Exploring the Liberal Arts 2 Units [+] L & S 1W Exploring the Liberal Arts Hybrid Course 2 Units [+] L & S W1 Exploring the Liberal Arts 2 Units [+] If you meet one of the above criteria, see the next FAQ for the procedure to request an RCL. Are we supposed to learn from an art work or experience it or have some particular relationship to it? WebAt UC Berkeley, students obtain a liberal arts education. In addition to learning key foundational entrepreneurial concepts such as idea generation & evaluation, customer & product development, creating a business model, fundraising, marketing, and scaling & exiting a business, students will also hear from successful entrepreneurs who share their perspectives and best practices. WebThe SURF L&S fellowship allows UC Berkeley undergraduates in the College of Letters and Science to spend the summer doing concentrated research in preparation for a senior Sibley Auditorium. Students develop their own leadership styles and discover how they can create and lead diverse teams to act upon the world. that helps you reach your academic goals. Big place? Students with an approved RCL are still considered full-time students that pay full tuition and fees (unless approved for a rare tuition reduction currently only available for DSP students who qualify based on disability. A third objective is for students to cultivate confidence that through non-specialized information sources they can become informed consumers of contemporary scientific thought, and to develop those habits of intellect to think about evidence in a scientific manner. Each week will close with the presentation and discussion of a defining biological challenge facing the world. In order to provide a solid foundation in reading, writing, and critical thinking the College requires two semesters of lower division work in composition in sequence. L&S College Advisers can support you in finding a major, navigating unexpected hurdles, and enhancing your undergraduate experience. Focusing on both parts of that phrase, the course will proceed along a double path. Grading/Final exam status: The grading option will be decided by the instructor when the class is offered. Freshman and Sophomore Seminar: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Fall 2015, Fall 2011, Spring 2011 Wealth and Poverty: Read More [+]. Grading/Final exam status: Offered for pass/not pass grade only. Because law and legal words are themselves contested, we will also consider the differing commitments that people display toward what counts as law for them. Analyze the determinants of human behavior, the dynamics of social interaction among human beings, and the complex political, economic, social, cultural, and psychological factors at play in societies. We will continue this dialogue, first by laying the necessary groundwork in our respective fields, and then by exploring areas of convergence and divergence around certain themes. Upper-division courses in this Social and Behavioral Sciences series provide students with the tools they need to analyze the determinants of human behavior and the dynamics of social interaction among human beings. Emphasizes "highbrow" arts, U.S. policy, and the social and economic roles of participants in the arts. Each upper-division course in this series involves the study of the contemporary politics, culture, arts or socio-economic structure of at least one country other than the United States. Undergraduate level of 257. Each upper-division course in this series deals primarily with the human events, institutions and activities of the past. Fulfillment of this requirement is also a prerequisite to enrollment in all reading and composition courses at UC Berkeley. WebCollege of Letters & Science Essential Skills Requirements Quantitative Reasoning. The people in the Undergraduate Studies division of Letters & Science are committed to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in all that they do. : Read More [+], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2020, Spring 2018 This course examines global warming as both a geophysical and social issue. 7-course breadth and Essential Skills) Major and Minor Requirements* Faculty from across campus teach courses on specific topics in small groups of 12-15 students. You satisfy the requirement by passing, with a grade not lower than C- or P, an American Cultures course. All undergraduate students at Cal need to take and pass this course in order to graduate. Directed Group Study: Read More [+]. Archaeology of Sex and Gender: Read More [+], Archaeology of Sex and Gender: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2018, Spring 2006 Group study, led by faculty or students, of topics that may vary from term to term. We will introduce the physical science that explains the problem, from the basic concepts of climate (carbon cycle, greenhouse effect, climate feedbacks) through to the models that project future climate changes and their impacts. Terms offered: Fall 2015, Fall 2011, Spring 2011, Hollywood: The Place, the Industry, the Fantasy, Terms offered: Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2015. , commerce and art, fantasy and reality. rl1 We offer a transformative academic experience that is both On the Same Pageis a campus-wide book-in-common program, designed to welcome new freshmen and transfer students into the intellectual dialogue that characterizes the Berkeley campus. International students who are requesting a RCL in their EGT term (final semester), will need to reach out to, Confirm that DSP has included you on their RCL list or s, Graduating Senior in EGT Semester (minimum: one course or number of units required to graduate), Discover Opportunities & Connect on Campus, Options if you are struggling in your courses, scheduling a meeting with a L&S College Adviser, Employment Verification for Reduced Course Load, meet with your Undergraduate Major Adviser (UMA), Paid Employment(minimum: depends on work hours per week, see form), Disabled Students Program Recommendation(minimum: units as recommended by DSP), Parenthood(minimum: two courses totaling six units), Major Honors Program(minimum: two courses totaling six units), Undeclared students who have a 3.3 GPA or highermay request to exceed the 20.5 unit max through an online form on our, Undeclared students who have a GPA below a 3.3will need to. Graduate Minimum Unit Requirements: All graduate students: 12 Units. These fellowships are supported by a number of private donors. Big Ideas Courses take up key intellectual and societal challenges that cannot be adequately addressed by the perspective or methodology of one discipline alone. The applicable laws of mechanics, fundamentals of sound, harmonic content, principles of sound production in musical instruments, musical scales. The word also suggests a set of ideological messages about gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality and nationhood. You might feel comfortable with lower unit loads or you might feel comfortable with higher unit loads. The prerequisites for upper division courses are WebUC Berkeley Campus (American Cultures requirement) College of Letters and Science requirements (e.g. What makes the Earth hospitable for life? The study of history provides us with perspective on the human condition and with an appreciation of the origins and evolution of the numerous cultures and social orders that have populated the earth. Terms offered: Fall 2012, Spring 2012, Fall 2011. inside and outside the business world. Freshman Seminars are offered in all campus departments, and topics vary from department to department and semester to semester. Berkeley Changemaker impact occurs across many fronts: scientific, artistic, social, and entrepreneurial. will lecture on what their areas of expertise have to offer the food movement to help it define and achieve its goals. Undergraduate level of 257. This course will explore the workings of language as social symbolic power in everyday life, as well as the relation between language and identity, ideology and myth. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Topics addressed will include: labor, migration and belonging; food, shelter, and land; health and health care; sexuality and love; and politics and political action. Art enables us to see the familiar world with new, often questioning eyes, and makes distant times and places, characters, and issues come alive in our imagination, which is essential to almost all intellectual endeavor. These seminars are offered in all campus departments; topics vary from department to department and from semester to semester. WebUniversity of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley) Posted 15 Feb 2023. Understanding other worlds will help us save our own planet and help us understand our place in the universe. Today the humanities, once considered the jewels of a liberal arts education, find they must justify their very existence. UC Berkeleys colleges include College of Letters and Science, Rausser College of Natural Resources, College of Engineering, College Chemistry, College of Environmental Design, and Haas School of Business. We will examine the historical and geographical development of the motion picture industry from the rise of the studio system to the "new" entertainment economy of the 1980's and we will examine ways Hollywood is represented in literature and film. This course explores the intersections between aesthetic practice and social change. Exploring the Liberal Arts: Read More [+], Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1.5 hours of web-based lecture and 2.5 hours of web-based discussion per week, Summer: 8 weeks - 3 hours of web-based lecture and 4 hours of web-based discussion per week, Terms offered: Fall 2020 Contact a Collegeadviser for an evaluation. Click to learn more about our Undergraduate Advising Services. The requirement consists of seven distribution areas (expand below for descriptions of each breadth requirement): Knowledge and appreciation of the creative arts. Terms offered: Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2020, Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021. of high school algebra and geometry will be used. As connections and communication between nations become more frequent, it is important that students of the College of Letters & Science have exposure to the essential difference and similarities among various peoples of the earth. We will provide students with a solid understanding & information base with which to analyze and evaluate ongoing developments and debates surrounding climate change. Focusing on historical and contemporary artists and political issues, we ask: 1) How is art impacted by social change? How do we organize time? The Quantitative Reasoning requirement is designed to ensure that students graduate with The goal of this class is to examine how a range of different, and often provocative, interpretations of these stories moral lessons rest on particular ways of reading. Edible Education: The Rise and Future of the Food Movement: Edible Education: Telling Stories About Food and Agriculture. Visitthe Change of College page for more information. Bioinspired design views the process of how we learn from Nature as an innovation strategy translating principles of function, performance and aesthetics from biology to human technology. Diverse teams of students will collaborate on, create, and present original bioinspired design projects. Fall and/or spring: 8 weeks - 1 hour of lecture per week, The On the Same Page Course: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Summer 2023 Second 6 Week Session, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Summer 2022 Second 6 Week Session Job Type Researcher. If you take another unapproved RCL, you will receive a hold on future registration. The course explores the way scientists and engineers understand and evaluate hazards, vulnerability, and risk: three central and unifying concepts explored throughout the semester. An Introduction to the diversity of life on all scales (e.g., molecular genetics, structural biochemistry, ecosystems, and evolution). WebIn searches when letters of reference are required all letters will be treated as confidential per University of California policy and California state law. We will use the domain of music and sound to ask what we can learn about the nature of reality and the methods that we humans have developed to discover how the world works. Each week a prominent figure in this debate explores what can be done to make the food system healthier more equitable, more sustainable, and the role of storytelling in the process. The course explores the way scientists and engineers understand and evaluate hazards, vulnerability, and risk: three central and unifying concepts explored throughout the semester. If you just want to print information on specific tabs, you're better off downloading a PDF of the page, opening it, and then selecting the pages you really want to print. , challenges of extracting principles from Nature, scaling, robustness, and entrepreneurship through case studies highlighting robots that run, fly, and swim, materials like gecko-inspired adhesives, artificial muscles, medical prosthetic devices, and translation to start-ups. Each lower-division course in this series deals primarily with the human events, institutions and activities of the past. Do you wish you had an entry point into the conversation? Freshman and Sophomore Seminar: Read More [+], Fall and/or spring: 5 weeks - 3-12 hours of seminar per week6 weeks - 2.5-10 hours of seminar per week8 weeks - 2-7.5 hours of seminar per week10 weeks - 1.5-6 hours of seminar per week15 weeks - 1-4 hours of seminar per week, Terms offered: Spring 2013 Issues of economic development, population, energy, resources, technology, and alternative systems. We approach the topic through historically grounded, interdisciplinary scholarship in the visual arts, art history, ethnography, literature, and geography. Before joining AEI, Dr. Schake was the deputy director-general of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. Each week experts on organic agriculture, school lunch reform, food safety, animal welfare, hunger and food security, farm bill reform, farm-to-school efforts, urban agriculture, food sovereignty, local food economies, etc. The problem is, we dont do it so wella fact sadly apparent in political debates. WebUC Berkeley courses used towards major requirements must be at least 3 semester units each. Where do originality, genius, and inspiration come from? Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of lecture and 2 hours of discussion per week, Terms offered: Spring 2014, Spring 2013 Final exam not required. Bay Area artists and activists focus on illuminating, shifting, redefining, and making use of the juncture of gender, sex, and power to bring about new opportunities and new futures. Please note that not all programs may qualify and simply taking coursework abroad does not qualify. Should the humanities try to make themselves more professional or "scientific"? Surprisingly the concepts that underlie our approach to music appear again and again in the world around us, and they are still at play in the very latest theories and experiments of fundamental physics. Final exam not required. The course will be devoted both to understanding, and to understanding the relations among, these three aspects of temporality. If you are looking for information on the overall unit minimums to graduate, see theDegree Requirementspage. These seminars also offer lower division students an unprecedented opportunity to explore a wide range of majors and even fields of study usually reserved for graduate students. Descriptive Introduction to Physics: Read More [+], Prerequisites: Open to students with or without high school physics, Summer: 8 weeks - 6 hours of lecture and 2 hours of discussion per week, Descriptive Introduction to Physics: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021 L&S has five divisions: arts & humanities, social sciences, biological sciences, mathematical & physical sciences, and undergraduate studies. To be reviewed for pre-approval, make an appointment with an L&S College Adviser and be prepared with a link to the program you are considering. It provides an introduction to the intellectual landscape of the College of Letters and Science, revealing the underlying assumptions, goals, and structure of a liberal arts education. Research Opportunities; UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-2550. (510) 642-1971. The courses numbered 84 bear one or two units of credit; they are limited to 15 sophomores. RSVP: or 510-725-5862. This is a course for entering students, particularly those who are excited to be here but uncertain of where to start their explorations. Twenty-five years ago the Dalai Lama suggested that a dialogue between Buddhist practitioners and Western scientists interested in the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the world might lead to new ideas and be of benefit to both communities. Designed for non-experts and taught by some of Berkeleys top professors. Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2020. interlinked with racism, classism, colonialism, and dis/ablism. Historical Studies are particularly important because, to paraphrase the philosopher George Santayana, those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat its mistakes. Students will compare practices from across the fields of visual art, film, dance, theater, music, architecture, graphic design, new media, and creative writing, and explore how different artists respond formally to the central themes of the course, considering how similar questions and arguments are differently addressed in visual, material, embodied, sonic, spatial, and linguistic forms. Current faculty members include 9 Nobel laureates, 15 MacArthur Geniuses, and hold the most distinguished teaching awards on campus. Social and Behavioral Sciences: Read More [+], Social and Behavioral Sciences: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2015 To identify pre-approved courses for Seven-Course Breadth, see our. Philosophy and Values: Read More [+], Summer: 10 weeks - 4.5-6 hours of lecture and 1.5-1 hours of discussion per week, Terms offered: Fall 2008, Fall 2006 When selecting a course, keep the following in mind: Courses taken prior to Fall 2016can be verified for Seven-Course Breadth approval by viewingThe Archived Seven-Course Breadth List. Big Ideas in Cell Biology: Read More [+], Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of lecture and 1 hour of discussion per week, Terms offered: Spring 2017, Spring 2015, Spring 2014 Applicants can leave the GRE score blank or list a zero score. Employment - Hours Full time. Topics addressed will include: labor, migration and belonging; food, shelter, and land; health and health care; sexuality and love; and politics and political action. This course is recommended for potential majors and for students in other disciplines, both humanities and sciences. We will explore key aspects of scientific thinking that everyone should know, especially the many ways that we humans tend to fool ourselves, and how to avoid themincluding how to differentiate signal from noise, evaluate causal claims, and avoid reasoning biases. Environmental Issues: Read More [+]. The ways that people understand the Bible are deeply linked with their ways of understanding and living in the world. Follow @BerkeleyGuide on Twitter to see high-interest classes with open seats. Or why your own opinions seem too strongor not strong enough to go anywhere? Student Learning Outcomes: Develop familiarity with the subjects of mindfulness and meditation, understanding how these subjects are employed in the contemporary media, in clinical settings, and in scientific research, as well as their historical origins. Time in Earth history. They have also been analyzed as existential parables, psychological dramas, and political allegories. Of the 120 units, 36 must be upper division units. Meet the cumulative UC GPA The undergraduate breadth requirements provide Berkeley students with a rich and varied educational experience outside of their major program. "FV %H"Hr ![EE1PL* rP+PPT/j5&uVhWt :G+MvY c0 L& 9cX& Letters & Science is the largest college in the #1 public university: the great, big heart of UC Berkeley. isnt destiny. RSVP: or 510-725-5862. That was when he realized he had no idea. Data Science Connector: Read More [+], Prerequisites: Letters and Science 88 is meant to be taken concurrently with Computer Science C8/Statistics C8/Information C8: Foundations of Data Science. The word Disney refers to a man who died in 1966, a film studio that became a global media corporation, six amusement parks/resorts, an oeuvre of audio-visual texts with hundreds of characters and millions of associated products, and a theory of space and landscape design. In these upper-division Philosophy and Values courses students in the College will be encouraged to ponder the types of questions that will enhance their ability to understand their heritage, their contemporaries, and themselves. Individual instructor's synopses available from the department. : Read More [+], Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1 hour of lecture per week, Terms offered: Fall 2012, Spring 2012, Fall 2011 Effective Personal Ethics for the Twenty-First Century: world, in which traditional values are often called into question, students of the College are encouraged to reflect upon their own assumptions as well as the assumptions of other times and cultures. Topics include fundamentals of climate science and the carbon cycle; relationships between human and natural systems, including water supplies, agriculture, public health, and biodiversity; and the science, law, and politics of possible solutions that can reduce the magnitude and impacts of climate change. (3.5+ recommended) completion of 100% of the required core preparation courses by the end of the spring term prior to fall enrollment Please read through these carefully. While fulfilling this breadth requirement, students may find that they look upon the world with a fresh perspective: every encounter or gathering provides an opportunity to observe society in action. Credit Restrictions: Students who have taken Letters and Science 122 will receive two units for Letters and Science 125, and vice versa. A deficient grade in Physics 21 may be removed by taking Physics C21/Letters and Science C70W. For the most up-to-date information, follow On the Same Page onfacebookortwitter. She has had a distinguished career in government, working at the US State Department, the US Students will apply core concepts by working in teams to evaluate and select a venture idea that they will then develop throughout the semester. For more information, visit us online atScholarship Connectionor contact Scholarship Connection at 2410 Dwinelle Hall,, or 510-643-6929. It also is intended to provide insights into the political and public-policy debates that have arisen in light of this divergence, as well as possible means of reversing it. Edible Stories: Representing California Food Culture. An introduction for students who do not intend to major in biology but who wish to satisfy their breadth requirement in Biological Sciences. At L&S, students discover the curriculum they want and the community they need. If a student came in with no transfer units and took no summer semesters, it would take a freshman student 15 units per semester to reach the total 120 unit minimum by the end of their 8th semester. This course is recommended for potential majors and for students in other disciplines, both humanities and sciences. Is it a swarm of bodies on the street, a dancing flash mob, or a set of data points culled from social media? WATCH: A&H Dean Sara Guyer and Townsend Center Director Stephen Best, In Memoriam: Alumna and Trustee Maria Cranor 68, Berkeley Talks: Adriana Green and Nadia Ellis discuss The Yellow House, Professor Hilton Als brings UC Berkeley alumnas written consciousness to life with exhibition Joan Didion: What She Means, Letters & Science is the great, big heart of UC Berkeley, Celebrating 30 Years of Freshman and Sophomore Seminars at Berkeley. 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