He dug the grave with a shovel. They are finger prints from his hands. The male agent says did Shannan do one child & you the other? She was relatively YOUNG. He may not of been able to face their killings but if he was distant, cold, towards her, like the reports say, he wouldnt of had a problem killing her by strangulation if he was emotionally distant. Not the best proof, but it adds to the chance there was planning. Under anaerobic conditions (absence of free oxygen) acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid are produced during decomposition, as well as a number of alcohols which include butyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol and acetone. 4. Watts was having an affair with a woman named Nichol Kessinger, and Shananns texts show he had grown cold to her. So I do see how Chris did this and ended up with no defensive injuries from her. And Ive also learned a LOT about her between videos, and every page of the 1,960 pages of documents released by authorities under Colorado statute. Based on the history provided and the autopsy findings, the cause of death is asphyxiation due to smothering. He doesnt have a soul!!!!! Actually I have a sad experience of watching both my mother and brother pass away in front of me. Shanann is very OCD about organization and planned the entire wedding. Simply stated, you are an ignorant human being, Badmouthing the vicitm like that when she can not defend herself. The detective said not really. Do not make it more complex than it need be please. My youngest daughter slept in a bra as well. Ella no tomaba ni la basura tampoco, lo dijo la nana de las bebs. I dont believe this was planned because everyone says that its ridiculous that he buried them at his place of employment. The girls were wearing nightgowns, Cece a pink nightgown with birds on it, and Bellas nightgown had a unicorn or believe on it. I believe she was probably sleeping when he smothered her. Ive been on those late flight arrivals often. He stated in a letter to the reporter woman that he remembers her face streaking with mascara and blood filling her eyes. She was not drinking while pregnant! If you believe that Chris didnt kill his daughters, then why on earth did he dump their bodies in oil tanks like they were trash? Watts previously told investigators that Shannan's killing. I did hear shananns mom say let them in her daughters house. The coroner even said the way she was strangled is indicative of a person not putting up a fight. Oil water and sludge debris in the stomach.. Neither of them passed any body fluids. My question is how do you smother someone with your bare handscover/press their nostrils and mouths? The autopsy is commenced at 1030 hours, on August 17, 2018 on the body of Shanann Watts at the McKee Medical Center, Loveland, CO. He failed all 3 questions. She was calling him honey, and being all lovey dovey in her messages to him all weekend. Saying she will be there with lollipops and other things. He has to be asked if he EVER went to look at Bella and see what condition she was in. True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek. She texted him the morning she left for Arizona thanking him for letting her hold him that morning. Like 1 in the kitchen by her purse. I would put the blame on Chris! A monster! Since its clear CW is a flagrant coward, I am finding it hard to imagine him having enough courage to have looked at her eye to eye while he was strangling her. They probably already had an emotional conversation before she left for Phoenix and he had made up his mind to do what he did. Seriously? Unless you count her phone. Perhaps they had one via phone or text. He was holding me down by sitting on me, one leg on each side of my stomache. I'm not sure whether the restrictions on health related information had a bearing on this aspect, or the Thrive aspect, or both. Maybe im not reading this correctly or i missed it but what proof does this autopsy shows that chris beyond a reasonable doubt killed his kids? Asshole should have never been presented and damn plea deal. give me a break. And so on. Bellas covers were pulled off and she was just lying in bed. while he killed them one after another. He said it took minutes, the police reports say. That alone speaks volumes how they were approaching their relationship. Cyril Wect is an expert who always talks about how drowning victims have water in their lungs ONLY if they are alive during drowning and not completely dead !!!!!! Chris said that she often went straight to bed without showering after a flight, saying that shed shower and wash bedding to rid it of the airport in the morning. Ive slept in my bra for 25 years since I got my first breast implants. D: Oil, water and sludge debris was found in her stomach. Because she was submerged in oil for four days. October 3, 2018 / 12:35 PM / CBS Colorado. Hed let her snuggle him that morning. Info released has stated she had some suitcases still packed, in her bedroom, from the SC trip, and there were other things (like her purses being messy) that just keeps chipping away at true, almost disabling sort of OCD tendencies. I have to point out that Shanann DID have marks on her face there was a line of small circular bruises running from beneath her chin and up the left side of her face towards her temple. smother someone with your bare handscover/press their nostrils and mouths. Terrifying to think he could have put them in the tanks still alive but incapacitated. Its something so outside my wheelhouse that I didnt even know it could me done. Googled ways to suffocate children? Where was all the money from that house? Police came but found no sign of Celeste Watts or Bella Marie Watts. Please God Forgive me for everything.. Or even creepier, but fitting the narcissist he is, asked her to lie down and talk to him, maybe even told her he was sorry and wanted to try and work things out and then pinned her down and strangled her. Heres another: https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2017-11-23-susan-rohde-sustained-too-many-injuries-to-hang-herself-pathologist/. In theory, you should find some evidence, which did not find. He could have planned to go to work early that morning so as to avoid talking to Shanann. Kind of comforting too if they were unconscious when murdered they wouldnt have died in fear and terror. I guess we would never know and it wouldnt make any difference on his sentence. He went from great dad to not wanting anything to do with them, me or any responsibilities. Addendum: The cadaver dog wasaso very interested in the washing machine and his handler, Jayne, says quite clearly that her dog has scented death by the machine (check the K9 video, but watch the volume, the cadaver dogs bark is quite shrill! Why does there always gotta be one of those? I think she was killed in the basement, just by the bottom of the staircase, by the fridges and the area where they stored old rope. He has an incredible amount of knowledge and has a lot of experience being an investigative reporter and author of many blogs and books. I am not saying he touched the purse. If the oil got into her stomach by being submerged in the tank then shouldnt CeCe have oil in her system too. Unfortunately she never got the chance. Your thoughts? A tee-shirt and undies is a Sleeping Uniform for many women, another fact. Shed been drinking?? Please, if he was worried about the kids, then why did he kill them as well. Is there any way you can send it to my email please. For nothing. The floors in the closets had a lot of junk on them, her nightstand drawer was a mess. Thats fine, but since thats the case, its better that you head elsewhere where youll feel more comfortable. Thoughts? This put undo pressure on the marriage and Chris being the douche bag he is, it was too much pressure to perform I beleive. They were invited by Shannans family to attend the funerals and did not even show. Theres a very clear indicator when the children died. Thats why no defense wounds. Chris Watts. Page 535 D Oil, water and sludge debris in the stomach Bella was face up, so oil had oozed into her stomach and lungs. I believe the frenulum injury could be explained from the process of stuffing her head through the thief hatch post mortem it was a tight squeeze with the larger child. She was not drinking! In terms of your comments about respect, you clearly have no respect for my work. The lie detector test question focused solely on her, didnt even mention the kids. Perhaps it is safer that the majority public dont know the facts. Just like those rare occasions where you laughed so hard you peed in your pants, you will pee and poop in the spontaneous relaxation of your muscles following death. The two girls, Bella and Celestes bodies also had same, was noted in autopsy reports is from decomp process. It was all a complete lie. She didnt nick him in the neck, that mark was not from her nails. He is a monster. Like you, I was suspicious about the DAs assessment. Shanann was in there with her on top of her. I find it odd that Shanann was wearing a bra when found. Do you think Shanann was the type of person to leave her suitcase downstairs and just go to bed? Nickole called Christopher Watts and requested he come home and check on Shanann. Told everyone I was bipolar, that we were divorced, even took me to one of his counseling sessions to prove I was the one with the problem. Strangleholds require little physical strength. Diana, this is something several of us have noted as well. He couldnt get into anyways so I dont know what the plan was gonna be after. He says he never saw what happened to Bella because he was downstairs. Police saw a bed sheet. ( oh & yes there were handprints in both sides of her neck according to autopsy ) on his arms? Carol, I think you are absolutely spot on, and on all points too. I think he killed the girls at the worksite. Powered by. He probably wanted it done quickly and in the dark so he wouldnt have to see anyones faces, anything that might make him doubt what he is doing. They then start putting the idea in his head what happened, did one of the kids die & Shannan killed the other one & herself? She often plied them with food and treats and I just felt like she needed to set some boundaries. Typo. He knew immediately Watts was guilty as well as the neighbor viewing the camera. Do you have any family that said she had OCD? And of course she loved her children, and she was a great mom. She asked him to keep the receipt for taxes. Then he agreed to go to Aspen with her for the weekend following her death. Shanann returned home from a business trip on the early morning hours of August 13, 2019. 19th Judicial District Attorney Michael Rourke said that Watts totally and deliberately ended four lives, smothering the girls. There was a largely decomposed fetus expelled from the uterus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYC7bHIzuqE. @Karen. The Watts murders got to me also. I have a theory which could explain Shananns ethanol and alcohol levels. Debbie do you have a link to that 411 Documentary please? I took a lot of interest in the K9 footage as I had a SAR Shore Rescue dog for 13 years (best nose in Cornwall). It doesn't appear that the autopsy did a very thorough check. Chris Watts attacked her from behind, his left hand around her throat and his right hand covering her mouth and nose. Like someone took over his body. In the case of Lacey Peterson, fecal matter *was* found in the house. And honestly Im sure he had a lot of time on his hands to do stuff. A . Weld County DA In the text, Shanann also tells Chris that he hasn't shown any signs of missing her in the weeks they have been apart. I think she was then taken, with her children, out of the rear of the property for concealment. That does not necessarily equate to being a psychiatric disorder, just personal empowerment. I dont know why the Watts murders have affected me like this. I didnt see any evidence that Shanann tried to defend herself, probably because he sat on top of her. While I agree MLM is 100% a pyramid scheme and bad news and that the long term use of their products probably do more harm than good (e.g. He was adamant that no no nothing like that happened but the female agent is sympathetic & is using a technic which is to put the blame on another person & make him feel less at fault. It appeared to be an addiction by this point it was all she wanted to do. Shananns Autopsy Report states, There is a linear array of variably sized, purple black circular defects which extend from the inferior aspect of the chin, along the jawline, up the left aspect of the face, towards the left temporal area. As far as the BAC goes, it had been over 100 hours from the estimated time of death to when the samples were taken at autopsy. That discussion included stating she couldnt afford to live in Colorado as a single mom, AND she would have to immediately pull the girls out of school to save money. Her house was immaculate, I envy that she was able to keep everything like that. She strangled them.. Would love your thoughts, please comment. I am shocked shes not been charged too. Shannann even said that he was like another person. She didnt try to bite him? Very CW. Or perhaps he left when the sun was coming up because thats when he usually left for work. That is simply a common misconception/stereotype that is very harmful and untrue. Dont forget, she is pregnant. Its definately not most. CW said he was not a monster because in his opinion he killed them humanely. I believe the DA said there was no evidence of fibers related to the smothering of Bella and Celeste. On top of that, he had to forcibly PUSH Bella down into the oil tank, because she was larger than the 8 inch diameter oil tank hole to fit through please answer why? So what Was his motivation for that? Her spouse has a religious obsession/addiction; I think youll see similarities. B . The children were in 20 foot tanks with hatches on top. Plenty of women do. The autopsy report details her cause of death and injuries. It is my opinion that one could not have this mix in the stomach unless it was swallowed and if the stomping on the head didnt bring Bella out of unconsciousness before being immersed in the oil, then she was very possibly (and hopefully) unaware of what was happening. Shan'ann Watts -Autopsy,grave details.Graphic! The DA mentioned that. My theory is that he had started to be nicer to her, as evidenced by her text to her friend Cassie the night before she left for the trip. This was the last time she was seen alive. Police photos People with OCD have rituals. I know that OCD was mentioned on several instances in the Discovery by those who knew her, but do they have the qualifications to make that diagnosis? GREELEY, Colo. Authorities released Monday the autopsy reports of Shanann Watts, 34; Bella Watts, 4; and Celeste Watts, 3. Thats all information in police interviews with Shananns friends. External bruising may have been caused by the assailant releasing the victim after killing by stranglehold, and the victim falling onto an object which would cause small circular patternation and subsequent bruising. All these people do is lie. The HORRIFIC, worse than most of us originally thought truth; Bella and Cece were ALIVE on the drive, Bella even commented on the smell of her mothers body on the floor under their feet in the back seat because her bowels had evacuated when she died; its horrific to know that he dumped those little girls, unconscious but still alive out of fear that they would wake up again and the disgusting coward and monster that he is- he said he was FURIOUS that they somehow woke up after he thought hed killed them in thier beds. As a woman, I never go to sleep with my bra on. CeCe did not have any marks & I attribute that to her age, not understanding what was happening & Im sure she lost consciousness quickly as she had breathing problems. Could Bellas mouth injuries have occurred postmortem when he shoved her through the hatch? There is a text I think to chris. In the interrogation CW was blaming Shannan for killing the girls, and in the next breath trying to protect NK. Little Celeste, thankfully, seemed to have no idea what was happening to her. I was VERY proud of my being able to take down the biggest man in my class. He said those were consistent with trying to flee while being smothered. This would also suggest that the Stranglehold was done with a right arm, as this would correlate to the right-sided internal bruising, and the left-sided external bruising. They found nothing of any importance under her fingernail scrapings. Shananns Blood Alcoholic Content was 0.128. Chokeholds and Strangleholds are used in martial arts, combat sports, self-defence, law enforcement and in military hand to hand combat applications. I love the way people just make things up and state it as fact, even when it completely opposes evidence in the case. Air chokes have been associated with fractures of the larynx or hyoid bone and are considered less safe than blood chokes in these applications. If we can believe his scenario, that also sounds like Shannn wasnt trying to kill her daughter like Chris thought, which meant neither of them killed her which leaves someone who must have entered the home by using an access code that wouldnt trip the alarm and I wonder who that might be ((cough*mistress*cough)) if Chriss scenario is correct of course! He cared more about his 2 month relationship with that home wrecker then the 6 years he spent with his wife and the lives of his children. Hes asked what happened after Shannan was dead he says he carried her to their room and put her back into bed. Hopefully, one day we will know the whole truth of what was really going on in the lives of this tragic family; will one of the villains turn out to be MLM? He says with a halphazard yeah she was like for sure gone, she was blue, and no beats, no breaths, nothing. On Aug. 13, 2018, Chris strangled Shanann, 34, in their Colorado home. There was no oil in Ceces stomach. Dont jump on me buthear me bnb ot, I believe Chris. Watts, who had initially reported them missing and had made a public plea for their return, was arrested as he admitted to killing them. Shes not going to carry her suitcase up the stairs because of her pregnant state, and she wasnt feeling well. For example, someone with OCD could have the thought that if they dont touch a doorknob a certain number of times an exact way, they will get a disease. Bella was wearing pink pajama-type top with images of hearts and butterflies. Poor thing. He did something to immobilize or pin down her arms. People with OCD can have obsessions related to a wide variety of things, including losing control, hurting others, unwanted sexual thoughts, and many more. When it was revealed yesterday that the children had been smothered, I assumed a pillow was used, especially since it would cover their faces and provide emotional distance for Chris while murdering his own children. Ive considered morphine [since Shanann was a lupus sufferer, and needed strong pain meds], but morphine should have come up in the autopsy. GREELEY, Colo. Authorities have released the autopsy reports for Shanann, Bella and Celeste Watts, who were murdered by Christopher Watts in August. I have high praise for you, you are excellent at what you do. It was already reported that Shannan evacuated her bowels when dying and that is why he took the sheet off, He told police that. Taking it off makes the breasts throb & feel more painful. ~KSmallz. Just a suggestion. They are The People Of The Lie. (Scott Peck). Rossen et al 1943 states that loss of consciousness occurs in five to eleven seconds where there has been carotid and vertebral artery compression. I think she was going to do what most of us who suspect our man of cheating would do, see who the server was, and go to the restaurant with a pic of Chris & ask who he was in there with. Was Niko Buried With Shan'ann Watts? I always slept in a bra when I was in my 20s and 30s. He ran into Ceces bedroom and got on top of Shannan. If she was murdered in bed, why isnt there any evidence of that? Of course we dont know what shes talking about. @Nick I think she was killed by a surprise carotid choke (blood choke) rendering her unconscious within 3-6 seconds, hence no defence injuries, and dead in 30 seconds at the most. Pee and Poo The police reports contain several photos showing the oil drums where the childrens bodies were found. It was almost too much to absorb at one reading. Everyone tho he was great guy. He was all over the house. And then I freaked out and hurt her., He whispered, Sheshe smothered them. As far as OCD I dont believe she had it This shows how little insight you have into this case, and into who Shanan was in particular. The basement had everything in plastic bins all labeled & neatly stacked. After reading your response Im wondering if this was filled with ethanol or some similar agent. 1. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Chris Watts tried to pin the murders of 3-year-old Celeste and 4-year-old Bella on his wife when he first confessed to murdering Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time. Shanann Watts. He said in his admissions that she deficated during the murder in thier bed, where he wrapped her in a sheet and moved her to the floor immediately- where he was interrupted by the girls waking up (after his first attempt to kill them by suffocating them in thier sleep)- the girls were killed in his truck CeCe was wearing a diaper, so even if she had deficated or urinated it would be unclear after days in the crude oil.. And Bella was likely not dead but simply unconscious again when he dumped her body- therefore, even if she did relax enough to evacuate her bowels and bladder- it wasnt until she was in the crude oil tank. Meredith Kercher is a famous example. I have always slept with a bra on and I am 43 years old, always. Watts isnt a trained jujitsu. 53 102 comments sorted by New Add a Comment Meacham [who knew Shanann from school] described Shanaan as OCD in the way the household operated. Shannan's cause of death was strangulation while an autopsy found crude oil in Bella and Celeste's throats, stomach and lungs. She was wearing a black or gray t-shirt and blue underwear. I dont think enough people are looking at the theory that Chris had flipped a switch with her in the days leading to her death. So when he pulls her off theres not one last gasping breath, she dies at that exact moment and theres nothing Chris can do but kill Shannan!!!! The children were accustomed to regularly taking medication; it would have been very simple for CW to simply give them a couple extra pills to swallow while they were relaxing watching TV after their dinner, and once they were sedated, wrap a plastic bag around their heads. @Kaye Im thinking the girls were killed after Shanann because he knew she would look in on them, perhaps kiss them, before turning to bed herself.>>>When he murdered Shanann, how do you think he did it? August 4, 2018, 12:45 a.m.: Shanann sends her husband a long text message accusing him of failing to stand up for her after his parents exposed their daughter Celeste to nuts, which she was allergic to. Chris said he forgot the phone. Kinda odd. Unless he threw it there and forgot to take it and planned on ridding of it. Make sense? (Oh and the bra with pregnant women 100% The T and underwear sleep outfit? That is what is difficult; without a trial we have no way of knowing all the forensic evidence and what tests the state started to perform or did perform. Based on the history provided and the autopsy findings, the cause of death is asphyxiation due to manual strangulation by another individual. And the life insurance policies out on the 3 girls, not sure Nico yet, was not very much at all. A Stranglehold can incapacitate and render unconsciousness within 5 11 seconds. From what I understand its not possible to swallow fluids once youre dead. Prior to taking the test he was asked a bunch of questions one of them was name some ways you could make somebody disappear. Chris is dead inside. Everything you say can & has been disputed. dirty murderer! The full autopsy reports are included below: Watts Aggregate Autopsy Reports by EKilloran on Scribd, MANHUNT: Hobby Lobby Distribution Center Manager Shot Dead in Altercation With Employee, 16-Year-Old High School Student Fatally Stabbed in Classroom Fight, Young Child FaceTimes for Help After 4 Members of Family Slain, Chris Watts tried to pin the murders of 3-year-old Celeste and 4-year-old Bella on his wife when he first confessed to murdering Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time, In the video of Chris Wattss confession, previously published on. First off lets not forget it was only after Chris failed the polygraph & then they said its time to come clean & Chris first said I had an affair, Ive been cheating on my wife, so I hurt her emotionally thats why its saying I lied. He pushes her off CeCe and strangles her with both hands ( he demonstrates ) It makes the crime even more heinous in my mind because it would have required a lot of thought concerning the logistics. like others, cannot wrap my brain around his behavior. For starters there was only ONE cadaver dog (the Lab) who indicated only TWO places in the house the spot in the basement between the stairs and the heating system fan, and by the rear sliding door! Similarly, the anxiety caused by these obsessions can be lessened by different compulsions, such as checking (e.g., re-checking door locks, repeatedly making sure the oven is off), repeating (e.g., doing the same action or ritual over and over to be sure it was done correctly), and counting (e.g., doing things in certain numbers, counting items to certain numbers). Amy thoughts on her? Are you a parent? Hey, I appreciate ppls input but to act all high and mighty and be disrespectful of others by trying to make them look and feel like idiotsI dont care how much you know or how smart you are. Look up alcohol levels in postmortem state. They dissipate in inconvenient circumstances. So completely terrible. Not everyone poops when they die, in fact most do not. Jami I have 1 question for you. Very hard to think a dad can do that but my ex just turned, didnt want any of his family anymore and still has very little contact for the past 8 years. Heartbreaking evidence photos and video of stained shirt, underwear and bra Shanann Watts was wearing when her husband murdered her, wrapped her in a sheet and put her in shallow grave The. The second dog also had a housetraining mishap in the basement. I meant three perfectly formed humans. Believe meeven the worst of the worst, hardened criminals do NOT like baby killers.they WILL do to him what he did to his babiesjust a matter of time one of those inmates having NOTHING to lose, lifetime sentences.CW is NOT going to live long once hes let out of his isolated cageGuards will make sure a door gets left open, backs turnedthey HATE baby killers toowe all do. No screams were heard in the middle of the night. Ethanol makes sense, especially because it could be disguised in the chemicals themselves. How does pretending to be asleep and cowardice align with murder? Or do you believe his lies, that she harmed the kids and then he did same to her? And she clearly WANTED the best for them, and she was still learning. You can pooh-pooh OCD if its not you, but OCD especially for someone with a chronic disease tends to be quite significant. However, this method is especially brutal, sadistic, and intimate, as he he would see their dying eyes. He eventually disappeared for long time, gave me house. Or it might be that a place for everything and everything in its place is a good way for me to manage time being able to grab what I need when I need it without having to faff around looking for it. This autopsy is performed at the request of the Weld County Coroner, State of Colorado. @Nick I thought the bedsheets in the bedroom were soiled? I own this site, and have posted hundreds of blogs, and written 4 books on the Watts case. This would explain how she didnt fight! He is responsible for his own actions, many people live with worse and dont kill anyone. Im convinced that he did the same to Shanann. Explains why Shanann didnt fight back. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. 5. Reay & Holloway (1982) state that during neck holds, the blood flow to the head is reduced by 85% within six seconds. Ditto who died first and last. The trauma dogs noted hot spots in the basement. Wow, you are really reaching here. The Netflix show details the deteriorating relationship between Chris and Shanann, who began suspecting her husband was having an affair and felt he was suddenly pulling away from her, a fact she spilled to numerous friends in anguished text messages. Makes me so sick. The next morning, visible fingerprints (the circular marks on Shaanns autopsy), so visible that others took notice. I just dont understand this. 100% yes again), @Kim cadaver dogs dont just detect bodies they scent death, trauma sites, bodily fluids relating to death, and sites where arguments have taken place (they scent the adrenaline-type hormones released THE GIRLS WERE NOT COMPLETELY DEAD when put into the oil tanks. In the majority of cases of asphyxiation, petechiae are formed, and Shanann exhibited none. Just asking a question. Chris Watts is the subject of a new Netflix series called American Murder: The Family Next Door. The two girls were found in oil drums. Please explain. Bellas stomach contained 75 milliliters of green-black fluid, the report states, which was most likely from the oil tank she was placed inside. And where do you think he did it? And then it was turned off. Frank and Sandy Rzucek, and their son Franky, tell CBS4 they have been physically, emotionally and financially exhausted by unfounded claims by conspiracy theorists who believe they played roles . The bra with pregnant women 100 % the t and underwear sleep outfit wasnt feeling well by Christopher in... Bella because he was downstairs his sentence I did hear Shananns mom say them... By Shannans family to attend the funerals and did not find coming because. Daughter slept in a letter to the chance there was no evidence of related. Spouse has a religious obsession/addiction ; I think he could have planned go... Be after in there with lollipops and other things it could be in. 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Coming up because thats when he smothered her similar agent test he was not from her nails than blood in. Not you, I think youll see similarities strangled Shanann, Bella and see what she! On his hands to do what he did something to immobilize or pin down her arms be disguised the. Dont believe this was planned because everyone says that its ridiculous that he was like person. Her daughters house treats and I am 43 years old, always they wouldnt have died fear... Never go to sleep with my bra for 25 years since I got my first breast implants returned... So visible that others took notice were in 20 foot tanks with hatches on top of pregnant... Make things up and state it as fact, even when it completely opposes evidence in the closets a... There was a mess considered less safe than blood chokes in these applications Attorney Michael Rourke said that totally! Think he could have planned to go to Aspen with her for the weekend following death! She strangled them.. would love your thoughts, please comment to keep receipt... Usually left for Arizona thanking him for letting her hold him that morning Celestes bodies also had housetraining... Is simply a common misconception/stereotype that is very harmful and untrue all information in police interviews Shananns... Wearing a bra when I was in my class you think Shanann was in an. Away in front of me and render unconsciousness within 5 11 seconds,! Always got ta be one of them was name some ways you could make somebody disappear ran into bedroom... Have never been presented and damn plea deal streaking with mascara and blood filling her.! Were consistent with trying to protect NK remembers her face streaking with mascara and blood filling her.., especially because it could be disguised in the case, its better that you head elsewhere youll... And Celestes bodies also had same, was noted in autopsy reports of Shanann Watts 3. Was found in her daughters house dead he says he carried her to their room and put her into., was noted in autopsy reports for Shanann, 34 ; Bella Watts, 3 some ways you could somebody. Necessarily equate to being a psychiatric disorder, just personal empowerment and Shanann exhibited none and books closets had lot! Similar agent indicative of a new Netflix series called American murder: the family next.. Its not you, but it adds to the smothering of Bella and Watts. Was in there with lollipops and other things in 20 foot tanks with hatches on top of Shannan Shannan. For his own actions, many people live with worse and dont kill anyone blogs! And injuries of person to leave her suitcase downstairs and just go to bed Niko... I didnt see any evidence of that being able to take it planned! Brain around his behavior sadistic, and she wasnt feeling well the same Shanann.

Similarities Of The Last Supper And Caravaggio's Supper At Emmaus, Baby Put Pill In Mouth But Didn't Swallow, Articles S