In coordination with USTRANSCOMs distribution functions, the actions of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) as supplier for the military are equally staggering in scope and scale. Because of their logistic importance, fabrication and assembly plants, highway networks, ports and canals became a primary focus. At first glance, the challenges of military logistics may appear to be the same as, or at least very similar to, those experienced by FEDEX, Walmart, Amazon, DHL, or any other major supply chain operation supporting vast numbers of customers both internationally and across the United States. The importance of the global commons reigns supreme. Learn about the top 10 major importance of logistics management. "Leaders win through logistics. Without the right equipment, units cannot train to the full complement of their mission sets. logistics , In military science, all the activities of armed-force units in support of combat units, including transport, supply, communications, and medical aid. "The Marine Corps' reverse logistics movement of equipment and material to support maintenance, re-acquisition, evacuation, and disposition thereof, has proven vital to its modern day mission and function of providing combat power through combined- arms task forces in an expeditious manner" (Wikler, 2009). Currently open to internships as well as full time jobs. These are far from back office functions and are truly what sustain the force and support its warfighting readiness. This can be done by developing the means to transfer logistics data systems seamlessly from digital-based processes to analog-based processes and back. You simply cannot mount an attack or defence without a functioning logistics system. DNA, Oxford Living Dictionaries, (accessed May 29, 2018). They also are applicable across the entire U.S. military from the strategic level to the tactical level. US admits "We're not the clear [technology] leaders that we used to be" It is largely self-evident that bringing new technology into military organisations is challenging. Logistics is an elemental component of all military operations; it is not only a major function unto itself, but also a vital consideration in every other aspect. In its simplest form, logistics is important because it is needed to supply raw materials, goods and equipment to both the maker and the consumer. The functions of logistics management for military activities during the peacetime are determinant for the realistic forecasts, computation, estimates, the opportunity of good decisions, the. One chain, fast but low volume, moves commodities like food, medicine and clothing - the . It also outlines a range of options to deliver global mobility in dynamic threat and policy environments. -- In medical logistics, there are many moving parts -- each as important as the next -- to . Availability and delivery of parts and spare components, maintenance capability and the capacity to surge increased maintenance volume on short notice, the ability to contract additional support when necessaryall of these logistical elements are essential to military effectiveness. The Air Force needs better access to contractors' technical data to sustain core military aircraft assets and subsystems. Here is why: Logistics connects the world. According to one account: In January 2003, MSC began the build-up for what would become Operation Iraqi Freedom. Equipment readiness is another area of concern. Logistics can be seen as the bridge between deployed forces and the industrial base, which produces the material and weapons deployed forces need to accomplish their mission. The United States Marine Corps has implemented some proactive measures to respond to global events and crises. Transitioning from large, centralized, unhardened infrastructure to smaller, dispersed, resilient, adaptive basing that includes active and passive defenses will also be prioritized.25. Improvements in munitions and energy systems will directly improve the speed and reliability of the force and, thus, its logistical survivability and effectiveness. Given the evolution of competitors abilities to threaten the logistical underpinnings of U.S. combat power, force logistics planning now requires innovation in both technology and operational concepts. The name . The Future of Combat Casualty Care: Is the Military Health System Ready? Military logistics follows the same logic, being divided into-strategic logistics, operational logistics and tactical logistics , . bilities outside the military logistics system. 2. Subscribe to the weekly Policy Currents newsletter to receive updates on the issues that matter most. Logistics,, (accessed May 29, 2018). As cyber and electronic warfare capabilities are introduced to the forward edge of the battlespace, individual capabilities represented by on-hand quantities of various technologies and trained personnel will truly define a units ability to execute the mission-essential tasks demanded in the complex warfighting environment of a peer adversary. Add to these challenges the reduction of skilled manpower in the active and reserve forces, the increased difficulty of retaining seasoned military personnel, and a decreasing number of civilian and contractor artisans in the logistics workforce, and the need for modernizing the logistics force, from training to developing new concepts, becomes even more obvious. The essence of logistics is an integrated approach to all its constituent activities, which reduces costs and increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the logistics system in supporting. Of the 42 ships in the Prepositioning Program, 33 were underway or had already off-loaded gear for warfighting forces in the Persian Gulf area. 19. To remain a vital contributor to military success, logistics must adapt continuously so that it bridges old systems and capabilities while embracing new technologies and concepts. Utilizing its people, trucks, trains, railcars, aircraft, ships, information systems, and distribution infrastructure, as well as commercial partners 1,203 aircraft in the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) and 379 vessels in the Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA), USTRANSCOM provides the U.S. military with highly responsive strategic mobility.11 Its handoff to service logistics personnel around the globe creates a distribution pipeline that moves critical sustainment from the factory to the tactical edge of U.S. military operations. Such facilities must also be made resilient in the face of cyber challenges, now a common feature of modern conflict. Logistics essentially undergirds operational capability in support of national security. During fiscal year (FY) 2017, DLA provided more than $35 billion in goods and services, coordinating the actions of 25,000 military, civilian, and contract personnel who provided food, clothing, fuel, repair parts, and other items across nine supply chains distributing approximately 5 million distinct consumable, expendable, and reparable items. The role and importance of logistics Change must be made that ensures logistics agility by designing procedures and acquiring systems that adjust to changing requirements across a widely distributed force constantly and with domain-wide visibility, highlighting the needs, resources, and capabilities of the force. James R. Broyles, Ph.D., is an operations researcher at the RAND Corporation with interests in military logistics, military personnel, personnel capacity planning, healthcare delivery, stochastic processes, computer simulation, and applied statistics. The force of tomorrow must be ready to defeat a peer competitor in a broad battlespace that requires security for each logistics movement, the ability to off-load across various widely distributed locations, with minimal infrastructure, and in a communications-degraded environment. To say the least, the challenges of military logistics are unique. With a single command, the soldiers needed can be supplied by the drone wherever they are. The importance of logistics was central to Alexander's plans, indeed his mastery of it allowed him to conduct the longest . The number of ships expanded to about 214 in mid-March as additional ships were activated from reduced operating status or chartered for the commands support of U.S. forces in OIF.23, While the immensity of this undertaking is staggering, it pales in comparison to the requirement laid out for the future military force in the National Defense Strategy (NDS). The quotes are all related to war because logistics was practically invented by the military. Success at the operational level requires the integration of logistics capabilities contributed by all entities involved in military affairs, to include service, coalition-partner, interagency, governmental, private/commercial, and host-nation capabilities. It is therefore important that logistics correctly assess the short-term consumption expected by combat forces; that is, the "here and now", which are essential to facilitate combat readiness and the . The Timelessness and Ever-Changing Nature of Logistics. Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND, and Ph.D. Student, Pardee RAND Graduate School, Ph.D. Student, Pardee RAND Graduate School, and Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND. Logistics touches every aspect of military strength and is the sum of the capabilities brought to bear by all of the U.S. military services and those of a wide array of international partners.6. They are in charge of everything from buying new machinery to training of troops, and maintenance of vehicles and facilities. When the instability of funding that results from continuing resolutions and an inability to pass budgets on time is added to these challenges, one can see that the problems confronting the industrial base are magnified at a time when they most need to be reduced so that our ability to supply the force is responsive and resilient. During the height of Operation Iraqi Freedom, MSC had 167 of its 214 active ships directly supporting the war. Military logistics is a mission-critical part of operations, and with global tensions becoming strained, improved planning, execution and contingency becomes a high a priority for all government defences agencies across the world. While procurement is not exclusively a function of logistics, the countrys industrial capacity affects the availability of spare parts, the availability of technical support for contract maintenance, and the ability to replace warfighting platforms that are well beyond their service life, be they ships, aircraft, or major land-component systems (tanks, artillery, reconnaissance vehicles, personnel carriers, radars, ground vehicles, etc.). 11. There is no option to fail, and there is no hope of unlimited resources. Three of 25 Special Mission ships were directly supporting Navy combatants with telemetric, hydrographic and acoustic data. (ARL Magazine) One of the most important areas of every army is logistics. the great importance the alliance attaches to the civil dimension and its impact on military operations. This trend is very similar across the industrial capacity capabilities that produce aircraft and major land-component warfighting systems. Taken together, collaborative services and innovation stress the importance of a vibrant military logistics community that is externally connected. Before they became RAND researchers, Jonathan Wong and Joslyn Fleming served as U.S. Marines. Widespread military use for the word logistics came during the Second World War when countries realized how important it was to maintain the flow of arsenal to the infantry on the ground. Importance of Military Readiness. . 10. Logisticsthe transfer of personnel and materiel from one location to another, as well as the maintenance of that materielis essential for a military to be able to support an ongoing deployment or respond effectively to emergent threats. This simple two-sentence statement effectively captures both the complexity and far-reaching implications of military logistics. From the farthest tactical edge to the economic system of the nation, military logistics has far-reaching implications for the nation and the military element of national power and therefore affects every aspect of organizing, training, equipping, deploying, and employing the force. For the want of a nail the shoe was lost, / For the want of a shoe the horse was lost, / For the want of a horse the rider was lost, / For the want of a rider the battle was lost, / For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost, / And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail. Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richards Almanack, (accessed May 30, 2018). This focus on effectiveness will prioritize the forces critical logistics needs by evaluating all requirements against mission success and differentiating the critical requirements from the multitude of inputs: in essence, providing the nail at the right time and place that prevents having to build a complete inventory of shoes, horses, and riders in order to win the battle.30. The research findings summarize Patton's career and his exposure to the importance logistics plays in modern war. The intention here is to try and bring about a change in outlook on this very important area that is taken for granted. Simply stated, supply readiness is the ability to have the right types and amount of equipment available for a ground unit, a ship, or an aviation unit. Strategy, yes. The future fight will require significantly greater responsiveness and diversity in the face of a greater threat. Shipbuilding History, Large Naval Ships and Submarines, (accessed July 27, 2018). In Clausewitzs words, getting the force to the fight at the right place and the right time1 is the true essence of military logistics. Naval Supply Systems Command, Logistics Quotations, (accessed May 30, 2018). The importance of logistics planning in military action has become perfectly clear in the operations that led to the liberation of Europe, starting with D-Day on June 6, 1944. 18. At the tactical level, one need only look at the various elements of readiness reporting reviewed by senior leaders to discern that the fundamentals of logistics directly affect the majority of elements that define readiness across the servicespersonnel, equipment, and supply readinesswhich in turn directly affect the ability of the services to meet the recurring needs of ongoing deployments and generate the forces needed for war. These interventions enable logistics capability development for new generations of warfare. Robert L. Wilke, Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel and Readiness, memorandum, DOD Retention Policy for Non-Deployable Service Members, February 14, 2018, (accessed May 29, 2018). RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. The United States might look at its support of Ukraine as a potential model for future defense strategy. The mix of ships encompassed all four of MSCs programs, and included the U.S. Maritime Administrations Ready Reserve Force, and more than four times the normal daily number of commercial ships. Michael Howard and Peter Paret (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989), p. 95. In preparation for combat operations in Iraq, logisticians had six months to deploy the force and its associated sustainment. Peter Dye, The Bridge to Airpower: Logistics Support for Royal Flying Corps Operations on the Western Front, 1914-18 Aircraft are complicated machines. Supply and logistics operations are important for the world's armed forces, fulfilling the needs of fighting and administrative units. Data Rights Relevant to Weapon Systems in Air Force Special Operations Command, Strategic Airlift in Africa: Understanding Challenges and Opportunities for the Movement Coordination Centre Europe (MCCE) and Member Nations. The ability to meet the NDS requirements requires a significantly more agile force. Military logistics is undoubtedly one of the most important parts of all the critical operations. Logistics. Logistics became particularly important for being the backbone of the entire supply chain. Read this work not for its focus on the sea but for its focus on national power. The most important of these was to guarantee free daily rations for the soldiers, amounting to two pounds of bread or hardtack a day. Press release, MSC Area Commands Provide a World of Service to Military Forces in Middle East, U.S. Navy, Military Sealift Command, July 23, 2003, (accessed May 29, 2018). By late April 2003, more than 150 MSC ships had off-loaded in Kuwaiti ports.21. Strong operations professional with a Master of Science - MS focused in Human Resources Management & Development (CIPD) from The University of Salford. To add a qualification at this point I don't count insurgencies or stay behind forces as defensive forces or defensive operations. The acquisition, storage, distribution, use, maintenance, and disposal of materiel; Medical services including patient movement, evacuation, and hospitalization for U.S. and partner personnel as well as indigenous personnel affected by operations; Facilities and infrastructure acquisition, construction, use, and disposition; Provision of food, water, and operational hygiene and sanitation support; Operational contract support including contract management; Infrastructure assessment, repairs, and maintenance; Common-user logistics support to other U.S. government entities, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, and other nations; Establishing and sustaining large-scale and enduring detention compounds; Planning, coordinating, and integrating host-nation support from overseas partners; Disposal operations that deal with the removal and remediation of waste and unusable military property; In-transit visibility of sustainment and asset visibility of all major military end items; and. Not Sure if someone was looking for quotes on logistics so I will post a few here. General Darren W. McDew, U.S. Air Force, Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, statement On the State of the Command before the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate, April 10, 2018, pp. Twenty-five of 33 Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force ships were providing combat logistics for the carrier strike groups and amphibious strike groups involved in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Girardinihas led projects focusing. A logistics management system underpins that effort and includes inbound and outbound transportation management, warehouse management, fleet management, order processing, inventory control, supply and demand forecasting, and managing third-party logistics (3PL) service providers. Logistics is vital to any military campaign. Its nature is expressed in operational choices and decisions, and is fundamental to military preparedness. Perhaps counterintuitively, a constrained ability to build new iron (ships, aircraft, and major ground weapons systems) actually increases the logistical burden and budget because the cost of maintaining older systems necessarily increases. Since military equipment and supplies must be transported from one place to another, it's hugely important to create a comprehensive, fast and dependable logistics system that would work and deliver the value and results to support defense efforts nationally and internationally. This dangerous assumption tends to exclude logistics from the conversation regarding the nations current and future warfighting needs. Every military has planned for operations its systems of logistics cannot support. U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Warfare Systems) (N9), Report to Congress on the Annual Long-Range Plan for Construction of Naval Vessels for Fiscal Year 2019, February 2018, p. 3, (accessed May 29, 2018). Military logistics involves the interaction of military and government entities with private, commercial, foreign, and multinational organizations worldwide. In February, MSC Pacific provided direct support in the activation of 10 MSC cargo ships at various West Coast ports. It must coordinate with allies and partners to place combined force capabilities against the adversarys weakness and develop and sustain a broad array of overseas advanced bases that will change frequently and provide the responsiveness and effectiveness needed to prevail despite enemy efforts to prevent U.S. forces from getting to or operating within the theater of combat. RAND researchers present a Future Logistics Concept Assessment Framework, which is a disciplined, systematic way to assess proposed future logistics concepts to meet the requirements of the National Defense Strategy. Additionally, two of the three Maritime Prepositioning squadrons supporting the U.S. Marine Corps were unloaded at the Ash Shuayba Port in Kuwait. Secondly, the introduction of complex systems and machines will transform the way militaries will organise. Global, Sealift in Operation Iraqi Freedom, last modified July 7, 2011, (accessed May 30, 2018). Logistics: The Lifeblood of Military Power, DoD, Mass Comms Specialist 3rd Class Karl Anderson,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In addition to ensuring that modernized logistics capabilities are appreciated as central to regaining our military advantage, logistics capabilities must be considered in the ongoing discussion of solutions to overcome the current readiness shortfalls of todays military. Responsiveness can be improved by leveraging industrial-base support from the point of manufacture to the tactical edge forces. MSC normally operates 120 civilian-crewed, non-combatant ships for a variety of missions around the world. Once the 2 nd World War finished, enterprises and businesses within the United States took up this word and started implementing it within normal business . It is an important area of supply chain whose effective use can ensure a balance between supply and demand. It would require a substantial expansion of the defense industrial base, but it might offer a plausible way to keep American objectives and resources in line without sacrificing too much in either. The span of that bridge was literally a ship every 72 miles from the US to Kuwait. COURIER, 2020, Vol. The U.S. military has not had to fight its way to the fight since World War II. Highlights For the U.S. to be able to sustain effective combat operations in the modern era, it must prioritize prepositioned forward stocks and munitions, strategic mobility assets, partner and allied support, as well as non-commercially dependent distributed logistics and maintenance to ensure logistics sustainment while under persistent multi-domain attack.16. Topic: Logistics Quotes. The ability of the system to support the joint force in the event of major conflict is at best untested and could be problematic. Alexander the Great noted with dark humor the importance and complexity of logistics during his campaigns of conquest nearly 2,400 years ago: My logisticians are a humorless lotthey know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.13 Alexanders ability to move a force from Greece to India and back, conquering adversaries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia and leaving functioning outposts along the way, attests to his logistical prowess. Many of its theories and applications have been efficiently put into practice in the business world. The Military Health System needs an agile, resilient, and global network of treatment and storage facilities and transportation assets, as well as knowledge of gaps and risks that could hinder effective medical support for future combat operations. 101, Issue 10 (October 2017), (accessed May 29, 2018). 30. Managing logistics is extremely crucial as it helps the organisations to gain deep insights of the supply chain. Ships were directly supporting Navy combatants with telemetric, hydrographic and acoustic data deep insights the... In modern war but low volume, moves commodities like food, medicine and clothing - the,!: // ( accessed May 29, 2018 ) additionally, two of the chain! And committed to the tactical edge forces area that is externally connected capacity... Be problematic unloaded at the Ash Shuayba Port in Kuwait combatants with telemetric, and! 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