Jayson Souter, and 1st Lt. Cason Shrode, including attack helicopters, A-10s, a B-1 bomber, and F-15 fighters, destroyed the local mosque, where much of the insurgents' heaviest fire originated. Like in the film, Sgt. "whatever you think of their ideology, these are fierce and smart fighters. [16] Because Keating was scheduled for closure in the near future, coalition leaders had decided not to make more than minimal efforts to improve fortifications at the base. Towards the end, resupply flights were limited to moonless nights when near total darkness offered some protection to helicopter crews and their craft. Or invite someone to subscribe through this link. The climate of the area has hot summers, a monsoon season in the summer, and cold winters of ice and snow extending down into the valleys. Furthermore, Camp Keating's location, surrounded by mountains on three sides, exposed helicopters and the outpost's garrison to insurgent fire. A commander who has no trust for or from his subordinates, keeps them in the dark, and fails to make the intent of his orders clear is making it harder for everyone else to do their jobs and jeopardizing mission success. AAF would disguise themselves in ANA uniforms and set up fake checkpoints to extract taxes and tolls from local contractors, and allied themselves with smugglers transporting illegal timber and gems into Pakistan. This separation of the landing zone, and the fact that the site was surrounded by mountains on three sides made the site unappealing because of the difficulty of mounting an effective defense. Roller attended his next meeting with village leaders dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. They professed a Salafi version of Islam, and were hostile to any political rivals. One of the casualties was a bright young specialist named Stephan Mace, whom Cordova kept alive for nine hours by transfusing fresh blood from other soldiers, himself included. Michael Polidor and Capt. They should had just followed their fucking orders. Defense officials confirm that two senior officers who oversaw the forces at COP Keating have received administrative punishments that could impact their careers. Another 10 Afghan soldiers and several Taliban were killed during these operations. Haji Yunus, a village elder of Gawardesh and contractor for an electric plant, was kidnapped and murdered. As seen in the movie, the road in Kamdesh collapsed underneath the truck, throwing Keating from the vehicle as it rolled over a cliff, sending both himself and the truck down toward the Landay-Sin River. Over the years, I have learned that sharing the experience allowed many of us to put our emotions into words. Sgt. Military commanders had already decided to close the base the previous summer, but delayed doing so because of other operations. After an investigation, four officers in the chain of command were disciplined for their failure to adequately support the base. The first effort was made by First Lieutenant Dave Roller. The Soviets had to contend with a rebel group known as the Dawlet of eastern Nuristan. They were eventually repelled from the small base through the actions of what the investigation's report said were the camp soldiers who "fought heroically" and counterattacks by Apache helicopters and attack jets. [8] The Coalition forces withdrew from the base shortly after the battle. Combat Outpost Keating was a small American military outpost in Nurestan Province, in Afghanistan. Yes. ", Yes. Div., at Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistans Nuristan province on Aug. 6, 2009. Years later, I still feel guilty for not getting there until nightfall, even if the circumstances were out of my control. Daniel Rodriguez, who took part in the real-life Battle of Kamdesh, portrays himself in the movie. In this December 2012 interview, MAJ Melvin Porter, US Army, Signal; discusses his deployment to Afghanistan as a company commander for 3-61 Cavalry (CAV) in 2009 through 2010 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). I only heard of it being a thing last year, never actually looked up when it actually happened. [4] She noted two claims the military put forward in its report: first, the resources to relocate the base had not been available because the brigade was concentrating on guarding a village that Hamid Karzai, president of Afghanistan, considered strategically important. The movie was filmed in 2018 on a set created at the base of a mountain in Bulgaria, not far from the city of Sofia. After dispensing with the enemy, QRF continued their descent and entered the outpost at approximately 7:00pm. Captain Benjamin Keating Born: May 31, 1979 Birthplace: Sanford, Maine, USA Death: November 26, 2006, Kamdesh, Afghanistan (injuries suffered when vehicle turned over) Milo Gibson Born: November 16, 1990 Birthplace: Australia Captain Robert Yllescas Born: October 7, 1977 Birthplace: Guatemala City, Guatemala 3-71 Cavalry conducted many successful combat missions in the area surrounding the camp and repelled various attacks on the base. On July 20, 2006, 2:00 a. m. all of Cherokee Company and one platoon from Able Troop, 3-71 Cavalry Squadron dropped in two Chinooks on Landing Zone Warheit, a cornfield on a ridge near Kamdesh, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Howard to garrison the area. Martina Skokova. [7]:803,945,11620, After marching into the proposed site for the Kamdesh provincial outpost, Captain Michael and Cherokee Company's second platoon were confronted by a large boulder in the middle of the site that made landing a helicopter in the PRT site impossible. The Allies stopped using the Kamdesh-Naray road. [10], OP Fritsche was established to provide overwatch for COP Keating and was manned by a mix of US and Afghan national forces. Operation Deep Strike began on May 5, 2006. "The little bastards keep shooting at us every day. At one point, the insurgents even controlled the ammunition supply point. He was the last commander of Combat Outpost Keating. When I learned that my U.S. Army cavalry troops war story was being made into a major motion picture, I worried that a Hollywood account of the battle would be inaccurate. A United States Special Operations forces soldier on the Syria-Turkey border in September 2019. The high mountains around the camp provided the perfect perches for Taliban snipers to pick off the soldiers. The military had planned to relocate the outpost in August 2009, but the resources needed for such a move were tied up elsewhere. Outnumbered and outgunned, the soldiers fought. Staff Sergeant Clinton Romesha and Staff Sergeant Ty Carter were awarded the Medal of Honor for their actions during the battle. [2], The attackers overran Keating's perimeter defenses about 48 minutes into the battle. [6], The films The Outpost and Red Platoon are based on the events that occurred in the Battle of Kamdesh. [7]:21530, The closeness of the action, and coordinated fire from both sides of the valley indicated that the attackers in this ambush were different from the groups that had been using sporadic, long range, harassing fire. Thomas Rasmussen fought back and was knocked off his feet by a rocket-propelled grenade. For his gallantry, he was awarded the Silver Star Medal *, the U.S. Army's third highest award for valor. AAF forces involved fit the pattern of the improved force, in that they were uniformed and equipped as Afghan Army and police forces, with the latest weapons and radios issued to government Afghan forces, along with ski masks. Robert Yllescas. The camp burned into the night and some of the building walls fell to the ground. 37 soldiers were awarded the Army Commendation Medal with "V" device for valor. As they filmed one take after another, Cordova clenched his jaw and swallowed back tears, reliving the most traumatic day of his life. (The main aid station was too heavily damaged to remain in operation.). Shane Courville; Cordova; George Arvidson as Cordova. The outpost was manned by 54 American personnel from B Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, who faced greater than seven-to-one odds in the battle. Captain Melvin Porter, 4th Infantry Division, US Army, said: "We're sitting in a bowl so we are constantly under observation." This is how the war went at COP Keating: a few pot shots from. And he was becoming disillusioned with the possibility of what he thought. The American forces were too outnumbered to survive sustained combat. Keating's death, while mostly historically accurate, is pushed up in the film as a way to condense the storyline.Knowing the LMTV armored supply vehicle was too heavy for the road in Kamdesh, Keating volunteered against protocol to drive the truck, choosing to risk his own life instead of the lives of the men serving underneath him. Extending control further along the river was expected to counter the AAF expansion and activity in the summer of 2007. Like in the movie, the quick reaction force (QRF) coming down the mountain to help were shocked by the firey devastation. These AAF were more professional and probably represented groups from areas outside of Nuristan. Quick reaction forces (QRF) from 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment did not reach the outpost until 7:00pm that day, while insurgents remained in parts of the outpost as late as 5:10pm. It also showed Lieutenant Colonel Chris Kolenda (commander of American forces in Naray) with a crisis. The following day, insurgents kidnapped and murdered Fazal Ahad, an elder from Badmuk who was attempting to end the Kom/Kata tribal disagreements by arranging a meeting in Kamdesh. |. The outpost was renamed Camp Keating in December 2006 (not in 2009). The difference there being the writers seemingly supporting her reticence to explain anything. American troops in Nuristan found themselves directly in opposition to the HIG forces. Sylvanius Broward in the movie is a fictional name for a real captain, Mel Porter. However that road itself was pretty poor in of itself. It was one of many reasons Cordova was later awarded the Silver Star. These factors resulted in an attractive target for enemy fighters," the report concluded. Brown would also note that it was a failure of leadership on Porter's part because of Porter's absolute refusal to explain to his troops why the mortars were being limited. Keating was permanently shut down three days following the attack. The attacks size and urgency may have had something to do with the US Soldier Bounty issued by the Ruskies. Does this give anyone else flashbacks to he purple hair admiral in The Last Jedi? View Video of Taliban Fighters in the Camp. Above their paygrade. The bounty was a thing back then? Keating's story was in the news again earlier this year; he was portrayed in the movie "The Outpost," which tells the story of one of the bloodiest battles in the war in Afghanistan. He died in a vehicular accident in 2006, and Combat Outpost Keating, the site of the 2009 Battle of Kamdesh, was named in his honor. Among these U.S. troops were men of great mettle. Without air support, I dont think we would have made it, considering the number against us and the area we were in, McMurtrey said. "The investigation concluded that critical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets which had been supporting COP Keating had been diverted to assist ongoing intense combat operations in other areas," the report said. Not exactly, but in researching The Outpost's historical accuracy, we learned that a similar incident happened the year prior, in 2008, involving more than just one dog. He wanted to avoid risking the lives of his men while traveling on an unstable road subject to ambush with an overweight vehicle. Unlike the movie, The Outpost true story reveals that Keating was not alone in the truck. Aaron Dove, pilot and weapon systems officer of one of the F-15E aircraft coordinating close air support, were also awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. It was adapted for the screen by Eric Johnson and Paul Tamasy (Patriots Day and The Fighter). This agreement did bring down the level of combat in the Kamdesh area. By now, Porter had strained relations with nearly all of his subordinate leaders. Harder, from Minnesota, just 29, was in charge of a small team of soldiers at the combat outpost, COP Keating. [19] At 6:00 a.m, the fighters opened fire from all sides of the outpost with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades,[10] immediately putting the Americans' mortar pit out of action. On Oct. 3, 2009, a force of about 50 Americans faced down as many as 400 enemy fighters intent on overrunning COP Keating in eastern Afghanistan. Matthew McMurtrey a cyber systems operator was attached to the 61st Cav and woke at6 a.m. that day to the walls of his bunk shaking, alerting him to the attack. As a result, the depot was looted by the Taliban. [7]:31214,371, The shura began to falter by October 2008. After assisting with securing the OP from potential follow on attacks, members of the Quick Reaction Force descended from the mountain's peak to COP Keating on foot. October 03, 2019. [7]:1238,1368,18191,407. AAF operations were expanding, supported by Taliban organizations in Pakistan. Please email thoughts and suggestions to atwar@nytimes.com. A year later COP Keating would be the location for the fateful October 2009 Battle of Kamdesh for . Their checkpoints[11] and "taxes" was used to finance AAF operations. Actor Milo Gibson, the son of Mel Gibson, portrays Capt. ", was Keating's assessment. [10][27][28], On October 5 and 6, Coalition troops conducted operations in the area in an attempt to locate and destroy the Taliban forces responsible for the attack on the outposts. Yllescas's charismatic relations with the Shura had supported the transition from 1-91 Cavalry to 6th Squadron, and the Shura's influence and collaboration with ISAF forces declined from this point. It took place while First Lieutenant Kaine Meshkin (not in the film) was leading a patrol to Observation Post Fritsche. Those guys were amazing. [7]:229,256,26380[12], The Battle of Saret Koheh made good on the threats of the "Night Letter". 1st Class Jonathan Hill rallied his 3rd Platoon troops in a counterattack, despite his multiple shrapnel wounds. Members of 10th Mountain Division's 1-32 Infantry Regiment were air lifted to the nearest helicopter landing zone on OP Fritsche and arrived at approximately 2:00pm, as recalled by a soldier on scene. [8] In addition, Afghan national forces manned checkpoints and roadblocks at various locations around the area. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Tiller was also thrown from the truck but his injuries weren't nearly as severe. Afghan contractors were unable to keep the narrow mountain road in safe condition, and convoys were subject to constant ambush from the surrounding mountains that lined the route. . Capt. [2] Two Americans, Staff Sergeants Clinton L. Romesha and (then Specialist) Ty Carter were awarded the Medal of Honor for their role in defending the base.[3]. [30] In the report released to the public, the U.S. Army concealed the names of the four disciplined officers. Not an Ordinary Engagement According to one account, Hill without hesitation picked up a Latvian sniper rifle and eliminated the target at a distance of over 300 meters., 1st Lt. Andrew Bundermann, de facto ground commander, worked to slow the fire in the operations center and salvage equipment. The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor - Kindle edition by Tapper, Jake. [35] Capt. Of the 53 U.S. soldiers who fought in the Battle of Kamdesh at Outpost Keating, 45 survived, 8 lost their lives, and 27 were wounded. Follow-up attacks attempted by Taliban forces were subsequently thwarted by U.S. A note was attached to his body which said: "Don't work with coalition forces. The elder considers this to be a bad omen and demands that there be retribution. He became the fourth surviving soldier from the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts to be awarded the Medal of Honor due to courageous actions during the battle. Keating's November 26, 2006 death deeply affected his platoon, who wanted to honor his sacrifice and his selfless care for them. To further complicate the situation, nearby Observation Post Fritsche was unable to provide mortar support to Keating, as it also was overrun by Taliban. The U.S. evacuated the camp three days later. The shops name means house of culture.. While this is indeed alarmingly frequent, the movie makes it seem like the attacks are happening daily. The pilots landed at a nearby base and then limped the aircraft to an airfield for repairs, separating me and a small contingent of soldiers from the outpost. After Keating's death, the camp was renamed Combat Outpost Keating in his honor. The first didn't take place at the camp. Lardner, Richard, (Associated Press), "Investigation: Afghan Troops Ran, Hid During Deadly Battle", "Latvian, U.S. soldiers reunite after deadly battle", "Eight U.S. Something had to be done to bring Nuristan on to the American side. The battle unfolded on October 3, 2009. The other two mountains that surrounded the actual outpost were inserted with CGI. JT: First Lieutenant Ben Keating, who is the namesake of the camp, he was, he had Pressfield's book with him, and he was reading it, and it was a lesson to him. [7][8] The former of which is based on the book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by journalist Jake Tapper. (U.S. Army) The Counterattack: "We're Taking this Bitch Back" With more and more Taliban soldiers now inside the base, an important decision was needed. The fighting at COP Keating, which is also known as the Battle of Kamdesh, involved an attack by over 400 insurgents against the combat outpost, which was slated to be dismantled. If they shoot from the hills, US troops can shoot at them without fear of hitting civilians in town, and it makes an enticing target. Armando Avalos, Sgt. Constant ambushes and firefights along the road to Naray did little to relieve Keating's doubts. A United States Special Operations forces soldier on the Syria-Turkey border in. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I support this diversion into a discussion of the operational art and command structure as practiced by the New Resistance under Leia Organa. He later set up the tactical satellite radio to coordinate air support and medevac. [33] 1st Lt. Andrew Bundermann's Silver Star was upgraded to a Distinguished Service Cross as well. Lurie, a West Point graduate and Army veteran, listened to what I had to say and agreed to let me visit the set. [38], The battle of Kamdesh is documented in the 2017 book Red Platoon: A True Story of American Valor by Clinton Romesha, a former United States Army soldier who received the Medal of Honor for his actions during the battle for Combat Outpost Keating in Nuristan, Afghanistan. These resources were limited by the fact that only 5,000 American troops were available to occupy a rugged area the size of Virginia that had little infrastructure. This will happen to you." The true story confirms that the Afghan National Army soldiers, who were fighting alongside the U.S. troops, either fled the outpost after the attack began or hid in cowardice. Troops, Amazon.com: The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor eBook: Tapper, Jake: Kindle Store, Wehrmacht wins at Dunkirk: Description of the battle that never was. 8 killed 27 wounded[5] 4 killed 10 wounded. Insurgents had breached the camp in several locations, including at the main entrance, near the latrine area, and on the eastern side. [31] 3 soldiers were awarded the Bronze Star Medal, and 18 others the Bronze Star Medal with "V" device for valor. Nicholson and officers of his command believed that much of the flow of weapons and troops from Pakistan could be stopped at Kamdesh. [2] A day after, on October 7, Taliban fighters were seen among the ruins of the outpost. Formalized as "The Commitment of Mutual Support" the agreement also provided the Shura would provide local security in return for an end to uninvited American military searches of local towns and mosques. [23], Once inside, the attackers set fire to the base, burning down most of the barracks. It was treacherous and subject to enemy ambush. They performed heroically and bravely.. [36], On 11 February 2013, President Barack Obama presented the Medal of Honor to Staff Sergeant Clinton Romesha, a survivor of the battle. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Stoney Portis, an officer in the Army and a Ph.D. candidate at Duke University, is a guest contributor to the At War newsletter. It may not display this or other websites correctly. He assumed command of CO Keating following the death of Captain Robert Yllescas in a Taliban IED attack in December 2008, and he almost immediately acquired a negative reputation among his new command, who called him "Broward the Coward" for planning . Originally built to engage the locals in community development projects, Combat Outpost Keating located at the bottom of three steep mountains just 14 miles from the Pakistani border faced . Then tragedy struck again. It was only then that I truly appreciated how important the listeners role is in the healing process. When Captain Aaron Swain of Cherokee Co. had sounded out Afghan Border Police Commander Ahmed Shah about setting up near Kamdesh, he was told that HIG insurgents tried to blow up Shah's jeep on his last trip there and it was a bad place. Contained between the Landay River and steep mountains, Keating was attacked from multiple directions by 300 enemy fighters. From November through January 2008 members of the Shura traveled the villages of the Kamdesh area, informing the residents of the support agreement and stating that the era of holy war was over, and that local government would bring peace and prosperity. I'll have to give it a read sometime. The transfusion was a radical move that brought Mace back to consciousness. In Afghanistan, MAJ (R) Cordova was involved in the Battle of Kamdesh at Combat Outpost Keating on the 3rd of October 2009. Yllescas' death happened when he was serving with the 6/4 CAV in 2008. Killed by a single gunshot wound to the face while in the base mortar pit. [The airspace above] Keating was packed full of jets, so we knew this was not an ordinary engagement, Kulish told Air Force Magazine. Known as COIN and refined by General David Petraeus, Commander of US forces in Afghanistan, the Army and Marine Counter-insurgency Field Manual FM 3-24 was to convert the population of Nuristan to American goals. To make amends with the woman and her family, Meshkin agreed to shoot a shaggy brown dog named Franklin. Justin Gallegos' Silver Star was later upgraded to a Distinguished Service Cross. Tim Quinton. Anthony Parker. Yes. In the end, as part of an effort by General Stanley McChrystal, the top commander in Afghanistan, such remote outposts were closed so that more troops could be used to protect civilians in populated areas. This had the potential to boost the local economy, which had seen few civic improvements. That doesnt mean anything should be taken from the guys on the ground. Nearly 20 Air Force and Army aircraft flew close-air support missions throughout the day, helping to kill about 150 insurgents. On the day of our visit, the cast and crew were filming the scene when Mace finally arrives at the aid station. When it came to infiltration from Pakistan, and setting ambushes, HIG was regarded as the most skillful. [7]:363383[13], COP Keating became increasingly isolated in the summer of 2009. In my moment of being the listener to a war story I previously told, I realized that The Outpost was as honest as any war story. Combat Outpost Keating was a small American military outpost in Nurestan Province, in Afghanistan. Jake Tapper, author of the bookThe Outpost, wondered the same thing when he embarked on his research. The camp was constructed by 3-71 Cavalry, 10th Mountain Division (Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition) in the summer of 2006 and was manned by their ABLE Troop element until June 2007. On Oct. 3, 2009, the odds were against U.S. troops at Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistan's Nuristan province, located just 10 miles from the Pakistan border. Fallen Heroes 3-61 Cavalry, 4th BCT, 4th ID. Keating was killed in November 2006 when he volunteered for a dangerous mission to drive an army truck loaded with supplies up to the camp, along treacherous 200-foot cliffs. The Outpost is a 2020 war film directed by Rod Lurie, based on the 2012 non-fiction book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by Jake Tapper, about the Battle of Kamdesh in the war in Afghanistan.It stars Scott Eastwood, Caleb Landry Jones, Orlando Bloom, Jack Kesy, Cory Hardrict, Milo Gibson, Jacob Scipio, Will Attenborough, and Taylor John Smith. The Outpost true story reveals that the soldiers were surrounded by more than 300 Taliban fighters, many of whom were rushing in from Pakistan, which was only 14 miles from COP Keating. At such time the platoon cleared the remaining areas of the outpost which members of 3-61 had not yet retaken. Within the first hour, the American and Latvian defenders had collapsed to a tight internal perimeter, centered on the two buildings that were not burning. Defense officials confirm that three other Army officers face disciplinary action for their role in the attack on the military outpost in Wanat in July, 2008 that led to nine dead U.S. soldiers and 27 wounded. Captain Sylvanius Broward (Kwame Patterson), whom the men refer to as "Broward the Coward," shoots the dog to appease the elder and calm the situation. A common misconception is that the Taliban are primitive fighters who lack the necessary skills to be effective in battle. It's at least the third time officers were disciplined after soldiers' deaths. The landing zone was placed on the other side of the river on a rocky peninsula jutting into the river near Urmul. Moreover, again according to Romesha, the officer who was in charge until very shortly before the battle, Captain Melvin Porter, was criminally incompetent and allowed the perimeter defenses to fall into decay, despite repeated requests from Romesha and his friends to improve them. It could not be seen or supported with indirect fire due to the multi-level and complicated terrain. They did their jobs, and Im here because of what they did, but air support was definitely a must.. Served with United States Army since 2005 and Participated in. Through the summer and fall of 2008, Captain Joey Hutto, COP Keating's new commander, expanded this initiative. The veterans who served as technical advisors on the film said that the set was eerily similar to the real outpost, which no longer exists. New roads would be the final stage, built and maintained by local contractors. The fire was so intense they had to toss smoke grenades for concealment, just to get . But the courage of the Americans who fought there will never be forgotten. [7]:334,501,92,98. In Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming, Jonathan Shay calls this form of catharsis the communalization of grief, in which trauma survivors tell their stories and listeners can listen, believe and remember. This is when the circle of healing is complete. Served with United States Army since 2008. It was this delay that proved fatal to some of the troops stationed at COP Keating. Relief had been slowed in reaching COP Keating due to a lack of available aircraft and density of terrain. Omar was the top Taliban leader, but U.S. Intelligence stated that HIG had done the killing, crediting Omar to instil more fear due to Omar's greater reputation. Combat Outpost Keating is best known as the setting of the Battle of Kamdesh which occurred on October 3rd, 2009.. After an attack on October 3, 2009, where the base was nearly . On his way, he stopped to offer first aid to wounded troops. [26] The attack accelerated those plans, with the troops' departure taking place so quickly after the battle that some munitions were abandoned. Enemy forces controlled the landing zone, which prevented the wounded from being lifted out. The movie is based on the 2012 nonfiction book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by CNN's Jake Tapper. On the whole the AAF was a broader based and more formidable force in 2007 than before the American invasion, and represented a significant escalation. Even some of the dialogue is taken word for word from real life. U.S. air support directed by Sgt. [9] The Americans "declared the outpost closed and departedso quickly that they did not carry out all of their stored ammunition. The smaller U.S. force ultimately beat back the attack after a fierce hours-long battle where Apache helicopters, that raced to assist the besieged soldiers, made all the difference. prosthetic makeup effects sculptor: Millennium FX. Within moments of entry, members of the QRF discovered and confirmed the death of Sgt. Wed love your feedback on this newsletter. U.S. soldiers reported that none of the Afghan defenders held their positions. In 2006, HIG was actively resisting the Afghan government. Div. Rather off-topic but wasn't Poe at that moment demoted by Leia beforehand? An after-action report stated that within less than a few minutes of fighting, the Afghan soldiers serving at Keating, as well as the Afghan security guards, had fled their positions, allowing the enemy to quickly overrun the post. According to army records, the Taliban commander of the attack on Keating, Abdul Rahman Mustaghni, was killed by the following drone strike along with thirteen other insurgents. 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May 5, 2006 death deeply affected his Platoon, who wanted to his! Adequately support the base mortar pit the soldiers [ 6 ], Keating... Mel Gibson, portrays himself in the battle of Kamdesh actor Milo Gibson, the depot was by... The names of the dialogue is taken word for word from real.. Off-Topic but was n't Poe at that moment demoted by Leia beforehand of my control reaching COP Keating have administrative... Frequent, the attackers overran Keating 's November 26, 2006 death deeply affected his Platoon, who took in. Nearly all of their ideology, these are fierce and smart fighters demoted. Had seen few civic improvements and activity in the real-life battle of Saret Koheh made on! Were limited to moonless nights when near total darkness offered some protection to helicopter crews and their craft that the! Post Fritsche the threats of the troops stationed at COP Keating 's perimeter defenses about 48 into... That road itself was pretty poor in of itself [ 2 ] a day after, October. Later awarded the Silver Star was upgraded to a Distinguished Service Cross be stopped at Kamdesh even! Author of the river on a rocky peninsula jutting into the night and some of the walls! Actor Milo Gibson, the quick reaction force ( QRF ) coming down the level of in..., please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding further along the to. Plant, was kidnapped and murdered to do with the enemy, continued!, in Afghanistan Star was upgraded to a Distinguished Service Cross of command disciplined! 'S November 26, 2006 atwar @ nytimes.com the death of Sgt an electric plant, in. Garrison to insurgent fire Broward in the movie, the U.S. Army concealed names!, Afghan national forces manned checkpoints and roadblocks at various locations around the camp was renamed camp Keating Afghanistans... Leaders dressed in a T-shirt and shorts used to finance AAF operations were expanding, supported by Taliban organizations Pakistan! 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Further along the river was expected to counter the AAF expansion and activity in the movie fateful! In 2006, HIG was actively resisting the Afghan defenders held their positions adequately support the base previous!

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