If anything, our weapons are bigger thanks to Titans Grip, and we get instant Slams with Bloodsurge, so we should be stronger, surely? We also have slightly weaker utility than Frost: we offer Horn of Winter just the same, but we lack Improved Icy Talons, trading it off for Ebon Plaguebringer, which isnt a great trade since Balance Druids automatically apply the same debuff. This greatly slants the meta in favour of specs with stronger single-target and cleave-type damage, while AoE-focused specs unfortunately suffer. The A-Tier represents strong DPS specializations that offer a great amount of damage and utility, but not the best possible damage output. A Tier: Fury Warriors start off very weak at the beginning of the expansion, their physical damage suffering from heavy reliance on Armor Penetration. Best DPS Class in WOTLK Classic - Death Knights. There have been numerous attempts to make Subtlety Rogues viable for PvE content, however, it simply seems like the specialization itself has been crafted by Blizzard with the sole purpose of obliterating squishy targets in PvP content, with no real applicability in massive PvE content. Still, Combat Rogues are incredibly powerful, and it wont be rare to see 2-3 of them per raid in Phase 3. Fury is one of if not the best dps by the end of wrath. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Besides the lack of crit, we also suffer from a minor lack of utility. Thats true Phase 4 is absolutely not kind to us, as our lack of scaling comes to haunt us. Still, Ferals have the potential to deal tremendous amounts of damage while also bringing in heavy utility through Mangle and Rebirth. With how big our gap with MM has become, all but the most die-hard Survivalists out there have switched to MM by now. Master your class with our guides covering optimal talent builds, Best-in-Slot Courses 428 View detail Preview site Here you can find Guides, News, Tools, Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, and Shadowlands! WOTLK Classic Best Class - Warlocks. While they were previously placed in the C-tier, we can now count them among the most powerful DPS specializations in the A-tier. B Tier: Balance Druids (Boomkin) provide some of the best AoE damage in the game but their single-target damage is lackluster in comparison. Our single-target is now respectable, and we even see an improvement in our AoE and cleave capabilities. However, theyre slightly behind their Survival brethren, right on the top of B Tier. While Unholy Death Knights are very well-rounded and powerful in the majority of fights, they will especially shine in fights such as Mimiron, Razorscale, Kolorgarn, Iron Council, and Yogg-Saron. Balance Druids, also affectionately called Boomies or Boomkins by the community, are in a similar boat to Shadow Priests massive buffs to our damage take us from zero to hero when compared to our performance in TBC. Furys single-target damage is starting to ramp up. Restoration Druids are very good with healing over-time buffs, Discipline Priests are solid in a raid environment, Restoration Shamans still have . However, that is often not true for the majority of Ulduar, the specialization itself being brought more for its undeniable utility rather than pure damage output. Furthermore, as our gear sees improvements, so does our Demonic Pact the main reason why many caster-heavy raids will be bringing a Demo Warlock. Armor penetration starts to become more common in Phase 2 with the introduction of the Ulduar raid, which means that physical DPS classes are starting to ascend toward their most powerful states. Show 28 Comments 1 2 1 2 The doctor has prescribed a temporary stay in the B-tier for them, at least for a couple of months, while the bones heal. You may have heard this story before, but all of BM Hunters damage is physical, so the lack of armor penetration on Phase 1 gear cripples us. D Tier: Subtlety Rogues (Sub) really only shine in PvP content where their toolkit is very powerful. It should be noted that our cleave damage is still okay, so it could be argued that were perfectly viable, but Arms is just better. The presence of armor penetration as a regular stat on Phase 3 gear also does wonders for us, greatly increasing the damage of our auto-attacks and a lot of our abilities, so our single-target damage is stellar. Furthermore, the Trial of the Crusader raid consisting primarily of cleave-type fights means we get to go to town with Pestilence and Wandering Plague, topping damage meters. The abundance of armor penetration on gear during this phase, coupled with our bleed effects means armor barely affects us, improving our damage drastically. Besides Rebirth a spell that will be crucial to any raid to prevent horrible wipes Balance Druids pack a big punch in terms of utility through different effects and spells such as Improved Faerie Fire and Moonkin Aura. Not only do Affliction Warlocks bring insane amounts of DPS to the Raid setup, but they also possess extreme survivability, being healed by the afflictions they spread! The most incredible part about this class is that all three specs are . It was no surprise that the specializations in our Tier B, C, and D are all bottoming the charts in DPS so far in almost the exact order we depicted in this tier list. We have no unique buff like Demonology, so theres no reason to bring even a single Destruction Warlock to a raid theyd all be better off switching to Affliction. Simply put, fights are just too long in this tier, so we run out of mana while Fire can just keep pumping out damage. Still, if you enjoy the playstyle, Enhancement is very much viable, so if your guilds looking for an extra Shaman to fill all totem slots, you shouldnt hesitate to give it a go. Demonologys single-target DPS has been greatly buffed, with a multitude of new talents empowering our Felguard pet. Cant Decide What Class To Play In WotLK Classic? But they lacked vision. Download the client and get started. So, it has by far the worst version of the ability, along with terrible single-target damage and non-existent cleave damage. Healing overall is in a great spot in WoW WotLK Classic; every specialization has something they are very good at. There is some theorycrafting showing that a spell power version of Enhancement, dubbed Spellhance, could have some potential, though it remains to be seen if that pans out in WotLK Classic. Yet, our main issue is that we dont have the AoE and cleave damage that the specs above us offer, and Icecrown Citadel has a decent chunk of AoE-centric fights, meaning we dont get to claim the top 4-5 DPS spots often. . Mage. Paladin. To rank them, put both Shadow and Disc Priests into the S-Tier when it comes to general performance throughout Wrath of the Lich King. Feral Druid gets a massive change in playstyle in WotLK. Phase 2 Ulduar 25 Man DPS Rankings 9209 DPS Affliction Warlock 9120 DPS Fire Mage 8754 DPS Assassination Rogue 8717 DPS You wont be topping meters any time soon as Elemental, but you will be doing better than in previous phases, while your utility remains a good reason for guilds to keep bringing you along if theyve brought you before, when your damage was worse. However, compared to Survival Hunters, they struggle with their mana management. Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King DPS tier list! The days of stacking Enhancement Shamans are long gone: most raids will bring 1 Shaman of any spec for Heroism / Bloodlust, then possibly 1 more in order to round up totem buffs, and thats about it. If you don't like the boosts, don't play the game. By the time youre fully Ulduar-geared, you could switch to Fire without any issues if you prefer the playstyle, or want to prepare in advance for the phases to come. The one thing Rets really have going for them is their powerful cleave damage, thanks to Divine Storm. Many Warriors will roll Arms for Phase 1, as its generally stronger than Fury, while being more fun to play and easier to gear to boot. Hysteria will still be the only reason to bring an extra Blood DK along, but the sad reality is that theyd be better off as a tank anyway. We will be ranking each DPS class available for the expansion, as well as explaining each classs position on the tier list. Compared to Assassination Rogues, Combat Rogues have the potential to out-scale, if they manage to acquire enough gear. Frost Mages cause terror on their enemies inside battlegrounds and the arena but, unfortunately, their reign of terror does not extend beyond PvP, as theyre an awful PvE spec. But in the last half of the expansion, as the fights get longer their damage becomes average. However, in later stages with better gear, most groups will opt to always have one Demonology Warlock as that spell power buff becomes very strong in groups with many casting classes. Gone are the days of being a budget version of Marksmanship we now have many unique talents and abilities, such as Explosive Shot and Black Arrow, that give us a playstyle distinct from other specs. On the contrary, we will find quite a few caster specializations among the top spots on the Damage Meters. What classes will be strongest at the start of the expansion in S5, before loads of armor pen, crazy trinkets, and legendary weapons start appearing in late game and starts reshaping the meta. The long-awaited release of World of Warcraft Classic's Wrath of the Lich King update is finally here. Pick the best class with this WoW WotLK PVP tier list. If it doesnt, things wont be looking great for Enhancement, as we only get weaker from this point on, usually finding ourselves in the lower middle parts of DPS meters. They can also wield the legendary Shadowmourne making them absolute powerhouses. S-Tier: Affliction Warlocks (Afflic) are a top-tier DPS throughout most of the expansion. WotLK Classic Best Healer Tier List. Subtlety is traditionally a PvP-focused spec, and Blizzard made no effort to change that in WotLK. Regardless, our damage is more than fine, and Misdirection is a massive boon for any raid, so it wont be hard to find a spot as an MM Hunter we just wont be stacked as much as some of the specs above us will. We still have the Druid staples like Gift of the Wild and Innervate. Yet, we do lack slightly in the cleave department, since Death Knights will usually beat us in fights with 2-3 targets. Due to this brand-new mechanic, we can claim a much higher spot on the DPS charters in Single-Target fights. Our gear is at its absolute prime in this phase, with many of the scaling DPS classes finally maturing into their final, most powerful states. They also have great AoE and cleave potential with multi-dotting. Icecrown Citadel having a good amount of multi-target fights means that, in practice, you wont be on the top as cleanly as Fury Warriors will. Phase 4 gear gives us more crit than we know what to do with, allowing us to continue to be Hot Streak monsters in the S-tier. we've pieced together a WoW WotLK healer tier list to quantify the best healer in WotLK Classic. Class balance in WOTLK Classic. Paladin can be one of the best classes in Classic WotLK, with powerful new spells and abilities added to all three specializations. Just like in previous phases, Subtlety simply cannot keep up with other DPS specs, as the majority of its talents focus on PvP. The A-Tier represents strong DPS specializations that offer a great amount of damage and utility, but not offering the best possible damage output. Rogue should be on here for no other reason than the boost leveling Lock Picking for you. Youll still likely see better performance by staying Arcane in this phase, but every single Ulduar item you get shrinks that gap a little. This is thanks to the hybrid damage they produce, both from their own attacks and that of their pets. These specializations are usually recruited in larger numbers due to their outstanding performance. There are no specific fights that benefit a Survival Hunter, being overall very well-rounded both in AoE fights and single-target fights. Our Battle Shout no longer stacks with Blessing of Might, and Combat Rogues can bring our previously exclusive Blood Frenzy. It may not be the arpen menaces of ICC, but it's top 2 caster throughout Wrath. In fact, many guilds may elect to bring multiple Rets already, in preparation for their large buff in the next phase. With the changes to Ulduar reverting back to the Pre-Nerf and the item updates, Arcane Mages find themselves in a far better spot than they were before. Maybe youre not sure if you want to play your old main or try out something new and exciting. The main disadvantage of Demonology is that you only need one for Demonic Pact, and more than that is pointless, as Affliction typically does superior damage. We still have Druid staples like the Gift of the Wild and Innervate. While the health pool of some of the Bosses has been diminished, Drain Souls damage still proves to be one deadly execution ability. Observant readers may have noticed that Fury has crept up a tier yet again, finally managing to find its way into the A-tier. Frost Death Knights also benefit from very high survivability due to their Unbreakable Armor while also providing the raid with Improved Icy Talons, a buff that grants 20% increased melee haste for all nearby raid members. There are lot of mixed emotions for Enhancement in this phase. The PvP-ish encounter in the Trial of the Crusader raid might have you thinking that theres merit in bringing the PvP-focused Rogue specialization along, but, alas no. Seeing how thats the last phase in the game, however, you can roll a Frost DK and not regret it at all. The specializations that make up the C-Tier are on the weaker side of the DPS spectrum. BM Hunters reading this are probably looking at the Tier 10 sets (Windrunners Battlegear) 4-set bonus and getting excited for this phase. As far as utility goes, Marksmanship Hunter has a 10% increased attack power that can be quite extraordinary, however, it does not stack with similar effects. A titan has fallen. Arcane has the same issue as Assassination for Rogues our Fire specialization has superior scaling and eventually surpasses us in damage, particularly in phases 3 & 4. Throwing Specialization: Skills with Throwing Weapons is increased by 5. They stand in the middle of the pack on damage meters throughout the entire expansion. Adds will very often not have armor-reducing debuffs on them for a while, and thus Divine Storms Holy damage which ignores armor will be a major asset for Rets. Thankfully, most fights in this tier are cleave-heavy so, just like with Shadow Priests, they can largely hide this weakness using Starfall and their damage-over-time spells. Master your class with our guides covering optimal talent builds, Best-in-Slot gear, rotations, gemming, enchants, consumables, and more. Fury Warriors find themselves in quite a better spot compared to the last phase of the expansion, as they ascend to the B-Tier. However, they find themselves in a way better spot compared to the first phase of the expansion. S-Tier: Combat Rogues are in the top tier due to the sheer raw damage that they can pump out. Where Unholy shines is in longer duration AoE encounters where their diseases can provide incredible damage. Our single-target damage is comparable to Arms, but their cleave damage is significantly better, so Fury tragically finds itself replaced by our traditionally weaker brother. With the launch of Classic World of Warcraft, twinking has come back into fashion. If your guild has been bringing you for the totem buffs, theyll likely continue going so, but youre not very likely to find yourself on the DPS meters without scrolling down. It also happens to be one of the most important choices, as the different races offer very different bonuses, some of which are exceptional for some characters, while others aren't all that good. Blizzard made an effort to make us more PvE-viable with Deep Freeze, but it was simply not enough our single target damage is so low that several classes can beat us while half-AFK. They provide some specific group utility and like all rogues bring Tricks of the Trade. Wotlk has one of the highest amount of lockouts in 1 Expansion and never gets boring. S Tier Classes List Paladins Paladins have insane potential and could end up being the absolute best class for gold farming in Wrath of the Lich King. It takes a long time to level a single character, so make the right choice first if you're looking for a lucrative PVP career. Destruction Warlock, Arms Warrior, Elemental Shaman, Beast Mastery Hunter, Subtlety Rogue, Frost Mage. Its certainly still possible to clear content with this spec, and they do provide some utility to the group. Holy for healing. On the plus side, while we lose on single-target damage, we do have very respectable AoE and cleave damage, unlike Arcane, which has almost 0 cleave. It doesnt help that both of the Tier 9 sets (Khadgars Regalia) set bonuses are significantly more beneficial for Fire than they are for Arcane. Better player tooltips - class colors, talents/specialization, GearScore & more - for Classic / TBC / WoTLK They are still considered viable, as they do a decent amount of damage, but they typically cannot compete with the A-tier specs on the damage meters. Aeoniias-myzrael May 3, 2022, . So, if thats something you find appealing, Shadow Priest may just be the spec for you. WOTLK-WEAKAURA. Secondly, Unholy Death Knights hold the crown of AoE Kings theyre one of the most proficient AoE specs in the entire expansion. Check Out Our Tier Lists! Like in the previous phase, its unlikely youll lose your spot as Enhancement if your guild needs your totem buffs, but the damage gap between you and the top dogs isnt getting any smaller. Blizzard is conspiring to keep us down, with our Tier 9 set (Wrynns Battlegear) having 2 completely lukewarm set bonuses, when compared to what some of the other kids at school got for Christmas. 2. - Numerous bug fixes and improvements. Compared to a prot warrior, the prot paladin is like a power drill and a prop warrior is like a screwdriver. Boomie single-target damage goes from the laughingstock of DPS specs to being very respectable particularly in the earlier phases, before other casters take off due to their superior scaling. Both of these set bonuses are great for single-target damage, which the spec typically deals. Our single-target damage is more than just fine its great. For such purposes, Resto Shaman will be the best pick. 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