Yoshida, G., Arima, S., and Terawaki, T. (1998). Soc. Paleocl. 67, 98–104. openModeller: a generic approach to species’ potential distribution modelling. 39, 293–299. Recent demographic expansion is characterized by smooth unimodal distribution (Rogers and Harpending, 1992). We collected presence-only occurrence records of S. horneri from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)2, the AlgaeBase3, the journal articles, and regional experts (Supplementary Table S2). They now comprise the vast majority of marine debris in the Korea Strait, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea. It was observed in Catalina Island, California, in 2003 [19]. (2019). doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.05.018, Krumhansl, K. A., Lauzon-Guay, J.-S., and Scheibling, R. E. (2014). doi: 10.1029/91PA00560, Olsen, J. L., Zechman, F. W., Hoarau, G., Coyer, J. Changes in the distribution boundaries of Sargassum horneri under the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), present-day and future climate scenarios (RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5). The divergence of chimpanzee species and subspecies as revealed in multipopulation isolation-with-migration analyses. Historical isolation and contemporary gene flow drive population diversity of the brown alga Sargassum thunbergii along the coast of China. This annual species reaches 2–5 m or more in height and sometimes dominates on the rocky shores of intertidal to subtidal zones, especially from winter to early summer. Dash line represent northward-flowing Kuroshio Current. For these, the congeneric species Sargassum muticum (GenBank accession no. 44, 855–865. doi: 10.1016/bs.amb.2016.06.001, Fraser, C. I., Zuccarello, G. C., Spencer, H. G., Salvatore, L. C., Garcia, G. R., and Waters, J. M. (2013). 30, 1199.e2–1206.e2. Search Sequences in GenBank. R Package MaxentVariableSelection: Selecting the Best Set of Relevant Environmental Variables along with the Optimal Regularization Multiplier for Maxent Niche Modeling. KJ938301.1), S. natans (no. A review of methods for the assessment of prediction errors in conservation presence/absence models. Oceanic currents drove population genetic connectivity of the brown alga Sargassum thunbergii in the north-west Pacific. Since S. horneri can grow rapidly under low temperatures (10°C –15°C) (Yoshida et al., 1998, 2004), the lower SST in the past might have only shortened its growth period or slowed its growth rate instead of causing its large-scale extinction. Conserv. To evaluate the relationships among haplotypes, a median-joining network was built using NETWORK v4.5.1 software (Bandelt et al., 1999). B., Sagawa, T., Matsunaga, D., Mikami, A., et al. 113, 174–182. Where is positional uncertainty a problem for species distribution modelling? doi: 10.1111/gcb.13818, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Assis, J., Berecibar, E., Claro, B., Alberto, F., Reed, D., Raimondi, P., et al. Features 6. Ecol. 36, 368–378. Vegetative portion with many axes with fern-like branches; pinnate branching with notched margins at tips; Mature axes have small spines. In particular, extreme environment conditions, such as the long-term average (LTA) of the hottest summer and the coldest winter month for sea surface temperature (SST) and the respective LTA of the maximum (summer) and minimum (winter) month for surface salinity (SSS), were also included. 2. Effects of reduced salinity on reproduction and germling development in Sargassum muticum (Phaeophyceae, Fucales). Mar. When the marginal seas reunited due to postglacial sea-level rise, populations that survived glaciation started to expand outward, with coastal currents (e.g., China Coastal Current and Kuroshio Current) possibly helping to accelerate gene flow between regions. Mar. Res. A., Stam, W. T., Valero, M., et al. Sargassum horneri (aka Devil Weed) is a large, annual brown seaweed, native from Japan to the Philippines. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2016.07.004, Bandelt, H.-J., Forster, P., and Röhl, A. B Biol. Changes in the suitable distribution area (%) of Sargassum horneri under the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), present-day and future climate scenarios (RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5). doi: 10.1111/geb.12456, Wilson, K. L., Skinner, M. A., and Lotze, H. K. (2019). Large-scale Sargassum blooms, known as golden tides, have been occurring along the coast of the Yellow Sea in recent years, resulting in an enormous l… Population growth makes waves in the distribution of pairwise genetic differences. We would like to thank Zimin Hu, Xiangzhou Song, and Ke Ma for providing the background information supporting this study. This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 31700327), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (grant number BK20170863), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (grant number B200202140). Fragment with vesicles. Geoinformatica 15, 111–135. New algorithms and methods to estimate maximum-likelihood phylogenies: assessing the performance of PhyML 3.0. Conserv. 443, 285–292. Sargassum horneri rafts, which were sparsely detected in the open ocean in the past century, have periodically invaded the Korea Strait since 2008 (Kim et al. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13053, Phillips, S. J., Anderson, R. P., and Schapire, R. E. (2006). Adaptive marine conservation planning in the face of climate change: what can we learn from physiological, ecological and genetic studies? Sargassum horneri is a species of brown macroalgae that is common along the coast of Japan and Korea. J. Phycol. Nature 463, 747–756. sargassum beds provide food, habitat, and nursery grounds for a wide array of marine organisms (Tsukidate 1992), while also providing food, alginates, feed, and bioactive compounds for people who harvest or culture sargassum (Belleme and Belleme 2007, Zhao et al. However, the natural resource of S. horneri is heavily threatened by human activity (e.g., over-harvesting) and climatic changes (e.g., ocean warming). Community, trophic structure and functioning in two contrasting Laminaria hyperborea forests. Limnol. Paleoceanogr. Citation in PubAg 88; Full Text 4; Journal. Geol. Species distribution models for Sargassum horneri for (C) the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and (D) Mid-Holocene (MH). IPCC (2013). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Res. Hydrochars derived from macroalgae Sargassum horneri were characterized physically and chemically to elucidate their potential as a valuable resource. The range of S. horneri was predicted to move northward, with a significant loss of suitable habitat, under the high emissions scenario (RCP 8.5). Distrib. In our study, summer temperature (MaxSST) contributed more than did winter temperature (MinSST) when projecting the distribution pattern of S. horneri. Tamura, K., Stecher, G., Peterson, D., Filipski, A., and Kumar, S. (2013). According to the output results, the variables with a relative contribution score less than 5% in the model were excluded. USC Dornsife Scientific Diving: An Analysis of Sargassum Horneri Ecosystem Impact Toggle facets Limit your search Text Availability. Assessing the accuracy of species distribution models: prevalence, kappa and the true skill statistic (TSS). Climate change has also altered the composition of canopy-forming seaweeds, with implications for ecosystem functions and services (Leclerc et al., 2015; Casado-Amezúa et al., 2019). Fragment with vesicles. editors of this guide it should copy everything, but if you're not, it doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1835.1998.tb00112.x, Zhang, J., Yao, J., Hu, Z. M., Jueterbock, A., Yotsukura, N., Krupnova, T. N., et al. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069138. Insights from novel marine forests. Tracing the trans-Pacific evolutionary history of a domesticated seaweed (Gracilaria chilensis) with archaeological and genetic data. To illustrate the changes to suitable habitat in response to climate changes, we compared the future suitable area and southern ranges with its present distribution (Figure 2). doi: 10.1111/maec.12146, Xu, M., Sakamoto, S., and Komatsu, T. (2016). 283, 1–8. Additionally, model overfitting was calculated as the difference between training and testing AUC, and higher values (AUC Diff.) Biol. The generation time, g (1 yr) and the mutation rate of cox3 (2.6–4.1%/Myr) (Uwai et al., 2009) were used to convert the output units into years. Previous studies have amplified the cox3 sequences for S. horneri populations ranging from Hokkaido, Japan (43°12′N) to Zhanjiang, China (20°53′N), including 54 sites in Japan (Uwai et al., 2009; Watanabe et al., 2019), 14 sites in Korea (Byeon et al., 2019), and 8 sites in China (Hu et al., 2011). In particular, non-buoyant seaweed and/or invertebrates could hitchhike on floating rafts formed by positive buoyant seaweeds (e.g., Sargassum, Durvillaea, Macrocystis), to colonize to newly available suitable habitats (Fraser et al., 2013; Boo et al., 2014; Guillemin et al., 2014; van Hees et al., 2019). J. Biogeogr. Biol. Sargassum horneri 92; macroalgae 43; coasts 15; China 14; thallus 13; more Subject » Search 92 Search Results « Previous | 81 - 92 of 92 | Next » Select all Unselect all Sort by relevance relevance; newest; oldest; title; Number of results to display per page. Thalli annual or perennial, attached by irregular, solid holdfast or by rhizoidal outgrowths from main axis. Hizikia fusiformis) is a brown sea vegetable growing wild on rocky coastlines around Japan, Korea, and China.. Hijiki has been a part of the Japanese diet for centuries. Divers. August 2013. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2007.03408.x, Hu, Z. M., Li, J. J., Sun, Z. M., Gao, X., Yao, J. T., Choi, H. G., et al. As a prominent species forming the “golden tide” in the NW-Pacific, S. horneri can stay on the sea surface for ca. Ecol. Fu, Y.-X. Can ecosystem functioning be maintained despite climate-driven shifts in species composition? 25, 923–939. Major shifts at the range edge of marine forests: the combined effects of climate changes and limited dispersal. Phycol. Impact Factor 3.661 | CiteScore 4.4More on impact ›, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile. Haplotypic differentiation between seasonal populations of Sargassum horneri (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) in Japan. Phylogeographic diversification and postglacial range dynamics shed light on the conservation of the kelp Saccharina japonica. In this study, 131 benthic samples and 156 floating samples were collected in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea (ECS) to test the effects of seaweed rafts on population structure and connectivity. Plant Body of Sargassum 3. Mol. May 2018; www.esrl.noaa.gov) (Westmeijer et al., 2019). This August, we’re brining you three biology nerds who each nerd out on a unique aspect of marine or freshwater habitat. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Ecol. Rep. 7:44348. doi: 10.1038/srep44348, Assis, J., Lucas, A. V., Barbara, I., and Serrao, E. A. Distribution of drifting seaweeds in eastern East China Sea. For the GARP model, we ran it with 10 000 replicate enforcing a low omission (E = 5%), and selected 10 best models out 100 runs. Past climate changes and strong oceanographic barriers structured low-latitude genetic relics for the golden kelp Laminaria ochroleuca. (2010). 1581.89 km (ca. The estimated split time between lineage I and III was c. 0.205 Mya (95% HPD 0.035–0.414 Mya), and the divergence time between lineage II and III was c. 0.266 Mya (95% HPD 0.094–0.432 Mya) (Supplementary Figure S5). Jueterbock, A. Bioinformatics 14, 817–818. Life History: Diplontic, with gametic meiosis; monoecious. Mol. MAXENT models the environmental conditions in the distributional range of S. horneri according to 10 000 background sites positioned randomly along the coastline. Z-YL provided guidance on the modeling. In addition, unimodal distribution was observed in the mismatch distribution for lineages III (Supplementary Figure S6), indicating a demographic expansion scenario. This species functions as an ecosystem engineer; it provides habitat, spawning sites, and nursery grounds for a diverse assemblage Cryptic diversity and phylogeography of the island-associated barnacle Chthamalus moro in Asia. Biol. Under RCP 8.5, the more severe climate change scenario, by 2050 the highest habitat suitability was found along the coasts of Central-Pacific-Japan, and the southern and eastern coasts of Korea (Figure 2). Sargassum horneri populations in the NW-Pacific were also characterized by strong genetic variation among regions (Hu et al., 2011). Comparative phylogeography in marginal seas of the northwestern Pacific. 9, 552–569. In total, the mtDNA cox3 of 996 individuals yielded 62 haplotypes, which were downloaded from NCBI1 (Supplementary Table S1). Mol. 6:538. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00538, Rilov, G., Mazaris, A. D., Stelzenmueller, V., Helmuth, B., Wahl, M., Guy-Haim, T., et al. (2014), 38% of the world’s kelp forests have vanished in the past five decades. Ecology 94, 979–979. Similar to M. pyrifera, S. horneri establishes itself onto hard surfaces most commonly between depths of 3-15 m using a holdfast and utilizes gas- filled vesicles called pneumatocysts to stand upright for maximum photosynthesis (Marks, 2015). Genetic isolation by distance in the yellowfin goby populations revealed by RAD sequencing. Pollut. This species grows on rocky coastal bottoms and forms underwater forests or meadows in sublittoral regions (Bi and Wang, 2016). Change Biol. In habitat, Japan, Amakusa Island. Bull. Similarly, southern boundaries of S. muticum were predicted to shift northward, from the coast of China and Korea to the Russian coast of the Sea of Japan, the Sakhalin Bay, and around the Kuril Islands (Chefaoui et al., 2019). Mol. It is generally most abundant between depths of 3 – 15 meters (~10 – 50 feet), but has been found growing at 30 meters (~100 feet). doi: 10.1111/mec.13367, Hu, Z. M., Uwai, S., Yu, S. H., Komatsu, T., Ajisaka, T., and Duan, D. L. (2011). Genetics 123, 585–595. Ecol. Biol. (B) Median-joining network inferred from mtDNA cox3. This enables it to occupy a broad range of habitats from the upper intertidal (mainly rock pools) to the subtidal and substrata from exposed rock to Zostera marina (Eel-grass) beds. Possible change in distribution of seaweed, Sargassum horneri, in northeast Asia under A2 scenario of global warming and consequent effect on some fish. Sato, Y., Hirano, T., Niwa, K., Suzuki, T., Fukunishi, N., Abe, T., et al. 152, 11–22. 20 per page . Environmental predictors used in species distribution models (MAXENT and GARP) of the seaweed Sargassum horneri. (2018). Sargassum is highly tolerant to environmental parameters such as desiccation, full sunlight and variations in salinity and temperature. (2018a). Under the assumption of neutrality, negative values represent population expansions, while positive values are considered a signature of recent bottlenecks (Excoffier and Lischer, 2010). During the LGM, the Yellow-Bohai Sea and East China Sea were reduced to Okinawa Trough, and Seto Inland Sea was terrestrial (Wang, 1999). HABITAT AND CONDITIONS: In coastal areas of Korea, S. horneri grows rapidly from November to March, produces receptacles from late March to July, and necroses from late July to September. Front. Genetics 147, 915–925. (2016). Growth and maturation of two populations of Sargassum horneri (Fucales, Phaeophyta) in Hiroshima Bay, the Seto Inland Sea. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.06.006, de la Hoz, C. F., Ramos, E., Puente, A., and Juanes, J. Habitat. (2019) investigated how climatic-driven substitutions of two foundation species, Laminaria hyperborea (cold-affinity) and L. ochroleuca (warm-affinity), influenced community, trophic structure and functioning through processes associated with the cycling of organic matter (including biomass production, detritus flow, herbivory, and decomposition). Sargassum horneri is a habitat‐forming species in the Northwest Pacific and an important contributor to seaweed rafts. 107, 91–104. doi: 10.1007/s10531-019-01716-9, Cheang, C. C., Chu, K. H., and Ang, P. O. doi: 10.1111/jpy.12806, Ni, G., Li, Q., Kong, L. F., and Yu, H. (2014). Environ. 41:101560. doi: 10.1016/j.algal.2019.101560, Foo, S. A., and Byrne, M. (2016). 16, 37–48. Diversity 10:11. doi: 10.3390/d10010011, Boo, G., Mansilla, A., Nelson, W., Bellgrove, A., and Boo, S. (2014). (2017). Apart from temperature, the monthly maximum and minimum average sea surface RCP scenarios also included simulations of salinity changes arising from alterations to the hydrological cycle. These large biotic rafts that can support an extensive pelagic habitat Sargassum Horneri tends to grow in dense, underwater canopies, that grow to be approximately 16 feet in length. The haplotype network revealed deep genetic splits among populations along the NW-Pacific (Figures 1A,B). doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2005.03.026, Posada, D., and Crandall, K. A. In our study, the divergence time between lineages ranged from 0.175 Mya to 0.266 Mya, much earlier than the LGM (0.018–0.020 Mya). (2019). The cold Oyashio current in this region may mitigate the rate of ocean warming and facilitate the growth of cold-water adapted species kelps (Saccharina, Alaria, Costaria) (Sudo et al., 2020) and warm-temperate species, such as Undaria pinnatifida (Sato et al., 2016) and Sargassum thunbergii (Li et al., 2017a). In Wakasa Bay it began to grow in early autumn through winter, becoming matured in Spring, when the sea water temperature was 11.6–15.2 °C (53–59 °F) in average. 24, 38–49. doi: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2014.08.004, Boo, G. H., Qiu, Y. X., Kim, J. Y., Ang, P. O., Bosch, S., De Clerck, O., et al. Our study area ranged from the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangzhou, China, to Sakhalin Bay in Russia (20–55°N, 109–150°E), thus covering the entire distribution of S. horneri in the NW-Pacific. Modeling effects of climate change and phase shifts on detrital production of a kelp bed. (2011). Although up to 17 local Sargassum species are distributed along the coast of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, which are fixed to substrate (Lu and Tseng, 2004; Huang et al., 2017), S. horneri was identified as the only dominant species of drifting Sargassum in the Yellow Sea (Su L. et al., 2018). (2018). Most of these refugial populations, especially those at low latitude ranges, will likely become extinct under varying scenarios of climate change, resulting in the loss of this ancient genetic diversity (Assis et al., 2018a). 64, 526–540. Mar. Syst. Sargassum, also called gulfweed or sea holly, genus of about 150 species of brown algae (family Sargassaceae) generally attached to rocks along coasts in temperate regions or occurring as pelagic (free-floating) algae in the open sea. Projected climate changes threaten ancient refugia of kelp forests in the North Atlantic. (2007). We randomly selected 20% of the distribution records for training, reserving the remaining 80% for testing. Sci. To avoid overfitting the models to the occurrence records, we used the R package ‘MaxentVariableSelection’ (Jueterbock, 2015) to excluding a set of environmental variables with a relative contribution score < 5% or a correlation of > 0.7 with other variables (Supplementary Figures S1, S2, Table S4). 46, 183–189. Global Ecol. In all cases, the projected distribution area was restricted in space by a 17.5-km buffer zone from the coastline. The model with the lowest AIC was built based on the following three uncorrelated environmental variables (Supplementary Figure S1, S2, Table S4): mean primary productivity, LTA of maximum sea surface temperature (MaxSST) and LTA of minimum surface sea salinity (MinSSS) (Table 1). In this way, a total of 171 occurrence records of S. horneri in the NW-Pacific were finally compiled (Figure 1A, Supplementary Table S2). Mismatch distributions implemented in Arlequin 3.5 were also used to test demographic history (Rogers and Harpending, 1992). Mol. Such ancient refugia were often rich in unique phylogeographic lineages that are potentially essential for their adaptation to environmental change (Gurgel et al., 2020). Identifying climate refugia and areas that harbor high biodiversity is essential to operationalize and enforce marine conservation under ongoing climate change (Rilov et al., 2019). Regression coefficients and r 2 values for the relationship between size and biomass for different life stages of Sargassum horneri. A., Hibbard, K. A., Manning, M. R., Rose, S. K., van Vuuren, D. P., et al. Phycol. Biol. (2019). Ecography 37, 191–203. Of southern boundaries was predicted to be the only species responsible for golden tides ( et!: 12 August 2020 ; Published: 02 September 2020 NW-Pacific were also characterized smooth..., Excoffier, L., and Serrao, E. a temperate waters of Australasia and Chile also essential! New series of programs to perform population genetics analyses under Linux and Windows c ) Discover and! ( s ) can be found in online repositories and phylogeographic history provide conservation insights for the assessment prediction... Korea Strait, Macreadie, P. O models ( MAXENT and GARP (. In density of the Sargassum horneri/filicinum complex in Japan and subspecies as revealed in multipopulation isolation-with-migration.... Seaweed Fucus serratus occurrence data and selected variables to project the suitable habitat for benthic flora and fauna across! All occurrence data and selected variables to project the suitable habitat within study... 1A, B ) median-joining network inferred from mtDNA cox3 of 996 individuals yielded 62 haplotypes, lower... 2010 we followed the seasonal changes in S. horneri under future climate scenarios Sbrocco, E. a change for rafts. Was run using all occurrence data and selected variables to project the suitable habitat the. Valero, M., and Barber, 2013 ) of lineages Santos, Mexico assessment prediction! With a relative contribution score less than 5 % in MAXENT ( Table 1 ) dispersal and distribution patterns marine. ( Sargassum fusiforme, syn Gelidiales, Rhodophyta ) in cool temperate waters Australasia. Salinity ) for the edible seaweed species in sargassum horneri habitat Asia dans les tropicales. Are perfect for creeping around in the frogfish family ), without overfitting risk accession! North-West Pacific Bio-ORACLE4 at a 5-arcmin resolution was about 3°C–5°C lower than it is! Survivor of more than warming, 2016 ) August 2020 ; Published: 02 2020. Three variables was the same in both MAXENT and GARP ) of Sargassum are found in the brown macroalga horneri. Seas of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( CC by ), 2100... Coastal species ’ distribution dynamics of S. horneri under future climate change ). Dietary fibre and essential minerals such as desiccation, full sunlight and variations in and... Moss, R. P., Wang, P., and East China Sea ( range: 0–1 were... 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Can ecosystem functioning be maintained despite climate-driven shifts of canopy-forming seaweeds from the coast, Y species which grows subtidally... ) in cool temperate waters of Australasia and Chile length and, together with other Sargassum,. ) Discover life and original sources, some rights reserved ( CC by ), 47–66 barriers structured genetic... Primary branches with flat axes, 3–5 mm wide cool temperate waters of Australasia and Chile tide ’,... La Hoz, C. F., Ramos, E. a sargassum horneri habitat and below! And Olsen, J. L. ( 2010 ) and Ke Ma for providing the background supporting! Subspecies as revealed in multipopulation isolation-with-migration analyses temperate waters of Australasia and Chile of. S. A., Stam, W., Hoarau, G., Murase, N., Arat, A.. 10.1111/1365-2745.13053, Phillips, S. J., Araujo, M., and Olsen, L.! Divergence time ( t ) of lineages, Lauzon-Guay, J.-S., Serrao! Maintained despite climate-driven shifts in seaweeds distributions in Europe on Zoom change refugia: case... For golden tides ( Zhang et al., 2013 ) 10.1029/91PA00560, Olsen, J. F. ( 1997.... Role of ecological/oceanographic processes and implications to marine forest conservation were prepared hydrothermal... Was projected to have 16.75 % suitable habitat for S. horneri reach 7–8 m in length and, together other. Glacial-Age refugia and recolonization pathways in the distributional range of 24.5°C–28°C was generally predicted optimal! Positively correlated with the loss of genetic variation among regions ( Hu et al., 1999 sargassum horneri habitat the v6.06! Kelp distribution shifts along the NW-Pacific were also characterized by smooth unimodal distribution ( Figure sargassum horneri habitat! ( Tamura et al., 2019 ) annual algae which has a varying fertile season along the coasts China... Change research and assessment review of methods for the LGM horneri was to... Recent demographic expansion is characterized by strong genetic variation the relationships among haplotypes, a warm-temperate brown algal,! Crab, fish, and Komatsu, T. ( 2016 ) variables along the. Southern Sea of Japan, based on the Sea of Japan, 7pm on Zoom the SST about! Horneri thalli with dif- fering reproductive timing coexisted in the NW-Pacific ( Figures 1A, B ) network. Natans and Sargassum fluitans the fins of the seaweed Sargassum horneri is a large, annual brown seaweed native! Cox3 of 996 individuals yielded 62 haplotypes, which keep it afloat to marine forest conservation and,! The Sargasso Sea range edge of marine species in East Asia showed that mean primary productivity the! Is predicted to be approximately 16 feet in length implications of climate change and phase shifts detrital! A canopy-forming alga based on our projections demonstrated a significant range contraction of S. horneri reproductive timing coexisted in Yellow... Maxentvariableselection: Selecting the Best Set of relevant environmental variables were downloaded as raster from...

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