Because we’ll be sharing some extremely valuable industry secrets. Speakers 200+ Speakers. Global Solutions Initiative Foundation gGmbHFriedrichstrasse 194-19910117 Berlin, E: Susan Ariel AaronsonResearch Professor International Affairs, George Washington University, • Senior Fellow, Center for International Governance Innovation• Director, Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub, Center for International Governance Innovation• Research Professor and Cross-Disciplinary Fellow, George Washington University• Former Research Fellow and Guest Scholar, Brookings Institution, Toyin AbiodunStrategic Advisor to the Hon. The Global Leadership Summit, August 5-6 2021. ... Dalia Zaghou & Hilary Haynes: Taking coaching global – challenges and opportunities in creating a global coaching culture. ● It’s for those who feel like their business is a calling…and they want to make a lasting, impactful change in the world. We want to maintain a WINNING environment…. Please feel free to use these notes to help you reflect on and apply what you learned. And having the ability to nail your speech every single time, leading to your audience being mesmerized by the words that come out of your mouth. The most widely-used Christian men’s resources in the world, Majoring In Men.For over 40 years the Christian Men’s Network has been a highly effective global movement of pastors and leaders dedicated to training men toward their roles as servant-leaders. So if that sounds like you, then this summit was created for YOU! What can the G20 do to support city leadership on the SDGs? Right now, more than ever, you need the right strategies…, The right connections…audience…and the industry secrets to build and scale your speaking business…. We’ll be streaming presentations from some of the TOP RATED speakers from around the world. We hand-selected these speakers and brought you the very best that we absolutely know will bring you immediate, exponential growth in your speaking business. Stewart Butterfield. Well…for most people who don’t know this. Now more than ever, people are using online means to reap profitable results. Your Niche & Have Clients Calling YOU To Book Gigs”. Moderator and Keynote: What can the G20 do to support city leadership on the SDGs? You see, you’re getting PROVEN strategies that have worked for speakers who’ve made over millions of dollars. There are no flight or hotel costs, either. All Summit content will be available on-demand through the event platform for 2 full months, giving you ample time to watch the videos at your own convenience. Obviously, that’s going to be challenging. Team Edition 2020 On-Demand. View speaker. ● Publish more best-selling books than most will ever do in their lifetime. GSS2020 will be the showcase event of 2020 that celebrates the … 2020. Attendees will hear directly from quality innovators on these important topics. Please leave this field empty. Because even though this event is taking place in a “virtual room…”, It’s Still VERY Important For Us To Protect The QUALITY Of That Room…, Plus… there’s gonna be a TON of personal interactions…. ... Online Summer 2020 Europe 2020 Vancouver 2020 Vancouver 2019 Vancouver 2018 Boston 2018 1 You hereby agree that the personal data provided may be used for the purpose of updates on the Global Solutions Initiative by the Global Solutions Initiative Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH. SB is currently … “How To Establish Credibility In Because the event is less than a week away…and the buzz about the event has led people to buy more than I expected…. If it could, would you gladly pay $5,000? Designed for those who want to BE the best…And get the best possible results. This year's s ymposium will focus on Pandemics, Politics, and Privilege: The Good, Bad, & Ugly U.S. Legacy in Global Health. 2020 Summit Speakers & Presenters Preview. HOME admin 2020-08-07T16:16:55+00:00 The Global Leadership Summit is a world-class, two-day event broadcast LIVE in HD from Willow Creek Community Church near Chicago every August. ● How to turn conversations (whether in person or online) into cold-hard cash. Check out the list below and see if this is actually for you. The Summit officially runs two full days from 8:30 am-4:30 pm (CDT) on Thursday and 8:30 am-3:30 pm (CDT) … Let’s be honest, 2020 handed us some pretty awful cards… but not all of them have been bad! ● Create courses that bring in purely passive, extra income. Where high-quality people all help each other take our businesses to the next level. How by Eliminating attrition and Elevating Relationships ● Jasmine Romaine – Creating your STANDOUT Brand with confidence ● Michael Wynn – Keep it, it’s yours: Prevention Means Profit ● Clifton PettyJohn – PURPOSE| what NOW? Welcome to The Global Leadership Summit 2020 Guide! Comprehensive Introduction : Global Interdisciplinary Summit: 07:30 … Dr Damian Goldvarg. Summit 2020 is all about sharing those success secrets with each other through … What would your business look like 3 months, 6 months or even a year from now…. Frederik Bisbjerg, Executive Director, Digital & Innovation Now because you qualify, you’re now probably wondering…, “How Much Is Your Ticket To The BSN Global Speakers Summit Virtual Experience Going To Cost?”, After all… this is an ELITE level training…. Just imagine being able to speak with total ease, confidence, authority, and effectiveness. Keynote Speakers. CEO & Co-Founder, Slack. The Summit will see the world's most influential and innovative printers gather together to connect, learn and debate the future of the wide format digital, textile and screen-printing sectors. All of the speakers, music, video, and presentations take place at the Willow Creek campus in South Barrington, Illinois. The update is sent in accordance with the privacy policy and to advertise the Global Solutions Initiative’s own products and services. Take some time out of the office to discuss and tackle the big issues currently affecting your company. ● The 6-Figure Storytelling Formula that every profitable speaker needs. This will be the focus of Browne’s session, an advocate for greater imagination in planning and design. DIGITAL HEALTH INSTITUTE SUMMIT NOVEMBER 2020 Welcome to the Global Speaker Showcase Too busy to attend on the day? But for many of us, these uncertain times have FORCED a lack of movement, travel, networking, and growth in our businesses… . Build better infrastructure for the future. © 2020 - DEVELOPED BY WPHELPBUDDY.COM - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Conference Mobile Apps Global Strategy (Energy & Resources), providing strategic … What can the G20 do to reinvigorate multilateral cooperation in a new global order? So how would you like world-class successful speakers to take you by the hand and give you a step-by-step proven system anyone can use to create a profitable, impactful speaking business. Global knowledge Collective Wisdom The GSF currently comprises 16 independent speaker associations representing nations and individuals from over 20 countries. Hundreds of locations in North America join together to broadcast this event featuring world renowned faculty members who … Obviously, what you’ll learn from these speakers will take your speaking business to the next level. All MFA Global Summit 2020 Keynote speakers will be announced in the weeks ahead. Thought leaders and tech experts will get real about real-time response. Your consent is revocable at any time (by e-mail to or to the contact data given in the imprint). If you missed or simply need to relive this life and bank account changing experience this is your opportunity to get it on the action. How does it feel to see yourself as a paid expert, with a room full of your ideal clients wanting to learn & buy from you? Must Use Black Friday Discount Code GSSBLK2020 • Producer, BBC radio and TV• Former CEO of InfoMation, ZineZone and iCast (US)• Professor of Practice, University of Bath• Mentor at Merryck & Co. Heike HennDirector, Climate Policy & Climate Financing Division (ad interim), Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, • Commissioner, Climate policy and climate financing, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development• Former Coordinator, German G8 Africa Personal Representative, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development• Former Head of German Development Cooperation in Burundi and Rwanda, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development• Former Head of Division Special Initiative ONEWORLD – No Hunger, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Kristen HopewellAssociate Professor, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia• Former Trade Advisor, Government of Canada• Former Visiting Fellow at Peking University; Graduate Institute (Geneva); Max Planck Institut, Nancy HoqueGTM Strategy & Co-Founder, The Pursuit; USA/Bangladesh, • Ambassador & Young Global Changer, Global Solutions Initiative• Founder, The Pursuit- Global Women for Change• Go-to-Market Strategy, Adobe• Honoree, She Runs It, Forbes• Professional Faculty, UC Berkeley-Haas• Former Women’s Economic Imperative Champion, Interview: Round-Up of the Digital Global Solutions Summit 2020, Jayasree IyerExecutive Director, Access to Medicine Foundation, • Member, Board of Stewards of the Healthcare Forum at the World Economic Forum• Former Manager, Public private partnerships in R&D for infectious diseases and oncology, Natalie JabangweChief Executive Officer, EcoCash, • Former Senior Mobile Financial Services Consultant, NCR Corporation• Corporate recipient, “Best Mobile Payment Solution” • Glomo Award 2017• Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum • Former Tutu Fellow, Oxford University, Harold JamesProfessor of History and International Affairs, Princeton UniversityÂ, • Claude and Lore Kelly Professor in European Studies, Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs • Former Senior Fellow at Center for International Governance Innovation • Chairman of the Academic Council of European Association for Banking and Financial HistoryÂ, Jürgen JostDirector, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, • Honorary professor, University of Leipzig and External Faculty Member, Santa Fe Institute, USA• Recipient of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award of the German Research Society• Member of the German National Academy Leopoldina, Miles KahlerDistinguished Professor, School of International Service, American University, • Senior Fellow for Global Governance, Council on Foreign Relations• Former Rohr Professor of Pacific International Relations and Distinguished Professor of Political Science, University of California, San Diego• Member, editorial boards, International Organization and Global Summitry• Former Distinguished Fellow, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto• Former Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars• Former Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Sahoko Kaji Professor of Economics, Keio University JapanÂ, • Academic Director, PEARL • Former Participant, EU Visitors’ Program  • Former Deputy Director of the European Union Studies Institute • Author and Contributor, KRIS, Judith KarlExecutive Secretary, UN Capital Development Fund• Former Head of UNDP’s operational performance group• Former Deputy Director in UNDP’s Washington Liaison office• Former Head of Strategy and Policy for UNDP’s Crisis prevention and recovery• Former UNDP programme lead in Mali and Cambodia for local development finance, decentralisation, small and medium enterprise development, demining, and crisis response, Stephen KaringiRegional Integration and Trade Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, • Former Senior Analyst and the Head of Macroeconomics Division in the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)• Former Lecturer of Economics at Egerton University• Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of African Trade• Former member of the High Level Board of Experts on the Future of Global Trade Governance• Presently serving in the High Level Group on Trade looking at EU-Africa relations, Harald KayserChairman and Senior Partner, PwC Europe, • Chairman of the Management Board and Senior Partner of PwC Europe SE as well as Member of the PwC Network Leadership Team• Former Chief Operating Officer/Chief Digital Officer of PwC Germany and PwC Europe and Member of the PwC Global Network Operations Leadership Team• Former Member of the Executive Board of PwC Germany, PwC Germany Assurance Leader as well as member of the Global Assurance Leadership Team, Colm KellyGlobal Tax & Legal Services Leader and Global Purpose Leader, PwC, • Global Leader, Purpose; Corporate Responsibility, PwC• Former Global Chief Operations Officer, PwC• Former Leader, Tax and Legal Services, PwC Ireland• Former Leader, Human Capital, PwC Ireland, Lori KerrSenior Infrastructure Specialist, The Global Infrastructure Facility at the World Bank, • Former Senior Director, Climate Finance Advisors LLC • Former Chief, Corporate Affairs, Inter-American Investment Corporation • Former Senior Advisor to the VP of Private Sector Operations, Inter-American Development Bank • Adjunct Professor of International Project Finance & Investment, Georgetown University, Homi KharasInterim Vice President and Director, Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institution, • Former Executive Secretary of the Secretariat, High Level Panel, U.N. Secretary General• Former Chief Economist, World Bank• Former Chief Economist, East Asia and Pacific Region, World Bank• Former Director, Poverty Reduction & Economic Management; Finance & Private Sector Development, World Bank, Ilona KickbuschCouncil Chair, World Health Summit, • Former director, Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute• Member of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board• Member of the WHO High-Level Independent Commission on NCDS• Co-chair, UHC 2030• Chairwoman, International advisory board for the development of the German global health strategy, Alan KirmanProfessor Emeritus of Economics, Aix-Marseille University and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, • Member, Institut Universitaire de France• Former Professor of Economics, Johns Hopkins University; Universite Libre de Bruxelles; Warwick University; and the European University Institute in Florence, Italy• Fellow, Econometric Society and of the European Economic Association• Leader, Correlations in Complex Heterogeneous Networks at Institute for New Economic Thinking• Chief Advisor, New Approaches to Economic Challenges Initiative at the OECD, Chidi KingDirector, Equality Department, International Trade Union Confederation, • Former Employment Rights Officer, UK Trade Union Congress• Former Equality and Rights Officer, Global Union Federation Public Services International• Senior Lawyer, Public Concern at Work (now Protect)• Called to the Bar of England and Wales, John KirtonDirector, G7 and G20 Research Groups, University of TorontoÂ, • Founder and Director, G7 Research Group and G20 Research Group • Co-Director, BRICS Research Group based at Trinity College at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy in the University of Toronto• Professor, Political Science, Julia KlöcknerGerman Minister of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Ella KokotsisDirector, Accountability, G7 and G20 Research GroupsÂ, • Former Director, External Relations, G7 and G20 Research Groups • Former Director, Research, G7 Research Group, Michaela KüfnerChief Political Editor, Deutsche Welle, • Former Presenter, HARDtalk and “The World Today”, BBC World• Co-Founder, Democracy Reporting International NGO, Berlin• Former Host, “Global 3000”, Deutsche Welle, Pascal LamyPresident Emeritus, Jacques Delors Institute, • Former Director General, World Trade Organization• Former Commissioner for Trade, European Commission• Chair, Paris Peace Forum• Chair, Brunswick Group Europe, Marina LarionovaDirector, Center for International Institutions Research, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public AdministrationÂ, • Head, International Institutions Research, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration • Co-Director, BRICS Research Group • Former Russian Sherpa for the G20-B20 Dialogue Efficiency Task Force during Russia’s 2013 G20 Presidency • Editor-in-chief, International Organisations Research Journal, Amandine LepoutrePresident and Co-Founder, Thinkers&Doers, • President, General Assembly of Corporate Citizens• Co-Founder, Equality for Growth and 20.30 Experts• Board Member, Grand Paris Express, Yaroslav LissovolikProgram Director, Valdai Discussion ClubÂ, • Senior Managing Director; Head of Research, Sberbank Investment Research • Former Chief Economist; subsequently Managing Director Research; Member of the Management Board, Eurasian Development Bank • Former Chief Economist; subsequently Head of Company Research; Member of the Management Board in Russia, Deutsche Bank • Former Advisor to the Executive Director, Russian Federation, International Monetary Fund, David LoewExecutive Vice President, Sanofi Pasteur, Switzerland, • Former Head of Global Commercial Operations, Sanofi Pasteur• Former Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations Europe, Sanofi Pasteur• Former Region Head Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, Roche• Former Global Chief Marketing Officer for the pharmaceuticals division, Roche• Former Head of the Oncology division, Roche, Gunnar LudererEnergy Systems Research & Deputy Chair of Research Department III – Transformation Pathways, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), • Professor of Global Energy Systems Analysis, Technical University of Berlin, Angela LyonsProfessor and Director, Center for Economic and Financial Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, • Member, T20 task force for The Economy, Employment, and Education in the Digital Age• Member, G20 task force for Support for SDGs and Development Cooperation, Matthias LückeSenior Researcher, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, • Professor, Kiel University • Coordinator, Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM) • Former senior economist, International Monetary Fund, • Associate Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Personal Representative to the Prime Minister on the G20• Former Assistant Deputy Minister for Global Issues and Development at Global Affairs Canada• Former G7 foreign affairs sous-sherpa of Canada • Former acting Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet for Priorities and Planning and Assistant Deputy Minister of Policy Innovation at the Privy Council Office• Former Director General for Health and Nutrition at Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, • Member of the Regulatory Compliance Group leading AI Ethics activities, SAP• SAP AI Ethics initiative as part of the AI product team• Formerly worked in new product development, UnitedHealth Group, Arun MairaChairman, HelpAge InternationalGlobal Solutions Fellow, • Fellow, Global Solutions Initiative• Former  Member, Planning Commission Government of India• Former Chairman, Boston Consulting Group, India• Former Consultant, Arthur D. Little, USA• Former Senior Executive and current Board Member, Tata Group, India, Timur MaksimovDeputy Minister of Finance of the Russian FederationÂ, • Former Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Russian Federation • Former Deputy Head, Federal Customs Service, Russian Federation • Former Assistant to the Minister of Finance, Russian FederationÂ, Kirsten MartinAssociate Professor, George Washington University, • Lindner Gambal Associate Professor, Business Ethics• Member, Advisory Board, Future Privacy Forum• Former Tedx Talk Speaker on privacy online• Editor, Technology and Business Ethics Section, Journal of Business Ethics, Greg MedcraftDirector, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, OECD, • Director, Salzburg Global Seminar• Member, High-Level Advisory Group of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Finance and Technology, IMF• Former Chair, International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)• Former Commissioner and Chairman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)• Former CEO, Australian Securitisation Forum, Christoph MeinelCEO and Scientific Director, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany, • Dean of the Faculty of Digital Engineering, University of Potsdam• Holds the chair of Internet Technologies and Systems, University of Potsdam• Teacher at the HPI School of Design Thinking• Member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), Claire MellierAccredited Researcher, Convention Citoyenne pour le ClimatÂ, • Facilitator, Climate Assembly UK • Researcher, Comparative Study: UK and French Climate Assemblies, Centre for Climate Change and Social TransformationÂ, • Former Scientist, Henkel Advanced Technologies Laboratory, Barcelona• Recipient, Thinkers50 Award• Honoree, Thinkers50 Radar Top 30 Emergent Management Thinkers, Henrietta MooreFounder & Director, Institute for Global Prosperity, University College London, Arnaud MourotVice President, ASHOKA Changemaker CompaniesÂ, • Founder, Ashoka Operations France/Belgium/Switzerland  • Former Member, French Olympic wrestling Team  • Founder, NGO Play InternationalÂ, • Former US Chairman and Senior Partner, PwC• Former US Assurance Leader, PwC• Former Managing Partner of the NY Office and Metro Region, PwC• Former Chairman of the Governing Board for the Center for Audit Quality, PwC, Philani MthembuExecutive Director, Institute for Global Dialogue, UNISA, • Co-founder, Berlin Forum on Global Politics • MA, International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, JohannesburgÂ, Reema NanavatyDirector, Self Employed Women’s AssociationÂ, • Leader, SEWA rehabilitation programs in Afghanistan and in Sri Lanka providing vocational training in rural livelihood security to war-affected widows • Oversees 4813 self-help groups, 160 co-operatives and 15 economic federations, across India and in 7 South-Asian countries, focusing on women’s economic empowerment • Member of the Advisory Council on Gender of the World Bank Group• Former member of International Labor Organization’s High-Level Global Commission on Future of Work • Recipient of Padma Shri AwardÂ, Sumana NandiInternational Coordinator-General, XR- Affinity Network of Asia, • Researcher, SOAS, University of London postgraduate Action Research studies• Coordinator, 19th IFOAM Organic World  • Former Organiser, Women of India Exhibition by the Government of India Â, Irene NatividadPresident, Global Summit of Women, • Chairwoman, Corporate Women Directors International• Member of the G7 Gender Advisory Council • Former Board Director, Sallie Mae Corp., United States• Former Commissioner, National Association of Board Directors’ Blue Ribbon Commission on Board Diversity, Charity Ngilu Governor of Kitui County, KenyaÂ, • Awarded Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya • Former Minister of Health  • Former Minister of Water & Irrigation  • Former Cabinet Secretary for Land, Housing and Urban Development • Chairperson of National Rainbow CoalitionÂ, Tom NuttallBerlin Bureau Chief, The Economist, • Former US West Coast Correspondent, The Economist• Former Deputy and Online Europe Editor, The Economist• Former Editor, European Council on Foreign Relations, Thoraya ObaidChair of W20, Saudi Arabia 2020, • Former Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund• Former Member, Consultative Council (Shura Council)• Recipient, United Nations Population Award, Christine OckrentEditor–in–Chief, France Culture RadioÂ, • Anchor & Producer, Affaires Etrangères Program, France Culture Radio • Contributor, BBC TV & Radio Network • Former COO, France 24 and RFI • Former Editor in Chief, L’Express • Committee Member, Dahrendorf ForumÂ, Izumi OhnoDirector, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (JICA Ogata Research Institute), • Visiting Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)• Former lead Co-Chair, T20 Task Force: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Japanese Presidency• Former member of the Advisory Panel on ODA Charter Review, Ministry of Foreign Affairs• Former Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Japan Inclusive Business Support Center, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Asli OkyayIstituto Affari Internazionali, Italy, • Senior Fellow, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Research Coordinator on migration• Former post-doctoral Research Associate, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Dennis OstwaldCEO and Founder, WifOR Institute, • Professor of Economic Research and Management, School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) Steinbeis University of Applied Sciences• Lecturer, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Department of Social Sciences, Risk Assessment and Sustainability Management (RASUM)• Former Research Assistant to Chair Prof. Bert Rürup, Darmstadt Technical University, Department of Finance and Economic Policy, Barbara OrserFull Professor and Deloitte Professor in the Management of Growth Enterprises, Telfer School of Management, University of OttawaÂ, • Co-editor of forthcoming OECD multicounty report on women’s enterprise policies • Advisor to the Canadian Bureau of International Education Launching Economic Achievement Program (LEAP) for Women in Jordan and Scotiabank Women InitiativeTM Knowledge Centre • Board member, Women’s Economic Imperative • Acting Head of Women20 (W20) Delegation Canada Member, UNWomen WE Empower Advisory Group CanadaÂ, Anthony PainterChief Research and Impact Officer, Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, • Former Director, Independent Review of the Police Federation  • Former Partnerships with Google, the BBC, the BMA, the Education and Training Foundation, the Association of Colleges and the Metropolitan Police • Presenter, high profile conferences in the UK, Europe, and the USÂ, Susan ParnellGlobal Challenges Research Professor in the School of Geography, University of Bristol and Emeritus Professor at the African Centre for Cities (ACC), University of Cape Town, • Board Member, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) • Board Member, African Centre for Cities (ACC) • Former Emeka Anyaoku Visiting Chair University College London• Former Visiting Professor at LSE Cities, Richard PerezFounding Director, Hasso Plattner School of Design Thinking, University of Cape Town• Former Director, Word Design Capital, City of Cape Town, Tony PipaSenior Fellow in Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institution, • Former Chief Strategy Officer, US Agency for International Development (USAID)• Former US Special Coordinator for the Post-2015 Agenda, US Department of State. 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