Oh my goodness, what a fabulous resource. Where: The night market in Nyaung Shwe (Inle Lake) had a wonderful stand, fast service and all the Shan soup stands are just next door! Look for roadside stands and little jars on your table with light brown solid chunks. It’s a thick, salty dish made from fermented soy beans usually. Honestly, I’d reckon out of every 10 vegetarians out there, 8 are women!!! I am particularly excited for Burma as it seems to be one of the few countries left in Asia that hasn’t been exploited by tourists yet. Burmese Duck Stew (Be’ Baung) Side Dishes. The tea on your table is free. Pretty standard fare in the tourist spots, we ordered this as a good filler that was tasty, filled with veggies, and pleasing to both the kiddos (Ana and I traveled with a Burmese friend of mine and her daughter while we were in Bagan and Inle Lake). These are also served at most tea shops if you ask! Burmese Chickpea Tofu Recipe. 2. Burmese Mango Salad with lime and peanuts is inspired by a dish that I once tried at the one of my favorite Indian food restaurant. Add sprouts to pan, toss lightly, and cover. You’re welcome! Draw off stringy 1sheath with knife and have everything smooth and tender. I’ll cross my fingers for you that you can make it there soon! :). We’d pick out six and go to town enjoying the flavors and fresh chapati bread. – Vegitable hotpot is “Myae Oh Myi Shae”; “Myae Oh” is the clay pot and “Myi Shae” is the name of the curry/sauce. Where: New Delhi Restaurant (262, Anawrahta St) in Yangon. :). A quick and simple vegetarian recipe, this Burmese Eggplant Curry gets no points for looks but full marks for taste. Noodles are a staple in the Myanmar diet, right under rice as the main source of food. I have tried all of them and I’m in love with this country and food! Chim baung is another one – a sour green leaf made into fried curry dish or a soupy curry.. possibly often with fish.. maybe hard to find eating out though. We found the best Indian food in Yangon and Mandalay, which is really no surprise since these are the two major cities. Heat oil. Add shrimp powder. They combine unique textures, and then hold it all together with oils, tamarind juice, lime, fried garlic, and nutty dressings. Vegetarian Burmese curry was the main dish for the lunch party we had a couple of weeks ago. Zhajiiang Mian - (Chinese, Main Dish) 2. It’s funny, I forget so much of the tidbits of languages I learn along the way, but I use the “vegetarian” one so much they are pretty ingrained in my memory! An excellent side dish for vegetarians. I honestly thought I might run into that issue in Burma (like I had in China) but I was delightfully surprised by the options. This dish was very delicious and that is the reason memorizing the mighty and mouth-watering mango salad with peanut and lime. :-). Otherwise I agree, the raw fruits and veg in the country are just incredibly flavorful and worth sampling. It’s usually a fairly bland/weak Chinese tea and it’s a safe way to hydrate since it’s served hot and sealed inside the tea canisters (be sure your cup is dry though when you start pour the tea). Cook over high heat, stirring occasionally, until water evaporates and onion begins to brown. Amazing! Hope your tohoo was tasty, there are twinges of jealousy creeping up in me right now at the thought. This is the part of Burmese food that delights the most. I really want to eat that Shan Tofu soup! Had this been more serious, I would have needed a medical evacuation. Her’s looked a lot tastier, so from that point on, when possible, we opted for this dish! Ingredients 500g … We would watch what other people ordered, flock to the crowded street food stalls, and enjoy the accidental orders when what we got didn’t measure up to what we expected (in fact, there are still at least three or four meals I ate for which I have no name, nor any idea how to re-order it!). It’s often a bit drier when ordered elsewhere in Myanmar, and tastes different once again when ordered in Shan State, but the beaming vendor next door to the Soe Brothers Guesthouse in Hpa-an sold us on this delicious dish for breakfast; I think his conversation and tips went just as far as the soup in starting our day out on the right foot! Turned out, Myanmar did not even sell the only medicine that would have treated it, so I was left downing oral rehydration salts every day to combat it until I could get treatment in Thailand. And have a wonderful time. အေသြးလြတ္အသားလြတ္စားသူမ်ား သတ္သတ္လြတ္ စားသူမ်ား အဆင္ေျပ ေစရန္အတြက္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္ I miss the Burmese food all the time and can’t wait to return one day. Myanmar is also a country that changes quickly, so online guides usually have the latest information for pre-trip planning. Tap water is not safe, but the large jugs of water in front of many businesses are a unique Burmese kindness and are safe, free, and encouraged if you need a glass; they place the water curbside to help people stay hydrated in the often extreme heat! The Burmese cuisine has recipes based entirely on greens, vegetables and fruits. Heat oil in a saucepan and when very hot fry the onion, garlic and turmeric, stirring for 30 seconds. Enjoy all your tasty treats, I am jelaous! Basically, when the craving for something deep-fried struck, there was no shortage of fried vegetarian offerings on the streets in the big cities. If you’re vegan, this should generally work for much of your travels as well since dairy is not prevalent in the region, but note that the phase doesn’t exclude eggs, honey, or things of that nature from your Burmese dishes. Where can you find these treats? 1/4 medium Cauliflower (separated into florets) 1/4 medium Broccoli (separated into florets) 2 medium Yellow zucchinis (halved with skin), sliced. အေသြးလြတ္အသားလြတ္စားသူမ်ား သတ္သတ္လြတ္ စားသူမ်ား အဆင္ေျပ ေစရန္အတြက္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္ :). Fry the tofu over moderate heat to a light-brown on both sides. But anyway there’s no rules for that, you can eat just the way you like. These foods provided “exotic” dinners for my taste buds back then, but a decade of long-term travel taught me the real thing is so delightfully better. Mouthwatering photos and list of food. The flavor is sooo strong, so it tastes delicious added to rice and with some of the other ones! … The Chin Baung Kyaw will be ready to serve. Give it a try since it’s a favorite of the Burmese friend we traveled with for a week. I have never had Burmese food before but this has inspired me to try it (as well as put Myanmar on my “to visit” list!) Where: All over the streets of Yangon we found long tables with a family working the small fires with bubbling bowls of hot soup and vegetable. This is it’s reliably vegetarian and vegan. Congratulations! Ana and her friend Emma campaigned for one of these sweet treats each night, and though not the healthiest dessert on the planet, we loaded our dessert with bananas and everyone in the group enjoyed a few slices. Sprinkle with a little soy sauce and lemon juice and serve hot with sesame tahini to taste. Hope you got a good lunch Lindsey, now I’m hungry just thinking of the veg food! It wasn’t the easiest thing to do, going vegetarian there, but if you are lenient on the fish sauce thing then you can eat really well without too much stress. (Blend those in the blender with high speed). Add the water, cover the skillet, and cook for 5 minutes. sorry the pear bpyo is the dahl like curry they serve with the naan for breakfast at tea shops.. the soy bean stuff i was talking about is called pear bo.. and the dried cake things are for cooking.. so not sure how where they would sell it already cooked up.. but check around if you go up to inle area. Also, if you want to try it at home, I found a great recipe online. Heat oil; fry onion till clear. Wash okra whole. As they’re done, place in small bowls to pass with the soup. Indian restaurants and options abound throughout Myanmar and they have the wide range of typical fare. :), This actually helped me even though I live in Burma , haha. much appreciation for all your myanmar info, but especially this; my appetite has been thoroughly whetted! It wasn’t until my nine months in Northern Thailand that I happened upon delicious Burmese vegetarian dishes. I also love to cook (I have a food blog – http://avocadopesto.wordpress.com) so I am especially excited for all the food and hopefully will be able to learn some recipes/cooking techniques while we’re over there ! Alternatives to this recipe: mustard leaves or pumpkin leaves. Use any combination of the following vegetables in the required amounts-beans cabbage cauliflower okra carrots bamboo shoots spring onions bean sprouts cucumber or zucchini. Recipe and Photo from Snixy Kitchen. From the simple sweet or savory pancakes on the streets of Yangon, to the more complex  flavors in samosas, we never lacked for food options. Heat oil in deep frying pan and put the fritters one at a time into the oil. The dish combines the bright green pennywort plant, lime, toasted sesame, turmeric oil, garlic, tomato … the list goes on, once again, according to local flavor preference. 1 Burma (Myanmar) - Cooking and Food 2 Overview of Burmese Cuisine History 3 Cuisines of Burma 4 Preparation Methods for Burmese Cooking 5 Special Equipment for Burmese Cooking 6 Burmese Food Traditions and Festivals 7 People in Burmese Food Burmese cuisine is … Except for in the case of soups, you’ll be served rice with almost every meal. These deep-fried snacks were offered with nearly every meal and were frying on the side of the road throughout the evening. You can definitely find this dish in the Bagan area. As for vegetarian, it’s tricky, and I am far from an expert but: Thut – kinda close to the English word “tote” like to tote a bag around., but with the o sound a bit more like an “uh”. Try this Burmese chicken pilaf then check out our Burmese fried chicken and more Burmese recipes.. Then add the remaining garlic (pounded coarsely) and green chilis (cut the chili half way from the back) as topping and leave it for about 3 minutes. It’s rich, fragrant and packed with flavour, making it the perfect dish to share with friends as part of a home-cooked banquet. I did consult extensively with a Burmese friend, and her input shaped this post. Stir in the chopped cilantro, season to taste, and set aside. Burmese Tea Leaf Salad (Laphet Thote) A delicious fermented tea leaf salad mixed with tomatoes, ginger, crunchy mung beans, fried garlic, toasted peas, and various other ingredients to flavor! The caramelized onions impart so much flavor that you don't really need a replacement for the fish sauce besides salt! Beans Sprouts with Beancurd. Burmese Vegetarian Recipes. Before pork browns, add beancurd, sliced in thin 1-inch strips. Known throughout Myanmar as Khayan Thee Hnut (but … Slowly add the vegetable broth and keep mixing till there are no lumps. For that reason, I highly recommend using travel insurance for the duration of any trip to Myanmar. Slice tomatoes finely and fry together. I feel like that’s all I eat (In America)! The bean ones were my favorites actually, and look out for deep-fried yellow tofu at the same stalls, it abounds throughout Myanmar! Thanks a lot for compiling this huge list Shannon. Hot, fresh street food is safest (even better if it has a long queue!). Then add soybean powder or paste and toss again. Recipe for Vegan Burmese Khow suey in a coconut milk broth with veggies, toppings like peanuts, onions etc. A few girlfriends and I went to San Fransisco on a little weekend getaway. The flavors in vegetarian Burmese salads that I sampled across Myanmar are quite unlike the lettuce/leafy salads common in the west. And it paid off. Recipes. Why We Love This. Sanitation standards are still not on par with neighboring Thailand, so it’s just too risky. It usually consists of tomatoes, onions, crunchy peanuts, sesame, and oily dressing of some sort. Wash the rice three times and boil in plenty of salt water until tender. The food looks absolutely amazing! Last Updated on: October 10, 2020 by Ara. When cool, pour a little of this oil over the vegetables, add onions and garlic and toss lightly but thoroughly, adding extra salt and vinegar to taste. Drizzle a little oil and toss the noodles so it does not stick to each other. Vegies with Peppers. Fiery Burmese Chicken and Veggies- a flavorful, Burmese style stir-fry that can be made in 20 minutes. Two years will be quite the adventure, and Asia is a wonderful place to start — you will have plenty of recipes for your blog! Try it at restaurants and if it’s not on the menu, simply ask because there’s a good chance that it’s on the Burmese version of the menu. I miss the food so much and my stomach is craving anything on your list right now!! Or you can keep it simple and just cook Moh Hin Gha, one of Burma’s most popular dishes. See more ideas about Asian recipes, Recipes, Cooking recipes. Noodles, basic tomato paste, some crunchy fried beans fritters, and hot broth made this Ana’s favorite breakfast. Hope you get a chance to try them, thanks for weighing in! Alternative or addition to this recipe: Chinese cabbage. Season with salt and pepper. :). I do have a question…the term you used to have vegetarian food, how is it pronounced phonetically? Start things off with some fantastic snacks – Mandalay bean fritters or Burmese mutton puffs are perfect for kicking off a feast. Thanks for weighing in and adding some of the names, I put them in the post along with your tips on the dish. See more ideas about Burmese food, Recipes, Asian recipes. Good luck on the final planning stages of your trip! Add the sesame seeds after 2 minutes. Many thanks for helping to identify in which dishes I can incorporate them!! Learn how to get the authentic Burmese curry broth flavours, so you can tuck into this warm bowl of comfort food whenever you want a pick-me-up! Stir well and cook 2 to 3 minutes. The hotpot is tasty and worth seeking out! If your soup is luke-warm, particularly if you are eating at an off time of the day, consider a pass (but pay for it if it’s at your table) and find a boiling-hot soup option. i’m headed to myanmar next month as a veggie and cannot wait. But they’re popular all over Asia, and are served chopped, shredded, or cubed—then with ice, coconut milk, tapioca, or a variety of other sweet concoctions layered on top. But that’s silly to some extent. Wash the lentils thoroughly, then pour into a large pot with 6 cups of water. I listed this dish first for a reason, I have a full-on obsession with shan tofu soup. This is a completely download on how to travel responsibly in Myanmar. This Burmese food is reliably vegetarian and vegan no matter where you travel in Myanmar—it’s also a great way to ensure you’re getting protein. If you make it to Burma, no doubt your sister will love it! Years later, I am still on this journey—sometimes with my niece in tow—traveling slowly, and sharing stories and advice from life on the road. The base of the dish is fermented tea leaves, which are a very, very strong and unfamiliar flavor at first. It is essentially a one-dish meal comprising of noodles in a soup of curried vegetables in coconut milk, served with a variety of contrasting accompaniments. I might do some homestays in that region, so I will ask my hosts too! Thanks. Note: Firm vegetables such as chayote and the white turnip with a mauve top can also be used in this preparation. Spicy Recipes Shrimp Recipes Asian Recipes Cooking Recipes Locarb Recipes Grandma's Recipes Chinese Recipes … Fresh avocado is also fantastic in the Inle Lake region. Burma Vegetarian Dishes. Sometimes a bitter dish, it makes for more enjoyable eating when modified and combined with other flavors. :). Your new family favourite. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. And if you go to restaurants, rather than all street stalls, it could be no issue. Really yummy, with so much heat and crunch and flavor accenting the bland dal foundation. Hi Sharyn! Shred only the leaves from the stem of Roselle packs and wash them in the cold water. Simmer vegetables are tender. Glad you have some new ones to add to your next visit, hope you both are well! I converted Ana to what I hope will be a lifetime affair with Indian food after our travels in Burma. MMMMmmmmm!! I love portion control and that was easy in Myanmar since they opt for a small bite of jaggery candy, or a bowl of sweet jelly rather than a huge piece of pie/cake/ice cream like we would in the west! I still dream of some of those salads, so enjoy, it’s a tasty place to be! Where: Inle Lake is the Shan region of Myanmar so this is where you can most easily find the dish. So glad that the post reminded you of your happy memories in Burma! Great guide! Jul 24, 2020 - Explore Vaijayanti Jhawar's board "Burmese vegan", followed by 204 people on Pinterest. Chin Hin. Thanks for this! Last updated Nov 28, 2020. While the rice is cooking, wash and prepare the vegetables. State your case upfront about being vegetarian; they will smile, laugh, and easily acquiesce once they understand. do you know the name of it? These very, very sour plums bake out in the sun and heat, so opt for them early in the day if you’re keen to sample (for health safety reasons). One of my favourite things to do in SE Asia is to try all the different street foods and local dishes. Follow @vegrecipe. I doubt I ever would have found this simple vegetarian breakfast dish if my Burmese friend wasn’t with me. This flavour-packed Burmese Eggplant Curry recipe features soft, melty eggplants stuffed with a savoury blend of rich tomato and spices. When I entered Myanmar with plans to stay for a month, I had no idea I had picked up a diarrheal illness in Laos. This was one of my favorite vegetarian salads in all of Myanmar—please seek it out and give it a taste. It doesn’t necessarily mean that there isn’t fish paste / animal stock in it. Glad it’s helpful Ava…and can be so tough to travel in places where options extend to, well, white rice. The food was delicious, so I hope all vegetarians traveling there get a chance to taste some of the dishes  :). So many Atho stalls have cropped all over the city selling several variety of Atho like Egg Atho, Fried Atho, Chicken Atho to name a few. The bean ones were my favorites actually, and changing quickly with the sweet. Pork browns, add fish sauce besides salt on: October 10, 2020 by.! 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