Mount Etna, or Etna (Italian: Etna or Mongibello [mondʒiˈbɛllo]; Sicilian: Mungibeddu [mʊndʒɪbˈbɛɖɖʊ] or a Muntagna; Latin: Aetna; Greek: Αἴτνα), is an active stratovolcano on the east coast of Sicily, Italy, in the Metropolitan City of Catania, between the cities of Messina and Catania.It lies above the convergent plate margin between the African Plate and the Eurasian Plate. Our bodies to earth, Our blood to water, Heat to fire, Breath to air. Empedocles on Etna (Emdedokles na Etnie) – poemat dramatyczny dziewiętnastowiecznego angielskiego poety Matthew Arnolda, opublikowany po raz pierwszy w tomie Empedocles on Etna, and Other Poems (Emdedokles na Etnie i inne poematy) w 1852. Matthew Arnold. — ca. Empedokles (Grieks: Ἐμπεδοκλῆς) (Akragas, Sisilië, ca. - Peloponnesos, ca. Empedocles (c. 490 BC – c. 430 BC) was a Greek presocratic philosopher and a citizen of Agrigentum, a Greek colony in Sicily.. a fost un filozof pre-socratic grec și cetățean originar din Akragas, un oraș grecesc din Sicilia.Filosofia lui Empedocle este cunoscută mai ales pentru originareateoriei cosmogonice a celor patru elemente clasice. 432 v.C.) 492 v.Chr. Seu pai Meto parece ter sido importante na derrubada do tirano de Agrigento, presumidamente Trasideu, filho de Terone, em 470 a.C. Empédocles deu seguimento à tradição democrática da sua família, ajudando a derrubar o governo oligarca seguinte. [4] According to legend recorded by Diogenes Laërtius , in order to ascend to godhood, Empedocles threw himself into a volcano in Mount Etna . 492 v.C. Empédocles nasceu em 495 a.C. em Agrigento (Ácragas) na Sicília, em uma renomada família. Empedocles lived 2500 years ago, soon after the dawn of scientific thought in Ancient Greece. 444–443 î.Hr.) Empedocles’ immortal hold on his readers continues. To the elements it came from Everything will return. 432 v.Chr.) As such, Empedocles is often associated with fire. Friedrich Hölderlin’s unfinished drafts of Der Tod des Empedokles continue to inspire modern analysis (Foti 2006), and Nietzsche’s “stillbirth” tragedy on Empedocles has been well-treated recently (Most 2005), as has Matthew Arnold’s “Empedocles on Etna” (Kenny 2005). Empedocles believed that out of the four classic elements—earth, wind, fire, and water—fire was the most superior. Empedocles on Etna and Other Poems (among them "Tristram and Iseult"), published in 1852, had a similar fate. In Matthew Arnold's poem Empedocles on Etna, a narrative of Greek philosopher Empedocles last hours before he jumps to his death in the crater first published in 1852, Empedocles predicts: . Empedocles (Oudgrieks: Ἐμπεδοκλῆς, Empedokles; ca. [5]Pouco se sabe sobre sua vida. Empedocles ( / ɛ m p ɛ d ə k l I z /; greacă: Ἐμπεδοκλῆς [empedoklɛ̂ːs], Empedoklēs; c. 494 - c. 434 î.Hr., fl. Empedokles. was een ziener, staatsman, dichter en vooral arts en presocratische filosoof uit Acragas, Sicilië.Volgens klassieke bronnen toonde hij graag zijn rijkdom en zag hij zichzelf als een god, verrichtte hij wonderen en maakte hij zich nuttig voor zijn medeburgers, zodat hij een populair persoon werd.
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