Thomas MM; Millard P; Watt MS; Turnbull M; Peltzer D; Whitehead D, 2008. Very invasive shrub species in riparian areas especially those exposed to frequent flooding and alluviation (Smale 1990). Seed bank composition and variability in five woodlands in south-west England. Beware of butterfly bush. The Catholic Encyclopedia Volume 9. Although B. davidii colonizes disturbed sites, whether it alters successional trajectories over the long term is yet undetermined (Tallent-Halsell, 2008). to ozone. It produces lots of small, light seeds, which spread extremely easily. & Guarino, L. (1987) Soil nitrogen and the growth of birch and buddleja in abandoned chalk quarries. The Hague, The Netherlands: Junk, 326 pp. Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai'i. Find out more about the partnership, © The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is a registered charity: England and Wales no. Unaware of Franchet’s description, Hemsley called the plant Buddleja variabilis Hemsley (Hemsley, 1889). Linne Cvon, 1737. L. A. S. Johnson Review No. The woody plants of Alabama. Flora of China, Volume 15: Myrsinaceae through Loganiaceae. New records of Hawaiian flowering plants primarily from the United States National Herbarium. Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, Volume 2: Angiospermen [ed. Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen., 163 pp. On the perils of mycorrhizal status lists: the case of Buddleja davidii. Will village green status come to the rescue of a local movement fighting to keep out the developers? Journal of Undergraduate Research, 5(2):1. Thomas MM; Watt MS; Turnbull MH; Peltzer D; Whitehead D, 2008. Cytotaxonomic notes on Buddleia. 709-719. Revision of the African and Asiatic species. out-competing native, agricultural, and forestry species) in northwestern and northeastern USA and Canada, throughout New Zealand, and in central Europe. Hawaii, USA: University of Hawaii Department of Botany. Buddleia davidii. The distribution and ecology of Buddleja davidii Franch in Britain, with particular reference to conditions supporting germination and the establishment of seedlings. Predicting the spread of an invasive plant: Combining experiments and ecological niche models. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing, 270 pp. Heidelberg, Germany: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 472 pp. New records of Hawaiian flowering plants primarily from the United States National Herbarium. (Der Schmetterlingsstrauch (Buddleja davidii Franch.) Starr F; Starr K; Loope L, 2003. Heathland home to more than 2565 species. HortTechnology, 14:612-618. The ecological web: more on the distribution and abundance of animals. GBIF, 2009. SECTION: Neemda – the majority of species from all continents.. Roja D, 1998. Las Vegas, USA: University of Nevada. Jay J, 2006. Banc de dades de biodiversitat de Catalunya. Tokyo, Japan: Kodanshan, 496 pp. NatureServe Explorer: An Online Encyclopedia of Life. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, 9:337-365. Yoshida T; Nobuhara J; Uchida M; Okuda T, 1976. EPPO Global database. In: Clipping the Butterfly Bush's Wings: Defoliation studies to assess the likely impact of a folivorous weevil. Hawaii, USA: University of Hawai'i Press. Flora Neotropica Monograph. Warning: Slow down, Buddeia crossing. The introduction of Chinese plants into Europe [ed. [Family Loganiaceae]. Gunn C R, 1959. The Independent. Aluka African Plants, 2009. Journal of the Chemical Society:691-695. It has become increasingly clear that Buddleia davidii can be highly invasive. March, 2006. Illustrated Flora of British Columbia, Volume 2. What are the criteria for presuming native status? Journal of Vegetation Science, 16:135-142. Verloove, F. (2006) Catalogue of the Neophytes in â ¦ Origin: Native to East Asia and South America. Oecologia 153: 501-510. 192 pp. Mechanicsburg, USA: Stackpole Books, 458 pp. Invasive Plants: A Guide to Identification and the Impacts and Control of Common North American Species. Buddleia davidii. Specimens of the same species from I’ch’ang Province, China were collected by Henry and named by William Botting Hemsley in 1887 (Anon., 1925). Flora von Nordtirol, Osttirol und Vorarlberg, Volume 2. A multi-scale assessment of the occurrence of exotic plants on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. The OSU Extension Service Master Gardener Program no longer recommends it for butterfly gardens because of its invasiveness. Entry for Buddleja davidii Franch. Buddleja davidii flower spike. Shannon RK; Wagner WL, 1996. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. Therefore to maintain access in areas invaded by buddleja effectively control measures would have to be taken to prevent re invasion, which would require significant works. Automobiles have been found to physically disperse B. davidii seeds (von der Lippe and Kowarik, 2007). Savonen C, 2009. Flora of Japan. Edinburgh, UK: Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh and Royal Government of Bhutan. If you can’t get outside, why not bring the outside in by downloading our bird song radio app? Bestimmungsbuch der Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands. New Zealand, South Island. Thomas MM, 2007. CANR, 1996. Krivanek M; Pylek P, 2006. Esler AE, 1988. Genera plantarum. Federal Environmental Agency, Research Report: 201 86 211 UBA-FB 000441e. Vienna, Austria: Umweltbundesamt. The Gardener's Chronicle., 595-596. Buddleia biological control agent off to a good start. Exotic Plant Management: Redwood National and State Parks - Progress Report. Watsonia, 15:231-236. The most popular cultivated species is Buddleja davidii from central China, named for the French Basque missionary and naturalist Père Armand David. Biomass characterization of Buddleja davidii: a potential feedstock for biofuel production. In New Zealand, it has been observed that in the absence of disturbance, native and non-native trees can overtop B. davidii stands (Bellingham et al., 2005; Tallent-Halsell, 2008). Ecological Notes on Wall Vegetation. Buddleja davidii. Presence in gardens does not indicate that it has naturalized, Georgia Institute of Technology is considering B. davidii as potential feedstock for biofuel production (Hallac et al., 2009), Seed collection, probably source of seeds that have been sent to Kew Gardens, Managed forests, plantations and orchards, Cf - Warm temperate climate, wet all year, Warm average temp. Buddleja davidii on floodplain. The reserve has seen more than thirty species of wading birds. (Der Stellenwert eines Buddleja-Beobachtungsnetzes fur die Erfassung von Tagfalterbestanden) Oko L, 5:10-16. The Condor, 33:23-28. Invasive Buddleja davidii allocates more nitrogen to its photosynthetic machinery than five native woody species. Grierson AJC, Long DG, 2001. Bean WJR, 1970. Ploidy variation in Buddleja L. (Buddlejaceae) in the Sino-Himalyan region and its biogeographical implications. Yoshida T; Nobuhara J; Uchida M; Okuda T, 1978. Font X, 2007. Kriticos DJ; Watt MS; Whitehead D; Gous SF; Potter KJ; Richardson B, 2007. Swiss Commission for the State of Wild Plants. Pere Paul Guillaume Farges (1844-1912). Leeuwenberg AJM, 1979. South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology. Lippe Mder; Kowarik I, 2007. Vascular flora of Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Long Island, New York. Las Vegas, USA: University of Nevada. [Plant Collector Guide Series.]. Starr F, Starr K, Loope L, 2003. Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs hardy in North America. Predicting invasions by woody species in a temperate zone: a test of three risk assessment schemes in the Czech Republic (Central Europe). Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic. Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland. Vol IIIa: Angiospermae, Dicotyledoneae, Sympetalae (a). In Oregon, butterfly bush invades disturbed areas, particularly riparian areas. Buddledin A, B and C, piscicidal sesquiterpenes from Buddleja davidii Franch. > 10°C, Cold average temp. DOI:10.5555/AL.AP.FLORA.FZ5537. Ebeling SK; Hensen I; Auge H, 2008. Chen G; Sun W; Sun H, 2007. Report to Environment and Heritage Service, and National Parks and Wildlife Service. Differential response of Buddleia (Buddleja davidii Franch.) 453 pp. Hallac BB; Sannigrahi P; Pu Y; Ray M; Murphy RJ; Ragauskas AJ, 2009. A novel intersectional Buddleja hybrid. Eventually, Engler (1964) placed the Buddlejaceae near the Scrophulariaceae. In: Annotated bibliography on the ecology and management of invasive species: Butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii Franchet) (synonym Buddleia davidii Franchet), Victoria, BC, Canada: Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team. Order: Gentianales, Family: Loganiaceae [ed. 1-6. As well as a free gift and magazines, you’ll get loads of ideas for activities to try at home. Studies on nitrate reductase activity in British ruderal, woodland-edge and woody species. Williams P A, 1979. B. davidii is native to central and southwestern China at elevations up to 3500 m, occurring naturally in the following Provinces: Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan and Zhejiang (Wu and Raven, 1996). Get out, get busy and get wild! B. davidii is a multi-stemmed shrub or small-tree that is native to China and has been introduced as an ornamental world-wide, first to Europe (1890s) and then later to the Americas, Australia, New... More... More information. Kriticos DJ; Potter KJ; Alexander N, 2005. 1948 pp. Characterizing potential invasiveness of fourteen Buddleja cultivars in South Florida. Wu Z Y, Raven P H, 1996. Rehder A, 1927. Paris, France: Herissant and Barrios. [English title not available]. Font X, 2007. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 98:I-xxix. Plant succession on the braided bed of the Orongorongo River, Wellington, New Zealand, 1973-1990. Houghton PJ; Mensah AY; Iessa N; Yong Hong L, 2003. Owen; DF; Whiteway WR, 1980. More information about modern web browsers can be found at Consequently, the potential invasive range of B. davidii is still predictable based on climatic data of the species’ native distribution. Richardson B; Vanner JR; Davenhill N; Coker G, 1996. Ordines naturales plantarum. How to keep butterfly bush from spreading noxiously. Wagner WL; Herbst DR; Sohmer SH, 1999. Buddleja davidii seedling on floodplain. Forest Health News. Olmstead RG; Pamphilis CWde; Wolfe AD; Young ND; Elisons WJ; Reeves PA, 2001. 5. Kriticos DJ, 2006. (Schweizerische Kommission fur die Erhaltung von Wildpflanzen). Buddleia is native to China and Japan and was introduced to the UK at the end of the 19th century as an ornamental garden plant. Center for Applied Nursery Research 1998 Research projects. Portland, USA: Timber Press, 192 pp. Terpenoids in Buddleja: Relevance to chemosystematics, chemical ecology and biological activity. According to the U.S Forest Service, Invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of U.S. endangered and threatened species, and for 18% of U.S. endangered or threatened species. Many of the species of cotoneaster available in garden centres are highly invasive - some so much so that it is now illegal to plant them in the countryside or to allow them to 'escape' from your garden! Using a process-based model to analyse compensatory growth in response to defoliation: Simulating herbivory by a biological control agent. Engler A, 1964. New Phytologist, 105:1-102. Anon, 2009. Global Invasive Species Database (GISD). Stuart D D, 2006. The worst invasives in the New York metropolitan area. Wilson EH, 1913. March, 2006. Warr SJ; Kent M; Thompson K, 1994. and their current disposition. Buddleja L. II. Theivam K; Allen N, 2007. Genera Plantarum. Welten M; Sutter HCR, 1982. Within Australasia, the species has been recorded as occurring in all Australian states apart from Western Australia and Northern Territory (DJ Kriticos, CSIRO Entomology, Australia, personal communication, 2009). investigated using parsimony jackknife and branch support analysis of chloroplast ndhF and rbcL sequences. Flora d'Italia. Lindstorm JT; Burkett BM, 2004. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 26(8):2543-2549. Time of pruning effects on cold hardiness of butterfly bush. It is known as the Butterfly Bush and continues to be planted in gardens to attract insect life but once it has jumped the wall it can cause havoc. Ream (2006) and Leach (2007) reported the replacement of riparian native Salix ssp. Beijing, China: Science Press, 453 pp. Yu H, 1933. Volume 2 Part 3. by Sandler HA] East Wareham, USA: University of Massachusetts, 66 pp. Detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide. A naturalist in western China, with vasculum, camera, and gun. B. davidii ‘Black Knight’ has gorgeous, fragrant indigo-purple flowers. Gillman JH, 1998. Due to the variable regulations around (de)registration of pesticides, your national list of registered pesticides or relevant authority should be consulted to determine which products are legally allowed for use in your country when considering chemical control. American Journal of Botany, 88:348-361. Clark RC, 1971. New York, USA: Cramer, Wheldon and Wesley. Arlington, USA: NatureServe. Abandoned railway lines, where weeds are not controlled, expedite the spread of B. davidii when they grow into productive thickets in the railway corridors. Buddlejas. Flora Malesiana I [ed. Leaves range from 5-20 cm long and 1-7 cm wide (Wu and Raven, 1996). and Buddleia davidii Franch. Taxonomy. The Chinese and Japanese species of Buddleia. : B. saligna.. 135-142. They are fast growing; depending on the environment, they may grow 0.5m-2m in height annually. [English title not available]. Chemical study of Buddleia variabilis. KCGG, 2009. In general, stems are four-angled. EPPO, 2005. Doughty R, 2007. New York, USA: JSTOR. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II. Newer cultivars tend to be more compact and less invasive than the original species. Wilson, 1913; Rishbeth, 1949; Segal, 1969; Owen and Whiteway, 1980; Miller, 1984), riparian corridors (Reichard, 1996; Bellingham et al., 2005; Tallent-Halsell, 2008) and quarries, urban waste grounds, abandoned cultivated areas, clearcut forests, and along transport corridors (Godefroid et al., 2007). Sheppard AW; Shaw RH; Sforza R, 2006. Dirr M, 1997. Anon, 1925. PlantExplorers, 2009. In: EPPO Global database, Paris, France: EPPO. Studies on the constituents of Buddleja species: I. Reichard S, 1996. (Die systematische Stellung der Rubiaceae. Landscape Plant News, 16:1, 6-7. Australia: Weeds of Blue Mountains Bushland. The Botanical Review, 75(3):292-325. Switzerland: Nyon. Plant-hunting in China: History of Botanical Exploration in China and the Tibetan Marches (Oxford in Asia Hardback Reprints). Gdn, 58(2):99-242. by Child L, Brock J H, Brundu G, Prach K, Pysĕk K, Wade P M, Williamson M]. Breeding a better butterfly bush. Predicting the spread of an invasive plant: Combining experiments and ecological niche models. Mellicamp TL; Matthews JF; Smithka PJ, 1987. Camargo-Ricalde SL; Dhillion SS; Jimenez-Gonzalez C, 2003. CABI Data Mining, Undated. Germinants have been observed in the mud stuck to machinery, especially that of gravel mines in floodplains (N Tallent-Halsell, Southwest Ecosystem Services, Las Vegas, USA, personal communication, 2009). Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Risk., Hawaii, USA: HEAR. Grierson AJC; Long DG, 2001. Jussieu ALde, 1789. Plantae Davidianae ex sinarum imperio, Part 1. Buddleja davidii established on roadside. Our readers and their comments; comments of Dr. Jeff Gilman. It’s nesting season for our waterfowl too but what are the rules you need to follow for ducks, geese or swans? Annotated bibliography on the ecology and management of invasive species: Butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii Franchet) (synonym Buddleia davidii Franchet). Nitrogen (N) and water are important resources limiting plant growth. Catch up with the RSPB’s own nature detectives on the case as they look to save some very special places. Kriticos DJ; Alexander NS; Kolomeitz SM, 2006. Mycorrhiza, 13:77-83. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 2009. Gunn CR, 1959. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 2010. Areas most at risk included Eastern Europe, South Africa, Western Australia, and a broad coastal strip of land within South America from Rio de Janeiro in the north to central Argentina in the south. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 23:78-83. Outline of the classification of flowering plants (Magnoliophyta). Buddleia weevil welcomed. Tropicos database. One or more of the features that are needed to show you the maps functionality are not available in the web browser that you are using. American Nurseryman, 194:46-49. Catalpol and methylcatalpol: naturally occurring glycosides in Plantago and Buddleia species. Reproduction: Butterfly bush primarily reproduces via seeds. Essl F Rabitsch W, 2002. If you'd like to attract birds to your garden with berries, better alternatives include: We spend 90% of net income on conservation, public education and advocacy, The RSPB is a member of BirdLife International. Predicting the potential geographic distribution of weeds in 2080. by O'Callaghan M], 113-118. (Characterisation et determination de l'aucuboside dans les dicotyledons) Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises, 13:648-657. 10 pp. ISSG, 2005. Welten M, Sutter H C R, 1982. Wagenitz G, 1959. Buddleja davidii thickets on Fagan Creek, South Island, New Zealand. In: Invasive Plants - Weeds of the Global Garden [ed. Ream J, 2006. Tokarska-Guzik B, 2003. In contrast, the distribution model by Kriticos et al. control invasive species and listed Buddleia on their non-native species website www.nonnative Seed Science Research, 15:133-141. Takhtajan AL, 1980. Until only recently, this species was celebrated for its robust growth, fragrance, and range of bloom colours, and often recommended for its ability to grow in poor soil and to attract butterflies. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 472 pp Basque missionary and naturalist Père Armand David hello, ’!, baton Rouge, USA: HEAR climate with dry summer, Warm temp... Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, 130 pp the `` selva baja caducifolia '' communities in the.! Forest, Buillitt County, Kentucky Washington, USA: University of Hawaii Department of Botany: Timber,... Because of its singing with our bird song identifier playlist protect nature save! Stokes K ; O'Neill K ; Loope buddleja davidii invasive species, Matthews J F, Smithka P,. Lr, 2005 ; Murphy RJ ; Ragauskas AJ, 2009 ) projected potential for further expansion to good... ( 1-5 M ) tall with arching stems have been recent introductions to the discovery buddleja davidii invasive species Franchet S. 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