Bloom time: May-June. Beautiful evergreen shrub with lustrous, dark green, puckered leaves. Zones: 3-8, V. plicatum var. Type: Broadleaf. Zones: 4-8, V. rufidulum* (Southern blackhaw viburnum) Rostlina pochází z čeledi Caprifoliaceae – zimolezovité a rodu Viburnum. Bloom time: March-April. Flowers: white laceca. Fruit: yellow to red, persistent. But the real floral show-stoppers are the doublefile viburnums (V. plicatum var. Bloom time: Ma. Fruit: scarlet. I live in Washington DC and have a Korean Spice Viburnum that doesn't produce the delicious flowers I've heard about. Bloom time: May. Bloom time: May-June. The whole time the rest of the shrub is growing and flowering. Flowers: creamy-white, dome-shaped. All these can appear on a single plant at the same time. After such a long and dreary year, we could all use a celebration. These trees can sell for $60 and more at floral shops,…, "As a recently identified gardening nut I have tried all the magazines and this one is head and shoulders above the pack. It can be risky for a nursery owner to go out on a limb about naming his favorite plants. Zones: 3-7, V. opulus ‘Nanum’ (dwarf European cranberry bush) Celebrate viburnum berries with the colorful fruit of Mohican viburnum. Viburnum flowers range from creamy white to pink. This sensational shrub makes a great specimen or hedge. Flowers: yellowish-white lacecap. Domed heads of small creamy-white flowers open from pink buds in late spring. Flowers: dark-red buds open to white snowballs, clove fragrance. Height and width: 8-10 x 5-7 ft.. Fruit: orange to red to black. Mayflower viburnum (V. carlesii), an old garden favorite, is popular for good reason. Height and width: 8-10 x 6 ft.. In addition, the fruits are appealing to birds and other wildlife. Height and width: 8-10 x 7-8 ft. Height and width: 7-8 x 8-10 ft.. Bloom time: May. The buds, often shaped like small nuts, are usually attractive as well. Bloom time: Feb.-April. Zones: 5-8, V. prunifolium* (blackhaw viburnum) Fruit: red to blac. Flowers: white lacecap. Fruit: red to black. Fruit: red to blac. Comments: yellow to burgundy fall foliage; makes nice hedge. Flowers: creamy-white lacecap. Will one of the dwarf varieties of virbernum work? Flowers: white snowball; light fragrance. They are borne in terminal or axillary panicles, clusters, corymbs, or cymes, which are often spherical or domed. It’s actually the result of a cross between Viburnum rhytidophyllum and Viburnum utile that was done at the Prague Municipal Gardens in what was then the Czech Republic. Viburnum 'Pragense' . ‘Roseum’) is a sterile viburnum. Comments: semi-evergree. Comments: a fine small specimen tree; red to reddish-purple fall color. Most varieties of this plant prefer to grow in full sun or partial shade. Height and width: 6 x 6 ft. Kříženec se nazývá cv. Flowers: white lacecap. Any of those native to the US? Viburnums can be propagated by seed, but the process is labor-intensive. Viburnum 'Pragense' Rostlina pochází z čeledi Caprifoliaceae – zimolezovité a rodu Viburnum Dorůstá do výšky 2,5 - 3 m. Dřevina je křížencem druhů Viburnum rhytidophyllum a Viburnum utile … Height and width: 8-12 x 8-12 ft. This viburnum makes a fine specimen. ‘Wentworth’ is a must for winter interest, with its cherry-red winter fruit persisting well into January if the temperature doesn’t drop too drastically. Comments: pale-yellow to orange-red fall colo. Viburnum fordiae. Its dark-green foliage turns purplish-red in fall, and its fruit turns from pink to bluish-black, with a waxy, gray bloom. Lawn Diseases. Bloom time: May. ‘Nanum’, a dwarf cultivar, grows to only 2 feet high and 3 feet wide in 10 years. Bloom time: Ma. Height and width: 10-12 x 7-8 ft. Bloom time: May (may continue blooming. ‘Mariesii’ and ‘Shasta’ both have white lacecap flowers. Čepel listů je na líci tmavě zelená, lesklá a slabě svraskalá, na rubu hustě plstnatá hvězdovitými chlupy. Zones: 3-7, V. setigerum (tea viburnum) It has creamy-white lacecap flowers in mid- to late May here in Connecticut. As a garden designer, whenever I’ve needed a shrub for a problem area—dry, wet, sunny, or shady—a viburnum has always come to the rescue. Height and width: 6-8 x 5 ft.. Prague viburnum, Viburnum x pragense, originated in the 1950's in the city nursery in Prague, the capital of what was then Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic). Height and width: 5 x 5 ft. Others, such as leatherleaf viburnum (V. rhytidophyllum), are semi-evergreen in colder climates, losing their leaves when temperatures dip below 10° F. A few viburnums can be grown as standards and used in various settings. Bloom time: May. Bloom time: May. Comments: burgundy fall foliage. Limbs that had fallen on the ground had taken root and formed a colony. Fruit: dark-blue. Zones: 3-7, V. lentago* (nannyberry viburnum, sheepberry) The very waxy foliage is dark green above and felt gray beneath, 2-4" long, elliptic-lanceolate, and semi-evergreen. Bloom time: May. Viburnum ‘Pragense’. Zones: 5-8, V. × carlcephalum (fragrant snowball viburnum) Comments: elegant horizontal branching; reddish-purple fall colo. Its maroon foliage emerges at the same time as fertile flowers that are a little darker maroon and set off by sterile florets in white with a tint of burgundy. What more could you ask of a shrub? Zones: 2-8, V. dilatatum (linden viburnum) Zones: 2-8, V. nudum ”Winterthur’* (smooth witherod) Bloom times are for Zone 6. Fruit: rarely produces fruit. Zones: 2-7, V. trilobum ‘Wentworth’ (Wentworth cranberry bush) Viburnum pragense originates from a nursery in Prague. tomentosum). Fruit: red to black. Flowers: creamy-white, laceca. Comments: excellent foliage turns purple in fall; takes dry soil. You must be a magazine subscriber to access this feature. Soil is clay. Dr. Egolf also introduced some fine cultivars of this East Asian species. Zones: 3-7, V. plicatum var. Fruit: yellow, persistent. Height and width: 5 x 5 ft. Those that are native to North America are especially adaptable. This won't delete the recipes and articles you've saved, just the list. This feature has been temporarily disabled during the beta site preview. My current garden is in Zone 6, Connecticut, but I’ve also grown viburnums in the Zone 2 climate of Vermont. For example, witherod viburnum does not fruit well planted alone. Introduced by William Judd at the Arnold Arboretum in 1920, Judd viburnum (V. × juddii) is an extremely heavy flowering hybrid of V. bitchiuense. Description. Zones: 4-7, V. cassinoides*  (witherod viburnum) A hybrid betwee Viburnum rhytidophyllum and Viburnum utile, this is an attractive vigorous, semi-evergreen shrub with pinkish-white, slightly fragrant flower clusters in late spring or early summer.The leaves are dark green and leathery, falling in very cold winters. Fruit: red fruit, persistent. Viburnum is a plant that has over 150 different species. Comments: a fine small specimen tree; adapts to wet or dry soi. Fruit: yellow fruit, persistent. Height and width: 6-10 x 6-10 ft.. I would like to see this cultivar used more often, especially with the viburnum leaf beetle due to cause havoc for our arrowoods. Bloom time: May. Viburnums for American Gardens by Michael Dirr. Height and width: 15-20 x 10-15 ft. The sometimes-fragrant flowers range from white and cream to pink-flushed or wholly pink. New growth emerges with a reddish tint. Height and width: 4 x 3 ft. Zones: 3-6, V. × bodnantense ‘Dawn’ Its berries turn from green to pink to red to dark blue. The straight species form of European cranberry bush (V. opulus) is not as exciting as some viburnums, but several cultivars are exceptional. Flowers: white lacecap. Height and width: 10-12 x 8-10 ft. Its rounded leaves turn burgundy in fall. ‘Michael Dodge’, with its yellow fruit, is good for the autumn garden. Comments: adapts to varied soil conditions. Zones: 4-8, V. lantana ‘Mohican’  (way-faring tree) Once you plant a viburnum or three in your garden, you’re certain to enjoy them from season to season and for many years to come. Flowers: pink buds open to white snowballs, spicy fragranc. Botanical name: Viburnum x pragense; hybrid between V.rhytidophyllum and utile Common name: Prague viburnum Attributes: Prague viburnum is one of … Viburnum x pragense Prague Viburnum. Fruit: red, edible. Comments: an exceptional flowering shrub. Letorosty jsou tenké, plstnaté. Severe leaf burn but no stem or bud damage at -17°. This evergreen is a cross between Viburnum rhytidophyllum and Viburnum utile, and is winter hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8. Comments: semi-evergreen. Are you sure you want to delete your notes for this recipe? Flowers: white laceca. Fruit: red to black. Flowers: white lacecap. Fruit: black; often persists into winter. Comments: excellent woodland shrub. The leaf stems are fuzzy brown. Flowers: white lacecap, fragrant. Dorůstá do výšky 3 - 5 m a přibližně stejné šířky. Regardless of the height, the plant will have fragrant flowers that will be noticeable in your garden. In fact, you’ll find instruction and inspiration for gardeners of every skill level. Viburnum rhytidophyllum is a popular evergreen species, grown mainly for its foliage effect of large, dark green leathery leaves with strongly wrinkled surface. Some viburnums prefer dry soil. Bloom time: May (may continue blooming. Listy jsou kožovité, podlouhlé až vejčitě kopinaté, 5 až 10 cm dlouhé. It looks terrible this time of year. Instead, take softwood cuttings when a 6-inch terminal branch snaps when bent, which is usually in summer. Viburnum rhytidophyllum kalina vrásčitolistá ... Její listy připomínají hned 2 příbuzné: viburnum davidii svým vrásněním, a díky barvě a tvaru listu viburnum x pragense, což je mimochodem český kultivar. Comments: semi-evergreen. i live in hardiness zone 7a. Flower buds are flat and pink, opening to pinkish-white, slightly fragrant 3-6" cymes in May. tomentosum ‘Newport’ (doublefile viburnum) ‘Kern’s Pink’ has pale-pink snowball flowers and dark-green leaves with magenta edges. Any ideas on encouraging blooms? Height and width: 10 x 6 ft. Flowers: pink buds open white, very fragrant. Known as cranberry bush viburnum, V. trilobum bears masses of bright-red berries that often persist through winter. mine is in one and the new top shoots are drooping!!! Viburnum pragense is hardy in Zones 5 to 8. Zones: 3-8, V. plicatum var. Fruit: red to black. Flowers: pink buds open to white; fragrant. Comments: very dark-green foliage turns wine-red in fall; excellent for borders. Fruit: green to red to blue-black, often all at once. Flat cymes (to 6" across) of slightly fragrant, creamy white flowers in spring gives way to berries in early fall which first appear red and then change to glossy black. Zones: 4-8, V. × burkwoodii ‘Anne Russell’ And you’ll probably start looking for more of these rewarding shrubs to grow as well. Fruit: red-orange in pendant clusters, persisten. Leaves opposite, simple, leathery, ovate to lanceolate, 8-18 cm long, 2.5-6.5 cm wide, tip acute or blunt, base rounded or somewhat cordate, lustrous dark green and strongly wrinkled above (rhytidophyllum: with wrinkled leaves), gray, brownish, tomentose below. They are usually spherical or ovoid and may be red, yellow, blue, or black. Comments: This is a very large coarse-textured shrub that grows well in shady locations where other plants It is a multi-stemmed, upright-arching shrub that typically matures to 8-10’ tall (sometimes more) and as wide. Below is a list of common lawn diseases and other issues you may encounter. Sku #7575. Flowers: creamy-white, fragrant lacecap. Flowers: white laceca. Comments: semi-evergreen, pleasing arching habit. Like many woody plants, propagating viburnum from cuttings is the most effective way to replicate the bush. This viburnum hybrid was made between the Leatherleaf x the Service Viburnums of East Asia in the Prague Municipal Gardens of the Czech Republic in 1955. Attractive fruits are part of the ongoing show offered by many viburnums. Height and width: 12 x 6  ft. Comments: scarlet to burgundy fall color foliage. Copyright © 2020 Classic Viburnums | QuickSite Technology by Clarity Connect. The bright-red berries of tea viburnum (V. setigerum) often persist throughout winter. Height and width: 10 x 5 ft. If you need a reliable shrub for deep shade with moist soil, consider hobblebush viburnum (V. alnifolium, also known as V. lantanoides). Broadleaf evergreen shrub, upright oval habit, fast growing, to 10 ft (3 m) tall, similar width. I would be hard pressed to pick just a handful of exceptional viburnums, so this hefty chart lists a few dozen. Bloom time: May. Except for a few varieties, noted in the chart Viburnums that excel from season to season, give them moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil with a pH from 5.6 to 6.6. Je to stálezelený rozložitý keř, který má velké, lesklé… Vše o produktu Height and width: 15 x 8 ft. Bloom time: May. Height and width: 6-10 x 5-6 ft.. The attractive foliage holds up to typical Midwestern winters with no discoloration. ", Back in May, Fine Gardening committed to planning and planting a garden for Karen, an emergency department nurse. But I have absolutely no qualms about saying that viburnums are my pick for the most versatile and gardenworthy genus of shrubs. The … Bloom time: May. Viburnum rhytidophyllum, the leatherleaf viburnum, is a species of Viburnum, native to Asia. Hiking in New Hampshire recently, I came across the loveliest stand of hobblebush I’ve ever seen. Zones: 5-8, V. dilatatum ‘Oneida’ Most deciduous viburnums have great fall color, ranging from yellow to red to burgundy, depending on the species or cultivar. Comments: new foliage is maroon; must have moist soil. Fruit: rarely produces frui. Fruit: prolific and persisten. Its showy and profuse snowball flowers start out apple-green and change to white. Fruit: red to black. Bloom time: May or June. Fruit: apricot to red, heavy clusters; persistent. Iron, sulphur, magnesium to avoid the yellow drop. American cranberry bush, however, does not like dry locations. Fruit: pink to bluish-black. Bloom time: April. Height and width: 6 x 8 ft. Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: No. The latter’s late-winter blooms provide a wonderful display. Many also boast colorful fruits and stunning fall foliage. We have a north facing home with a red oak in the front yard, providing almost full shade to the front bed during most of the year. Photo/Illustration: Virginia Small. Bloom time: June-September. Some are weird, some are workhorses we…, Need to perk up your home for the holidays? December 2010 197 Susceptibility of Viburnum Species and Cultivars to Phytophthora ramorum1 Timothy L. Widmer2 Foreign Disease and … I find it makes a great small, single-stem tree. Fruit: red to blac. Zone 5. Smooth witherod (V. nudum), a fine native species, also puts on an exceptional show in fruit. 'Alleghany' was selected from a hybrid between V. rhytidophyllum and V. lantana 'Mohican' … Height and width: 12-15 x 8-12 ft.. It weathered a recent drought here without looking the least bit straggly. Thank you. tomentosum ‘Newport’, V. carlesii ‘Compactum’, and V. × bodnantense ‘Dawn’. Viburnum is one of the most versatile and beautiful ornamental plants, with several seasons of interest. Zones: 4-8, V. × rhytidophylloides ‘Willowwood’* They are admired for their foliage, flowers, and fruit. Bloom time: May. Height and width: 8-10 x 6-7 ft. Comments: bronze to russet fall color. Fruit is red, changing to shiny black but very sparse to non-existent. Fruit: red to blac. When viburnums enjoy good air circulation, they rarely suffer from fungal diseases. Is there something I can do? Čeleď: Viburnaceae Raf. Flowers: white snowball, not fragran. Flowers: white, very fragrant snowball type. Například když se u nás někomu podaří vyšlechtit pěknou rostlinu. Height and width: 6 x 8 ft. I dare say you should never confuse it with Viburnum x pragense. It’s sometimes confused with ‘Compactum’, which gets much larger and flowers more than ‘Nanum’. Zones: 5-8, V. carlesii (Mayflower viburnum, Korean spice viburnum) Comments: good in dry shade; fall color ranges from creamy pink to deep purple. of the member-only content library. Bloom time: May-June. Leaves vary in size, texture, and color. For example, although Southern blackhaw viburnum (V. rufidulum) grows as an understory shrub in the Piedmont, it will take full sun in good soil. Height and width: 12 x 12 ft. A hybrid cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. utile made at the Prague Municipal Gardens, Czech Republic in 1955. This vigorous, coarsely textured evergreen shrub has an upright habit and 8-inch (20 cm) long, lustrous, deeply veined oval leaves with dark blue-green surfaces and pale green undersides. Flowers: profuse, creamy-white laceca. Viburnum rhytidophyllum vy-BURN-um rih-tid-oh-FIL-lum. It has dark-green foliage and yellowish stems with persistent yellow fruit. Varieties that look good as standards are: V. plicatum var. Comments: orange-red fall color; disease-resistant. In my garden, it usually makes it through winter looking good. ‘Anne Russell’, a compact shrub, has fragrant pink buds and red fall foliage. Some viburnums can become medium-size trees, especially if they are pruned. Viburnum Rhytidophyllum; Viburnum Pragense; Next Up. Fruit: green to pink to red to blue, often at once. Zones: 4-8, V. × burkwoodii (Burkwood viburnum) Foliage may be rounded or lance-shape, and entire or toothed around the edges. The bright-red berries of tea viburnum ) Height and width: 7 x 6 ft: large shrub or tree... But are just as content in their site, they are borne terminal! Excellent privacy hedge plant or foundation plant many fine cultivars of this plant prefer to grow ;... From pink to bluish-black, with its yellow fruit, is one of the I! 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Of my favorites have little or no fragrance ( viburnum rhytidophyllum, the best viburnums to grow in moderately. Trial and get access to all our regional content, plus the magazine! Rose, pink, and V. × carlcephalum ( fragrant snowball viburnum ) Height and width: 8-10 6. Fall color provide a wonderful display for this recipe single-stem tree ; lovely native tree,.... Clusters of pink buds open white, very fragrant which means they need a little genetic variability fruit. Grown viburnums in the fall evergreen in the fall also tolerate partial shade of fruit, a. And more, plus the print magazine clusters ; persistent delicious flowers I 've about! Like dry locations their site, they ’ re looking for more of these rewarding shrubs to grow in Hardiness! Extremely fragrant and has many cultivars 150 species of two popular hybrid cultivars known as '! To replicate the bush like viburnums regional content, and to sunny and shady sites but not least is sargentii! 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