15. (a) Explain about Split-range-gate tracking ? 14. 11. (b) Explain the terms Linear Array, Planar array, Broadside array and endfire array. 16. (b) Compute the maximum detectable range of a radar system specified below: 2) Determine the beat frequency due to range and the quantization error if range=100m, and the frequency excursion is 75Hz and modulating frequency is 1Khz. (b) Target cross section σ (January 2010) (a) Write necessary equations to measure range and Doppler frequency in FM-CW Radar? Derive basic radar’s equation Explain in detail about N-element linear array and derive its Radiation pattern expression. 2. (a) Draw the block diagram of IF Doppler filter bank? (b) Discuss about matched filter correlation function? (a) Draw the block diagram of a pulsed radar and explain it’s operation. 7).Distinguish between search radar and tracking radar? How it is used in FMCW Radar? Important questions for microwave Radar Engineering. (Apr/May ’12) (b) With a (CW) transmit frequency of 5 GHz, calculate the Doppler frequency seen by a stationary radar when the target radial velocity is 100km/h (62.5mph). (January 2010) In answering these questions perhaps you could print out this page. (i) Branch type duplexer. Suggest a method to reduce the effect of blind speeds for unambiguous detection of a moving target. 17. PHP means PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. 12. (a) Define the noise figure for a radar receiver, and obtain an expression for the noise figure for 3 networks in cascade. (May/June 2009) Find the isolation between transmitter and receiver in dB. Derive the range equation and discuss about its limitations 11. Plan your interview attire the night before 8. Suggest the appropriate isolator. 15. (Jan. 2010) 12 Common Manager Interview Questions and Best Answers. Bad answer: “I love to shop. (November 2008) Why do you want to leave your current job? What are Maxwell's Equations? 3. 6. Suggest the appropriate isolator. (Apr/May2008) Remember that the interviewer is not only interested in the content of your answers, but also in your ability to be confident, clear and engaging. 4. (b) What are the specific bands assigned by the ITU for the Radar? (a) Explain the basic concept of phased array antennas. Explain April 2012 Recruit a friend to practice answering questions 6. (b) Explain about AGC in tracking radar receiver? This kind of questions are usually very descriptive. 21. 17. 17. (b) Explain characteristics of different radar displays. The reasonable time to frame the answers is about 30 minutes. (a) With necessary mathematical expressions, describe Range and Doppler measurement if the transmitted signal of a CW Doppler radar is frequency modulated. (a) Explain phase comparison Monopulse tracking radar. And you have people who make cars and people who repair the cars. Basic Questions (you must know these answers) What is the difference between Directivity and Antenna Gain? Home » RADAR SYSTEMS Questions and Answers » 300+ TOP RADAR SYSTEMS Questions and Answers pdf UNIT WISE, 1. (April 11) (April/May 2007, & June 2007) (c) North filter. 15. Just like with cars you have a factory and people that repair the factory. (Apr/May 07) Draw the block diagram of a Pulsed radar and explain its operation 4. (b) Compare and contrast the situations with a power amplifier and a power oscillator in the transmitter of an MTI system. 9. Draw the block diagram of IF Doppler filter bank and draw its frequency response. January 2010 28. 9. What are its radar applications? Resume Builder Create a resume in 5 minutes. (April/May 2012 & April 2011) Discuss how the direction and range of an object is determined using this system. 3. Radar level measurement technology can be broken down into two different categories; Pulsed and Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave ().An advantage with Pulsed Technology is … (a) A low power, short range radar is solid-state throughout, including a low-noise RF amplifier which gives it an overall noise figure of 4.77dB. (NOTE: Don’t bring these items into your actual interview. 8. (May/June 2009) (b) Describe briefly the analog MTI systems. 9. (b) Draw the block diagram of CW Doppler radar with nonzero IF receiver and explain each block. 5. RADAR SYSTEMS Questions and Answers pdf free download :-UNIT – 1 :-1. (c) Why post detection integration is not as efficient as pre-detection integration of radar pulses? 9) Draw and explain frequency response characteristics of a MTI using range gates and filters. 17. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������� (a) Explain how tracking is achieved using radar? 6) Differentiate blind phases from blind speeds. (January 2010) (Apr /May 08) 5) Description of Range gate Doppler filters. (i) Low angle tracking (ii) Tracking in Range (iii) Acquisition May/June 2009 April 2012 Prediction of range performance ii. 36. 24. (b) Describe any two types of duplexers used in radar receivers (November 2008) Write explanatory notes on: (i) Pulse repetition frequency and range ambiguities (i) Radar cross section of Target (Apr. (c)Why most of the radar receivers are considered as envelop detectors while calculating the SNR (April, 2008) 5. (April 2011) Explain about the following: Tools. 2. 5).Explain about Phased Array Antennas. Derive the impulse response of a matched filter that is commonly used in a radar receiver? 7. what do you understand by false alarm (c) Internal fluctuation of clutter. 1. How it affects the detection of targets? (June 2007) (a) Draw the diagram of a Basic Radar System and explain the operation of each block in detail. 15. Can you tell me a little about yourself? (b) What is butterfly effect? (a) Equipment instabilities (b) Scanning modulation 20. And explain the significance of each term in that equation. (April, 2011) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Lecture Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf PPT Doc Book free download. (May 2008 & April / May 2008) 19. >���;E��|[p~ҹ�g��x�q~;� ����ʽ���$[��֪zӏ��Q�������|ݸ��ҽ��km�>H��!TN~�p? (a) With an MTI Radar system we can get the radial velocity as well as the distance of the moving target. (a) Describe briefly various visual displays to view radar echo signals in radar systems. 2. (a) Explain how FM-CW radar is used to find the height of the aircraft above the surface of the earth? (April 2011) 8. Q. (b) Write about the frequencies that are used for Radar Communications? If it is defined to detect a target with a cross section of 12 sqm and the minimum detectable signal is Pmin = -90dBm. Behavioral interview questions, phone interview questions, and more. (c) Define noise figure and noise temperature of a receiver system. 6. 7. Find the isolation between transmitter and receiver in dB. (June 2006) Peak pulse transmitted power = 320 kW. May/June 2009 (a) With the help of a suitable block diagram, sequential lobing type of tracking technique in a tracking radar system? Draw the block diagram of pulse radar and explain the function of each block and its operation? How many techniques are employed to track a radar target? ... on the internet you can search and download the thesis in pdf … (a)Derive the equation for minimum detectable signal Smin in terms of output signal to noise ratio? 9. (a)Explain how the noise is limiting the Radar receiver sensitivity? 24. 13. 6. 2. (ii) System losses (May/June 2009) (April/May 2012) 2. 11. (a) Explain how the bipolar video signal is converted in to unipolar signal in MTI radar that uses range gates and filters. (b) Advantages, limitations and applications of antenna arrays in radar systems. (b) List all the possible losses in a radar system and discuss the possible causes of each of them (November 2008) 5. Explain the operation of CW radar with neat block diagram (b) Discuss about the frequencies used for radar. I want to give you a quick and easy way to get started preparing for your job interview, and of course, that begins with learning how to answer the most common job interview questions … (b) What are the effects which limit the amount of transmitter leakage power which can be tolerated at the receiver (April, 2011) (a) What are the various unwanted signals which cause errors in FM altimeter? 2. Describe in detail the various system losses that affect the characteristics of the Radar. (April 2011) (a) Explain the operation of FMCW radar when the modulation is linear and triangular and target is assumed to be stationary with help of neat Sketches. (April/ May 2012) 5. (Nov 08) (a) What is the method of overcoming the problems of blind speed in analog radars? How it is used in communications? 25. 10) How does MTI radar differ from CW radar? If the antenna diameter is 1m, IF bandwidth is 500kHz, the operating frequency is 8 GHz and the radar set is supposed to be capable of detecting targets of 5m2 cross sectional area at a maximum distance of 12 km, what must be the peak transmitted pulse power? Subject: Frequently asked questions on radars and their answers. (b) A pulsed radar operating at 10 GHz has an antenna with a gain of 28dB and a transmitter of 2 KW (pulse power). (b) Draw the block diagram of the pulse radar. (b) Radiation patterns and feed arrangements for array antennas in a radar system. 27. (a) Draw the block diagram of MTI radar and explain its operation? Explain the principle and characteristics of a matched filter. (April/May 2008) (a) Explain the significance of probability of false alarm and probability of miss. (a) Derive the equation for impulse response of a matched filter. (b) Explain how isolation between transmitter and receiver of a radar system can be achieved if single antenna is used for transmission and reception. May/June 2009 (b) Derive the equation for maximum Radar Range in terms of radar and target parameters. (November 2008) (a) Derive the maximum range for a Radar system, from first principles. (b) With a block diagram explain the operation of pulse radar (April/May 2007) Interview tips: 1. (a) Derive the matched filter characteristic? 2) What do the initials of PHP stand for? 10 Behavioral Interview Questions and Sample Answers . 14. Calculate the first two lowest blind speed for this radar. Discuss the filter characteristics of the delay line canceller? (April/May 2012) Draw the block diagram of a correlation receiver and explain its operation with necessary equations? Acces PDF Radar Engineering Questions And Answers File Type Radar Engineering Questions And Answers File Type When people should go to the books stores, search instigation by shop, shelf by shelf, it is truly problematic. Reference: WomenCo. (b) Calculate the lowest blind speed of an MTI system operating at 4.2 cm wavelength and transmitting at a pulse repetition time of 286 μS. 17. ELECTRONICS and COMMUNICATION Engineering Questions and Answers PDF download for freshers experienced.ece interview questions,core technical basic questions. Anyone can do that. (b) Draw the block diagram of sinusoidally modulated FMCW Radar and explain the function of each block. 22. Explain the principle of operation FMCW Altimeter with suitable diagram. 15 Toughest Interview Questions and Answers! Radar cross-sectional area of the target σ = 20 sq.m (November 2008) In this article, we will list some of the most common healthcare specialist interview questions, with example answers to help you get ready. Interview Success Package – Multiple fantastic answers to 104 interview questions – basically everything a hiring manager may throw at you. 8. 12. What are its advantages. Discuss how the direction and range of an object is determined using this system. (b) With a block diagram explain the operation of pulse radar. (b)Write about Doppler navigation used in aircrafts? Q. (May 2008) (Apr/May 07, 08, June 07,June 06)) 2).Explain various types of radar displays (b) Discuss the relations between the matched filter characteristics and correlation function. (b) Explain the following: 1).Explain the characteristics of a matched filter receiver with necessary equations Here are some common behavioral interview questions you may be asked during a job interview. 14. 11. (April/May 2012) <> (b) Estimate the radar cross-section of a spherical target if the wavelength of transmitting signal with reference to the target size is in Rayleigh region. (April/May 2012) (a) Discuss the parameters on which maximum detectable range of a radar system depends? <> Answer : The radar term PRT refers to Pulse Repetition Time. (b) Explain the applications of radar. (January 2010) Download PDF. Behavioral interview questions, phone interview questions, and more. Details ... Download PDF. 19. (May/June 2009) 34. Radar Tester related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Radar Tester. Focus instead on your history with that (Apr/May ’12) It uses electro-magnetic waves in microwave region to detect location (range & direction), height (altitude), intensity (in case of weather systems) and movement of moving and non-moving targets. Radar cross-sectional area of the target = 20 sq.m. Read our tips from top interview experts and be more prepared at your interview than anyone else. 17. (Apr/May ’12) (b) A pulsed radar operating at 10 GHz has an antenna with a gain of 28dB and a transmitter of 2 kW (pulse power). (April/May 2007) (b) Draw the simple radar block diagram and explain its operation? 2011) Write explanatory notes on: (b) With a (CW) transmit frequency of 5 GHz, calculate the Doppler frequency seen by a stationary radar when the target radial velocity is 100km/h (62.5mph). And you have people that drive the cars. (a) What is the purpose of filter banks in CW radar receivers? Sample Interview Questions with Suggested Ways of Answering Q. (b) Derive the range equation and discuss about its limitation (May 2008) (b) What are the peak power and duty cycle of a radar whose average transmitter power is 200W, pulse width of 1μs and a pulse repetition frequency of 1000Hz? Explain the operation of branch type duplexer with neat sketch. 26. 18. 26. (a) Draw the block diagram FM-CW radar and explain its operation principles? (a) Describe the working principle of pulsed Radar System. Download PDF. Explain the following (Jan. 2010) Get the job you want. A. Minimum detectable power = 10-13 W. 5. (b)Describe methods to achieve isolation between transmitter and receiver of a CW Doppler radar if same antenna is to be used for transmission and reception. 21. 5. Discuss about detection of signals in noise 4. Tools. 20. (November 2008) Here are a set of actual antenna engineer interview questions, to give you an idea. (a) Explain how range and Doppler measurements are performed using FMCW radar (b) Discuss about measurement errors. What is the maximum range of the radar? (a) Description of Range gate Doppler filters. (b) Derive an expression for range frequency in case of FMCW Radar (May 2008) Antenna Engineer Interview Questions. Read our tips from top interview experts and be more prepared at your interview than anyone else. What are some of the ways in which it manifests itself? It's your chance to introduce your qualifications, good work habits, etc. (c) What are the factors that limit the amount of isolation between Transmitter and Receiver of CW Radar? (b) Explain the necessity of a matched filter in a radar receiver to improve its signal-to-noise ratio based on the frequency response characteristics of the matched filter. (a) Explain the following: Behavioral-based questions are asked to get a sense of how the interviewee performs or behaves under specific circumstances. (b) Explain about Color CRTs. (b) Draw the block diagram of a simple CW radar and explain its working? 12. How to get hired by nailing the 20 most common interview questions employers ask. (b) Matched and non-matched filters. (b) Explain in detail about limitations to tracking accuracy? (a) Explain the functioning and characteristics of PPI display and A-Scope. (a) Explain about range gated Doppler filters? Justify this. 16. 11) How does MTI radar differ from pulse Doppler radar? Determine the overall noise figure of the system. (a) With the help of suitable block diagram explain the operation of pulse radar. How to get hired by nailing the 20 most common interview questions employers ask. (May 2008) (a) Write short notes on matched filter? The following are sample questions you can use to help ensure understanding of the material contained in JetStream. (Nov 2008) What are blind speeds? (a) Why the step error and quantization errors which occur in cycle counter are used for frequency measurement in FMCW Radar? 3).Explain phase comparison monopulse tracking radar technique These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts (c) Describe the process of acquiring a moving target prior to tracking it along with patterns used for acquisition? (November 2008) (d) P – Scope display (May 2008 & April/May 2008) (April/May 2008) (a) Passive ECM. Nov ‘08 Write notes on the following : (i) Delay line cancellers (ii) Blind speeds (iii) Clutter attenuation (iv) Transversal filters (May/June 2009) An 8GHz police Radar measures a Doppler frequency of 1788Hz from a car approaching the stationary police vehicle in an 80km/h speed limit zone. (b) Write short notes on (i) Efficiency of non matched filters. 20. (January 2010) (a) What is a Radar? (a) Obtain the radar equation and discuss various parameters which improve the performance of radar. 18. (b)Explain about transmitter clutter. (b) With diagrams explain split-range-gate tracking April 2012 Keep it mostly work and career related. (a) Describe a pulsed Radar System. Tell me about yourself. (a)Explain how earphones are used as an indicator in CW Radar? 21. 4. It's your chance to introduce your qualifications, good work habits, etc. Resume Builder Create a resume in 5 minutes. (a) What is Doppler frequency shift? Practice your answers to common interview questions 3. (b) Discuss all the possible errors in the measurement accuracy of altitudes using a FM-CW radar. 11. (May/June 2009) (a) Derive the impulse response of a matched filter that is commonly used in a radar receiver. (May 2008) (a)Explain how earphones are used as an indicator in CW Radar? (a) With the help of suitable block diagram, explain the operation of a FM-CW altimeter. 20. What are its applications. 13. (a) Beam steering and variations in beam width with variations in steering angle of an antenna array system. 23. (b) Discuss the effect of surface quality and reflection characteristics of a target on the angular tracking accuracy of tracking radar? Important questions on microwave engineering with answers and pdf, learn about applications, Junctions, S-matrix, Microwave analysis, reflex klystrons. (a) Define Doppler effect. (ii) System losses in Radar (April / May 2008) Explain in detail about Efficiency of non-matched filters compared with the matched filter? You Might Like: Top 50 JQuery Interview Questions & Answers 50 Most Common Interview Questions & Answers in HR round Top 50 Leadership Interview Questions & Answers Resume & CV Mega Guide: How to, Tips, Template, Format, Examples & Samples. Compare the performance of double delay line canceller with single delay line canceller? Contacting Radar Questions What is the principle of operation of Guided Wave Radar ? (a) What is low noise front end? 10. 24. 29. 7. (a) Discuss about efficiency of non matched filters? (a) Establish the impulse response characteristic for a matched filter. 1) A simple MTI delay line canceller is an example of time domain filter .Why? (b) Describe the operation of matched filter with non white noise? 4. (b) Derive the Radar range equation and discuss about its limitation. Explain the basic principle of elementary form of Radar. (June 2006) (May/June 2009) (b) Transmitter power (May 2008) (Nov 2008) 3. What Is 2d Radar? (Apr/May ‘12) (Jan 2010) 7. (b)The average false alarm time is a more significant parameter than the false alarm probability. (a) Describe the conical scanning method? Write explanatory notes on: (i) Receiver noise (ii) Signal to noise ratio 19. Describe any two types of duplexers used in radar receiver. (a) List out the possible errors for measurement of altitudes accurately using a FM-CW radar. 15. What are the desirable pulse characteristics and the factors that govern them in a radar system (b) What is the need of delay line canceller? (May/June 2009) <> Discuss the effect of receiver bandwidth on the efficiency of detection and performance of a CW Doppler radar. (b) Explain about the Integration of Radar pulses. May/June ‘09 In indicating the position of a target, what is the difference between azimuth and elevation? 37. (Apr. Calculate the noise figure of the receiver and the equivalent noise temperature of the receiver. (January 2010) 22. How To Answer Basic Interview Questions and Answers Traditional interview questions are questions that focus on your skills and value. If it is defined to detect a target with a cross section of 12sq.m and the minimum detectable signal is Pmin= -90dBm. If it is defined to detect a target with a cross section of 12 sqm and the minimum detectable signal is Pmin = -90dBm. 15. (a) Compare sequential lobing and conical scanning? This is the easiest way to answer sales interview questions when you have no experience. Even as a kid, I spent hours flipping through catalogues.” Don’t just say you like it. (a) Discuss about the mixers in the radar receiver ? (a) Explain the operation of FM-CW radar when the modulation is triangular and object is not stationary with help of neat Sketches. 14. %PDF-1.5 (May 2008) (a)Draw the block diagram of delay line filter which produces a 3-pole Chebyshev low pass filter characteristics with 0.5db ripple in the pass band? (a)Describe and distinguish between the different types of ECM directed against radar. 22. 25. 1) Explain Tracking Principles >>Ready to pursue even bigger opportunities? (b)The transmitter power is 1 KW and safe value of power which might be applied to a receiver is 10mW. What is the maximum range of the radar, 1. (a) What is a matched filter receiver? And consider how you would answer the questions, core technical basic questions ( must! List out their advantages and disadvantages our Top Ten questions and answers sales... Radar ’ s operation echo signals in noise radar interview questions and answers pdf radar ( April/May 2007, 2007..., What is a delay line cancelers below, compute the power received at 50 km distance from radar... Your chances of getting the outcome you want to work in this industry Equipment instabilities ( b ) in! Problems & limitations in the place of rectangular pulses on the following are sample questions you May be during! 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