KJV The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Please check the translations available to you to note the wide differences that have been employed by translators to catch the essence of these difficult Hebrew verses. 64 142 II. 90 ladoniy 9 67 Of David. 58 miz'môr 145 22 Moreover, the confusion created by the Christianization of this verse was further perpetuated and promulgated by numerous Christian translators of the Bible. 75 עַל־דִּבְרָתִי 13 Really, the Hebrew says, "until they are your footstool". m'läkhiym, 110:5 Däwið shëv 105 24 . miTZiYôn hádom 126 66 101 of thy power, 15 x4480 106   4 44 3 52 7287 יָהוֶה 11 z8799 over 3117 7130 7227 of thy strength 69 z8804 unto my Thus, a distinction is drawn between Yahweh and someone else, Jesus (a distinction not recognized or tolerated by Trinitarianism). Psalm 110 represents one of the New Testament’s most stunning, yet clever, mistranslations of the Jewish Scriptures. z8802, עַמְּ 140 137 g'wiYôt 88 95 thy footstool. 37 r'dëh 71 Favoriting is a great way to keep a list of sermons, programs, and ministry resources in your account. 3225 49 29 Yähwè he shall fill 776, מִנַּחַל He shall judge עַל־כֵּן [Note: See Chisholm, "A Theology . 57 7358 60 128 138 .” To better understand Jesus’ use of Psalm 110:1, we’ll look at the identity of each “Lord” separately. 28 36 al-eretz 128 This is a prophetic messianic royal psalm that describes a descendant of David who would not only be his son but his Lord. 24 Psalm 110:3 (Eng & Heb; LXX = 109) KJV Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. z8804 This psalm is quoted twenty-five times by the New Testament and twelve times by Hebrews. z8686 Psalm 110. מְלָכִים, 110:5 78 143 43 of 23 NIV Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. 33 aTäh-khohën שֵׁב 61 מַלכִּי־צֶדֶק. 115 110 5 1 When reading Psalm 110, it is very important to know exactly who is talking and to whom. 77 x5921 Next » Chapter 111. Two of the most difficult verses in Hebrew are Ps. 126 22 We have covered the first four Psalms of Book V, Psalms 107 to 110. 21 84 [shall be] willing מָלֵא 91 Psalm 110 - A Jewish Perspective In an attempt to prove the Divinity of the Messiah, Christians misquote Psalm 110:1 as, " The LORD said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies thy footstool,” and verse 4 stating, “ You are a priest forever after the manner of Melchizedek." 90 1926 18 Like Psalm 2, Psalm 110 is also a royal psalm. 32 z8799 In fact, no other Psalm is higher than Psalm 110 regarding Christ. Psalm 110. 98 3427 1732 38 110:1 A Psalm of David. Bible - בְּקֶרֶב 49 1 Of David a psalm. chëylekhä 27 100 28 124 בַּגּוֹיִם 5071 mish'chär 150 thy right hand 1 The Kingdom, 4 the priesthood, 5 the conquest, 7 and the passion of Christ. 639, יָדִין 71 79 30 רֹאשׁ thou hast the dew This indicates God spoke to the Psalmist's master, and this Psalm bears the heading, Of David. x4480 B'yôm 93 at 147 76 108 93 82 80 16 72 103 7 … בְּהַדְרֵי־קֹדֶשׁ Yähwè 2428 35 It includes praises and blessings to the king of Israel who rules from Tzion, who will judge the nation, lead the army, and follow in the ways of Hashem. 134 84 יָהוֶה Show content in: English Both Hebrew. "Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of … Read Psalm 110:1 Using Other Translations. 130 Verses 1-7. 137 5971 mal'Kiy-tzedeq, 110:4 Psalm 110: This royal psalm is also messianic. among the heathen, 64 ad-äshiyt 85 al-y'miyn'khä לְעוֹלָם 5158 6944 ... 7 He will drink from a brook along the way, # 110:7 The meaning of the Hebrew for this clause is uncertain. 4272 aM'khä B'yôm-aPô יָרִים kings 4442, אֲדֹנָי Messiah Jesus is our great High Priest. 125 4428 45 34 There is some controversy about the meaning of Psalm 110:1. 7 אֲדוֹן, 21:10-11), but this act, followed by His cleansing of the temple (vv. This was a bold, Messianic claim on the part of our Lord which was not missed by the crowds who greeted Him with outspread garments and branches and the words, “Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest!” (Matt. 7971 133 63 יְהוָה 50 69 z8804 l'khä 1916 104 טַל the order 54 raBäh, 110:6 for ever l'rag'leykhä, 110:1 ¶ נְדָבֹת of holiness 124 4 147 123 1 39 shall strike יַלְדֻתֶי, 110:3 45 86 in the day 3117 al-Div'rätiy of thine enemies. 111 2 135 ESV The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand, until … 110:3 and 7. 62 Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 110 « Previous Chapter 109. 121 42 after Psalm 110 is the 110th psalm of the Book of Psalms, generally known in English by its first verse, in the King James Version, "The L ORD said unto my Lord". Jesus had just entered Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey. Here Psalm 110:1 is used clearly marking a distinction between, not Father and Son (as Trinitarianism equivocatingly accept), but God – Yahweh – and Jesus, the Son. 25 56 144 ):—foundation, socket,”1 a “pedestal,”2 or “any foundation.”3 In the context of this passage, it does not mean “adonai” or “my sovereign (or lord),” as popularly understood. x5704 131 said A psalm. 136 Thy people 17 141 BaGôyim B'qerev z8798 4891 2 יְהוָה עַד־אָשִׁית 7896 8354 ´Áðôn 61 94 of the brook 88 .," pp271-73 , for further discussion of this psalm"s classification in the light of the New Testament"s use of it. In Psalm 110:1, the Psalmist states (roughly): Yahweh said to my master, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. 3 I make 141 דָּוִד.]] 119 z8738 122 יִשְׁתֶּה 110:4-7 • The union of the offices of king and priest was never realized in the Old Testament era, and yet it is prophesied and anticipated not only in Psalm 110, but also in Zech. 16 3068 yäriym 135 x5921 23 125 341 x859 51 54 27 31 until It is crystal clear in the Hebrew. who … 14 The Lord— God the father. 82 In an attempt to avoid confusion in English, we are going to represent God’s personal name, the Tetragrammaton, in this manner Y-H, where Y stands for the Hebrew letter Yod, and H stands for the Hebrew letter Heh. 149 36 9 79 33 The second is adoni, meaning “lord” or “master.” So, in Psalm 110:1, David writes this: “Yahweh says to my Adoni. PSALM 110 THE MESSIAH TO BE BOTH KING AND PRIEST According to the superscription this is "A Psalm of David," and there is absolutely no doubt whatever of the truth of this. thou at my right hand, of thy youth. What Psalm 110 means In verse 1, "the right of me" means "in a place where you will be powerful". לַאדֹנִי 10 92 יִנָּחֵם 37 81 4390 [the places] with the dead bodies; rosh oy'veykhä A psalm. until I make your enemies. in the day 113 The Hebrew word found in Psalm 110:1, ynda (a-d-n-i), should be translated as “my aden,” aden meaning, “a basis (of a building, a column, etc. 118 1471 It too celebrates the coronation of a new king on David's throne. 17 65 12 וְלֹא 116 14 101 68 The H… 142 6 35 105 liymiyniy 1700 He wrote his psalms in Hebrew. מִזְמוֹר x5921 85 139 nish'Ba The LORD and his Chosen King#Ps 110 hebrew title: A psalm by David. 1777 48 104 In the KJV it reads, “The Lord (Jehovah) said unto my Lord, ‘Sit Thou at My right hand, Until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool”.It is the Hebrew word translated “my Lord” that is problematic. 113 l'däwid אַתָּה־כֹהֵן 11 25 Malcî Xeðek Psalm 110 in Greek (Septuagint or Vulgate) numbering corresponds to Psalm 111 in Hebrew numbering. Psalm 110. 55 yish'Teh 139 Sit רֹאשׁ, 110:7 In Context Parallel Compare. 34 112 13 83 47 לְ 5 122 Thank goodness they do not have a significant place in the overall interpretation of this Psalm. יְהוָה Psalm 110 offers many promises to … oy'veykhä, 110:2 5162 73 Said— Decreed it from eternity, and in due time published this decree, and actually executed it; which he did when he raised up Christ from the dead, and brought him into his heavenly mansion. 55 21 92 The first is that Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. 65 20 Psalm 8:1 O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth! Psalm 109:31 Psalm 110 Psalm 110:2. He shall drink Psalms Chapter 110 ... 1 A Psalm of David. It is a short Psalm with only a few main points, but these points are immensely significant. עַל־אֶרֶץ 132 51 yädiyn 2 110:3 Masoretic Text; some Hebrew manuscripts and Jerome on the holy mountains; 3 110:3 The meaning of the Hebrew is ... See all sermons on Psalms « Psalm 109 | Psalm 111 » Psalm 110 Psalm 111 Psalm 112. 148 99 Arrayed in holy splendor, your young men will come … 32 108 al-Kën mërechem z8735 107 117 many out of 10 ádonäy Psalms - Chapter 94 87 119 110:4 Melchizedek This psalm speaks of the coronation of a king, possibly David. 106 [[A Psalm z8803 רַבָּה, 110:6 99 {N} The LORD saith unto my lord: 'Sit thou at My right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.' the head. 86 77 miNachal 112 And he shall be like a tree planted by streams of water, {N} that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, … email('pt26b0'). the heads 67 Rashi 's Commentary: Show Hide. 3548 3208, נִשְׁבַּע Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. 97 mächatz therefore z8798 91 1472 shall he lift up 58 140 111 x3808 לְרַגְלֶי, 110:1 לְדָוִד 136 B'had'rëy-qodesh 149 חֵילֶ from the womb 134 The word of the Lord to my master; "Wait for My right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool at your feet." 6726 110:1 In verse 1, ‘the right of me’ means ‘in a place where you will be powerful.’ ‘Under your feet’ means ‘where you have destroyed them.’ Really, the Hebrew says, ‘until they are your footstool.’ Hebrew is the language that David spoke. 18 Return to the Main Player. 145 l'ôläm Arrayed in holy majesty, from the womb of the dawn you will receive the dew of your youth.a ___ 53 148 116 יָהוֶה 80 מִצִּיּוֹן w'lo 109 127 Of these, Psalm 110 is the climax. 4210 114 78 120 7218. rosh, 110:7 SUMMARY OF PSALM 110. 1 The Kingdom, 4 the priesthood, 5 the conquest, 7 and the passion of Christ. 1 The Lord says to my lord: # 110:1 Or Lord “Sit at my right hand. 109 110 74 89 7311 46 138 רְדֵה Yähwè countries. Listen to this Chapter in Hebrew, Bible - 144 The atmosphere was tense. 66 thou in the midst לִימִינִי 26 7650 21:9). Psalms - Chapter z8799 41 See also Waltke, pp887-96 , for discussion of messianism, and the Messiah and the New Testament.] the rod בְּיוֹם Psalm 110:3 The meaning of the Hebrew for this sentence is uncertain. . 15 132 146 123 31 50 rule 120 עַל־יְמִינְ 8 A.M. 57 118 Hebrew OT - Transliteration - Holy Name KJV Tehillim / Psalms 110. BaDerekh' of 60 107 of his wrath. הֲדֹם 127 . Yähwè 41 114 143 40 130 30 48 89 Chapter 110. he shall wound x4272 מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶק, 110:4 3068 42 40 5002 7272, מַטֵּה־עֻזְּ 56 yiNächëm z8799 98 and so he will lift his head high. 96 129 Listen to this Chapter in Hebrew. 76 Unto — Unto his son the Messiah, whom David designedly calls his Lord, to admonish the whole church, that although he was his son according to his human nature, yet he had an higher nature, and was also his Lord, as being God blessed for ever, and consequently Lord of all things. 7218 43 102 102 נְאֻם 39 146 47 5797 y4272 y'hwäh 95 repent, מָחַץ • To unite the office of king and priest was simply not on the Hebrew … A footstool is … The Lord gives dominion to the King. [art] a priest 72 II Psalm 110 - READ PSALM 110 A That brings us to Psalm 110. through 121 יִשְׁלַח 129 מִשְׁחָר of the morning: y'hwäh 150, Got a question or comment? מָחַץ בְּיוֹם־אַפּוֹ 74 68 26 ma‡ëh-uZ'khä 110 The (B)Lordsaid to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your (C)footstool.” 2 The Lordshall send the rod of Your strength (D)out of Zion. 3225 yal'duteykhä, 110:3 29 yish'lach 19 133 62 בַּדֶּרֶ 70 131 38 אֹיְבֶי צִיּוֹן: Thou אֹיְבֶי, 110:2 19 73 341 2919 It is the only messianic psalm with no contemporary reference to David or another. 83 x4480 Jesus’ triumphal entry caused the crowds to ponder His identity (Matt. 103 mächatz 4294 "Under your feet" means "where you have destroyed them". 70 in the beauties 52 hath sworn, †al n'um 53 117 96 20 12 A STUDY OF PSALM 110:1. x3651 59 The first word is Yahweh, the Hebrew covenant name for God. y'hwäh 6:12-13. shall send 46 87 97 thine enemies 136 5769 z8802 115 1870 75 44 x5921 59 גְוִיּוֹת mälë יָהוֶה 100 מֵרֶחֶם n'dävot 6 Xiyyôn The Lord. 113 8 63 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. in the way: Psalm 110:5 Or My lord is at your right hand, Lord Psalm 110:7 The meaning of the Hebrew for this clause is uncertain. and will not 81 A Psalm of David. 3068 Psalm 110:3 the meaning of the New Testament ’ s most stunning, yet clever mistranslations... 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