My BF is now 10%. I am a Muslim who went Paleo in July last year, 2 weeks before the start of Ramadan. High triglyceride levels in the blood is considered to be another serious risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. “Right off the bat, then, I’ll say this: don’t even consider fasting and training if you’re not going to become fat-adapted.”. While I absolutely recommend that people play around with it, and most people find that Primal eating makes it easier, fasted training is not required. He has since seen the light and now realizes that something is better than nothing, that even “non-optimal” training can still be effective. I do IF every day using the most OPTIMAL techniques, where as before it was just random and by convenience and by accident. On your recovery days, you should aim to gradually increase your calories from foods that are very easy on the digestive system. I do water “aerobics” mid-morning once a week. And as such, they were probably poorly equipped to shift smoothly and easily to the fat based metabolism required by fasting. I run and lift pre-food and never thought of it as being “in a fasted state”. The 24 hour fast is much easier then it sounds and gets even easier the second time around, when you know what to expect. However, it should also be noted that simply getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet on non-fasting days and implementing lifestyle practices to reduce stress also reduce the chances of heart attack and stroke for not only overweight people, but those with a genetic predisposition. So I think once things get back to normal around here and we are getting more sleep, I am going to try this fasting business………….unless the feeling of energy was coming from the whiffs of epinephrine escaping my daughters oxygen mask while I held her LOL. Among other things, I am benching around 170 (Not sure how much the bar weighs.) Gotta say, I have no blood sugar lows anymore and my performance has improved…speeds and recovery since I’ve been doing this. Note: A moderate glucose change just bordering the high glucose levels. In my experience, the food usually involves some kind of hearty stew of some kind over a heap of rice, with something fried as an appetizer, often accompanied by a soup (barley or lentil based) and then some heavy dessert drenched in simple syrup. But let me take a shot in the dark since I’m already on the subject matter. This saved me a lot of time, trouble, and stress. What is the evidence for/against BCAA’s breaking the fast? right on, brother! Another issue with the Ramadan studies: Ramadan has some culture built around it, both religious and secular. Let that soak in for a sec . 1. You’re right — there is not much out there in the way of resources about this! Coming from the Leangains approach are you doing the 10g of BCAA a couple of times between your crossfit session and your fast breaking? My suggestion is to try and use the sure fire, tried and true method that has already worked for hundreds if not thousand of people that hold personal testimony (including myself) to its effectiveness. With a morning fasting glucose ave. of 85 mg/dl, a recent hba1c test of 4.8% or 93 mg/dl. I like the way you look at the primal thinking/way of living and combine it with physiological reasoning. Thirsty? I think the fasting helps me to remain in a “glycogen ready” state and when I go to race and then actually eat some protein and carbs before the race I am fueled and on fire. I made my serious below-10%-bodyfat improvements only once I started on the short term fasting. I’d be interested to hear others experiences. I got over the mental hurdle (CW telling me that I needed to eat for energy) pretty quickly and I can honestly say that I haven’t noticed even the slightest drop off in performance. I have obtained so much knowledge in the scientific and medical fields and have come to understand alot of the counter conflicts and controversial issues regarding many health and medical study topics. Then I usually eat post-ski. Despite what anti-fasting fearmongers would have people believe, I suffered no ill-effects from fasting. I’m definitely curious since I’ve heard all of the studies about calorie restriction and increased lifespan. PS I also thank all of you Primal health enthusiast for all your blog inputs as they are just as helpful as the guru articles. Now it is no big deal. I have played with all different pre/post workout fuel options and prefer to train fasted and then eat a large meal afterwards. As such you might be thinking that I only recommend fasting to the sedentary, the aged, and the infirm. I feel light and focused. In terms of Grok, this makes sense. I used to think I was seriously hungry every four hours–but it was only my head, and the fact that I obsessed over what the “best diet was” and based on the literature I had read, small frequent meals was the way to go. I haven’t experimented with it enough to be able to say that it is noticeably beneficial or detrimental to the workout(s) or certain types of workouts, but it’s pretty much like it normally is for me. After around 12 hours of a light meal (600 calories) insulin will be at fasted levels and you will technically be in a fasted state. I work out in a fasted state and I also implement an occasional bout of sprints, as well as daily walks with my wife. Most of us though, until we’ve become fully fat-adapted and restore the default settings of insulin sensitivity and all that, and have fasted enough to remember what real hunger feels like, will confuse our body’s messages with cultural factors like time of day, boredom, and certain activities and days. Not completely sure why, although I could tell I was quite dehydrated, so maybe it was more related to that than anything else. Start of the ride was about 36 hours into fast. The more LDL-P in the blood, the higher the chance the LDL-P will penetrate the endothelium or artery wall, which can then result in inflammation and plaque buildup. Fasting does not instantly imbue its adherents with super powers. I still carry nuts with me, but now I just eat when I’m hungry and eat simple things like nuts, meat, occassionally some veggies and fruit, and cheese. Thanks for the great post, and the link to the PDF, Mark. I like what you say about not fasting for performance but what if that’s true as well? A little cup of tea and I am good to go. p.s. It’s all a matter of what works for the individual. The point is that fasted training won’t kill you, won’t eat your muscles, and it might even improve adaptation to exercise by forcing you to train in a “less optimal” state, which can boost performance down the line. Good Lord, this is ridiculous. A recent study exemplifies this phenomenon, pitting a group of untrained, carb-fed cyclists against a group of untrained, overnight-fasted cyclists and comparing both groups’ muscle glycogen content and V02 max. Being hungry and in the woods looking for food early in the morning was an amazing experience. from maxing out at 20 pull ups, where I have been stuck for years, to 25 last week), which surprises me, as I wasn’t really training any differently. Increased power and reps. I talk about this extensively on my website, The Fountain of Youth and Strength. Also note his recommendation that 10 grams of BCAA (branch chain amino acids) taken before the workout should boost the enhancement without taking you “out of the fast.”. Then today my son showed me a school report he had done on frogs based on information at and something clicked in my head. Who knew fasting could be so enjoyable?! Anything in over abundance yes, may be a dangerous thing! Check out Mark’s articles on lectins and see if you are consistently eating foods on that list. Thanks to these articles I’ve started fasting one evening a week (am taking it slow!). I dance hula on Wednesday nights for about 2 hours duration (about 20 hours into the fast) and have found that my endurance, mental clarity and ability to focus on the dance have all increased since I started fasting. Hippocrates, Socrates, and Plato all recommended fasting for health recovery. Last year’s Ramadan was so much easier when I had given up all sugar, and tried to go 70-30 primal. Most water fasts last 24–72 hours. One should eat protein and carbs 30-60m post workout to build the muscles Keep exercise light, such as walking, on other days. Not anymore: after the (usually) 22 hours I am ok, I could go on easily for 20 hours more. It is not a good idea to fast or otherwise try to lose weight after surgery. The fasted group improved their V02 max by nearly 10% and their glycogen content by over 54%, while the fed group improved V02 max by just 2.5% and glycogen by a paltry 2.9%. Once a week? You really can’t beat the benefits of fasted training. Glucose levels were test after IF, and 30 mins into doing a FT workout. I find my fat switch to kick in at about the 7th or 8th hr of IF which gives me 8 to 9 hrs of fat burning in one day (maybe .8 to .75 ketosis range for 4 hrs.). For me, working out in this condition means I am literally buzzing with energy for the rest of the day. Awesome experience. I participated in 5 “events” and usually ate a banana or homemade trail mix during the ride. However, these adaptions also make intuitive sense from and adaptive perspective. However, as I grow in muscle size and strength (which is every week), I will then adjust the protein intake accordingly while still playing with the carb variable based on any negative energy deficits or fat loss rate changes I may experience. Thanks for the great post! Right off the bat, then, I’ll say this: don’t even consider fasting and training if you’re not going to hydrate, sleep, and become fat-adapted. So I eat Sunday night, and then I fast on Monday, work out in the evening, and then feast. He become so enamored by the idea that working out in a fasted state would elicit superior metabolic and performance effects that he found himself unable to workout if he’d eaten anything at all. Manzanero S, Erion JR, Santro T, Steyn FJ, Chen C, Arumugam TV, Stranahan AM. It gives me exactly the kind of steady energy I want without negatively impacting my performance (which doesn’t really matter on a pleasant hike) or my enjoyment (which does). Don’t eat 1.5 grams/kg body weight in cereal-based carbs pre-workout, and definitely do not eat a delicious shake of waxy maize during your workout (unless you really really like cereal and corn starch slurries). I think the “best” diet is very individual to each person. Remember, if you do decide to train with BCAA before a fasted workout you will lose a large part of the benefit of low insulin. If you do a 10 day fast, you should take 5 days to get back to your normal … His latest book is Keto for Life, where he discusses how he combines the keto diet with a Primal lifestyle for optimal health and longevity. I read this article several days ago. Sorry for pointing out the obvious, but if you are not enjoying your training for your half marathon, then maybe you should stop and do something else. On the weekends, I eat when I’m hungry… Started at 213lbs. Skipping meat may elevate the risk of bone fractures. I often eat it before I lift and even have had a few spoonfuls between sets recently. Wa-la!… the true and original IF method! I have used a glucose meter, BP monitor, BF monitor, Chol meters, urinalysis, scales and other health analysis tools to monitor almost everything within my own documented records. Just like your muscles adapt to imposed stressors by getting stronger, your body adapts to low glycogen training by learning how to train under low-glycogen conditions, thus sparing glycogen for when it’s really needed and boosting performance when glycogen is actually available. And if you want to make sure the nutrients hit right after, you should drink it about an hour before exercising? You will also most likely lose the increase in protein synthesis that completely fasted training provides. But be careful not to over do it cuz you’ll end up feeling the binge come over you. I feel like it gives me a weekly ‘reboot’. Good for you AJ! I would light weight work out first thing in the morning at 9:30am every other day with no food. My favorite cardio is jumping rope, when I’m in that good fasted state it’s just amazing- I feel so incredibly light, like my feet are barely even touching the ground, it feels like I could just go on forever. It does not now so food choices do affect the efficacy of fasting. Your body will synthesize more protein and store more glycogen in response to fasted training, because it is adapting to the environment, or the state your body is when training usually takes place. That’s interesting as I’ve finally got into the habit for an all-day fast to work out at 5pm or so. I got UI benefits for 3 yrs. Running is what I have done for the past 20 years. Recovery after strenuous exercise involves processes that are dependent on fluid and food intake. Not only will you see the metabolic benefits, and increases in performance, but you can actually REVERSE AGING. My body fat is now in the high 9% and I have gain almost 4 lbs. That’s great that you understand your body’s signals. Right now I am offering two weeks of my online services for less than 25 dollars. With NO MEDS! Elevated triglycerides drive up LDL particle (LDL-P) numbers. BDNF is upregulated by CR in rodent models of stroke, and research in obese humans has shown shown that 25% CR for three months increased circulating levels of BDNF. Too much is a relative word! Thanks! THANKS ALL and GOD BLESS! Many people break addictions, but fasting accelerates this process, speeding up the detoxifying of the body from drugs and alcohol, healing damaged cells and reestablishing a healthy homeostasis. Breakfast that was brought to us was toast and oatmeal, of which neither of us ate. In previous installments, I’ve discussed the powerful effect of fasting on weight loss, particularly with respect to adipose tissue. Since going Primal last month I’ve reduced my classes from 4-5x/wk to 2-3x/wk so I can incorporate more hiking (spring time helps too) and working my way to full pull-ups. After reading all of this research info I could really relate to many topics regarding high/low carbs, IF, FT, keto, metabolism, metabolic syndrom, fat gain, fat reduction and other related topics cuz I had experienced it first hand myself. May Enhance Heart Health by Improving Blood Pressure, Triglycerides and Cholesterol Levels. I’m 52 y/o now and my dad got it about the same age as I and his just got worse over time until he is now full blown diabetic. Ori Hofmekler has one, which might help “The warrior diet”. I try to balance these two goals. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The point of fasted training, as I see it, is to maintain performance while enjoying the metabolic benefits, like improved recovery, higher glycogen stores, better insulin sensitivity, and improved muscle response to exercise. How was I to do excercise without a single drop of water or food from 3am to 9pm? I am trying to implement IF with my training. Fasting and exercise doesn’t seem like they should go together. My metabolism is ramped up. I used to plan out my six “balanced” meals a day (protien, fat, carbs, fiber, etc.) I carried food with me everywhere! Hi! I do think it might have something to do with the fasting, although I can’t eliminate all the other possible confounding variables. I do my Crossfit workout after a 13 hr fast…I then continue on the fast for another 3 hrs or so. Full Day Fast (FDF) Full day fasts are when you abstain from eating for a 24-hour period. The mTOR pathway will be activated, and autophagy will be down-regulated. I often will skip breakfast and go for a quick 20 mile ride on the bike. Today, I have optimized many practices from Bernstein, Atkins, Paleo, Primal, LeanGains, SouthBeach and many others. I always try to train completely fasted. Unless I’m doing weekend long runs, I am fine running and working out on an empty stomach. I always ate before I went climbing and I felt sluggish. The fast day does not interfere with my workouts. The results are below: Atkins advantage bar: before 80 mg/dl, 30 mins into FT workout 109 mg/dl. Briefly, the study “Effects of caloric restriction and overnight fasting on cycling endurance performance,” as Mark indicated, had no control group, an essential feature of respectable scientific research of this type. I read a bunch yesterday and am taking your advice and going with a tried-and-true method (leangains for now). It may have something to do with the lack of cramps. It’s just as bad as the spin factory with their sound bites and out of context hyperbole! I suffer no ill effects. After around 7 months of fasting I lost nearly 90 ibs. I’m wary of using the negative results of the Ramadan training studies to color our opinion of fasted training for the population at large for three major reasons: first, Ramadan restricts daytime food and water intake during the fast. I agree with you on this. I did a google search and found that indeed some claim that there is an increase in free radicals after exercise. And I used to stretch beforehand every time. I refuse to shove food down my throat because I’m ‘supposed to eat XYZ’ pre and post workout. Definitely would NEVER have been able to go that long without food, let alone WORKOUT fasted, without being secure in my Primal habits. They cannot be stopped, halted or paused. I prefer 2-3 meals in a 7-8 hr window per day, for 7 days a week. For me, every time I work out fasted it’s a pleasure, I don’t want it to end, but working out after eating usually feels more like a chore, I feel too weighed down and sluggish to want to keep going. Also if it makes a difference I do crossfit workouts a few days a week and then some days I just work on strength. If these plaque build-ups burst, travel to the brain, become lodged, and restrict or prevent blood flow to the brain, an ischemic stroke will occur. Fasting for me isnt so much about not going without food all the time, I fast 24 to 36 hours once a week ! Or you fished, or you caught something in a trap, or your family caught something earlier, or you went foraging for nuts, berries, roots, shoots, and insects, and then went hunting after breakfast, while you had a full stomach and high energy. And how much more flexible you are in that state is something else. I found drinking one or two bottles before helped significantly and 2 after helped even more for me. Note: Exact same glucose results as with a WIP intake pre-workout. On a low budget I then only ate 1 meal a day on good months, 2 meals a day every now and then. life extending benefits of caloric restriction, fasting may have protective and therapeutic benefits to the brain, lifting, some walking, and maybe a few sprints, inadequate sleep can also translate to poor athletic performance, shift smoothly and easily to the fat based metabolism, milk the post-workout growth hormone surge,,,,,,,,,,–yWDbzvsQDYNTgI1Xitg&sig2=D6lP6yEBza1Rco11Hx7ajg,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Reasons You Should Try Intermittent Fasting For Weight loss, Mengapa Produktifitas Penting Saat Bulan Puasa? I don’t know if this works for everyone, but it’s helped me out. As mentioned at the tail end of you article – I have definitely benefitted from strength training on an empty stomach in the past. It sounds like that you are being glycogen deprivated during your 1 lean meal a day program for 3 days. Prior to going on the Paleo Diet + IF in January 2012 I weighed 340 pounds and I was climbing at a 5.10 level (not 5.10+). But I can ski many thousands of vertical feet in a fasted state just fine. I look back to all my training over the years when i thought you HAD to eat beforehand, and there were some times I’d go to the gym on an empty stomach because my schedule didn’t allow a meal beforehand. One of Mark’s last lines really resonated with me: “Do what works for you and if you find that fasted training qualifies, so be it.”, Christina, if you enjoy the Lean Gains plan, here is an easy calculator to get you started with calorie/nutrient intake guidelines. I haven’t tried any kind of heavy lifting or strength training while fasted, so I can’t say for sure on that matter, but fasting + moderate cardio for me = WIN. Anymore: after the Holidays, having an Abortion in the afternoon… so I eat lunch, I! Feeling good just do what I have always trained fasted by training at 5.... 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