More importantly, we use Workmates to clarify important project details that needed rapid dissemination among the entire team.”. For modern SharePoint Intranet Examples, please check out this SharePoint Examples Portfolio as well as this post published in 2019. An example of intranet excellence combines everything your employees are looking for in communication. Say goodbye to emailing someone for the latest form or document; say hello to enabling the entire workforce to focus on higher-value initiatives. Your email address will not be published. Finally, since some Intranet platforms like HyperOffice allow the ability to build custom workflows, this HR department has built a small automation for requesting leave. Specialist Services Organisation. That’s why we’ve outlined ways that three different industries can use a corporate intranet to optimize your team’s communication and collaboration. A commercial real estate company can create an intranet with social feeds and a number of different channels to let each specific team send messages and updates to other departments or the entire company. We work with awesome HR professionals. How it uses an intranet: Many legal documentsare standardised and based on templates. Consider an intranet that includes one—or all— of the following communication tools: Corporate data hub: It’s important for your intranet solution to integrate with corporate enterprise systems. Using their interactive intranet, known as PROSTOR, for employee collaboration and strategic alignment, the organization doubled its employee net promoter scores, achieved over 88% adoption and saved over $2 million through increased employee … Increase employee engagement . What Should You Look For With a Company Intranet? Get started today with these ideas and examples for your best intranet and employee app. If an intranet … As secondary options, we see a document library broken down by department (i.e. For example, HR Cloud users can connect and data with point-of-sale systems using Microsoft’s Power BI. When it comes to culture-building platforms, communication is key. T he company intranet is a powerful tool that leading workplaces rely on to operate everyday. For example, let's say you want to tell everyone about the new office that just opened in Japan. This is an important distinction—a recent Seeking Alpha analysis found that publicly traded companies named to Glassdoor’s “Best Places to Work” list have more than doubled the returns of the S&P 500 over the last 10 years. To play, simply distribute Bingo cards that list things like employee titles, departments, or group names in a bingo format, and then instruct participants to look it up on the intranet. According to Gallup's 2016 Q12 Meta-Analysis Report, companies with highly engaged workforces are 21% more profitable than those with poor engagement levels. You may be saying to yourself, “a corporate intranet sounds great, but how will it fit into my company’s day-to-day activities?” Great question. Consider your intranet logo. Download free resources to help you take your HR initiatives to the next level. Using Workmates’ kudos feature to offer recognition for employees’ hard work or any examples of exemplary behavior is also an excellent way to boost morale. Organizational charts and contact databases: These are very helpful, especially for communication across departments. Non profits need to work within an extended network of employees, volunteers, regulators, donors and beneficiaries. For example, systems availability widget can sit on a landing page for “Business Resources“ with a link to more details. When you’re using a company intranet for the first time, it may be difficult to distinguish what makes a good intranet. manage the entire employee lifecycle, Feature-packed employee This decreases communication issues and increases morale, engagement, and productivity. Accordingly, this IT team intranet has an emphasis on project management. This multifaceted company provides an array of services and sustainable solutions across multiple industries, including construction, rail, real estate, and more. To see how Workmates is revolutionizing the way companies use intranets, request a free, no-obligation Workmates demo today! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They encourage a community approach to sharing and managing content and give employees valuable self-service access to all of the information they need, at any time. For example, it can simplify the process of employee training or onboarding, so an Intranet can include training sessions, personal development plans, and collaboration areas for communication with tutors. Rewards can range from a peer-to-peer shoutout or digital high five to a gift card or other giveaway. Companies can develop a prominent company feed used to manage important messages and encourage their entire workforce to do the same. HR solutions perfect for your industry (no matter what industry you’re in!). For example, in an organisation with a more laid-back culture or where the primary aim of the intranet is to engage and connect employees, you may have more social features on the homepage in prominent positions. ADP customers can sync data collected in HR Cloud's onboarding, recruiting, or employee engagement solutions in their ADP database. An Intranet is an internal hub used by companies to store important information, communicate with employees, increase employee advocacy, streamline key processes, and encourage team collaboration.While there are many benefits to an intranet, here are some of the most compelling:. While the first example emphasized chat, public sector workflows relate more to accessing important templates and forms that reflect bureaucratic processes. This is an important distinction—a recent. HR Cloud is committed to data transparency. Can be used with mobile devices: The most effective intranet solutions take information that exists on the intranet and deliver it directly into employees’ hands on their mobile devices. Someone who has a view across industries would find that there are recurring themes that run through all the Intranet examples above. The type of employee spotlight you want to create will depend on how much content you want to include. We use cookies (small bits of saved browser data) to improve your HR Cloud experience. While different business divisions use intranets for different purposes, an HR intranet … 7 Real examples of Intranets – and what makes them a great tool for team collaboration, The latest about Microsoft Access Web Apps retirement. FEtCH is a great example of a highly effective intranet because: It aligns with the company brand, goals and culture It has become an essential resource tool for employees It enables employees to do their … Here are some examples: Apart from representing the organization’s corporate branding, one great thing about this Intranet is that it shows all the tools needed by employees in a single view. The blogs in the ClearLink intranet are a wonderful example of how leadership can share what’s important … Fortunately, we have the solutions. The intranet strategy area should also include details about key related initiatives and any sub-strategies, for example for different lines of business. Use these examples of SharePoint intranet sites to build your effective … However, every employee spotlight should contain the following components: Employee … Blogs are a powerful method for aligning and engaging with employees on culture and objectives. One of the biggest challenges for large organizations is articulating the leadership voice across every single department. 3 Company Intranet Examples and How They Improve Company Culture, These features provide a better overall experience and one that employees appreciate, if not love. Mango Intranet is an integrated employee platform specifically built to be your company’s custom branded employee portal. While you can create corporate Intranets for the whole organization, you can also build sub sections in the Intranet for specific divisions and departments. experiences for your new hires, Powerful, proven HR solutions to Workmates: A Comprehensive Intranet Solution, recognition announcements—such as appreciation posts, automated birthday and work anniversary congratulations. Future trends of a social intranet But many people still wonder why they might need one or why their current solution isn’t working for their company. Higher-ups and CEOs use the company intranet … What Is an Intranet—And Why Should You Have One? Without this design pattern, the intranet would be just full of links. This is usually evident from the intranet homepage and its design. Employees … (Updated June 2018), 5 Actual Sharepoint Alternatives in 2020: Not every collaborative app is a Sharepoint Alternative. By continuing to browse the site you agree to our Cookie and Privacy policy. Keep up to date on product updates, tricks and tips, general HR wisdom and more. You could create an intranet article titled ' New Office Opens in Japan' and then go on to … The same industry … Instead, updates and information can be found on employees’ phones or tablets. You can make these look even better by adding simple styling to create a clean white background behind your text. These impressive intranet examples show that high-quality systems can deliver a wide range of benefits. Even better: List top kudos recipients on a prominent leaderboard within your corporate intranet. marketing, sales, HR, Corporate, channel), upcoming events, where HR can schedule and communicate their training programs, and even a project management module. However, from the specific view point of the organization that has implemented these intranets, it has allowed for a vast improvement and maturation of internal communication and collaboration processes. Today, employees create awareness about their company and can serve as valuable brand advocates. With dynamic features like Kudos and a variety of communication tools, don’t be surprised when your employees’ productivity, happiness, and morale increase significantly once you implement a corporate intranet for your team to collaborate in a user-friendly, efficient way. Employee-Centric engagement, internal communications, social intranet and recognition, Drive engagement with great onboarding Agent managers also use this as a hub to communicate important motivational messages to their team. HR teams face many different challenges. The company can even use a powerful analytics dashboard to track active users and the overall engagement level with the intranet over time. Implementing an intranet that would support business processes and engage employees equally well is a difficult task. Most of us are familiar with the concept of a corporate intranet by now. ), shoutouts to other teams or employees (like congratulating a real estate agent for closing a deal), office culture updates, and more. A reward program where employees can receive gift cards, branded corporate items, or other thank-you mementos can also be created. The intention of this feed is to publish various recognition announcements—such as appreciation posts, automated birthday and work anniversary congratulations, and more. Also, a company calendar allows them to keep up to date with important events like meetings, training sessions, company parties etc. This lets them receive even more attention, but it also fosters an ongoing culture where all employees now strive for excellence and higher levels of job performance. The company mainly uses Glasscubes to house and share these templates with its various legal teams. We'd love to chat with you more about how HR Cloud can support your business's HR needs. This school intranet is built with a focus towards the teaching staff. Rather than reaching out to the HR department every single time, employees can access common HR templates like Leave Forms, Appraisal Templates, Expense Forms etc, on a self service basis, freeing up HR’s bandwidth for other priorities. Most of us are familiar with the concept of a corporate intranet by now. Sharing and collaboration: A good company intranet should include functionality features that enable employees to view, comment on, and distribute helpful information. But, that doesn’t mean your intranet … The feelings are mutual: Companies that provide a better experience are perceived as a better place to work. Today, HR Cloud’s Workmates solution delivers all of these capabilities and more. Financial technology organizations, especially legacy businesses in desperate need of a culture facelift, can use their intranet’s powerful announcement feature to improve communications and strengthen their corporate culture. The same accurate data becomes available to authorised users in every office. This practice is extremely helpful in showing the entire workforce that the company appreciates their contributions—no matter how small—and how their efforts support larger accomplishments. Every intranet needs a well-balanced template to form the basis of their business intranet pages. Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has gone for a brave, striking background to their intranet site:. By combining modern company intranet tools and corporate communications into one comprehensive service, we make it easy to create a central go-to location for all employee … A sophisticated search engine simplifies the process of finding this material. It emphasizes important upcoming events, and policy documents that teachers need access to. Essential Elements of an Employee Spotlight; Examples of Employee Spotlights Essential Elements of an Employee Spotlight. All the HR resources you need to learn more. This experience makes communication and collaboration fun. You will want to select a company intranet that has a vast array of features that make collaboration easier for your employees. HR Cloud solutions deliver powerful benefits for your entire workforce. Moreover, the tool also keeps count of the total number of leaves available to specific employees. Drives collaboration: By providing centralized access to the tools and information workers need to perform their jobs, employees can find what they need and work better as collaborative teams. Employees use it to work on projects, read company announcements, and find files. For example; Pima Federal Credit Union’s intranet is named Dwight – the employee know-it-all, named after a character from the popular TV show The Office… Use your Intranet for Internal News & Keep Employees Updated. This eliminates the need to search for hard-to-find information on a non-intuitive site. The feelings are mutual: Companies that provide a better experience are perceived as a better place to work. Below is an example of simple yet functional landing page for HR or Employee … Databases & Workflows (formerly HyperBase), important information that is continuously lost. This Intranet example emphasizes what is most important in the company, real-time communication. The examples listed here are designed to spark some … This Intranet ensures that agents have access to all the important templates, brochures and forms they need to effectively close property sales. With more functionality ar less cost, Workmates is a better employee engagement solution than Workplace by Facebook. In addition, the dashboard-style home page provides easy access to the important … You could, for example, use your employee intranet to track and achieve goals like this. experience platform. Your email address will not be published. A viable replacement option. An Intranet is an internal hub used by companies to store important information, communicate with employees, increase employee advocacy, streamline key processes, and encourage team collaboration. It’s important employees become familiar with your intranet’s features and functionality as soon as possible, and Intranet Bingo can help. Most of the Intranets have, basically, the same components and structure. While there are many benefits to an intranet, here are some of the most compelling: Improves internal communications: The most effective intranet solutions encourage communication by empowering workers to access and share information. The main button —the call to action— invites employees to access online chat. It employs over 200 people across four UK-based offices. Health care professionals have to work together as a team to provide high-quality care to their patients, but with rotating shift schedules, individual employees’ work can often go unrecognized. This intranet represents a key channel where leaders — a mayor, in this example — can make sure everyone is on the same page. The classic intranet use case is a home for company resources. Here is what they have to say about us. We use it to communicate important project matters and give staff specific ‘kudos’ or even recognize their birthdays. For example, any employee can post certain announcements to the social feed, including welcoming new hires, sharing employees’ personal events (a new baby! Here’s an employee intranet example that comes from a legal firm, which handles all forms of law. For example, we use cookies to remember your chosen preferences and session progress. We will also look at some use cases across industries. What Is an Intranet—And Why Should You Have One? Serves as a content management system (CMS): Intranets function as comprehensive repositories of vital information for the entire company. Provides better support: Departments can post important forms (e.g., HR forms and documents) and let intranets serve as the primary engagement point for support processes, such as IT help desks or HR open enrollment. 5 Employee Intranet Examples 1. But many. These intranet pages have been built through HyperOffice Atlas. 100 Performance Review Example Phrases. This enables connected workflows and easy data retrieval. This has been highly effective, as Laura Wager, Internal Communications Manager confirms: We’ve got a long way to go, but overall feedback from staff has been really positive, with one staff member telling me yesterday: ‘I love it when the intranet … This intranet is a great example of a non profit showcasing its branding to these different audiences, while at the same time communicating important information like schedules, upcoming classes and projects etc across these different stakeholders. Analytics: Many corporate intranets today simply don’t have the capabilities to report on employee activity metrics. You may be surprised to learn that modern internet solutions have evolved beyond traditional webpage frameworks to offer more functionality and deliver a wide range of new benefits. The templates can also be locked by authorised users, such as a man… In this article, we’ll take a closer look at corporate intranets, including what they are, their top features, and company intranet examples of how companies from a variety of industries are using intranets in innovative ways. Unlike public websites, which enable organizations to communicate and broadcast their value proposition to customers, users and, in general, external stakeholders, Intranets are meant to enable internal communication and collaboration. Organizational charts showcase the hierarchy of positions at your company while internal contact databases can help employees look to find or contact others within the organization. 3 Examples of How Different Industries Use Intranet. However, at the same time, it also allows centralized access to important third part tools that IT workers need constant access to. This can help drastically improve an otherwise serious office environment and guide leadership as they work to create a dynamic culture. It also creates a community in the workplace and brings it to life in a way that is also efficient and productive for your company. It can be extremely valuable for health care companies to use their intranets to focus on employee recognition and rewards. IT companies are highly project centric. Unites geographically dispersed teams: Companies now use intranets to connect remote employees, field-based teams, and satellite offices. This article shows you some Intranet examples to inspire you and give you ideas for building your own. Improves efficiency: Intranet virtually eliminates the need for cumbersome email workflows that waste time and lead to version issues and confusion. Time to create:30 minutes Employees can publish a post at any time to officially thank any other employee. Over 150 remote employees from six businesses across the UK use Glasscubes as an intranet … We’ll also look at how modern employee communication and engagement platforms extend the capabilities and benefits of the intranet models of yesterday. The intranet design example below shows how to effectively use banners to highlight corporate content. As people make changes, the templates are automatically version controlled. Workmates offers powerful analytics to see which systems are working for employees across different topics, locations, job roles, and more. Dynacare’s ‘ … Employees can upload pictures from a corporate event and share them with the whole company. It can be difficult to visualize exactly how an intranet will play its part in enhancing your company’s culture. Push notifications: Instant alerts help workers see new updates, including new project assignments or tasks, content updates, and specific conversation threads. They can also create and post surveys and polls—for example, “what type of cake should we get to celebrate Susan’s birthday?”. A persona is a fictional but realistic description of a typical intranet user (for example, new starter/new employee, knowledge worker, field worker, sales rep, people manager, or content … Intranets serve the following broad objectives: At HyperOffice, our professional services team has helped customers to design thousands of intranets for companies across almost every industry. Using Workmates’ kudos feature to encourage employees to recognize and reward their peers is an efficient tool to create a collaborative and enthusiastic work culture in hospitals, clinics, and beyond. SharePoint Intranet Examples Homepage . Recognizes and rewards employees: Modern intranets now include powerful functionality to promote and facilitate employee recognition and even reward them for a job well done. One of the best ways to do this is by creating an intranet persona. 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