(C. H. It is almost incredible that this passion for dress should never have exhausted itself. Hieros. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain.Text Courtesy of BibleSupport.com. 1:2; II Cor. The Empress Josephine had twenty-four thousand pounds for her personal expenses, but this sum was not sufficient, and her debts increased to an appalling degree. 3. 2 Timothy Greeting. Her very excellencies, connected as they are with the finer sensibilities and the stronger impulses of a noble and loving nature, disqualify her for the headship, whereas the balance in man’s nature is the other way; in the direction of the intellectual and the governing. (14) And Adam was not deceived.—Priority in creation was the ground alleged by St. Paul as the reason why the woman was never to exercise authority over man, the eldest born of God. Used by permission of Broadman Press (Southern Baptist Sunday School Board). And Adam was not deceived,— Not first deceived. "Stanley Derickson - Notes on Selected Books". Both were involved in the sin, but only one (Eve) allowed herself to be deluded. ", "thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. All rights reserved. God’s point here is not that men are smarter than women, for the ages are filled with men who have been deceived (2 Timothy 3:13). "Commentary on 1 Timothy 2:14". ἀπὸ γυναικὸς ἀρχὴ ἁμαρτίας, καὶ διʼ αὐτὴν ἀποθνήσκομεν πάντες. "The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge". He was not deceived so much by his judgment (though also by that too) as by his affection to his wife, which at length blinded his judgment. We read of no communication between the serpent and the man. The preceding verse showed why a woman should not "usurp authority over the man." on StudyLight.org StudyLıght .org . Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 1865-1868. “Fell into transgression”: Even though Eve was thoroughly deceived, she is still responsible for her sin. {See Trapp on "Genesis 3:6"} Yet Adam sinned more than Eve, because he had more wisdom and strength. And so, Eve being beguiled hath fallen into transgression. “Let the woman learn in silence (or rather in quietness) with all subjection, for I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in quietness”; but the course he followed in this matter was wise, in the condition of life then prevailing. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. People who are deceived by false doctrine or false teachers are still in transgression. Our daughter on the other hand was quite deceptive in her disobedience. The public work of life, whether in the world or in the Church, is, broadly speaking, not woman’s but man’s. 2 You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 2 and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, [] who will be able to teach others also. 1. Elsewhere in the Pauline Epistles we find proofs that the historical facts of the O. T. are to the apostle full of meaning as symbols of higher, universal truths. On the other hand Eve was entirely deceived, ἐξαπατηθεῖσα. BBE: But has now been made … When Adam sinned, he did it deliberately, knowing full well what he was doing. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/ain/1-timothy-2.html. 1999-2014. deceived. Compare App-128. Sirach 25:24. Hofmann arbitrarily supplies with ἀδὰμ οὐκ ἠπατήθη the thought: “so long as he was alone.”. 1. the order of the punishment of the serpent, Eve, and Adam, as of their sin; the serpent was first accursed, then Eve, and last of all Adam. BibliographyExell, Joseph S. "Commentary on "1 Timothy 2:14". Even from a lower standpoint it is a mistake, and I venture to think that many a marriage has been prevented, and many a possibly happy home is fraught with anxiety, because of an expenditure on dress, which cannot be reasonably or rightly met. Additionally, by not flaunting wealth, believing women would avoid giving the appearance of elevating themselves above the more numerous fellow believers with limited means, including slaves. Paul, remembering this, says: ἀδὰμ οὐκ ἠπατήθη, ἡ δὲ γυνὴ ἐξαπατηθεῖσα. "Commentary on 1 Timothy 2:14". https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/hmc/1-timothy-2.html. "The seduction of Eve provides sufficient evidence that women are not endowed with the faculties of spiritual discernment in matters of doctrine and morals. But strifes of words destroy the things of God. In Romans 5:12 Adam is represented as the first transgressor; but there Adam (including Eve) is regarded as head of the sinning race. But, to say the truth, and to do men justice, such instances in the natural world are extremely rare; it is only in the spiritual world, only where God, and the soul, and eternity are concerned, that we find men lost in apathy, and acting in contradiction to their pretended faith; and casting off the consideration of those liabilities and duties upon which they have openly entered. 2 Timothy 2:1-15 English Standard Version (ESV) A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus. And Adam was not deceived There is no need to say with interpreters, that he was not deceived first; and that he was not deceived immediately by the serpent, but by Eve; and that he is never said in Scripture to be deceived, as Melchizedek is never said to have a father or mother. But did the man resist the temptation more stoutly than the woman? It seems to me that God is telling Eve that she will desire to rule her husband, yet this will not be so. She rose at nine o’clock. Finding the new version too difficult to understand? Kimberley, David R. "1 Tim 2:15: A Possible Understanding of a Difficult Text." Ii they pretend not to what the gospel requires, why pretend to the gospel at all? After her divorce she arrayed herself with the same care even when she was no one. Mul. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/whe/1-timothy-2.html. On this word the whole emphasis is laid, as is clearly shown by the very repetition of it. Look we well to our affections; for by these maids Satan still wooeth the mistress. These have been clothed with “good works.” (A. Rowland, LL. B. beguiled. ; Fausset, A. R.; Brown, David. 1905-1909. It is not meant here that Adam did not sin, nor even that he was not deceived by the tempter, but that the woman opposed a feebler resistance to the temptation than he would have done, and that the temptation as actually applied to her would have been ineffectual on him. And Adam was not deceived (not to be weakened, as Thdrt. Copyright � Broadman Press 1932,33, Renewal 1960. 1 Timothy 2:1-15. It is not that she should wish for power, but that she should wish for a noble, not an ignoble power. "lifting up holy hands" This was the normal position of Jewish prayer. ), Why, Doctor, exclaimed a shallow, talkative lady, who was in the room with Dr. Johnson, but of whom he took little notice, “I believe you prefer the company of men to that of ladies.” “Madam,” he replied, “I am fond of the company of ladies; I like their beauty, I like their delicacy, and I like their silence.”, Such is the description and character of Christians in early days, such of all true Christians in every day. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/bul/1-timothy-2.html. There is no need to say with interpreters, that he was not deceived first; and that he was not deceived immediately by the serpent, but by Eve; and that he is never said in Scripture to be deceived, as Melchizedek is never said to have a father or mother. Charles Schribner's Sons. A blessed assurance. The priestesses of the temples, for example, were notoriously immoral, and the Hetairae were not only a recognized, but even a respectable class in Pagan society. St. Paul uses the compound verb in five other places, the simple verb only once (see reff.). 1:8; 1 Tim. Valuable jewels cannot but become, at times, a source of trouble and anxiety; and if lost or stolen, a bitter feeling of annoyance is retained. apateo. Deceiving indicates less strength in the understanding; and this is the strong ground on which a woman is not allowed to teach.— ἀπατηθεῖσα ἐν παραβάσει γέγονε, being deceived, fell into(18) the transgression) i.e. Eve says, "The serpent beguiled me." and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. Was in the transgression ( ἐν παραβάσει γέγονεν ). Interpretive Notes." No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author, except as provided by U.S.A. copyright laws. Bereshit Rabba, sect. Second reason—as the woman was last in being, so she was first in sin—indeed the only victim of the Tempter’s deceit. BibliographyPoole, Matthew, "Commentary on 1 Timothy 2:14". Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament. 1851. Opportunities for display are few; and often then, through disadvantageous comparison with others, are apt to give rise to heart-burning and envy--feelings which would never be experienced in such a way were the face resolutely set against such vanities. (g) Adam was deceived, but through his wife's means, and therefore she is worthily for this reason subject to her husband, and ought to be. ; Denver; 1971; Adult SS Quarterly, p 11). The perfect tense, γέγονε, is used in preference to the aorist, as the case of Eve has permanent application; cp. BibliographyEdwards, Justin. After that, he travelled to other places. "Commentary on 1 Timothy 2:14". ", Genesis 3:16 shows she is also under man due to the fall. Adam is representative of every male; Eve of every female. A blush is the sign which nature hangs out, to show where chastity and honour dwell. As long as the heart is unrenewed by Divine grace, regard for the outward is even greater than regard for the inward. And we must not forget that, so far as women had greater publicity in the heathen cities, it was at the risk of the virtuous reputation which Christians would be the most anxious to preserve. When he came out of prison, he went to *Macedonia (1 Timothy1:3). 1 Timothy 2:14. ἡ δὲ γυνή: St. Paul says ἡ γυνή rather than εὕα, emphasing the sex rather than the individual, because he desires to gives the incident its general application, especially in view of what follows. Indeed, even among the Jews the women who came to the synagogue were (and still are) kept out of sight in a carefully screened gallery. 1897. But in addition to this influence, which may be almost unconsciously exercised, the Christian woman is to adorn herself with “good works.” She often does this behind the veil which is drawn over every home. Note that the construction γίγνεσθαι ἐν (1 Corinthians 2:3; 2 Corinthians 3:7) is Pauline. has it, “through the childbearing.” Perhaps there was some hint here of the blessing that comes through pain and travail, of whatsoever kind it be; and also of the great and noble work possible only to motherhood. She yielded to the temptations of sense and the deceits of Satan; he, to conjugal love. "Scofield Reference Notes on 1 Timothy 2:14". Timothy was then in the city of Ephesus.Timothy was the leader of th… This is just after they sinned and God is bringing forth punishment and consequences. By these words Paul does not mean that Adam was not entangled by the same deceitfulness of the devil, (44) but that the cause or source of the transgression proceeded from Eve. They know they can double talk many women but that it is difficult to face a man with their false teaching. "Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament". BibliographyCalvin, John. was guilty of falling into the deception (Genesis 3:13, ὁ ὄφις ἠπάτησέ με), and so she began to be in the transgression. Greek. "Mark Dunagan Commentaries on the Bible". And therefore she is called by the JewsF16Tzeror Hammor, fol. Woman has a proper position due to her problem, however God gives her a promise and I believe a compensation. Accordingly, they think that the woman only was deceived by the wiles of the devil, to believe that she and her husband would be like the gods; But that Adam was not at all persuaded of this, but tasted the fruit in order to please his wife. 1878. 2 timothy 2:14. 5. Tit. (See crit. 3. BibliographyGill, John. There are men, indeed, who, when charged with such palpable inconsistency, and feeling uneasy under the shame of it, at once deny that they do set up any profession at all; and make a sort of merit of saying that they do not pretend to any of the distinguished excellencies of the Christian character. At this point the writer passes from Eve, the mother and prototype of the sex, to womankind generally. While on these journeys, hewrote the first letter to Timothy. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/tsk/1-timothy-2.html. Maids Satan still wooeth the mistress participle of εχαπατεω — exapateō Old compound,. 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